HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1989-08-02
The regularly scheduled meetl.ng of the Plannl.ng Comml.SSl.on was
called to order l.n Cl.ty Councl.l Chambers by Chal.rman Sharp at
7:26 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegl.ance was led by Comml.SSl.oner Fl.fe.
Chal.rman Sharp
Comml.SSl.oners Fl.fe, Suggs, Jessner
Comml.SSl.oner Rullo
Sandra Massa-Lavl.tt, Interl.m Dl.rector, Development
SerVl.ces Department.
Barry Curtl.s, Adml.nl.stratl.ve Al.de, Develmt. Srvcs.
QUl.nn Barrow, Esq., Cl.ty Attorney's Offl.ce
The three Consent Calendar l.tems were consl.dered separately.
1. MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1989
MOTION by F1fei SECOND by Suggs to approve the M1nutes
of June 7, 1989 as presented.
ABSTAIN: Hr. Jessner
ABSENT: Hr. Rullo
2. MINUTES OF JUNE 14, 1989
MOTION by Jessneri SECOND by F1fe to approve the
M1nutes of June 14, 1989 as presented.
ABSENT: Hr. Rullo
3. MINUTES OF JULY 5, 1989
MOTION by F1fei SECOND by Suggs to approve the Minutes
of July 5, 1989 as presented.
ABSTAIN: Hr. Jessner
ABSENT: Hr. Rullo
Page 2 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of August 2, 1989
staff Report
Sandra Massa-Lav1tt del1vered the staff report. (A copy of th1s
ten page staff report 1S on f1le 1n the Department of Development
SerV1ces for reference). Staff noted that on July 17, 1989 the
C1ty Counc11 cons1dered and adopted the Supplemental ErR and the
Hellman Spec1f1c Plan. Ms. Massa-Lav1 tt sa1d Mola Development
had subm1tted plans to develop 149 acres 1n Areas 1, 2 and 3 of
the C1ty'S Spec1f1c Plan and noted that th1s even1ng the Plann1ng
Comm1SS1on would cons1der a tentat1ve parcel map (for conveyance
purposes only) and a tentat1ve tract map (wh1ch spec1f1es the
spec1f1c lots, parklands, wetlands etc.) Staff recommended the
Plann1ng Comm1SS1on adopt Resolut1ons No. 1548 and 1549 w1th
cond1t1ons of approval.
Comm1ss1on Commentary
Mr. Sharp had the follow1ng comments:
Gum Grove Park - he would 11ke to see the Parks & Recreat10n
Comm1SS1on make a study of Gum Grove Park and have a
def1n1 te say 1n 1 ts restorat1on. Th1S should be stud1ed
W1 th other knowledgeable people to dec1de expl1c1 tly what
tree spec1es should be there.
General Park - the map we see now (W1 th 9 tenn1s courts
etc.) 1S only an art1stic render1ng. He wants to see the
Parks & Recreat10n Commiss1on had a lot of 1nput as to what
goes 1nto th1s park before 1 t 1S bU11 t. There w111 be
publ1C hear1ngs at Parks & Recreat10n Comm1SS1on meet1ngs on
th1s 1ssue. Th1S 1S not locked 1n at th1s p01nt.
Power L1nes - the power 11nes that go to DWP, along Bolsa
and to Rockwell w111 be removed dur1ng th1s construct1on.
Encroachment - when we were f1rst cons1der1ng th1s proJect
there was a golf course wh1ch bordered on most of the
houses. Because it was a golf course not much was made of
the persons who have encroached onto Hellman Ranch property.
He had no obJect1on to the encroachments when 1t was a golf
course but he has obJect1ons to the encroachments now
because 1t 1S now pr1vate res1dences. There 1S no reason to
g1ve people there, or any other place 1n the C1ty, a spec1al
pr1v1lege of encroachment.
Page 3 - Plann1ng Comm1SS10n M1nutes of August 2, 1989
Buffer Zone - the 30' buffer zone would be noth1ng more
than a place for 11tter and a Po11ce problem for robber1es
etc. It was also be a spec1al pr1v11ege. He thought the
30' should be part of each 1nd1v1dual lot. Each 1nd1v1dual
owner would take care of the1r own property and 1t would not
fall to one group of people to take care of property for
other people.
F1rst street - w111 be bU11t and ded1cated as the C1ty
Engineer and Mola Development agrees on the S1ze etc. of 1t.
There w111 be a 20' setback on Seal Beach Blvd. that w111 be
landscaped so that those homes w111 be back 20' from the
$1.000.000 - Mola Development will g1ve the C1ty $1,000,000
undes1gnated to be used at the C1ty'S d1scret10n.
Access for Po11t1cal Reasons 1f the people 1n th1s
development would 11ke to have 1t, 1t should be ava11able.
But I suggest that we allow the homeowners/Homeowners
Assoc1at10n a vot1ng procedure whereby they vote whether
they want 1 t open --- for example --- 2/3 to 1/3 vote.
S1nce 1t 1S a gated commun1ty they should have the r1ght to
dec1de 1f they want outs1de So11c1tat10n. They are paY1ng
for the1r own streets, sewers, secur1ty etc.
Entry Str1p - the lot Wh1Ch w111 be the entrance to the
development along F1rst Street and Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway
w111 be set aS1de and landscaped.
5 Acres on Hellman Ranch - he sa1d he talked to a C1 ty
Counc11 Person today. There was a meet1ng today w1th the
Hellman's attorney, Bob Nelson, C1ty Manager ... (he was not
sure who exactly attended) the attorneys assured those
present that by August 7, 1989 there w111 be f1ve (5) acres
ava11able. The cannot assure where because they don't know;
we have to trust them on that. 011 leases, extract10n and
know1ng where equ1pment is needed are caus1ng the
uncerta1nty. They have assured the C1ty that the 5 acres of
land w111 be ava11able for purchase or lease.
Mr. F1fe made the follow1ng comments:
5 Acres on Hellman Ranch - he asked staff what guarantees
the C1ty has that the C1ty w111 get the 5 acres at a pr1ce
1t can afford to pay and has the resources to pay 1t? And
when acqu1red, 1t w111 be developed as baseball d1amonds?
Ms. Massa-Lav1tt conf1rmed there was a meet1ng yesterday
w1th the Hellman's. She sa1d they could not comm1t because
they were the attorneys and not the Hellmans, they were able
to assure the C1ty that agreement could be reached on the 5
Page 4 - Plann1ng Comm1SS10n M1nutes of August 2, 1989
acres. The 10cat10n of the 5 acres is in l1mbo due to 011
operat10ns. It depends on the act1v1ty of the wells 1n that
area. The terms of the contract, the costs w1ll have to be
worked out at a later date. The C1ty w1ll have the
$1,000,000 funds from Mola wh1ch could pay for the park
property. Mr. Sharp noted we w1ll also have $700,000-
$800,000 per year 1ncomejfunds from the Redevelopment area
once th1s property 1S bU1l t. Mr. Sharp recommended the
$1,000,000 not be used to purchase for that but that an
arrangement be made to use Redevelopment fees to buy and
develop that property.
Are the Hellman's amenable to leas1ng the 5 acres to the
C1 ty unt1l such t1me as Redevelopment mon1es have reach a
p01nt they could be used for acqu1s1tion? Staff sa1d yes.
The cond1t10ns and terms are very loose at th1s p01nt. We
were not able to d1scuss costs per acre. Mr. F1fe was
concerned that the pr1ce of these 5 acres across from fully
developed commun1ty park versus the cost now, w1th no
development. Mr. F1fe asked staff 1f there 1S anyth1ng we
can do ton1ght that can better ensure that ult1mately we do
w1nd up w1th that 5 acres ... at a pr1ce we can afford? Ms.
Massa-Lav1tt sa1d "they were hop1ng they could come up w1th
much more def1n1 te 1nformat10n by August 7, 1989. That
would be 1n terms of 'Yes, we w1ll sell you the property'
and not necessar1ly at what pr1ce."
Mr. F1fe asked staff 1f they were 100k1ng for flex1b1l1ty to
move that 5 acres around? Staff sa1d that was a pOSS1b1l1ty
discussed - putt1ng temporary d1amonds 1n one 10cat10n and
then mov1ng them at a later date. Staff sa1d 011 operat10ns
w1ll be continu1ng there for the next 30 years. Our
preferred s1te for the d1amonds 1S the close prox1m1ty to
already owned pub11C property - the C1ty'S An1mal Shelter,
the Po11ce Department and the Yard. If the C1ty needed land
later on they could use that and acqu1re land someplace else
for d1amonds.
Mr. Suggs made the follow1ng comments:
Build1ng Inspectors - he sa1d the proJect approval would
stra1n the C1ty personnel hand11ng the 1nspect10ns etc. Has
the C1ty made an analys1s to procure another bU1ld1ng
1nspector or what? Ms. Massa-Lav1tt sa1d "we have not as
far as bU1ld1ng 1nspectors but we have for grad1ng
operat10ns. Th1S would have to be taken up 1n the next
budget - as to whether or not th1s would requ1re another
bU1lding 1nspector."
Secur1 ty Gate - he asked 1f the gates would be manned or
mechan1cal. Staff sa1d the gates w1ll be mechan1cal.
Page 5 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of August 2, 1989
Mr. Jessner made the follow1ng comments:
Buffer preference appears to be for a 30' landscape
buffer to be part of each home and for 1t to be fenced 1n as
part of the back yards of the new homes. What restr1ct1ons
are placed on the homeowners for this area? staff sa1d the
restr1ct1ons are no bU1ld1ng is allowed in that 30' setback
--- no sW1mm1ng pools, no sheds, etc. The buffer must be
ma1nta1ned str1ctly 1n a landscaped state. Is there a
landscape plan f1led w1th the City Wh1Ch the C1ty has
approved? Staff sa1d yes, 1 t would be approved by the
D1rector of Plann1ng and would be 1ncluded 1n the landscape
plan. The developer w111 1nstall the landscap1ng and the
homeowner 1S respons1ble for maintenance. Should the
homeowner become lax, the homeowners assoc1at1on (HOA) would
be able to go 1n, clean it up and b111 the homeowner for the
work. The PreC1se Plan w111 be seen by the Plann1ng
Comm1SS1on 1nformally - th1S w111 1nclude the landscap1ng
plan. Staff sa1d 1f the D1rector of Plann1ng was unable to
approve the Plan 1t would come before the Plann1ng
Comm1SS1on should the developer not reV1se 1t to the
cond1 t10ns of the Planning D1rector. Homeowner changes-
how would these be dealt w1th? What enforcement 1S there?
Staff sa1d the C1ty w111 be a party to the CC&R's. For Code
enforcement purposes the C1ty would be allowed to go in and
beg1n QQgg enforcement procedures to replace, replant,
ma1nta1n th1S easement. The C1ty would have to be 1nformed
there was a problem.
The plans for the homes w111 be 1n the PreC1se Plan. We
don't have draw1ngs at this time.
Hellman Ranch Road - he sa1d he 11kes the name change from
"F1rst Street" to "Hellman Ranch Road". The road w1dth w111
be two (2) lanes W1 th a b1cycle tra11, landscap1ng and
sidewalks. It w111 not be 1mproved unt11 the rest of the
property 1S developed. Shar1ng the cost of the Hellman
Ranch Road w1th extend1ng 1t to Westm1nster - he asked staff
to clar1fy. Staff sa1d Mola 1S only part1c1pat1ng 1n costs
of "the1r fa1r share" of future 1mprovements. There are no
plans for 1mprovement at th1S t1me and probably won't be
unt11 the north part of the Hellman property 1S developed
. .. neceSS1 tat1ng the need for that road. Th1S road w111
not go any further than Regency. He asked when/how the
"fa1r share" would be determ1ned? QU1nn Barrow sa1d we are
look1ng at page 19, Cond1t1ons #19 thru #23, General
Cond1t1ons --- and clarify each one of those to specify the
commitment made by the subd1vider that they are ob11gated to
pay. Re #23, the C1ty Attorney's Off1cer would probably
recommend that a bond be taken out to ensure the cost of the
road extens1on. It's a common off-site 1mprovement bond.
Mr. Jessner sa1d he felt considerat1on should be g1 ven to
Rockwell w1th regard to them donat1ng the property for th1s
Page 6 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of August 2, 1989
road. Mr . Sharp noted Rockwe 11 donated the 1 and through
thelr property, not down thru the Hellman Ranch. QUlnn
Barrow sald we would probably add some language before
Monday nl.ght' s Cl. ty CounCl.l hearing. But we still do not
have the precl.se amount and thl.s needs to be worked out. So
there wl.II be an agreement to agree.
Constructlon Phasl.ng - we don't have a phaslng map at thlS
tlme. Mola wll1 probably want to phase the proJect they
wl.ll subml t subsequent maps. We wll1 know then how many
houses wll1 go lnto each phase.
Anlmal Shelter lS the anlmal shelter exempt from the
Clty's nOlse regulatlons? Staff sald yes, by ltS functlon.
To keep the nOlse at a manageable level the anl.mals would
have to be totally enclosed withln four walls and not
allowlng them out lnto a run. A good deal of the nOlse lS
created when the anlmals are out In thelr runs. They do
have access thru crawl gates. The shelter was placed In ltS
current locatl.on at a tlme when lt was a good dlstance from
homes. Staff sald the mltlgatlon measures should
sufflclently handle the nOlse lmpacts to the nearest homes.
Mr. Jessner sald he thlnks the anlmal shelter should be
restrlcted llke any other area wlthln the Cl.ty to the 55db
Power Llnes - he sald he didn't see anythl.ng wrltten about
power lines belng removed along Bolsa Ave. Ms. Massa-
Lavl tt sald she had Just spoken Wl. th Southern Callfornla
Edlson (SCE) and was informed by them that those ll.nes wlll
be comlng down as soon as Mola deposlts funds wlth SCE to
begln the undergroundlng. There should be a condl tlon In
the General Condltlons re utllltl.es. This should be put in
the General Condl.tl.ons, makl.ng them more specifl.c.
Easements/Power Llnes - Mr. Jessner asked lf, wlth the power
11ne removal along Bolsa, would SCE rellnqulsh its easements
and gl ve the property back to the homeowners. Staff sald
they were not sure lf the property would be gl.ven back to
the homeowners. Staff was not sure how SCE acqulred that
easement. SCE cannot be a property owner, they are
prohlblted from owning vacant land. When their 11nes are no
longer there lt wl11 be up for sale (If they own lt In fee)
or wlll be glven back to the adJacent property owner.
Lot "G" /Entry Lot Mr. Jessner asked who lS gOl.ng to
malntaln the lot used as an entrance? Staff sald the HOA
would maintal.n l.t.
Wetlands - Mr. Jessner sald we must get further along wlth
the varlOUS Federal agencles before we can do/say more.
Page 7 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of August 2, 1989
Access for Polltlcal ACtlvlty - Mr. Jessner sald the lssue
of openlng the resldentlal area durlng certaln perlods of
tlme needs to be studled more. He would not wants the gates
to be open all day and night for 89 days.
Ballflelds Ellmlnated - Said he felt the ballflelds have
been ellminated. We need these ball dlamonds ln the Clty.
Klrk Evans * Mola Development * 4699 Jamboree Rd.. New90rt Beach
The condltlons of approval you have read ln thlS staff report are
the same condltlons thlS body adopted last tlme that we had the
golf course plan before you.
The baseball dlamonds were not taken away by Mola Development.
At yesterday's meetlng, Mr. Nelson sald he was gOlng to put
together a letter for the Hellman's. The Hellman's have sald
they are deflnltely gOlng to sell 5 acres of land to the Clty.
The big lssue is the locatlon of the flve acres and varlOUS
alternatlves need to be dlscussed between the Clty and the
Hellman's. We have been dlscusslng "appralsed values" and Joe
Hunt dld offer suggestlons of optlons to purchase at a later date
wlth today's appralsed values plus cost of 11vlng lncreases. The
ldea lS the city wl11 get the 5 acres for the baseball dlamonds
at a falr market value. The cost to build the baseball dlamonds
... was about $400,000. If the baseball dlamonds are moved, the
current one would stay in place whl1e another was being bUl1t.
We do not have the phaslng rlght now. The phaslng wl11 be based
on the market. Today we would be starting wlth 40 houses in the
first phase. The intent is to have 50% of the proJect complete
when all of the park lS complete. At the 177 house the 15.2 acre
park plus Gum Grove Park lmprovements wl11 be complete.
The securl ty gates wl11 be mechanlcal, probably card actuated.
They wl11 not be manned. It lS easy to change the code and lt
would not be a hassle. The code lS a 24-hour code.
Re the landscape buffer, Mr. Flfe would prefer the HOA to
homeowner malntenance. Could the City step ln and do the
malntenance lf the HOA dldn't do It? Mr. Evans sald they prefer
to keep the HOA dues low. All the streets, water, sewer systems,
securlty are prlvate. All the landscaplng, lncludlng pUblic
thoroughfares, lS gOlng to be malntalned by the HOA. As soon as
you declde the HOA wl11 malntaln the landscape buffer you must
provlde the HOA access. So, that's lndl vldual access on each
lndlvldual lot or provlde a tral1 system (WhlCh the Pollce Dept.
had concern wlth) to where they could enter from one end and go
Page 8 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of August 2, 1989
down to the other end. Mola has been conslderlng a block wall
that would go to the edge of the buffer zone but not extend the
30'. The Hl11 homeowners was that a heavl1y landscaped area wlth
a chaln 11nk fence from the rear of the property 11nejedge of
buffer to the other extenslon of the edge of the buffer, blendlng
the landscaplng. You'd have a see-thru fence.
Mr. Jessner asked about power 11nes along Bolsa. Mr. Evans sald
SCE lS governed by thelr own regulatlons Vla the PubllC Utl1ltles
CommlSSlon. SCE must glve up the land underneath lf they don't
have utl1ltles overhead. The 66KV 11ne must come down because
lt'S too costly to underground It. To remove the 66KV 11ne would
relocate lt along the retentlon basln. It goes to DWP slte, up
Marlna Drl ve along Bolsa, up Seal Beach Blvd. That line only
serVlces Rockwell. It's Rockwell's secondary transmlSSlon 11ne
WhlCh Rockwell pays for themselves. If a car were to hlt the
maln 11ne on Westmlnster they would have another source. SCE
trled to get Mola to buy the easements and Mola negotlated a deal
wlth SCE that Mola would provlde them a new easement --- we'd buy
thelr land and provlde them 45' wlde easement on the hlghest
portlon of the Hellman Ranch property. Mola has letters from SCE
In wrl tlng statlng that that 11ne would be abandoned. Mola to
get coples of these letters to the Clty staff.
The Parks and Recreatlon CommlSSlon wl11 meet on August 23rd to
have a publlC hearlng to dlSCUSS what lmprovements they should
have wlthln the 15.02 acres of parkland. If there were some
maJor concern at that tlme that the ball dlamonds were not gOlng
to occur you could certalnly flt one dlamond In there ....
Mr. Evans sald "we have rendered a park and we have sald we are
gOlng to develop that park. If you want somethlng done
dlfferently all you have to do lS let us know. If the costs are
relatl vely the same then there's no problem at all. All these
thlngs we are talklng about tonight are gOlng to be set out In a
Development Agreement WhlCh has been submltted to the Clty
Attorney. We would hope to have that agreement before the
Plannlng CommlSSlon wlthln the next few weeks .... It guarantees
that what you see lS what we're prepared to develop. The
Development Agreement spells out the budget, for the park
malntenance for 10 years."
Mr. Jessner sald he had speclflc concerns on certaln condltlons:
Page 8, Prior to Flnal Map Approval, Res. 1549, #D:
D. Non-automotlve vehlcles, boats, tral1ers, or non-
automoti ve storage shall not be allowed In any unenclosed
parklng, drlveway or prlvate street area. Any vehlcle wlth
a wldth In excess of 84 lnches shall not be allowed In any
unenclosed parklng, drlveway, or prlvate street area except
for purposes of loadlng, maklng dellverles or emergency
Page 9 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of August 2, 1989
staff's lnterpretatlon agrees with Mola's lnterpretatlon of thlS
condltlon --- that a boat could be stored wlthln the garage or
wlthln the slde or rear yard lf lt would flt. Qu1nn Barrow sa1d
th1S cond1t1on could be clar1f1ed by add1ng the word "unenclosed"
before the word "park1ng". Mr. Evans sald the CC&R's wll1 be
more restrlctlve than th1S phras1ng.
Mr. Jessner sald the curb cuts should be looked at carefully to
maxim1ze park1ng. Mr. Evans sald these lots are all a mlnlmum of
50' wlde and the streets are all 36' wlde. So there wll1 be
parklng on both sldes of the street.
* * *
Page 15, Pr10r to Cert1f1cate of Occupancy, #3
Mr. Jessner sa1d he wants stronger homebuyer notlflcat1on. ThlS
would be approved by the buyer as part of the escrow. Mr. Evans
sald everythlng mentloned In Condltion #3 would be a part of the
Department of Real Estate's Wh1te Report. Mr. Jessner wants the
wordlng changed to state that this 1S an item that would be
approved by the buyer and someth1ng 1n writ1ng show1ng the buyer
acknowledges rece1pt. QU1nn Barrow phrased th1S to read "buyers
w111 acknowledge rece1pt" but was not sure 1f we could require
anyth1ng more than that. Mr. Flfe wanted the dlsclosures to be
called to the attentlon of subsequent buyers on resales Vla deed
notlflcatlon thereby placlng them on constructive notice and
refer them to the Clty Clerk's Off1ce for a copy of the orlglnal
notlce. QUlnn Barrow sald the best way to ensure th1S is to have
these as part of the restr1ct1ons to the t1tle report. It's
common to have someth1ng at the County Recorder's Off1ce. He
would not record 1nformat1on about the schools. The se1sm1C
nature should be part of the recorded record of the property. We
can reV1ew and see 1f there are other appropriate ones that
should be part of the record.
Mr. Evans sald that along Seal Beach Blvd. r1ght now the City'S
~ calls for a 6" curb, a 4.5' dr1veway, 5.5' of landscap1ng
and Mola lS provldlng an addltional 10' feet of landscaplng.
Would you 11ke a meander1ng sldewalk? Yes.
Mr. Evans noted page II, Prior to F1nal Map Approval, Condition
oWn and wanted wordlng changed:
W. The PreClse Plan of development shall be revlewed by
the Plannlng Commisslon with recommendat10ns to the
Clty Councl1 for flnal approval.
Page 10 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of August 2, 1989
The follow1ng language w111 replace the present Cond1t1on "W":
w. Any substant1al deviat10ns or amendments from the
PreC1se Plan (from the prev10usly approved Specif1c
Plan) shall be rev1ewed by the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on.
Sandra Massa-LaV1 tt said that W1 th th1S cond1 t1on, the Prec1se
Plan would come to the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on w1th a recommendat1on
from the Comm1SS1on to the Counc11 for 1 ts adopt1on. QU1nn
Barrow sa1d h1s confusion is that S1nce we have the Spec1f1c Plan
and we have the Map we are not really mak1ng substant1al changes
to the PreC1se Plan --- S1nce we haven't seen the PreC1se Plan
yet. What we're really saY1ng 1S that any dev1at1ons from what's
being approved now should come back to the Comm1SS1on. The
Spec1f1c Plan says the PreC1se Plan will be approved by the
Plann1ng D1rector.
The Planning Director is to g1ve the Plann1ng Comm1ss1oner's any
maps and plans and, the Comm1ssioner's w111 get back to the
D1rector/Mola 1nformally.
Page 19, General Condit1ons, Cond1t1ons #19 - #23:
sa1d these cond1t1ons w111 become part of the
Agreement and lay the costs to the developer.
QU1nn Barrow
Galen Ambrose * Represent1ng Wetlands Restorat1on Soc1ety
Mr. Ambrose stated that he obJected to the ent1re plann1ng
process. He c1ted gasoline taxes as a way of putt1ng the burden
of crowded h1ghways on the c1t1zen and not on the developer. He
sa1d 1f we d1dn't bU1ld houses people couldn't move here and that
would stop the overcrowd1ng.
Wendy Morr1s * 1729 Crestv1ew
Ms. Morr1s spoke on her concerns for the buffer zone, subm1tted a
pet1t1on for the Record (copy attached). She suggested a 30'
grass str1p m1ght solve the buffer zone needs and Pol1ce
protect1on needs. She urged workshops on the parks to ga1n
c1t1zen 1nput. She asked staff to look 1nto the Pol1ce Dept.
patrol problems in Gum Grove Park and the buffer zone and get
back to her. On the wetlands she urged correct restorat1on to
m1 t1gate the bad mosqu1 to problem we have 1n Seal Beach. She
sa1d (for the Record) staff or C1ty Counc1l, not the c1t1zens,
should check up the restorat1on. Mr. Jessner sa1d whatever plan
came out should be checked by the Plann1ng Commiss1on and may
requ1re a publ1c hearing. QU1nn Barrow sa1d he was not aware of
any prov1s1on 1n the ~ that would requ1re a hear1ng before the
Comm1SS1on. The best way to handle th1S would be to have a
cond1t1on that would say:
Page 11 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of August 2, 1989
Any plan for the wetlands 1S subJect to Planning
commission review.
If th1s 1S part of the Map 1t w111 exp1re at the t1me the F1nal
Map 1S approved. If 1t'S made part of the Development Agreement
the developer w111 agree and 1t w111 come back. Ms. Morr1S also
asked about the underground1ng of the ut111ty poles 1n her back
yard and was told they would not be affected. She asked when the
Gum Grove Park restorat1on w111 be done? Mr. Evans rev1ewed that
for her and sa1d he would put th1s 1n wr1t1ng.
Ernest1ne McManus * 1745 Crestv1ew
Ms. McManus sa1d her husband was s1ck and she was concerned about
dust the developer m1ght create. The Cha1rman assured her the
developer was requ1red to water down to reduce dust. She said
she d1s11ked too many walls as they made her feel caged 1n. She
preferred the golf course.
Carl San F111pO * 801 Avalon
Mr. San F111pO sa1d he would 11ke to see the houses moved and the
wetlands put next to h1s house. He prefers a golf course. He
spoke on accountab111 ty on the Job and that he's worr1ed about
C1ty 11ab111ty when bU1ld1ng on an earthquake fault.
Kathy Kerr1 * 1753 Crestv1ew
Ms. Kerr1 says she wants to keep baseball d1amonds near parks for
the ch1ldren. She feels the least desireable lots back up to
Crestv1ew. She doesn't 11ke cul-de-sacs com1ng near her back
Sally H1rsch * 1325 Crestv1ew
Ms. H1rsch sa1d she's del1ghted w1th the parks and knows the Seal
Beach Pol1ce Department w111 take care of secur1ty 1ssues.
K1rk Evans * Mola Development
Mr. Evans addressed the comments from the Publ1c Hear1ng. He
sa1d 1t 1S 1n wr1t1ng that the lots are 130' deep. Mr. Evans,
speaking to the dra1nage 1ssue 1S also in wr1 t1ng. Pr10r to
pul11ng a grad1ng permit we have to make a dra1nage study for the
ent1re proJect and they spec1f1cally 1ncluded dra1nage from the
H111 area. The mosqu1to problems are be1ng cons1dered w1th the
wetlands restorat1on plan. Stagnant water now contr1butes to the
problems. P1p1ng water 1n from the San Gabr1el R1ver w111 create
a 3' to a 5' t1dal range wh1ch w111 ebb and flow w1th the t1des.
Mola has no problem br1ng1ng back the restorat1on plan to show
what the var10US Federal agenc1es have agreed to. One of the
cond1 t10ns of approval 1S that 1f the Federal agenc1es dec1de
wetlands are not needed here ... the property would revert to the
C1ty of Seal Beach as open space.
Page 12 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of August 2, 1989
Commlsslon Comments to Appllcant
Mr. Jessner asked about access to Gum Grove Park from both the
development and the Hll1 area. Where wll1 thlS show? Mr. Evans
sald this wll1 come thru the Parks & Recreatlon Commlssion thru
the ultlmate park detal1 (not necessarlly on the PreClse Plan)
WhlCh wll1 be thru publlC hearlngs. Mola has anticipated Gum
Grove Park connectlng wlth the park system. Avalon access wll1
be there. There wll1 be an access that will tle Gum Grove Park
In Wl th the rest of the communl ty park. Mr. Jessner sald he
dldn't want to create a sltuatlon where the only access lS thru
Avalon thereby creatlng a blg parklng problem at thlS Sl te .
Adequate access must be from Wl thln thlS new development. Mr.
Evans sald keyed gates are also a posslblllty for resldent
Mr. Flfe asked lf park access over prlvate property would be
galned through the CC&R's? Mr. Evans sald yes, easements would
be galned by common area access. The prlvate streets are
consldered common area.
Mr. Suggs asked lf they planned on removlng the chaln 11nk fence
around the park? Mr. Evans sald the Parks & Rec Dept. would
determlne the type of fenclng around Gum Grove Park.
Mr. Suggs asked what provlslons would be made for emergency
vehlcles at the mechanlcal gate? The Flre Department has an
electronlc system to open the gate or some are the gates are
deslgned to be crash gates.
PubllC Hearlng Closed
MOTION by Flfe; SECOND by Suggs to lncorporate the correctlons of
the errata sheet In thelr entlrety as submltted to us and then
further conslder the matter.
Mr. Jessner requested permlsslon to make a statement:
When I voted for and approved essentially thlS B.2 plan at
our prevlous meetlng, I approved a plan that had two
baseball flelds. I do not see that on thlS plan. It's
really dlfflcult for me to approve what we have before us
untl1 I know whether or not these baseball flelds are gOlng
to be a part of thlS entlre plan.
Mr. Sharp sald that by August 7 the Clty Councl1 should have the
word from Hellman on the 5 acres. Would you agree to approve
thlS lf we make lt a condltlon that we approve thlS only if the 5
acres lS made avallable from the Hellman property for the
baseball dlamonds? Mr. Jessner agreed.
Page 13 - Plann1ng Comm1ss10n M1nutes of August 2, 1989
Qu1nn Barrow sa1d that S1nce the appl1cant doesn't have control
over that other property perhaps the cond1t1on should include a
prov1s1on that "1f for any reason the 5 acre deal falls through
that 2 baseball diamonds w111 be prov1ded on th1s property". Mr.
Sharp sa1d there's room for at least one d1amond and n1ght
11ght1ng must be cons1dered.
D1Scuss10n of who should d1spense the gate's code was d1scussed.
Mr. F1fe sa1d heads of Homeowners Assoc1at10ns are somet1mes are
hard to reach because they are work1ng and travel1ng. So perhaps
1t should be a C1ty off1c1al --- perhaps the C1ty Clerk or the
ch1ef pol1t1cal off1cer of the C1ty, 11ke the Reg1strar of
Voters. Mr. Sharp sa1d the C1ty Clerk should dec1de when and to
whom the gate's code should be glven out because she knows when
elect10ns are be1ng held.
Comm1ssion Cons1ders Cond1t1ons
The Comm1SS10n considered all cond1tions to Resolut10n No. 1549
on a page-by-page bas1s. Th1S 1ncluded the "Pr10r to Grad1ng
Perm1t" sect10n w1th 26 cond1t10ns, the "Pr10r to F1nal Map
Approval" w1th 15 cond1t10ns, the "Pr10r to BU1ld1ng Perm1t
Issuance" w1th 22 cond1t10ns, the "Pr10r to Cert1f1cate of
Occupancy" W1 th 6 cond1 t10ns and the "General Cond1 t10ns" 37
cond1t10ns. Changes to any/all cond1t10ns are 1n Plann1ng
Comm1SS10n Resolut10n No. 1549.
At page 11 of "Pr10r to F1nal Map Approval", Cond1t10n "W", QU1nn
Barrow clar1f1ed that 1f the PreC1se Plan lS substant1ally 1n
compl1ance w1th the Spec1f1c Plan the Plann1ng D1rector can
approve 1 t and 1 t doesn't go before the Plann1ng Comm1ssion or
C1ty Counc11. But 1f there are substant1al dev1at10ns 1t w111 go
to both the Plann1ng Comm1SS10n and the C1ty Counc11. By MINUTE
ORDER the Record lS to show that the Plann1ng D1rector w111
prov1de the Plann1ng Comm1ss10n w1th as copy of any plan at least
one Plann1ng Comm1ss10n meet1ng before such plans go to the C1ty
MOTION by F1fei SECOND by Jessner to approve Tentat1ve Parcel Map
86-349 by the adopt1on of Resolution No. 1548 W1th the add1t1on
of a fourth cond1t1on to read:
That as part of the Development
appl1cant, the appl1cant shall
the C1ty for 1tS purchase f1ve
on the Hellman Ranch area
develop1ng baseball f1elds.
Agreement w1th the
make ava1lable to
(5) off-s1te acres
for purposes of
Page 14 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of August 2, 1989
MOTION by Suggs; SECOND by Jessner to approve Tentatlve Tract Map
13198 by the adoptlon of Resolutlon No. 1549 Wlth the conditlons
There were no Scheduled Matters.
There were no Oral Communicatlons.
There were no Staff Concerns.
Mr. Flfe would llke the Zone Text Amendment re C-2 retall space
to C-2 offlce space agendlzed. It was declded thlS would be put
on the agenda for September 6, 1989.
Chalrman Sharp adJourned the meetlng at 11:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submltted,
Joan Vi~~ -
Department of Development Servlces
* * *
The Mlnutes of August 2, 1989 Plannlng Commlsslon meetlng were
approved on ~ llo --:!::!:l 1989.
July 26, 1989
We, the resldents on Crestview Avenue between Gum Grove Park and
Seal Beach Boulevard, do not cons1der the proposal on the tentat1ve
tract map by the Mola Company to have an adequate buffer In the
current plan, the buffer zone 1S slmply the back yards and side yards
of the proposed new homes Durlng the negotiat1ons, the 30-foot-wlde
buffer was understood to be a wlde str1p wlth access by all adJoinlng
prlvate properties
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