HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1989-11-15 CITY OF SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 15, 1989 e The regularly scheduled meetlng of the Plannlng CommlSSlon was called to order In Clty Council Chambers by Chalrman Sharp at 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Alleglance was led by CommlSSloner Flfe. ROLL CALL Present: Chalrman Sharp CommlSSloners Rullo, Flfe, Suggs, Forsythe Staff Present: Lee Whlttenberg, Dlrector, Dev. Srvcs. Dept. John Fraser, Admlnlstratlve Ald, Dev. Srvcs. Dept. Chalrman Sharp explalned the Plannlng CommlSSlon lS appolnted. There are flve dlstrlcts In the Clty. Each dlstrlct has an elected Cl ty Councll person. Each Councll person appolnts a Plannlng CommlSSloner for thelr dlstrlct and they serve for a four year perlod. Gwen Forsythe has been appolnted to serve the Thlrd Dlstrlct as Ron Jessner's appolntment has explred. CONSENT CALENDAR e Chalrman Sharp separated the two Consent Calendar ltems: 1. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1, 1989 MOTION by F1fei SECOND by Suggs to approve the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of November 1, 1989. MOTION CARRIED 3 - 2 ABSTAIN: F1fe, Forsythe 2. PLAN REVIEW 19-89 81 RIVERSEA ROAD SEAL BEACH TRAILER PARK ThlS lS a request by appllcant, Dean Matslkas, to add 904 square feet to an eXlstlng traller. The proposed two-story cabana would conslst of 364 square feet for a dlnlng room and utlllty room on the f1rst floor and 540 square feet for a llvlng room, den, master bedroom, bath and open deck on the second floor. e Page 2 - Plann1ng Comm1ss10n M1nutes of November 15, 1989 Comm1ss10n Comments . Mr. Suggs asked staff 1f the tra1ler could be moved W1 thout d1sassembl1ng the cabana? Mr. Wh1 ttenberg sa1d yes. That when the cabana construct10n lS added 1t w111 be caulked and sealed between the two un1ts and w111 be poss1ble to remove the tra1ler. Mr. F1fe asked staff 1f the cabanas are constructed to house standards? Staff 1nd1cated the cabanas are constructed to UBC and CA Adm1n1strat1ve Code requ1rements. Mr. Fraser sa1d the kitchen area must rema1n w1th1n the tra1ler. Therefore, 1f the k1tchen were removed from the tra1ler, a fully funct10n1ng house would not rema1n because there would be no k1tchen. Mr. F1fe asked staff 1f the C1ty had a prov1s10n proh1b1t1ng a person from remov1ng the tra1ler, add1ng a k1tchen, and hav1ng a house? Mr. Fraser sa1d the k1tchen area has to rema1n 1n the tra1ler, so that a k1tchen area outs1de the tra1ler would be an 11legal add1t1on and the C1ty would proceed aga1nst the owner. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened Dean Mats1kas * 81 R1versea Road John Jacobs * 69 R1versea Road Mr. Mats1kas 1ntroduced h1mself as the owner and appl1cant. Mr. Jacobs 1ntroduced h1mself as the des1gner. Mr. Mats1kas quest10ned the C1ty'S Plann1ng Department request to remove the top sect10n of the w1ndow. John Fraser expla1ned a C1ty's mun1c1pal ~ Code, Sect10n 28-2319, states: C. Helght Llmlts (1) The maX1mum perm1 tted bU1ld1ng he1ght shall not exceed two stor1es or 25 feet 1n overall he1ght. ( 2) The area between 20 feet and 25 feet in overall helght shall conslst excluslvely of rooflng. Mr. Fraser sa1d he would research the rat10nale beh1nd Sect10n 28- 2319 C (2) and 1f staff f1nds that T1tle 25 or UBC allows such a w1ndow then staff would allow Mr. Mats1kas to bUlld the w1ndow and create the "A" frame effect he des1res 1n accordance w1th C1ty standards. MOTION by Rullo; SECOND Flfe by to approve Plan Revlew 19-89. MOTION CARRIED: 5 - 0 e Page 3 - Plannlng CommlSSlon Mlnutes of November 15, 1989 e PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 8-88 (RENEWAL) 1239 SEAL BEACH BOULEVARD PANDA PANDA RESTAURANT staff Report John Fraser dellvered the staff report on CUP 8-88. ThlS lS a request by Danny C. Wang, owner of Panda Panda Restaurant In the Rossmoor Shopplng Center, to extend lndeflnltely CUP 8-88, a type "47-PubllC Eatlng Place" llcense for on-sale beer, Wlne and dlstllled splrl ts. Staff noted the restaurant management had adhered to all elght condltlons of CUP 8-88 wlth the exceptlon of Sectlon 28-1300 (1) of the munlclpal Code WhlCh requlres a CUP for Ilve entertalnment. e Commlsslon Comments The CommlSSlon wlthheld approval of an lndeflnlte extenslon of CUP 8-88 untll the matter concernlng Ilve entertalnment at the restaurant lS revolved. The CommlSSlon wlll grant approval of the extenslon (held over untll after January 1990) provlded Panda Panda makes appllcatlon for a CUP for Ilve entertalnment. Thelr appllcatlon should be submltted prlor to the end of November. If the restaurant decldes to dlscontlnue 11 ve plano entertalnment permanently, or lf the restaurant lS granted approval of a CUP for Ilve entertalnment, CUP 8-88 wlll be consldered extended lndeflnltely at thls tlme (but not offlclally untll the January 3, 1990 Plannlng CommlSSlon meetlng.) MOTION by Rullo; SECOND by Flfe to defer extendlng Condltlonal Use Permlt 8-88 untll the Plannlng CommlSSlon of January 3, 1990. MOTION CARRIED 5 - 0 4. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 15-89 1198 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY ZOETER PLACE * PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM RESOLUTION NO. 1559 Staff Report Mr. Whlttenberg dellvered the staff report, WhlCh lS a request by San Pedro Slgn Company for Zoeter Place Assoclates to establlsh a planned slgn program for a new commerclal center at 1198 PCH. Zoeter Place lS currently leaslng thlS slte from the Clty'S Redevelopment Agency. CommlSSlon Comments Ms. Forsythe lndlcated she was concerned about bllnd spots belng caused by monument slgns. She said her concern was the cars e Page 4 - Plann1ng Comm1ss10n M1nutes of November 15, 1989 . leav1ng the Center and gOlng South on PCH would not see the Northbound pedestr1an traff1c. Mr. F1fe asked about the fasten1ng of the slgns w1thstand1ng normal se1sm1C shak1ng. Mr. Wh1ttenberg 1nd1cated the slgns must comply w1th all bU1ld1ng Code requ1rements. Publ1C Hear1ng Opened Dan McFarland of DJM Company * 24050 Mad1son st.. #100. Torrance 90505 Mr. McFarland stated he works for Dana MacKay, who lS a general partner w1th Gemtel Investments. Mark Frank of San Pedro Slgn Co.. 701 Lakme Ave.. W1lm1ngton 90744 Mr. Frank responded to Ms. Forsythe's quest10n of bl1nd spots be1ng created by monument slgns. He sa1d the plot plan shows only the locat10n of the slgnage. The slgns w111 be set 1n a planter area, on legs (somewhat open), w1th a slight setbacks. When people pull out, the slgns w111 be on the r1ght, the slgns w111 not be creat1ng a bl1nd spot on the left. The cars w111 have to stop at the sldewalk and they w111 be able to see pedestr1ans walk1ng. e Comm1ss10n Comments The Comm1SS10n asked staff 1f there was any control over color of th1S slgnage. Mr. Wh1 ttenberg sa1d they have suggested colors Wh1Ch are acceptable to the staff. The Comm1ss10ners do have the power to 11m1t the colors under the CUP 1f they so des1re. Mr. Wh1ttenberg 1nd1cated "The Wherehouse" elevat10n shows awn1ngs over the two w1ndow areas. If the awn1ngs were removed there would be suff1c1ent area for the standard slgn to be prov1ded. Staff would not requ1re awn1ngs 1n each area. Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d 1f the Comm1SS10n lS agreeable to 1ncreas1ng those slgns an add1t10nal cond1t10n would be added to 1nd1cate the slgn area for the two monument slgns should not exceed 38 square feet per slgn, as requested by the appl1cant. MOTION by Rullo; SECOND by F1fe to approve Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t 15-89 w1th an add1t1onal condit1on added to show that the S190 area for the two monument S190S not exceed 38 square feet per s190 and leave the awn1ngs up to the builder by the adopt1on of Resolut1on 1559. MOTION CARRIED 5 - 0 SCHEDULED MATTERS There were no scheduled matters. e Page 5 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of November 15, 1989 e ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral commun1cat1ons. STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Wh1ttenberg related the follow1ng 1nformat1on 1tems: 1. The C1 ty Clerk has prepared a notebook W1 th updated zon1ng ord1nance 1nformat1on Wh1Ch includes all recent reV1S1ons. A copy was glven to each Comm1SS1oner. 2. At the C1ty Counc1l meet1ng of November 13, 1989: (a) They have author1zed the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on to undertake the lot coverage study 1n College Park West. Staff w1ll beg1n prepar1ng the necessary reports and schedul1ng the publ1C hear1ngs. (b) They commented on the allowance of temporary banners for commerc1al bus1nesses w1th1n the C1ty. Staff w1ll be 1nclud1ng those comments and prepar1ng a text amendments for Plann1ng Comm1SS1on cons1derat1on. Newspaper art1cles were glven to each Comm1ss1oner re the Coastal Comm1SS1on act10n on the Mola proJect. e COMMISSION CONCERNS Mr. Rullo sa1d he wanted staff to check on the block wall at Seal Beach Boulevard. It's the second property North of PCH on the West slde of the street. They are add1ng three blocks to a SlX foot wall. It appears to be a very dangerous type of construct1on. He sa1d he d1dn't see any steel. Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d staff would 1nvest1gate tomorrow morn1ng. Mr. F1fe asked staff how the study of how to prov1de rel1ef to propert1es abutt1ng h1gh speed arter1al streets was com1ng along? Staff noted John Fraser has been telephon1ng a number of c1t1es to ascerta1n what requ1rements they have for fences along arter1al streets. Staff lS explor1ng the setback requ1rements for detached accessory structures 1n the rear yard. Staff ant1c1pates glv1ng the Comm1SS1on 1nformat1on after the f1rst of the year. Mr. F1fe asked staff about a report on the Ad Hoc Reta1l Sales Comm1ttee report to the C1ty Counc1l and the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on was to look at that 1n conJunct1on w1th a study of commerc1al converS1ons to off1ce space. Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d the Counc1l, at the November 13th meet1ng, 1nstructed the C1 ty Manager to co- ord1nate a J01nt study seSS10n w1th the Counc1l, Comm1SS1on and Reta1l Comm1ttee to d1SCUSS a number of 1tems of concern to all e ;; e e e -( Page 6 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of November 15, 1989 three groups. That meet1ng w111 be scheduled after the f1rst of the year. Cop1es of the report to the C1ty Counc11 from the Ad Hoc Reta11 Sales Comm1ttee are be1ng photocop1ed for d1str1but1on to the Cornrn1SS1on. A copy w111 be sent to each Comm1SS1oner after Thanksg1v1ng. Mr. Rullo asked Mr. Wh1 ttenberg about the Coastal Comm1SS1on meet1ng. Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d h1S read1ng of the comments and d1Scuss1on by the Comm1SS1on was concern over the lack of a wetlands restorat1on plan be1ng presented to the Coastal Comm1SS1on. Other concerns were allow1ng construct1on of the homes beg1nn1ng pr10r to any restorat1on act1 V1 ty beg1nn1ng. The Comm1SS1on felt the restorat1on act1v1ty should be on-go1ng as the construct1on of the new homes occurs and not occur at some future date. Also, the closeness of some res1dent1al lots to the wetlands area 1tself was an lssue and some Comm1SS1oners wanted more buffer area between the back of the homes and the wetland area. Mr. Sharp asked 1f the Mola development proposal would be com1ng back before the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on? The one 1tem that w111 corne back to the Cornrn1ss1on lS the wetlands restoration plan, Wh1Ch the Comm1SS1on w111 reV1ew and comment on, but W1 thout hav1ng any approval author1ty. ADJOURNMENT Cha1rman Sharp adJourned the meet1ng at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully Subm1tted, c\po-r- ~a Joan F11lmann Secretary Department of Development Serv1ces * * * These M1nutes are tentat1ve and are subJect to the approval of the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on. * * * The Plann1ng Cornrn1ss1on M1nutes of November 15, 1989 were approved on December ~~, 1989. ~