HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1989-09-06 . ~. . ~ .. CITY OF SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 The regularly scheduled meet1ng of the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on was called to order 1n C1 ty Counc11 Chambers by Cha1rman Sharp at 7:35 p.m. Start1ng delay was caused by aud10 problem at Comcast. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Alleg1ance was led by Mr. Jessner. ROLL CALL Present: Cha1rman Sharp Commiss1oners Rullo, Suggs, Jessner Staff Present: Lee Wh1ttenberg, D1rector, Dev. Srvcs. Dept. John Fraser, Intern, Development Serv1ces Dept. Absent: Comm1ss1oner F1fe (absence do to Court-ordered depos1t1on complet1on). Cha1rman Sharp requested Scheduled Matter Item No. 6 (ZTA 2-89 1nclud1ng sub-1tems A. Condit1onal Use Perm1ts for off1ces 1n commerc1al zones and B. Master Plan for Rossmoor BUS1ness Center) be removed from ton1ght' s Agenda and be rescheduled after the Comm1SS1on has a complete report from the Reta11 Sales Comm1ttee and Mr. F1fe lS present. CONSENT CALENDAR Cha1rman Sharp requested the two Consent Calendar 1tems be cons1dered separately. 1. MINUTES OF AUGUST 16, 1989 MOTION by Jessneri SECOND by Suggs to approve the Minutes of August 16, 1989 to be amended at page 3, at the second-to- last paragraph which Mr. Jessner would 11ke stated verbatlm: "Mr. Jessner sald I don't see how ... I myself could vote In favor of this Varlance. However, I thlnk we have a problem Wl th regard to all the properties along Paclflc Coast Hlghway. In fact, I know we do. And thls was polnted out to us also by the City Councl1 when they dlrected us, the Commisslon, to reVlew the helght 11mltatlons along Paclflc Coast Hlghway and some of the other streets that have heavy trafflc usage rlght behlnd the homes. ThlS ltem - I don't know lf there's any klnd of a schedule for us to reVlew this, . . Page 2 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of September 6, 1989 does the staff know? On the fence he1ghts? It probably hasn't been because th1s was caught up w1thin the hear1ngs W1th the Mola propert1es. I think we have d1fferent problems 1n d1fferent areas. When th1S came before the Comm1SS1on we recommended to the Counc11, at our f1rst reV1ew of 1t, that we look into th1S (ra1s1ng of the walls and he1ghts) in depth to help the people who (llve) along these streets. I... see a correlat1on between what's been done here and th1S fence he1ght request. I would 11ke to see some sort of workshops arranged between the people 11 v1ng along Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway and the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on to see exactly all the problems. ReV1ew some potent1al Solut1ons to what they have - because they do have a problem there and 1t's recogn1zed. Maybe, through this workshop and some suggest10ns and recommendat1ons that come out of th1S exchange the Comm1SS1on and C1ty Counc11 could come to an agreement with regard to help1ng out these people. Maybe the fence height lsn't the answer. And this was the question we had - the Comm1ss1on. Maybe allow1ng some sort of a cant11ever- staY1ng at the e1ght (8') foot he1ght 11m1t that's allowed here. But maybe allow1ng a cant11ever from this W1 th a roof-type th1ng, maybe that's better than gOlng up a stra1ght ten (10') feet 1n he1ght. Th1S tyPe of structure takes on that appearance. If we deny th1S Var1ance I would hate to see 1t torn down unt11 1t's establ1shed that th1S lS not what the C1ty wants. After we hold these hearings. I'd (now) 11ke to hear what the other Comm1ss1oners th1nk". "Mr. Jessner sa1d "Var1ances". references to "CUP" should be MOTION CARRIED 3 - 0 - 1 - 1 ABSTAIN: Rullo ABSENT: F1fe * * * 2.PLAN REVIEW 16-89 100 WELCOME LANE, SEAL BEACH TRAILER PARK staff Report . John Fraser presented the staff report. Plan ReV1ew 16-89 1S a request by appl1cant, R1Ck Chapman, to add a second story to an eX1st1ng one-story cabana. The second story w111 cons1st of a bedroom and bath of approx1mately 220 square feet. Staff recommended approval w1th seven (7) cond1t1ons 1n place. Staff requested that w1ndows extend to a he1ght not exceed1ng twenty (20') feet measured from ground level. . . . , . Page 3 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of September 6, 1989 Commlsslon Comments Mr. Suggs asked lf the traller ltself could be pulled out wlthout dlsturblng the second story structure? Mr. Fraser sald yes. MOTION by Suggs; SECOND by Rullo to approve Plan ReV1ew 16-89 as presented. MOTION CARRIED 3 - 0 - 1 - 1 ABSTAIN: Jessner ABSENT: F1fe * * * PLAN REVIEW 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 8-89 12147 SEAL BEACH BOULEVARD BAJA BILL'S RESTAURANT Staff Report Lee Whlttenberg dellvered the staff report. ThlS lS a request by appllcant, CorWln Bales, to obtaln an on-sale beer and Wlne permlt ln conJunctlon wlth an existing restaurant at 12147 Seal Beach Boulevard - BaJa Blll's. Staff recommended denlal based prlmarlly on Chlef of Pollce Stearn's concerns that the slte was a gatherlng place for local teenagers (especlally after a Los Alamltos Hlgh School football games) when lt was a Taco Bell. The concern lS belng able to control the consumptlon of alcohollC beverages on the premlses to persons of the proper age when there lS an outdoor dlnlng area that's qUlte large ln relation to the total seatlng capaclty of the restaurant. Another concern is a staff comment that thlS restaurant lS baslcally a fast food type of faclll ty and lS thlS a proper type of use for alcoholic beverage sales? Champs Restaurant lS slmllar and does have an ABC 11cense but Champs has a much larger lndoor dlnlng area. If the Commlsslon approves thlS perml t, staff has recommended flfteen (15) condltlons prlmarlly addressing control of alcohollC beverages. Commlsslon Comments There were no CommlSSlon comments. PubllC Hearlng Opened CorWln Bales * Owner of BaJa Bllls (No Address Glven) Mr. Bales lntroduced hlmself as the new owner of BaJa Bllls Restaurant, statlng he took over ln June 1989. He bought from Taco Bell and has Slnce done extenslve renovation to the bUlldlng. The patlo now has a four (4') foot wall and lS completely enclosed havlng only one (1) entrance at the front. . Page 4 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of September 6, 1989 He sald everybody acknowledges there was a problem when lt was a Taco Bell. There lS not wlde open access from the parklng lot. He presented three letters from Dorothy PhllllP, Manager of Rossmoor BUSlness Center, Byron Wllloughby of De Benedlctls Realty and Carl Kendall from Career Academy of Beauty In support of Mr. Bales permlt. (These are attached for the Record). These letters state that Slnce Taco Bell has left there have been no problems wlth teen-age hangouts. Mr. Bales sald he talked to the ACtl Vl tles Department at Los Alaml tos Hlgh School. The home football games begln at 7:30 p.m. and last 2.5 hours. At 10:00 p.m. he lS closed. He would not be open for teenagers therefore. Chalrman Sharp sald he had seen BaJa Bllls and lt'S spotlessly clean and well arranged. Addltlonally the patlo wall lS hlgher. Commlssloner Rullo asked Mr. Bales lf he would be wllllng to termlnate the sale of alcohol at 8: 00 p.m. yet still close at 10:00 p.m.. Mr. Bales sald he would prefer to serve untll 10:00 p.m. ... he would questlon the dlfference 8:00 p.m. or 10:00 p.m. would make. . Commlssloner Rullo sald the nearby DaVlOS Restaurant has an outdoor patlo wlth one entry. Mr. Bales sald Davlos' wall lS SlX (6") taller but 1 t has a planter on top. Mr. Bales would not mlnd puttlng a planter on hlS wall to make BaJa Bllls the same helght as Davlos. Commlsslon Suggs asked Mr. Bales how many employees he had. Mr. Bales sald four (4) employees and that he's there four (4) evenlngs per week. Someone who has authorlty lS In charge at all tlmes. Commlssloner Jessner asked Mr. Bales how he proposed stopplng patrons from walklng off the premlses wlth beer? Mr. Bales sald he would be servlng beer/wlne In glass contalner as lS requlred by the ABC. Addltlonally, the employees would be monltorlng by cleanlng tables etc. Chalrman Sharp sald he V1Sl ted Champs Restaurant and was told that Taco Bell malnly had teenagers runnlng thelr establlshment wlth no adult supervlslon. Champs felt they would not have that problem agaln. Mr. Sharp sald he talked to Chlef Stearns who felt that thlS new owner has not operated durlng a school year and that the Chlef would wlthdraw hlS obJectlons lf the CommlSSlon would put thlS request on hold for SlXty (60) days to glve two months lnto the school year for addltlonal reVlew of the buslness operatlon. We could see what/lf any problems mlght occur. . There was no one In the audlence wlshlng to speak for or agalnst CUP 8-89; the PubllC Hearlng was closed. . . . , . Page 5 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of September 6, 1989 Commlsslon Comments Commlssloner Rullo sald he felt there was no equall ty In the staff's recommendatlon or the Chlef of Pollce's comments. Denlal of thlS permlt would be penallzlng thls buslnessman. If the ABC wlll glve hlm a llcense the CommlSSlon should not penallze hlm. H1S wall lS up and he has one entry. It would be a detrlment to shut down at 8:00 p.m. The CommlSSlon has not turned down beer and Wlne llcense Slnce Mr. Rullo's been on the CommlSSlon and he saw no reason to turn thlS one down. CommlSSloner Jessner sald he sees thlS restaurant as strlctly a fast food take-out place because of ltS Slze and deslgn. He sald he thought (grantlng the CUP) would be settlng a precedent for thlS type of buslness. He felt the staff and Pollce Chlef brought up "very ratlonal reasons on thlS". He lS opposed to grantlng the CUP. CommlSSloner Suggs sald the answer to thls may be to hold lt In abeyance for slxty (60) days and the let the Chlef of Pollce make another observatlon. Chalrman Sharp, although he had closed the PubllC Hearlng, asked Mr. Bales to answer another questlon. Mr. Sharp asked lf Mr. Bales would have any obJectlons to the CommlSSlon placlng CUP 8-89 on hold for Slxty days to see how thlngs work after school starts. Mr. Bales sald he would obJect to a delay Slnce he's been wal tlng Slnce June. He sald he's spoken to ABC and gone through thelr procedures and they have no problem glvlng hlm the llcense as long as 1 t' s approved by CUP through the Cl ty. However, he would walt the Slxty days rather than rlsk not gettlng the llcense. Mr. Sharp advlsed hlm that lf he was turned down he would have to re-apply. He could appeal to the Cl ty Councll that carrles a fee. Mr. Bales asked lf the Commlsslon could make lt thlrty (30) days as an observatlon perlod. Commlssloner Rullo sald he felt very strongly that thlS CommlSSlon lS delvlng too far lnto Mr. Bales' buslness and thlS lS not equal treatment (to hlS buslness) - thlS man lS belng turned agalnst because of somethlng we don' t know lS gOlng to happen. The ABC wlll glve hlm a llcense and he's done everythlng to rebulld hlS place up. Mr. Suggs restated hlS concern over the Chlef's letter that thlS mlght be contrary to the Cl ty' s best lnterest. DaVlOS and Champs may have more seats lnslde but they stlll have as many seats outslde as Mr. Bales does. Chalrman Sharp referred to the letter from De Benedltctls Realty WhlCh sald" lack of empty beer cans and bottles In our parklng area each mornlng." Mr. Sharp noted these contalners must come from a local llquor store as Taco Bell would not be able to sell alcohol In that type contalner. . Page 6 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of Sseptember 6, 1989 Mr. Whl ttenberg sald from the Cl ty' s vlewpolnt the man has a rlght to do buslness ln a way that lt does not cause harm to the Clty. In thlS case, the Chlef of Pollce lndlcated that past thlS locatlon has caused a detrlment to the communlty. H1S concern lS thlS mlght return and not be able to be handled by the new owner. There lS an area of uncertalnty here and the Clty has no experience record wlth Mr. Bales to date. The other restaurant locatlons mentloned probably dld not cause a problem to the Clty ln the past. If the llcense lS granted and the slte becomes a problem to the Cl ty the CUP revocatlon process lS long and dlfflcult. MOTION by Rullo; st1pulat1on that perm1ttee must be no problems noted granted. SECOND by Sharp to grant CUP 8-89 wi th the there are two three-month perlods that the checked by the Chlef of Police. If there are by the Chlef of Pol1ce, CUP 8-89 w111 be fully MOTION CARRIED 3 - 1 - 1 AGAINST: Jessner ABSENT: Flfe . MOTION by Rullo; SECOND by Sharp that the followlng cond1tlons be amended and all f1fteen (15) cond1t1ons rema1n in place: 7. The sale of alcohol will term1nate dally at 10:00 p.m. 14. Wlth the appl1cant's consent, the hours of operation shall be from 11:00 a.m., da1ly, w1th the sale of alcohol1C beverages 11m1ted to the hours between 11:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. da1ly. 15. The term of thls permlt shall be revlewed after n1nety (90) days and 180 days of operatlon to verlfy compllance w1th all above cond1tions. After wh1ch tlme the Plann1ng CommlSS1on may extend the perm1t indefinltely prov1ded that all condit1ons of approval have been satisfied, and no slgnif1cant pol1ce problems have occurred. * * * . . Page 7 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of September 6, 1989 4. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 9-89 462 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY WEST BEACH LIQUOR @ PCH PLAZA Staff Report Lee Wh1ttenberg del1vered the staff report for CUP 9-89. Th1S lS an appl1cat1on by Betty Nobr1ga to transfer an exist1ng off-sale general 11quor 11cense 1n con]Unct1on w1th the transfer of ownersh1p of an eX1sting 11quor store. Comm1ss1on Comments There were no Comm1SS1on Comments. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened . Betty Nobr1ga * 17714 Park Valle Place, Cerr1tos. CA Rasheed Sadedd1n * 462 Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway . Seal Beach Mr. Sadedd1n 1ntroduced h1mself as the current owner who was present to ass 1st/translate for Ms. Nobr1ga, the new owner. Comm1ss1oner Jessner asked 1f the new owner planned any changes? Mr. Sadedd1n sa1d the store layout and the operat1on would rema1n the same. No one 1n the aud1ence w1shed to speak for or aga1nst CUP 9-89 and the Publ1C Hear1ng was closed. MOTION by Jessner; SECOND by Rullo to approve Condl. tl.onal Use Perml.t 9-89 with el.qht (8) condl.tl.ons l.n place. MOTION CARRIED 4 - 0 - 1 ABSENT: Fl.fe Ms. Nobr1ga approached the Comm1ss1on, out of sequence, but w1th Cha1rman Sharp's perm1ss1on to request that her hours of operation be extended. Mr. Wh1 ttenberg sa1d 1 t would be procedurally correct for the Comm1SS1on to note a change of hour was not a determ1n1ng factor 1n the1r dec1s1on to grant CUP 9-89 and therefore the follow1ng can be 1ncorporated: . . Page 8 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on Meet1ng of September 6, 1989 MOTION by Rullo; SECOND by Suggs to change Condl.t1on No. 7 to read: 7. Wl.th the appll.cant's consent, the hours of operat1on shall be: Sunday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Frl.day and Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. MOTION CARRIED 4 - 0 - 1 ABSENT: Fl.fe * * * 5. VARIANCE 9-89 308 HARVARD LANE Staff Report . Mr. Wh1ttenberg presented the staff report, Wh1Ch 1S a request by the app11cant, Gordon Logan, to vary from the 40% lot coverage perm1tted by Code 1n College Park West; he wants to bU1ld an add1t1on to h1s house. Staff noted College Park East and the Mar1na H1ll areas currently allow 45% lot coverage but College Park West allows 40% lot coverage at th1s t1me. Staff sa1d there has been an unperm1tted garage converS1on on the subJect property. Mr. Wh1ttenberg emphas1zed that today a perm1t was found (through records on m1crof1che at Rockwell) for a 20' x 20' carport structure on th1s property 1n May 1979. The perm1t does not 1nd1cate any 1nspect1ons were done and therefore staff cannot determ1ne 1f the carport has been constructed 1n accordance w1th the plans wh1ch were subm1tted (but that cannot be located). It cannot be determ1ned 1f the structure meets current bU1ld1ng requ1rements although 1nspect1on by Mr. Wh1 ttenberg shows 1 t looks sound. (A copy of the newly-found perm1t was g1ven to each Comm1ss1oner. Copy attached w1th these M1nutes for reference). Staff attached Ord1nance No. 1153, dated 9-12-83 wh1ch amends the Code to requ1re a CUP for bU1ld1ng a carport. Before 1983 a carport structure was perm1tted as an automat1c r1ght of the property owner and no spec1al approvals were requ1red through the C1ty. . Staff recommended den1al of th1s var1ance. . Page 9 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of September 6, 1989 Commlsslon Comments Commlssloner Rullo noted the garage has been converted to part of the 11vlng space of the home. staff can flnd no permlts for thlS work. Commlssloner Jessner asked staff why the lot coverage differences eXlst between College Park East and West? Mr. Whlttenberg sald a number of years ago the Hill resldents approached the Clty about changlng the lot coverage and a change was made. Why thlS area was not lncluded at that tlme lS not known. Mr. Fraser sald that ln the early 1970's both College Park East and West requested lot coverage changes to 45%, but a College Park West resldent generated OppOSl tlon to thls and 1 t dld not go through. So College Park West remalned at 40% and College Park East went up to 45%. College Park West has about 360 homes. Chalrman Sharp noted thlS partlcular lot backs up to a dralnage dltch, the 405 Freeway and the 7th Street off-ramp. Therefore thlS only effects the property on elther slde. . PubllC Hearlng Opened Gordon R. Logan * 308 Harvard Lane Mr. Logan sald he wants thlS addltlon for hlS mother's health condltlon. He apologlzed for the "early start" and sald lt was hlS fault. He had a nelghborhood petltlon wlth 46 slgnatures deslrlng to brlng College Park West to the 45% 11ml tatlon. He sald hlS cement walk was mlstakenly included ln hlS lot coverage WhlCh would subtract 117 square feet from 399 square feet thus maklng hlS request for 281 square feet. He noted hlS lS the owner-bul1der and hlS workers had no perml ts. He sald hlS orlglnal contractor fell off a ladder and never returned to thlS Job. Greg Wl1er * 233 Stanford Mr. Wl1er spoke ln favor of thlS varlance and supported 45% lot coverage. Bl11 Fraser * Nelghbor (No address glven) Mr. Fraser sald he lS a nelghbor and supports thlS Varlance appllcatlon. . Brad Logan Introduced hlmself as Mr. Logan's son and sald he dldn't know why (deceased) Clty BU11dlng Inspector Ed Hurst dld not slgn off on the prlor constructlon. . Page 10 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of September 6, 1989 No one further w1shed to speak for or aga1nst th1S var1ance and the Publ1C Hear1ng was closed. Comm1ss1on Comments Cha1rman Sharp suggested that the Comm1SS1on grant th1S var1ance up to the 45%, not the extra 1%, w1th the st1pulat1on 1n (that when the property was sold that 1t be restored to 1tS orig1nal status). And at the same t1me the Comm1SS1on would ask staff to prepare a resolut1on from the Comm1SS1on to present to the C1ty Counc11 that College Park West be rezoned to 45% lot coverage. Th1S would make Mr. Logan's add1 t10n legal and the st1pulat1on could be removed from h1S deed. . Comm1ss1oner Rullo sa1d he apprec1ated Mr. Logan's problem w1th an a1l1ng fam1ly member but that he had a problem of Mr. Logan's bU1ld1ng w1th no perm1ts. The perm1t that was found today showed no 1nspect1on. John Fraser 1nter]ected that Mr. Logan's house lS very un1que 1n that "based on what plans we (the C1ty) has 1t'S almost as 1f h1S property doesn't eX1st. We don't even have an or1g1nal house plan for that property. I don't know what's happened to the perm1ts on that property over the years ..." Mr. Rullo asked where was the perm1t for the foundat1on he has recently poured? Mr. Logan, eV1dently, was gOlng to bU1ld w1thout perm1ts. He only stopped when a BU1ld1ng Inspector found h1m out. Mr. Rullo stressed h1S problem W1 th people bU1ld1ng w1thout perm1ts and th1nks there should be some sort of recourse when the C1ty f1nds someone bU1ld1ng without perm1ts. . Comm1ss1oner Jessner d1scussed the three State mandated f1nd1ngs and felt these f1nd1ngs could not be met, 1n Wh1Ch case he felt he could not vote 1n favor of th1s Var1ance. He sa1d he d1d not know 1f 1t was a val1d reason to grant a var1ance w1th regard to the suggest10n that the property be restored on sale. How would th1S be enforced? Mr. Sharp sa1d he would have to take the carport out and restore the garage to a double garage and then 1t would be 1n conformance - even at 40%. Therefore, Mr. Logan would not have to tear out th1S add1t1on. Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d the covenant lS recorded on the deed and at the t1me of a property transfer C1 ty cond1 t10ns would have to be met before escrow could close. Th1S lS eas1ly tracked by any escrow company. Mr. Jessner would 11ke to see a hear1ng W1 th the potent1al of 1ncreas1ng th1S area's lot coverage to 45% Wh1Ch would allow th1s add1t1on w1thout the need for a var1ance. D1Scuss1on ensued about the Comm1ss1on's denY1ng a var1ance to a fam1ly w1th a hand1capped Ch1ld and that sett1ng a precedent for th1s den1al. Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d each case should stand on 1tS own mer1t w1th other dec1s1ons be1ng gU1del1nes only. Mr. Rullo sa1d 1f you deny a var1ance for one propertyjappl1cant you should deny th1S var1ance for the same reason. How can~we~y there lS no precedent set? . Page 11 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of September 6, 1989 Mr. Jessner suggested the Mot1on be rev1sed to state that what the Comm1SS1on 1S approv1ng the plan that is presented to the Comm1SS1on and 1S not to exceed 45%. MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Jessner to approve Var1ance 9-89 granting lot coverage up to 45% for th1s addlt10n with the stipulat10n that when the property 1S sold the owner brlng the property to conformance w1th C1ty municlpal Code requ1rements at that tlme. A re1nspect1on of the carport structure and the garage conversion (wh1ch has been made lnto 11vlng spaces) to make sure they are up to the Code requlrements and F1re Department requirements. All 1nspect1ons must meet city Codes. The Plannlng Comm1SS1on is approv1ng the plan presented and lt 1S not to exceed 45% lot coverage. MOTION CARRIED 4 - 0 ABSENT: F1fe Mr. Wh1 ttenberg sa1d staff W1 th br1ng a resolut1on back to the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on w1th the appropr1ate f1nd1ngs and cond1t1ons at 1tS next meet1ng. . MOTION by Jessner; SECOND by Sharp that the Plannlng Comm1ssion requests author1zatlon from the Clty Counc11 to hold hearlngs wlth regard to the lot coverage of College Park West be1ng changed from 40% to 45%. MOTION CARRIED 4 - 0 ABSENT: Fife SCHEDULED MATTERS 6. ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT 2-89 Rescheduled. 7. RUM RUNNER'S UPDATE 1600 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY John Fraser del1vered the staff report updat1ng the Comm1ss1on on the Rum Runner's Restaurant. Mr. Utley has closed Rum Runner's effective August 31, 1989. . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral commun1cat1ons from the aud1ence. . Page 12 - Plannlng CommlSSlon Mlnutes of September 6, 1989 STAFF CONCERNS There were no staff concerns presented. COMMISSION CONCERNS There were no Plannlng Commlsslon concerns presented. ADJOURNMENT Chalrman Sharp adJourned the meetlng at 9:32 p.m. Respectfully Submltted, no~~ ~n Flllmann Secretary Department of Development SerVlces THESE MINUTES ARE TENTATIVE AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. . * * * The Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes approved on September 20, 1989. of STPtember q I~o ~1 I 6, 1989 were Attachments for the Record: 1. Letter from Dorothy PhllllP, Rossmoor Center, 9-5-89 2. Letter from Byron Wllloughby, DeBenedlctls, 9-6-89 3. Letter from Carl Kendall, Career Academy..., 9-5-89 4. BUlldlng Permlt, for 308 Harvard, 7-7-79 5. Ordlnance No. 1153 . , I \ . I I : I .' W ROSSMOOR B~SIN~SS CENTER . : I I I' I , , I, I I . I kfSMOOR BU~IN SS CENTER / " ~'~'I . ) ~, I , I Dorothy h1111p, Manager ! I . , ! , r ~ " I 1, , I , I 12121 SEAL BEACH BOULEVARD ! I SEAL I I I I I Sep~ember 5, 1989 , , { ; I I , I I> I I I I I I ~~ I """" rOJe r~e- ee:et)et> ~ ATrA~~BVr To I J.f. I I ovur;Es, 0;: 9'- '-Hj I f TEL! 213'430021 1 / 2134365443 , I BEACH CALIFORNIA 90740 I . /)B~ ftd!j. INC , I, , I I I I . 12131 SEAL BEACH BLVD SEAL BEACH CALIF 90740 TELEPHONE 431 2507 I SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 , TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN , . I I DE BENEDICTIS REALTY IS A LESSEE DIRECTLY ArJACIENT TO BAJA BILLS. I ~ 1 SINCE TACO BELL *OVED FROM ITS ROSSMOOR CENtERILOCATION IT APPEARS THAT THE, INDIVIDUALS THAT USED TO "HANG OUT" , I AT TACO BELL HAVE ALSO RELOCATED. THIS IS EVIDENT BY THE ABSENCE OF GROUPS OF PEOPLE MILLING AROUND PURtNG THE EVENING HOURS AND THE LACK OF EMPTY BEER CArS AND BOTTLES IN OUR PARKING AREA! EACH MORNING. I I I I I DO NOT FEEL THE GRANTING OF A BEER AND WINE LICENSE WILL CONTRIBUTE TO OR,AT~RACT THE ELIMENT THAT E~ISTED BEFORE. I ~ I ~WILLOUG~BY BROKER/PRESIDENT I, I I I I I I I I I' . \ I 1 i' I I, '..04 12111 seal beach boulevard seal beach. california 90740 (213) 431-1366, (714) 897-3010 663 north euclld anaheim, california 92801 (714) 776-8400 · CAREER ACADEMY OF BEAUTY S[1'75, 1989 70 wh.o 71. {.i may c. on c./Vl.n : -- --------- --------------------- ------- --------------- -----------~-- ---- ------ --------- . 7h{.~ leii~ {.~ ~~{.tizn on gzha~t ot Co~~{.n Balz~, own/Vl. ot It-Baja B{.ll~" {.n Szaf. Beac.h. /dz a~z pa~i ot i/2z znd ot ihz 17..0~~/71.00~ Czni~, along w{.ih Benzd{.c.iu~ I7..zaliy, Baja B{.ll~, W{.nc.hzll~, Ca~l'~ J~ and Champ~. I unde~~tand ihai ihc{.~ {.~ an ~ndec.{.~{.on a2~ui weih~ io allow a Bee~ and &{.ne L{.c.zn~e io Baja B{.ll~, duz io a poi~2i{.al p~oRlen w{.ih m{.no~~. Hopetully ih{.~ gzii~ w{.ll hzlp w~ih you~ dec.{.~{.on. S{.nce I have Reen h/Vl.e to~ ihz la~i ih~ze yza~~, and my !!-am{.ly ha~ owned ih{.~ ~c.hool to~ ihz la~i izn yza~~, I tzzl qual{.t{.ed io g{.ve you my op{.n{.on. Ii appza~~ io nz ihai mo~i allot ihz c.u~iome~~ ai Baja B{.ll~ ~z aduli~ o~ tam{.ly'~. I havz noi ~ezn any g~oup~ o~ c.~o~d~, m{.no~~ o~ oihe~~{.~e, hang{.ng a~ound.[vzn atie~ ~c.hool hou~~, ih{.~ znd ot ou~ c.zni/Vl. {.~ p~eiiy qu{.ei, ih/Vl.e ju~i {.~n'i muc.~ io do do~n h/Vl.z. Ii would ~ezn io mz ihai {.t ihe~~ {.~ any c.onc.e~n aRoui hav~ng alc.ahol~c. Rev~agz~ ~ound, {.i ~hould Rz do~n on ihe oih~ znd ot ih{.~ nail, whz~e ihz nz~ c.{.n~ma~ a~e loc.aizd. 7hai a~ea {.~ whz~z any p~o~lzm~ may lay. I hope ih~~ c.lea~~ any que~i{.on~ you may have, wz tzzl ihat ~~. Balz~ ~houid ~ ailo~zd io have a Be~ and 0{.ne L{.c.zn~z. 7hank you to~ you~ aiizni{.on. 0~nc.~ZlY' I""' t! ,-_Y ,~ -I {{~r~~r'y€/'.-"1 cJco Ll Ca~.e./Vl. A.c.adzmy o/:. Bzauiy C a~ {. /{.e.n.da l e. . .. . CITY OF SEAL BEACH BUILDING DEPARTMENT i'HONE 431.2527 o<u",... ~~ ____ __ . - "''V'T' ~ __ 'i;'~'ri';.~..~_../lA~ 'A~A_ - ~/iLa- e:nvS6A<.. ae ell HI...... ~3":.z~ c;_."AC:"t08 :::~~.~ - iO(i/I1/(~ c.yy 1'aL, Jlll;;) ~A~G CfTT '-U....ac'lo L.fCtl..-tt.a."o --~ ......~~ ,..,..,..".-....-~.,. ~- ._C"'''IiIC'I" O. lI.atcl",U_ , ,~ ~~ - -<< ---..._-~..._'- ,,~..~, , '" ~~p----------~ -~ C~ ..~ .c - .... - ~ ...- - - -- - - .TATe ~a~u -0 _____ ~ -.._ t.a: ~/~- .~e:_ ~~~=-=- ::..<:~~3-~- "0 8...00... _0111 Ot:lt ,"OT UII'I' .... ~:~.%~=..-r...o '-..:!-/ I!. , ,y c e DESCRIPTION Of WORK ""TaR ~ -;0....0 1 "'; AOOCll:lQ r~o ,,.001t'0 . ,.. L - J 1 L ~~".. ..... QIl' .0_ -- - .:;.T....~..O"- - I _ - - ~ e~~~ _;.;;;;;;;>~ I N? lR- .....m..Olt. ~p'~~O_~rorl t ceNtf., thal In dOtng tho work s&X!c:,flOd herein t w.lI not omoloy ony penon In \/lOl$tlo" of tlw L.abot Code 01 the Stuto of CalifornIa relallng to Workmen's CompenlllltlOO Insuronce I furthtlr .rtrlcmnily dnd hold harmlen the Clly of Sent Beach ogolnn hoblllt.~ ,udg -... ... ...,.".. '''": "2~'- f .hI. """''' BUILDING PERMIT 0 APPLlCA liON Q""~"''''' ~O t!::} .Oe)~""G";::; Q~ OQ""" R-~ -~~~ ~_a 1<- ..trC,....... C::OAO'T.O"'O ~H'O ("TlO..:J'f. l _,.PctOv..... ~ f:1t::lflA'\I~Q. ":0 or }l,.'-~'l;C..._<<- ~ ~- "-"I:' ... .-<:: ~ ~ , o"'~o~-y.o.. .t -.. --~.- - ~-----~r-. - -- - -; ....------ -<::L t -.-.......-.-.., ~ \ I . ,- t------- +..-.- - --- ..::-;..,--~" .::=~~+:'::;.*=:=1 . -~- _._J~.. ~ - - t - --~ ::mlt~ "-:~ -=-----=1-:::- -=.-.::-:t _ J I I I - . -1 _ _~ "-4- - aca"" ......_.........__",.....f". .~c:tCDQ. 'f \lIQOUt. AV,O_ aA.OIll~" ,.... -' , oa.'TttqIOQ "'ArM -- ~ -- --..j...--- t . nf 1 -- - -.. - , I 0000" CUAY -- - --------t----- --, - -=-~~I~- ..~..,.'.UNG 0.....,. ~1"Aa.. ~ ~ .~::~UA TlON ---- -.~--~:.~ '... _L~'c:- -1 $ rs D ~ P6.A.. CMU" I ~ _h___ S -J u I ~I ---' "OU0,6 HuMgRD c:aC:H..eT .NO P01l..O _ -, a;",oQ g,,~ ""'''.'' __ ___-..-J , PLAN CHeeJt p 88 ~.IO -rA" AOO.."8 . VALIDATION nUll IS a bUilding perm.t when properly filled out, 5.gnoo .trld validated Permtt VOIO ,I work r\ot comm!loced wlth'n 120 day, of date 01 luuan~ or " ebat'ldoned after 120 day' fron- dllt0 of Ian If\spe<t,on Lr< .strAIT 1/-/.:1 ~ ..,. .A." # 1374 ------------t , t I MY0779 d> TOTAL ~ I --=- --"'-- ~O~OO~~ 1'012 __ FoJe 7J.I is' ,e e;C!.l> eb '-- ArrAcHN~,()T To N/AJO reS 0':: q - ~ -89. ... . ORDINANCE tlUt1BER 1153 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 28, ARTICLE IV OF THE SEAL BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO GARAGES AND CARPORTS IN THE R-l ZONE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Sectlon 1 Chapter 28. Artlcle IV, Sectlon 28-402(4) of the Code of the Clty of Seal Beach, Callfornla lS hereby amended to read as follows D1StrlCt I Dlstrlcts II and V Garage (or Carport by condltlonal use permlt only) Sectlon 2 The Clty Clerk shall certlfy to the passage and adoptlon of thlS Ordlnance and shall cause same to be publlshed as requlred by law (4) Type Garage or Ca rport , PPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Clty Councll of the,~lty of Seal al forn . a a meetlng thereof held on the ;;c<~ day . 1983 ATTEST ~ J:;~ ~-o~ SE" L (J \\\\1 - ........t" ,; ...:~ ..~.o.,CJ.~....-f(' I, -r::;..~~ '~'-s.flJ ~ .." .,.. ~ ~..: ~~"''J. % . . ~ ~o: :.c~ ~ . ._~ ~~.o Q:</::;; ~."........ ~:4cJ: ~III 1-" '..: ~'" l' \~''''''...O ff I (t' ,. .. ,,- '1 (' ........ ...~: 11\\\ OUNf'< c.._.:i=' \\\\\""..'....'ot'" . /;)~( v:~ ) ) 55 ) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF SEAL BEACH AYES Councllmembers NOES Counc11memb . ABSENT and do hereby further certlfy that ordlnance Number 11'~C5 has been publlshed pursuant to the Seal Beach Clty Charter and Resolutlon !lumber 2836 {;~:,~(fQ .' . 4IIt (2) ProV1s10ns varY1ng 1n d1str1cts. (a) (b) Maximum lot coverage D1str1ct I D1str1ct II Distr1ct V 61% 41%* 45% Yard Dlmensions: (m1n1mums) Front yard abutt1ng street Side yard abutt1ng street Rear yard abutt1ng street Side yard not abutt1ng street Rear yard not abutt1ng street 18 ft. 18 ft.-front entry garage ** 11 ft.-s1de entry garage 15% lot w1dth - - maX1mum requ1red 10 ft. 18 ft. 11% lot width - - m1n1mum required 3 ft. 96 ft. *** 1. ft. 11 ft. * Open pat10 cover perm1tted Wh1Ch does not exceed 5% of the lot area. College Park East. ** L1vlng area must observe 18 ft. front yard setback; except over a s1de entry garage where the 11vlng area may encroach to the front wall of the bU11d1ng and 1n no case be less than 10 ft. from the front property 11ne. *** Balcony and walkway may extend 10 ft. 1nto th1S yard. 28--402. Requ1red park1 ng , park1ng space SlZe, form and type . D1str1ct I Districts II a nd V . (l) Parklng dimenslons per space 1. ft. x 2. ft. * 1. ft. x 2' ft. * (2) Number of spaces per un1 t 2 2 (3) Fonn open & accesslb1e open & access1b1e (4) Type garage or carport garage or carport *Interlor d1mens10ns. 28--403. The effect of nonconforming park1ng space dimensions on structural alteratlons. 4IIt The prohibitlon against the enlargement, structural a1teratlon or expansion of a nonconforming building shall not apply to residential buildings which are non- conformlng only by reason of a fa11ure to comply with the provisions of this code as to the required dimensions of parking spaces or garages provided the min1mum Slze of an existing nonconforming parking space is nine feet by nineteen feet inter10r d1menslons with a minlmum of a twenty-four foot turn1ng rad1us. 28--404. Use of garages and carports. All required garages and carports shall be used for short term parklng of 11censed passenger motor vehlcles for persons res1d1ng on the premises. Requ1red garages and carports shall not be used for storage of 1noperable motor vehicles, boats, trailers, furniture, building mater1als or other materials, wtl1ch would 1nterfere w1th the park1ng of llcensed passenger motor veh1c1es. 28--405. Nonconforming buildings. Structural alterations to nonconform1ng bu1ld1ngs such as porches, balconies, bathrooms, small storage rooms, enlargement of eX1sting rooms or other slml1ar addltions may be approved by the Planning Comm1ssion by the issuance of a condltlona1 use permlt. Additlons of bedrooms and addltlonal living quarters may not be approved under this provision. . ... Artlcle 32. Enactment and Repeal Clerk shall certlfy to the passage and adoptlon of thlS ordlnance and ~e to be posted ln four publlC places for a perlod of thirty days. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the CithCouncl1 of the Clty of Sejll Beach at r meet1ng thereof held on the 7....'rI.I day of ~rv~1?th,J ,1974. I , , I II 1,1, , I II ' I' I"l I I I I II I ,I , Ma~ ~ tyY)c~~ " , I I, 55 Wlir, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach and ex-offlCio clerk of the I, do hereby certify to the passage and adopti on of the foregoing by the ity Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the CAI{ day . 1974, by the fo11ow1n9 Yo~ ~ _ t1men.&a,..6~t>.1hd,.-n{~r~{ ~tivu;-;~.J nc11men ~ ~1lmen~~ i r \ 'I I 1 'I I 1,1' I :, I II I I , ! , '~I' f I' I j 'I 'I I 1 i: I' : I'~ I, ,": I ~ I r I 1;11 , , , I ' ~ 1 II I J! I I II " I'!/ Jil' fi i I' , I !'I'i I! II I " i l ill [-- I, I'll, ~ , ~! : I, I, ii, ; ~, I' 'III -. , I U , I r :'~ I I I, i: ,1' 1- ~ .. , .. r 1 )JI ~ ! ~ 7 , , r --,