HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1989-09-20
The regularly scheduled meet1ng of the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on was
called to order 1n C1ty Counc1l Chambers by Cha1rman Sharp at
7:30 p.m.
The Pledge of Alleg1ance was led by Mr. F1fe.
Cha1rman Sharp
Comm1SS1oners F1fe, Jessner
Comm1ss1oner Rullo (excused absence due to
Comm1ss1oner Suggs (excused absence; out of C1ty).
Lee Wh1ttenberg, D1rector, Dev. Serv1ces Dept.
QU1nn Barrow, C1ty Attorney's Off1ce
MOTION by Jessneri SECOND by Sharp to approve the Planning
CommlSSlon Mlnutes of September 6, 1989 as presented.
MOTION CARRIED 2 - 0 - 1 - 2
ABSENT: Rullo, Suggs
Staff Report
Mr. Wh1ttenberg del1vered staff's report on cup 7-88 Wh1Ch 1S a
request by appl1cant, JUl1US D1bsy, to extend 1ndef1n1 tely an
off-sale general llquor llcense for an eX1st1ng llquor store at
1780 Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway. Staff recommends approval of cup 7-
88 w1th the seven cond1t1ons 1n place by approval of Resolut1on
No. 1553.
. .,
Page 2 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of September 20, 1989
Commlsslon Comments
Mr. Sharp sald the "no alcohollC beverage advertlslng or dlsplay
devlces shall be located In the wlndow areas and outslde of the
store" lS the most flagrant abuse of the Clty's ordlnances. ThlS
lS true of almost all these stores. Mr. Jessner sald he thought
elther the Clty has to start enforclng thls or change thlS
condltlon. Mr. Whlttenberg sald he was not famlllar wlth the
background of how thlS partlcular condltlon came to be
lncorporated lnto the Code but wll1 research lt and report back
to the Commlsslon at the October 4th meetlng.
PubllC Hearlng
Nelther the appllcant nor the owner were present and no one from
the audlence wlshed to speak. The PubllC Hearlng was closed.
MOTION by Flfei SECOND by Jessner to approve Condltlonal Use
Permlt 7-88, wlth condltlons, by the adoptlon of Resolutlon No.
ABSENT: Rullo, Suggs
* * *
Staff Report
Mr. Whlttenberg dellvered the staff report on CUP 11-89 WhlCh lS
a request by appllcant, Baslm Hammad, to transfer an eXlstlng
off-sale general 11quor 11cense In con]Unctlon wlth the transfer
of ownershlp of an eXlstlng 11quor store at 412 Marlne Drlve.
Staff recommends approval of CUP 11-89 Wl th condl tlons by the
adoptlon of Resolutlon No. 1554.
Commlsslon Comments
There were no Commlsslon comments.
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PubllC Hearlng
Jack Kofdaru * 20231 Wlnd Cave Lane. Huntlngton Beach 92646
Mr. Kofdaru sald he lS the partner of the appllcant, BaSlm
Hammad. Regardlng the hours of operatlon he and Mr. Hammad want
them to be 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Sunday - Thursday and
6:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Frlday & Saturday. Also, he wlll not
have alcohollC beverage advertlslng In the windows.
MOTION by Jessneri SECOND by Flfe to approve Condltlonal Use
Perlut 11-89 wlth condltions by the adoption of Resolutlon No.
ABSENT: Rullo, Suggs
* * *
Staff Report
Mr. Whlttenberg dellvered the staff's report on CUP 12-89. The
appllcant, Joshua Davls, lS requestlng the placement of twelve
(12) vldeo game machlnes lnside the lobby of the Super Saver
Cinema 7 Theatre. Staff recommends approval of CUP 12-89 wlth
condltlons by the adoptlon of Resolutlon No. 1555. Mr.
Whlttenberg lntroduced a supplemental staff report dated 9-20-89,
In WhlCh Pollce Chlef Stearns lndlcated an addltlonal condltlon
should be requlred. The condltion should be to evaluate CUP 12-
89 after a perlod of six (6) months for compllance on the
theatre's part wlth the condltlons. Also to address the negatlve
lmpacts, if any, on the surroundlng communl ty as a result of
havlng the vldeo games In the theatre lobby.
Commlsslon Comments
Mr. Sharp sald he prefers the Clty of Long Beach requlrement that
durlng the school year, no person under age 18 lS permltted to
operate an amusement machlne between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and
3:00 p.m. Rossmoor Bowl may be the only other buslness In the
Clty that has several vldeo machlnes. Mr. Whlttenberg lndlcated
no CUP for the bowllng alley's vldeo machlnes was located.
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Mr. F1fe corrected Fact #9 to be corrected to show the "west" not
"north" wall. Mr. F1fe would 11ke to see th1S be a requ1rement
versus an opt1on for the mach1nes locat1on. Fact #10 should be
mod1f1ed to clar1fy. Staff sa1d the 1ntent 1S for the mach1nes
to be turned off when the last show starts. Th1S should read "at
the t1me of the scheduled beg1nning of the last show of the
even1ng, or 10: 00 p.m., . . .". Regard1ng Recommendat1on #2,
patrons can ga1n access to the lobby area w1thout purchas1ng a
t1cket. How can th1S be mon1tored?
Mr. Jessner thanked staff for the very helpful and thorough
supplemental staff report. He acknowledged correspondence (copy
attached) from Sanford & Conn1e Barth opposed to th1s CUP. He
noted staff had not rece1 ved any compla1nts re the theaters.
Where does a v1deo arcade beg1n? He quest10ned the necess1ty of
twelve mach1nes.
Pub11C Hear1ng
Ed F1nney * Century Nat10nal Propert1es. Inc.
Mr. F1nney sa1d he represented Century Nat10nal Propert1es' home
off1ce. He sa1d they are bU11d1ng all across the nat10n and most
of the theatres have a v1deo arcade area. He would prefer to
agree to hav1ng fewer v1deo mach1nes and not hav1ng to have a
theatre t1cket to play the v1deo mach1nes.
The Comm1ss1on expressed concerns W1 th not want1ng to have a
v1deo arcade, the lack of pract1cal controls/mon1tor1ng the v1deo
game area and add1t1onal l01ter1ng and/or n01se.
Carl San Ph111po * 81 Avalon
Mr. San Ph111pO sa1d the City should develop a 11cens1ng
procedure for v1deo arcades w1th1n the C1ty.
Mart1n Camf1eld * 12400 Montec1to
Mr. Camf1eld presented, for the Record, a pet1t1on aga1nst v1deo
games at th1s locat1on on behalf of the Rossmoor Chateau
Homeowners' Assoc1at1on, represent1ng 70 homeowners. (Copy
attached). He felt there was not enough 1nformat1on presented
to determ1ne the n01se wh1ch m1ght be generated etc.
Steve Kahn * 12400 Montec1to
Mr. Kahn sa1d Century Nat10nal Propert1es appeared to have 11ttle
control of anyth1ng connected with th1s proJect. The were
work1ng excess1vely late hours to get the theatres open,
employees and/or the1r fr1ends were congregat1ng there late at
n1ght, and the garbage was empt1ed late at n1ght. He suggested
adJust1ng the scheduling of the last show to end at 10:30 p.m.
Joshua Dav1s * 1201 Belmont Avenue. Long Beach
Mr. Dav1s 1S the manager of the theatres 1n quest1on. He sa1d
they have called the po11ce only once when a patron shoved an
Page 5 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of September 20, 1989
employee. They have the1r own security. The last mOV1e 1S over
at 11:45 p.m.
Marsha Ha1ns * 12400 Montec1to
Ms. Ha1ns sa1d they have bU1lt a trash receptacle that's an
eyesore. Staff to check permits on trash receptacle.
MOTION by F1fei SECOND by Sharp to adopt Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t
12-89 W1th the follow1ng reV1S1ons by the adopt1on of Resolution
No. 1555:
1. CUP 12-89 1S approved for the 1nstallat1on of twelve
(12) v1deo game mach1nes 1n the lobby of the Super
Saver C1nema 7 Theatre, along the West wall.
2. That persons shall be allowed to play the mach1nes only
after purchas1ng a ticket. The exact control method
shall be developed by the owner and approved by staff.
It shall ensure that users are l1m1ted to t1cket
That the v1deo game mach1nes be turned off at the t1me
sale of t1ckets for the f1nal show of the even1ng
ceases, or 10:30 p.m., wh1chever comes first.
4. That the on-duty manager of the theatre shall mon1tor
the v1deo game area to prevent the l01ter1ng of
1nd1v1duals 1n the lobby.
5. That the bus1ness l1cense fee for the video game
mach1nes be pa1d to complete the appl1cat1on process.
That w1th the appl1cant's consent, the
operat1on of the theatre be between 9:00 a.m.
a.m. (m1dn1ght).
hours of
and 12:00
That no person shall be permitted to play the game
mach1nes dur1ng hours when any public or private school
1S 1n regular seSS10n 1n the C1 t1es of Los Alami tos,
Seal Beach or the uninCOrPOrated area known as Rossmoor
unless such persons's age 1S 18 years or more. Theatre
owner shall requ1re 1dent1f1cation in cases of doubt.
Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t 12-89 1S to be rev1ewed after a
per10d of S1X (6) months for comp11ance on the
theatre's part w1th the above condit1ons and to address
any negative 1mpacts as a result of hav1ng v1deo games
1n the theatre lobby.
ABSENT: Rullo, Suggs
Page 6 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of september 20, 1989
staff Report
Lee whlttenberg dellvered the staff's report on the Development
Agreement between the Clty and Mola Development Corporatlon for
the Hellman Ranch property. He stated thlS lS a request by Mola
to approve the Development Agreement for 355 single faml1y
resldences, 15.02 acres of communlty parks, 36.68 acres of
wetlands/open space and 11.25 acres of Gum Grove Park. Staff
recommended approval of the Development Agreement and the
forwardlng of 1 t to the Cl ty councl1 for a publlC hearlng and
flnal conslderatlon.
Commlsslon Comments
Mr. Jessner sald he had questlons on exhlblts statlng they were
revlsed Slnce the Plannlng CommlSSlon hearlngs. QUlnn Barrow
sald CommlSSlon concerns regardlng clarlflcatlon, changes etc.
should be expressed to the Cl ty Councl1 members. Tonlght, the
only ]urlsdlctlon the Commlssion has lS to reVlew the Development
Agreement. Mr. Whlttenberg sald the lntent of the attachments lS
to represent the flnal approvals of the proJect as approved by
the Clty Councl1. If there lS concern that the condltlons are
not represented correctly please let staff know and staff wl11
get back (to the Councl1) to double check to see the terms and
conditlons that are ln these documents are truly what was
approved by the Clty Councl1.
Power L1nes Along Bolsa - Mr. Jessner sald one of hlS concerns
was removal of the power 11nes along Bolsa Avenue. Thelr removal
does not appear ln these documents as a part of thlS development.
Mr. Sharp sald the power 11nes are controlled by Edlson, not
Mola. Mr. Whl ttenberg sald the lssue of an agreement between
Edlson and Mola has come up. He has talked to both
representatlves and the baslc posltlon lS that once the 11nes are
abandoned on the Hellman property ltself, the contlnuatlon of the
11ne along Marlna, Bolsa and back up to Rockwell wl11 no longer
be necessary. Mola has lndlcated they wl11 pay the cost for
removal of those 11nes through a separate agreement between Mola
and Edison. At thlS tlme that agreement has not been prepared.
Edlson wl11 be worklng on lt and lt should be ready ln 3 - 4
months. Mr. Sharp asked about the property under the 11nes. Mr.
Whlttenberg sald he was not certaln lf the llne along Bolsa lS
fee ownershlp by Edlson or lf they have an easement for the
11nes. If they have an easement, the easement wl11 be abandoned
once the 11nes are removed because Edlson cannot have an easement
unless they have a power 11ne. If It'S abandoned, then the tltle
Page 7 - Plann1ng Comm1SS10n M1nutes of September 20, 1989
reverts back to the underlying property owner - wh1ch 1n most
cases 1S the homeowner. If the 11nes are on property wh1ch 1S
owned 1n fee by Ed1son, at the t1me they abandon those r1ghts to
the property 1t then reverts back to the prev10us owner of the
property from whom they purchased 1t. F1nd1ng the or1g1nal owner
1S somet1mes a d1ff1cult process. Staff could f1nd out what the
s1tuat10n 1S and let the Comm1SS10n know.
3.1 - Beneflts to Clty - Mr. Jessner had a quest10n about (b):
(b) contrlbutlon of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars
($150,000) to Cl ty for restoratlon and l.mprovement of Gum
Grove Park;
He sal.d th1s has changed S1nce 1t was rev1ewed at the Plann1ng
Comm1ss10n, probably through the C1ty Council hear1ngs. During
the Comm1SS10n hear1ngs there was no dollar f1gure placed on the
restorat10n of Gum Grove Park. It was left to the developer to
restore Gum Grove Park. Where d1d th1s $150,000 est1mate come
from? Mr. Sharp sa1d 1 twas d1scussed at the last Comm1ss10n
d1Scuss10n before recommend1ng 1 t to the Counc11. Mr. Sharp
asked how th1s w111 be 1mplemented? W111 Mola pay the C1ty the
$150,000 l.n cash? W111 Mola do the work and the C1ty pays them
for 1t? Could the C1ty put the work out on b1d? Mr. Sharp sa1d
he heard that 1f an 1rr1gat10n system 1S put 1n the C1ty would
poss1bly get r1d of the Longhorn Borer. Therefore, the park
restorat10n should be done over a long per10d of t1me - the C1ty
ml.ght not have to remove certa1n trees. Mr. Wh1ttenberg
referenced Resolut10n No. 3823, approv1ng Tentat1ve Tract Map
13198 (page 20, l.tem 27 (a) (1-6)). Items 1 - 6 go 1nto deta11
as to the type of actions requ1red regardl.ng the 1nfestat10n, the
removal of trees, types of trees acceptable as replacement trees,
1rr1gat10n plan and access to the area plus the fund1ng of the
$150,000. Staff referenced the attached documents because they
d1d not want to put all of the cond1t10ns etc. placed 1nto the
Development Agreement 1 tself . Mr. Jessner asked staff 1f the
$150,000 f1gure had been worked through and that was enough to
make the park 1mprovements? Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d he would assume
so but that he was not W1 th the C1 ty at the t1me the hear1ngs
were conducted. The $150,000 f1gure came about as part of
Counc11 act10ns.
12.10 - Parkland Purchase - Mr. Jessner sa1d what he or1g1nally
approved (the concept and the plan) had baseball fl.elds as a part
of th1S ent1re proJect. The proposed plan got changed where the
baseball f1elds were taken out of the plan of the development
area and proposed to be put across the street on the Hellman
property and 5 acres was to be purchased from Hellman. H1S ma1n
concern 1S that we do end up W1 th a baseball fac111 ty for the
children 1n the commun1ty. Mr. Jessner sa1d th1s word1ng 1S:
- .
Page 8 - Plannlng Commlssion Mlnutes of September 20, 1989
Ne1ther the f1nal map for Tentat1ve Parcel Map No. ____ nor
the f1nal map for Vest1ng Tentat1ve Map No. 13198 shall be
approved by C1ty unt11 Hellman Propert1es prov1des a wr1tten
offer to sell to C1ty f1ve acres of cont1guous land for park
and recreat10n purposes located on a s1te north of Hellman
Ranch Road w1th reasonable access to such road.
ThlS does not say we are gOlng to get thls property; we are gOlng
to get an offer to sell. It lsn't sure lf the Clty lS are gOlng
to get thlS property.
PubllC Hearlng Opened
Klrk Evans * Mola Development
Mr. Evans sald Mola and thelr attorney lS present to answer any
questlons they can regardlng thlS document. Regardlng the 5 acre
parcel, the Hellman's have responded and have submltted an offer
to the Clty and the Clty has submltted lnformatlon back to the
Hellman's. The Councll made lt very clear to the Hellman's, to
Mola and the Communlty that we are not gOlng to have a
development wlthout those 5 acres. ThlS has been done and they
are negotlatlng the price right now. The Councll met ln
executlve seSSlon.
3.1 Beneflts to C1ty - Mr. Sharp sald he wants the Clty Councll
to know when lt comes to the lmprovement of PCH at Westmlnster
WhlCh happens to be ln Long Beach that he would llke to see
negotlatlon between our Clty Councll and the Clty of Long Beach
to mltlgate a problem at College Park West.
12.6 - Park Land Dedlcatlons and Monetary Contr1bution - Mr.
Sharp sald he would llke Mr. Evan's comments. Mr. Evans sald the
Cl ty wlll accept Gum Grove Park after 1 t lS complete and Mola
plans to do the work. The process wlll be that the communl ty
wlll get together and come up wlth the type of lmprovements they
want. That plan wlll be presented to the Parks & Rec Commlsslon.
From there the plan wlll go to the Counc11. There wlll be at
least two publlC hearlngs. Phaslng of dlseased trees should be
12.8 - Payment of One M11110n Dollars - Mr.
mllllon dollar cash payment wlll be when 3/4 of
completed. The Councll accepted thlS as part of
Evans sald the
thelr homes are
the Vested Tract
12.9 - Wetlands Mit1gat1on Program - Mr. Sharp read ltem 12.9 and
asked for clariflcatlon on when thlS wetlands restoratlon would
be completed. Mr. Evans sald the wetlands restoratlon is a "grey
area" that lS unknown at thls tlme. Mola lS to help fund a
wetlands restoratlon plan. Various agencles have lnput as to
Page 9 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of September 20, 1989
what type of restorat1on plan their w1II be. Mr. Evans sa1d he
d1d not have a date for restorat1on complet1on. Th1S cond1t1on
was put 1n place at the urging of the C1ty Counc11 based on the
event there lS no agency w1ll1ng to take over the wetlands, then
after 20 years the Counc11 felt the C1ty wanted the land and that
1 t should not revert back to Mola. Mr. Sharp asked what t1me
frame the State gave Mola for gett1ng 1t 1n operat1ng? Mr. Evans
sa1d at th1S t1me Mola has no cond1t1ons of approval, that w1II
come from the Coastal Comm1SS1on. If they have a prov1s1on
requ1r1ng wetlands restorat1on there would be a t1me per1od. Mr.
Jessner asked who would prepare the restorat1on plan? Mr. Evans
sa1d so far Mola has been prepar1ng the plan 1n conJunct1on w1th
1nput from all of the var10US State and Federal agenc1es. If
1 t' s determ1ned the State wants that area restored, then Mola
would propose a plan for restorat1on. That plan would 1nclude
t1me Ilm1ts. It would come back before the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on.
Mr. F1fe asked what the Ilab1l1ty for property taxes on the
wetlands 1n the 1nter1m per10d --- between when Mola acqu1res
t1tle and the t1me 1tS tax-exempt owner takes t1tle from you?
Mola would 1mmed1ately try to put th1S 1nto an exempt status as
you would a common area. If unsuccessful, Mola would pay the
property taxes.
12.11 - Development Fees - Mr. Sharp sa1d the C1 ty Counc11 lS
presently cons1der1ng enact1ng an ord1nance for development fees.
The t1m1ng lS so close that 1t could/could not affect Mola. Mr.
Evans sa1d Mola was aware of th1S. QU1nn Barrow sa1d there was a
prov1s1on 1n the draft ord1nance that certa1n proJects would be
exempt from the fees 1f they've rece1ved d1scret1onary perm1ts
pr10r to a certa1n date. Mola would most llkely be exempt from
those traff1c m1t1gat1on fees.
9.2 - By Clty - Mr. F1fe sa1d the C1ty lS contractually agree1ng
to 1ndemn1fy and hold harmless the Developer etc. for certa1n
types of cla1ms arls1ng from act1v1t1es of the C1ty Wh1Ch relate
to th1S proJect. It cont1nues to requ1re the "Clty agrees to and
shall defend Developer from actlons for damages caused or
alleged to have been caused by reason of Clty'S actlvltles ln
connection wlth the ProJect". Mr. F1fe bel1eved there are severe
restr1ct1ons on the capac1ty of a governmental ent1ty to
contractually agree to 1ndemn1fy a pr1vate person. Mr. F1fe sa1d
he lS concerned 1f the C1ty lS glving up any of 1tS 1mmun1t1es
that 1t's ent1tled to 1n the absence of any contractual agreement
11ke th1S. QU1nn Barrow sa1d the 1ntent of 9.2 read 1n
conJunct1on w1th 9.1 lS that it's really a rec1procal
1ndemn1flcat1on where the C1ty lS respons1ble for 1tS own act10ns
and Mola w1II be responsible for 1tS own act1ons. He dldn't
th1nk any addlt10nal language was necessary as 1t'S covered by
9.1 and 9.2 read together. Mr. F1fe sald governments are
generally restr1cted from 1ndemn1fY1ng pr1vate part1es but the
reverse lS not true. Mr. Barrow sa1d the C1ty Attorney's Off1ce
would further reVlew 9.2's last sentence to make sure the C1ty
Page 10 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of September 20, 1989
lS not glvlng up anythlng lt doesn't have to. Davld Colgan,
legal counsel for Mola, lndlcated that reclprocal lndemnlty In
thlS type of sltuatlon lS approprlate. The case law he's read
would not restrlct that type of lndemnl ty. Mr. Flfe sald he
reads 9.2 that the Clty has to "defend and lndemnlfy" Just based
on a plalntlff's allegatlons WhlCh mlght not be found to be true.
If we defend for the flrst four years of the lawsult, lf the Clty
was not responslble, then our defense costs would be returned?
Mr. Colgan sald 1 t would most llkely be handled by everybody
tenderlng lt thru thelr lnsurance carrlers and the Court would
declde who's responslble.
10.1 - No Conf11ct1ng Enactments - Mr. Flfe questloned the Clty
shall not enact any confllctlng enactments WhlCh affect thlS
proJect. Does that clause restrlct the ablllty of the Clty to
enact emergency measures that mlght confllct Wl th thlS? Mr.
Colgan sald lf lt could be shown that it were a true emergency,
llke a sewer overflow necessltatlng a shutdown, the Courts would
recognlze that as controlllng over thlS. ThlS addresses future
posslble ordlnance restrlctlng growth tlmlng WhlCh could overrlde
thlS agreement. A true emergency always controls.
12.4 - Changes and Amendments - Mr. Flfe asked Mr. Evans lf ltems
A E would requlre any changes as to the tlmlng of the
development and/or lmprovement of the communlty park and/or Gum
Grove Park lS also a substantlve matter. Mr. Evans stated Mola
always assumed that that was a materlal change that would have to
come back before the Clty (If Mola trled to change the
development of the parks) because lt'S a condltlon of the Tract
Map approval as well.
12.6 - Park Land Ded1cat1ons and Monetary Contr1but1on - Mr. Flfe
asked about:
"Developer shall also estab11sh an annu1ty or other
mechan1sm in a form approved by the C1ty Attorney for the
ma1ntenance costs of the Commun1ty Park for a per10d of ten
(10) years in accordance w1th the budget set forth 1n the
separate agreement for the 1mprovement of the Commun1 ty
Does the ten years begln (In the mlnd of the developer) wlth the
completlon of phase I of the communlty park, completlon of phase
II of the communlty park or completlon of Gum Grove? Mr. Colgan
sald the ten years only relates to the communlty park. Mr. Evans
sald lt would be ten years from when Mola turns lt over to the
Clty. So when the flrst half of the communlty park lS complete
and accepted by the Clty, then the ten year program would start.
The lntent has always been that the developer would pay for ten
years of malntenance for the entlre communlty park system. The
communlty park wlll be bUllt In two phases and lt wlll be turned
over as each phase lS completed. Mola lS to provlde the fundlng
Page 11 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of September 20, 1989
for the maintenance. There mlght be two annultles.
sald lt flrst has to be establlshed what's gOlng In the
park. The Clty and Mola wlll concur on a budget and
the fundlng wlll be avallable for that malntenance.
Mr. Evans
12.8 - Payment of $1.000.000 - Mr. Fife asked where the money
comlng from to purchase and lmprove the 5 acres for the ball
dlamonds. Mr. Evans sald you'd have to ask the Cl ty Councll.
Mola wlll pay the Clty $1,000,000. The Councll has not made a
declslon yet how they want to go about acqulrlng the Hellman 5
acre property. The $1,000,000 lS not earmarked for the ball
dlamonds. Mr. Flfe asked Mr. Evans lf $1,000,000 would be
adequate to purchase and lmprove that 5 acres? Mr. Evans sald
the Councll has chosen to say the purchase prlce lS gOlng to be
"falr market value". The Hellman's had made an offer. QUlnn
Barrow sald an appralser would determlne the falr market value
wlth ltS current zonlng of 011 productlon. Mr. Sharp sald the
last portlon of 12.8 should be deleted endlnq the last
sentence "at the sole dlscretlon of Clty.n
12.5 - Mello-Roos Communlty Faclllties Dlstrict - Mr. Jessner
asked what's gOlng to be flnanced? Mr. Evans sald nothlng has
been declded.
16.1 - Perlodic Revlew. Progress lS proceedlng as proJected.
The term "partles" refers to staff. Mr. Whlttenberg sald staff
would keep the CommlSSlon advlsed totally.
PubllC Hearlng
Galen Ambrose * Wetlands Restoratlon Soclety - read a seven pOlnt
Wetlands Restoratlon Soclety Comments to Development Agreement,
dated 9-20-89. A copy lS attached to these Mlnutes for
reference. Chalrman Sharp asked Mr. Ambrose to dlrect hlS
comments to the Development Agreement and not stray lnto
envlronmental lssues.
Marlo Voce * 730 Catallna - Spoke on lnconslstency in lnformation
to the publlC.
Carl San PhlllpO * 801 Avalon - Sald he wanted the developer to
provlde dust control when worklng, that the hours of operatlon be
from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and that malntenance actlvltles be
from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and not earller. He also requested
deed restrlctlons for the proposed homes adJacent to eXlstlng
Hlll area homes so they not have sWlmmlng pools, have no wood
burnlng flreplaces (only gas) and no outslde speakers.
Page 12 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of September 20, 1989
Klrk Evans * Mola Development - Mr. Evans had no rebuttal.
There was no further commentary and the PubllC Hearlng was
Development Agreement w1th
Comm1ss1on to be cons1dered
their legal counsel 1n the1r
Jessner to approve the proposed
comments v01ced by the Plann1ng
by the C1 ty Counc11 W1 th adv1ce of
approval of the f1nal document:
9.2 - By C1ty. Add statement to read: The forego1ng
shall not enlarge the C1ty'S 11ability beyond what it
would be 1n the absence of this language or otherw1se
abr1dge or el1m1nate any 1mmun1t1es the C1ty would be
ent1tled to assert.
10.1 - No Confl1cting Enactments. Add sentence to
clarify: Th1S language shall not restr1ct the C1ty's
ab111 ty 1n the event of an emergency to take such
measures as 1t deems necessary to deal W1th an
emergency even 1f such measures may be 1ncompat1ble
W1th other terms of th1S Development Agreement.
12.6 - Park Land Ded1cations and Monetary Contr1but1on.
Add language to clar1fy: That ten (10) years from
complet1on of each of the two (2) phases ... developer
shall also establ1sh an annu1ty ..... There may be two
(2) annuit1es.
12.8 - PaYment of One M11110n Dollars ($1.000.000)-
Remove " . . ., ei ther for (a) the purchase from the
Hellman Fam1ly of an add1t1onal parcel of land located
1mmed1ately north of the ProJect to be ut111zed by C1ty
for park purposes, or (b) general fund purposes as
determ1ned by City".
ABSENT: Rullo, Suggs
* * *
Mr. Whl ttenberg sald thlS matter was referred to the Plannlng
CommlSSlon for reVlew and any comments you may w1sh to make back
to the Councll. The Councll 1S In the poslt1on of cons1dering
the adopt1on of an ord1nance that would establlsh a process to
requlre development lmpact fees for allevlatlon of transportatlon
problems wlthln the communlty as new developments occur withln
Page 13 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of September 20, 1989
the town. Staff has prepared an ordlnance for conslderatlon
WhlCh the Councl1 wll1 be conslderlng September 25, 1989 at a
PubllC Hearlng. They dld refer the matter back to the CommlSSlon
for reVlew and comments as to the general dlrectlon the Clty lS
attemptlng to take regardlng this lssue and the method thelr
proposlng to try and resolve sltuatlons eXlstlng wlthln the
communlty at thls tlme.
Mr. Flfe sald Clty'S frequently flnd themselves In lS that as
each development comes In It'S the proverblal addlng of "a stlck
to the back of a camel" ... we reach a pOlnt where some developer
adds a stlck that "breaks the camel's back". That would requlre
the slgnallzatlon of a prevlously unslgnaled lntersectlon etc.
We wlnd up lmposlng unreallstlc fees on the last "guy In the
door" because hlS development pushes thlngs beyond the brlnk. He
sald we should glve some thought to looklng ahead ... asklng what
lmpact wll1 thlS development have lmmedlately and In the future?
As an example, the person who puts up an offlce bUlldlng
encourages the next person to bUlld a restaurant to serve those
offlce workers etc. Flnally, down the 11ne, the last developer
does somethlng that pushes the 11mlt and he gets tagged wlth an
lmposslble level of fees. Everyone should put In a reallstlc
part of the overall costs and let it grow lnterest.
Mr. Whlttenberg sald that lS the baslc lntent of thlS ordlnance.
It wll1 requlre the Clty, as far as trafflc lssues go, to conduct
a study of the eXlstlng trafflc levels In the communlty and
determlne the eXlstlng deflclencles In the system that are there
due to current development and to make a prO]ectlon as to
antlclpated trafflc rate levels wlthln the communlty up to the
year 2000 based on prO]ectlons of new houslng, addltlonal retal1
and serVlce uses. The DIF wll1 then be determlned based on the
necessary lmprovements to handle the deflclencles WhlCh wll1 be
created by the new trafflc from new development between the tlme
of the adoptlon of the lmplementlng ordlnance WhlCh establlsh the
fees and that year 2000. All eXlstlng deflclencles
(slgnallzatlon, channellzatlon of left turn lanes etc.) ... those
types of lmprovements wll1 need to be funded out of the Clty's
general funds. Those cannot be charged as part of the DIFs. New
development wll1 then be charged thelr pro-rata share of the
antlclpated costs of the new lmprovements. It does not allow the
Clty to charge a new developer a fee to correct a pre-exlstlng
Sl tuatlon. Pre-exlstlng Sl tuatlons could be addressed through
the envlronmental reVlew process. On new development condltlons
the Clty, under thlS ordlnance and the process lt establlshes,
would allow the Clty to recoup those fees on a pro]ect-by-pro]ect
basls based on the amount of traffic that proJect would create.
QUlnn Barrow sald the key lS the prO]ectlon on the Clty's
bUlldout. If thlS ordlnance lS passed the Cl ty wll1 hlre a
consultant who wll1 determlne what the Clty'S bUlldout lS, what
the trafflc levels wll1 be at that tlme. And then, on a case-by-
Page 14 - Plannlng Comrnlsslon Mlnutes of September 20, 1989
case basls how much each person wll1 be contrlbutlng on an
lncremental level to that trafflc - that's what they'll pay.
Mr. Flfe sald he hopes the subtle aspect of development
generatlon wll1 not be lost In thls ordlnance. For example,
not only the trafflc that the developer's gOlng to generate wlth
a speclflc development but the extent to WhlCh he lS contrlbutlng
to the ultlmate overall bUlldout of the area and what lt wll1 be
when lt lS all bUllt out. Mr. Whlttenberg sald thlS lssue wll1
be dealt wlth by the consultants. ThlS wll1 be done In ten year
QUlnn Barrow sald thlS lS the flrst step of the process. The
ordlnance could be adopted Wl thin the next two months. The
Councl1 could lntroduce the ordlnance on Monday, 9-25-89. It's
the enabllng ordinance to get the studles performed and the
actual lmposltlon of fees wll1 come In the form of a resolutlon
after the studles have been completed. At that pOlnt we'll have
a formula based on all the studles and a resolutlon before the
Councl1 glvlng the formula and the amount requlred from the
dlfferent developers. ThlS lmposes the obllgatlon but doesn't
set the fee.
Mr. Jessner asked lf a part of thlS wasn't a reVlew of the
General Plan. Mr. Barrow sald 1 twas lnterllnked. ThlS was
another dlrectlon from Councll. The Clty lS gOlng out for
Requests For Proposals (RFP) to look at the General Plan. The
Clrculatlon Element lS deflnl tely tled lnto thls because the
lnformatlon from the studles wll1 be appllcable to the
Clrculatlon Element. There wll1 be other RFP's concernlng
dlfferent elements of the General Plan. That lnformatlon wll1
come before the Plannlng Comrnlsslon In the future when the
studles are completed. ThlS ltem did not have to come before the
ComrnlSSlon because lts not part of a zonlng ordlnance. But the
Clty Council wanted some lnput from the Commlssloners.
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Jessner that the CommlSS1on comments
set forth in these Mlnutes (above) be passed on to the City
ABSENT: Rullo, Suggs
There were no oral comrnunlcatlons from the audlence.
There were no staff concerns.
Page 15 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of September 20, 1989
Mr. Jessner sald he wanted the Commlsslon to gl ve dlrectlon to
staff re schedullng hearings (whenever they can be agendlzed) for
the purpose of establlshlng requlrements and an ordlnance
relatlng to vldeo machlnes and arcades. Mr. Whlttenberg sald a
status report would be placed on the next CommlSSlon Agenda and
lt could be dlscussed more fully at that tlme.
Mr. Jessner sald the alcohollC beverage CUPs, advertlslng In the
wlndows, has been a part of the condltlons placed on the CUPs and
lS not a part of any ordinance. The CommlSSlon should agendlze
and dlSCUSS keeplng thlS POllCY as lt is, modlfy lt, or do away
wlth It. As dlscussed tonlght, It's being 19nored and we're not
enforclng It. Staff wlll place thls POllCY lssue, WhlCh lS not
codlfled, on the next Agenda (10-4-89).
Mr. Flfe sald he would llke to dlSCUSS the gradual converSlon of
retall sales tax generatlng commerclal space lnto commerclal
offlce usage and/or other usages which do not lnherently generate
sales tax. He sald, after looking at Rossmoor Shopplng Center
recently, there lS an increaslng number of buslnesses that
lnherently won't generate sales tax revenues. Mr. Sharp sald
thls ltem was agendlzed for the 9-6-89 Plannlng Commlsslon
meetlng. At that tlme lt was tabled to walt for the Retall Sales
Commlttee's report. It wlll come back to the CommlSSlon as soon
as the report lnformatlon lS In. Mr. Whl ttenberg sald he was
talklng wlth the Clty Manager this afternoon because the Retall
Commlttee was meetlng tonlght. H1S recollectlon of thelr charge
from the Councll was that thlS lS not really an lssue under thelr
purvlew. He dld not feel lt was approprlate for them to conslder
that lssue. He wanted to thlnk about 1 t and see lf he stlll
feels that way In a day or two and we'll get back to the
CommlSSlon wlth what he feels should be done. Mr. Sharp sald the
Retall Sales Comml ttee may not have had that charge but they
should help the CommlSSlon In maklng that type of declslon
because they were charged to come up Wl th ways and means of
lncreaslng the retall sales tax. Thelr study should help us
complete our thoughts on thlS. Mr. Whlttenberg sald, In
revlewlng materlals, hlS lmpresslon was they were speclflcally to
deal wlth the lssue of CUPs for offlces In retall areas.
Mr. Flfe sald he thought 1 t would be lnterestlng to have a
tabulatlon of WhlCh tenants currently have a retall sales permlt.
Mr. Sharp sald he would ask the manager of the Rossmoor Center lf
she would be wllllng to supply hlm wlth a 11St of the store that
are retall sales. He would also request a llst of last year's
converSlon from retall stores to non-sales tax bUSlnesses.
Page 16 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of September 20, 1989
Cha1rman Sharp adJourned the meet1ng at 11:36 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cjgo~ '
J an F1llmann, Secretary
Department of Development
* * *
September 20, 1989
1. Houslng Element of General Plan lS lnvalld. The
Development Agreement cannot be approved wlthout a valld
Houslng Element.
2. Develo~ment Agreement, Sec. 3.1: Descrlbes 36 acres
of wetland. ThlS lS lnconslstent wlth amendments Just
adopted In Resolutlon 3820, Resolutlon 3821 and Ordlnance No.
1279 WhlCh calls for 37.9 acres of wetlands.
3. The Development Agreement is lnconslstent wlth
Resolutlon 3824 (certlfYlng the Flnal EIR) WhlCh called for
preservatlon and restoratlon of 41.4 acres of wetlands.
4. Development Agreement, Sec. 3.1, calls for
dedlcatlon of Gum Grove Park and the Communlt~ Park to the
Clty of Seal Beach, "WhlCh amount of acreage lS In excess of
the Clty's QUlmby Act Re9ulrements." No acreage lS glven In
the Agreement. If the Clty'S QUlmby Act requlrements are
more than 24.39 (10.65 acres for Gum Grove and 13.7 acres for
the communlty park), the Development Agreement lS
lnconslstent wlth Res. 3820, 3821, 3824 and Ord. 1279 (WhlCh
descrlbes 26.6 acres to be dedicated).
5. The Development Agreement lS inconslstent wlth the
Houslng Element of the General Plan WhlCh requlres 100 unlts
of affordable houslng on the Hellman Ranch.
6. Numerous slgnlficant environmental lmpacts, le.
geology, floodzone area, trafflc, water, sewage, hazardous
waste, etc. ,are belng admlnlstratlvely handled lnstead of
through the public revlewing process which lS lnconsistant
wlth the declslon In Seqerstrom WhlCh ruled thlS procedure
7. Acreages of wetlands and park lands are lnconslstant
from one document to the next and lnconslstant wlth the
acreages In the publlC revlewlng process.
September 18, 1989
The Board of D1rectors of the Rossmoor Chateau Home-
owners' Assoc1at1on, represent1ng 70 homeowners, lS opposed
to the proposed placement of twelve(12) v1deo games 1n the
lobby of the eX1st1ng theatre at 12343 Seal Beach Blvd.,
Seal Beach, CA (Super Saver C1nemas 7).
~ ~~~ -XQ/fwL
Kenneth Itcheck, Treas.
Max Samovar, Member at Large
September 20, 1989
To. Honorable ChaIrman and PlannIng Comm1ss1on
From Development Serv1ces Department
The follow1ng Informat1on 1S be1ng provIded to supplement the
Staff Report on CUP 12-89
Seal Beach PolIce ChIef BIll Stearns stated the conc~tlons (of
the Staff report) IncludIng requestIng Super Saver CInema (SSC)
to reqUIre patrons to purchase a tIc.t<et prIor to enterIn~ tbe
theatre, to have the mach1nes turned off at approxImately 10 00,
and to have theatre staff mon1tor the VIdeo game area were all
adequate ChIef Stearns IndIcated an addItIonal condlt~on snould
be reqUIred The condItIon should be to evaluate CUP 12-89,
after a perIod of SIX (6) months, for complIance on the theatre's
part WIth the above condItIons, and to address the negatIve
Impacts, If any, on the surroundIng communIty as a resLlt of
navlng the VIdeo games In the theatre lobby
Staff surveyed CItIes adJacent to Seal Beach regardIng theIr
polICIes toward Vlaeo game machInes The CItIes Involved
Incloded Los Alamltos, Westm1nster, Garden Grove, HuntIngton
Beach and Long Beach BrIefly, the follOWIng are the polICIes of
these CItIes
Los Alamltos
VIdeo arcades (any establIshment WIth three
(3) or more VIdeo machInes) are prohlblteci
Two (2) machInes are allowed prOVIded the
applIcant obtaIns a DusIness lIcense to
operate them on the premIses
Up to four (4) VIdeo game machInes are
allowed through a bUSIness lIcense F~ve (5\
or more machInes at one establIshment
constItute a VIdeo arcade for WhICh a
Condltlona~ Use PermIt must be obta1ned
Staff Report Supplement
CUP 12-89, September 20, 1989
Page 2
Garden Grove also allows up to four (4) vldeo
game machlnes through a buslness llcense
Flve (5) or more machlnes may be lnstalled
upon approval of a Condltlonal Use Permlt,
and only In a buslness located In tne General
Commerclal Zone (C-2) only
Wjore tnan four (4) machlnes constltute a
vldeo arcaae, WhlCh requlres a use permlt
through the zonlng admlnlstrator (the USE:'
perm1t lS a publlC hear lng, though O~lY
abutt_ng property owners are not1fled) Tn
1nstall four mach1nes or less slmply requlres
a buslness lIcense
Lonq Beach
Vldeo games are not perm~tted In any buslness
wnere take-out alcohol sales const1tute more
than 50% of t~e gross recelpts (~Iquor
stores) Up to four (4) machlDe5 a:e
pelm~tted Where allowed through a buslness
llcense Durlng the school year, no pe!SOD
under tne age of 18 lS permltted to oper&te
an amusement machIne (vldeo, plnball etc )
betWE:'en tne nours of 8 00 a mana 3 00 P m
Sectlon 11-:;3 (25) of the Seal Beac-h mun.l.clpal COdE (SBMC; states
t~e buslness 11cense fee for amusement mach1Des, 1nc.l.ud1ng
electron.l.c games and pInball mac-hInes, 1S $00 00 per machIne
Therefore, sho~ld CUP 12-89 be approved for the Installat10n of
all twelve (12) vldeo game machInes, sse would be reqo:-ed to pay
a llcense fee of $360 00 WhlCh must be renewed yearly along wlth
thelr regular bUS1ness llCenSE:' ThE:' fee amount lS not pro-rateo,
and the date for renewal 1S J~ly 1st of eaCh year
Staff Report Supplement
CUP 12-89, September 20, 1989
Page 3
September 20, 1989
.fonn Fraser
Admlnlstrat~ve Alde
Development SerVlces
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