HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1990-01-03 e e e CITY OF SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 3, 1990 The regularly scheduled meetlng of the Plannlng CommlSSlon was called to order In Clty Councll chambers by Chalrman Sharp at 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Alleglance was led by Chalrman Sharp. ROLL CALL Present: Chalrman Sharp Commlssloners Suggs, Rullo, Forsythe, Flfe Staff Present: Lee Whlttenberg, Dlrector, Dev. Srvcs. Dept. Barry Curtls, Admln. Asst., Dev. Srvcs. Dept. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1989 MOTION by Flfei SECOND by Suggs to approve the Mlnutes of the Plannlng CommlSSlon meetlng of December 6, 1989 as presented. MOTION CARRIED: 4 - 0 ABSTAIN: Rullo PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 16-89 12309 SEAL BEACH BOULEVARD PANDA PANDA RESTAURANT RESOLUTION NO. 1562 & 1563 Staff Report Barry Curtls dellvered the staff report lndlcatlng the appllcant, Danny Wang, lS requestlng approval to provlde llve entertalnment In conJunctlon Wl th an eXlstlng restaurant at 12309 Seal Beach Boulevard. Entertalnment wlll conslst of llve plano or acoustlc gUl tar mUS1C and any changes to thls format wlll be at the dlscretion of the Dlrector of Development SerVlces. Commlsslon Comments Chalrman Sharp sald the prevlous restaurant owner, Chang's Gourmet Chlnese Restaurant, had a small orchestra and danclng for entertalnment. Mr. Sharp sald he dld not obJect to thlS request. e e It -. ~ ,. Page 2 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of January 3, 1990 Mr. F1fe asked 1f approved, would CUP 16-89 be approved for a one year per1od? It's eX1stence lS a cond1t1on of the 1ndef1n1te extens10n of CUP 8-88. Staff sa1d the Comm1SS1on could (1) Extend CUP 8-88 for the same per10d of t1me as CUP 16-89 (enterta1nment cafe CUP) so they would both come back (before the Comm1ss1on) slmultaneously; (2) The Comm1SS1on could extend CUP 8-88 1ndef1n1 tely at th1S t1me and grant the enterta1nment cafe for one year, at Wh1Ch t1me 1t would be recons1dered by the Comm1SS1on. Mr. Rullo 1nd1cated he felt th1S should be at the D1rector' S d1scret1on, 1nstead of br1ng1ng 1 t back to the Comm1ss1on. He sa1d m1nor deta1ls could be handled by staff thus free1ng the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on other lssues. PUBLIC HEARING There was no one present 1n the aud1ence to speak for or aga1nst CUP 16-89 and the Publ1C Hear1ng was closed. MOTION by F1fe; SECOND by Rullo to approve Cond1t1onal 8-88 1ndef1n1tely (via Resolut1on No. 1562) and to approve Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t 16-89 (v1a Resolut1on No. 1563) W1th author1ty of the D1rector of Development Serv1ces to extend CUP 16-89 indef1n1tely at the conclus1on of the 1n1t1al twelve month per10d unless he lS of the op1n1on there are problems which would warrant 1tS com1ng back before the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on. MOTION CARRIED 5 - 0 * * * 3. ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT 1-90 LOT COVERAGE - COLLEGE PARK WEST staff Report Barry Curt1s del1vered the staff report 1nd1cat1ng that on 9-6-89 and 10-4-89 the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on d1rected staff to research and report back on the lssue of lot coverage for the College Park West SUd1V1S1on. On 11-13-89 the C1ty Counc11 author1zed the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on to cons1der th1S lssue for a poss1ble Zon1ng Text Amendment. Staff recommends approval of ZTA 1-90 Wh1Ch would amend Sect10n 28-300 (e) of the Code, plac1ng College Park West 1n Plann1ng D1str1ct V. Chang1ng College Park West from D1str1ct II to D1str1ct V would prov1de 1 ts res1dents W1 th a maX1mum lot coverage of 45%. e e e - ~ Page 3 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of January 3, 1990 Commlsslon Comment Mr. Rullo asked lf lt was necessary to take a vote of the CPW homeowners? Mr. Whlttenberg sald a vote was not necessary but a publlC hearlng lS necessary to allow cltlzen lnput re the proposed changes. Mr. Flfe asked staff what lS lnvolved when a person tears down an eXlstlng slngle story home and puts up a two-story home? Mr. Curtls lndlcated they would have to approach the Plannlng Department for approval In concept and zonlng approval and then go through the BU11dlng Department permlt process. The zonlng Code calls for a 25' maXlmum helght 11mlt and lot coverage of 40% or 45% In College Park East, College Park West and Marlna Hl11. Most areas In the Clty are not bound by CC&R's. Brldgeport and certaln homes on Ocean have CC&R's. There wl11 be a PubllC Hearlng on thlS matter at the January 17, 1990 Plannlng Commlsslon meetlng. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There was no one present In the audlence. STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Whlttenberg reported the Coastal CommlSSlon wl11 meet January 12, 1990 to conslder the Mola proposal for Hellman Ranch. ThlS wl11 be In Marina del Rey. The Commlssloners were provlded a copy of the Coastal Commlsslon's staff report. Mr. Whlttenberg reported a number of lnqulrles regardlng a greenhouse WhlCh has been constructed In College Park West In the Southern Callfornla Edlson rlght-of-way. ThlS proJect, due to provlslons of the munlclpal Code, needs to go thru a Clty Councl1 approval process WhlCh wl11 take place January 22, 1989. COMMISSION CONCERNS Street Work @ Seal Beach Blvd. at Bradbury Chairman Sharp sald he was lnformed that there has been Clty work done on the street gOlng off Los Alamltos Blvd., next to the Mobl1 statlon, across from the Parasol Restaurant. He requested staff flnd out who's dOlng the work and under what authorlty and who's paYlng for It. Mr. Whlttenberg sald he was unaware Clty crews were dOlng work on prlvate property and he would check lnto thlS and report back. Contamlnated SOlI @ Blxby Property Mr. Suggs asked staff about the dlrt stacked at the B1Xby vacant lot. Mr. Whlttenberg sald thlS was brought before the Plannlng CommlSSlon a couple of meetlngs ago. Checklng was done wlth Mobl1 011, Orange County Health Department and B1Xby Ranch Company. That sOlI lS there due to some leaks that occurred In the underground gasollne storage tanks In years past. Hydrocarbons are present In the sOlI. The Health Department lndlcated lt lS not posslble to e e . ;: Page 4 - Plannlng CommlSSlon Mlnutes of January 3, 1990 move that sOlI someplace else and comply wlth all EPA and other envlronmental agency requlrements who have authorlty In that area. The B1Xby Ranch Co. people lndlcate that wlthln the next 30 - 45 days they wlll undertake a program of brlnglng new sOlI lnto the slte and mlxlng lt wlth the eXlstlng sOlI WhlCh wlll reduce the hydrocarbon level to an acceptable level. Eventually that dlrt wlll be replaced on that slte. He sald that's the only way the treatment of that sOlI can occur. Mr. Rullo asked staff who glves the permlt for thlS work? Mr. Whlttenberg sald It'S through the County Health Department and the EPA. Mr. Rullo sald the sOlI could be hauled off; there lS a procedure to get rld of that sOlI and the Clty should be lnvolved. He lndlcated that sOlI WhlCh lS covered lS hauled to Kettleman every day from dlfferent cltles and, It'S a 300 mlle trlp. Clty staff should be lnvolved to assure that It'S belng done properly. Staff sald they wlll be lnformed once the plan has been approved by the Health Department. RepaVlnq Job Needed for Maln Street Mr. Rullo sald the pavlng on Maln Street lS In terrlble condltlon. The flow Ilnes are bad - there's no place for the water to go and lt becomes stagnated - some places It'S a foot deep. It needs a new pavlng Job. Staff noted thlS Tuesday evenlng, January 9, staff wlll hold ltS lnltlal meetlng wlth the Clty Councll regardlng the preparatlon of the budget for the next flscal year. Staff lS to lnform the PubllC Works Department of thlS CommlSSlon concern. It wlll also be brought up at the meetlng as a part of the budget reVlew process. Street Legends Around McGaugh School Ms. Forsythe brought up the lnadequacles of the street marklngs surroundlng McGaugh School. The word "SLOW" had been removed a year and a half ago and never was repalnted. She sald her brlnglng attentlon to what she consldered to be lnadequacles has resulted In all the legends on all the streets around McGaugh School belng removed. She recelved correspondence from (Clty Englneer) DennlS Jue WhlCh says "the State trafflc manual states that the legends shall not used where the crosslng lS controlled by stop slgns". At thlS tlme there are no slgns, notlces anythlng along Marlln and R1Vlera to lndlcate people are In school zones. She thlnks the CommlSSlon needs to look at thlS lssue closer. Speclflcally wlth the stop slgn that's been placed at R1Vlera and Marlln - people are not used to lt and pedestrlans are countlng on the cars stopplng. There needs to be a warnlng that they're In a school zone. Staff wlll check on thls and get back to the CommlSSlon. Roof Slgn @ 1013 Paclflc Coast Hlghway/Al Capone's Plzza Ms. Forsythe sald that Al Capone's plzza has lnstalled a roof slgn. Staff wlll check on thlS and get back to the CommlSSlon. e -- . Page 5 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of January 3, 1990 Block Wall @ 404 Beryl Cove Way/Paul Murphy. Homeowner Mr. Rullo asked about the home on Seal Beach Boulevard extend1ng the1r block wall an add1t1onal 3 blocks h1gh. What staff act10n has occurred on th1S? Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d staff had 1nspected the property. The homeowner adm1tted to hav1ng 1ncreased the1r block wall three br1cks 1n he1ght, he had re1nforc1ng bar 1n 1t but C1ty 1nspectors wanted to look at 1t to ensure 1t had been done correctly. Staff d1d not know 1f that 1nspect1on had taken place and 1S to f1nd out and 1nform the Comm1SS1on at the next meet1ng. Mr. F1fe referenced a Plann1ng Department letter stat1ng that the owner had adm1tted not re1nforc1ng the wall and was gOlng to have to take 1t down to the foundat1on and start allover aga1n. He was gOlng to start th1S 1n January. Mr. Rullo.wants a copy of the letter. Mr. Suggs sa1d there was a double statement 1n that letter stat1ng (1) one block was be1ng removed from the top to conform to the he1ght and (2) the wall would be completely removed. Pat10 Encroaching @ 1733 Crestv1ew Mr. F1fe noted a pat10 under construct1on that encroaches well beyond the Hellman Ranch property 11ne. Staff noted there's a stop Work Order on th1S proJect because there's no bU1ld1ng perm1 ts drawn on th1S and 1t does encroach. Post1ng Slgns on Publ1C Property Mr. Rullo asked staff if they'd read about a new (C1ty of) Los Angeles law Wh1Ch f1nes people for plac1ng slgns on telephone poles etc>? The f1ne for the f1rst slgn 1S $94 and $1.80 for every slgn beyond that. He 1nd1cated there must be a way, perhaps a t1cket1ng process, for the C1ty of Seal Beach to stop people from bU1ld1ng w1thout perm1ts. Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d staff 1S work1ng on th1S w1th the C1ty Attorney. Now most of the violat1ons are m1sdemeanors. To collect a f1ne on a m1sdemeanor you have to go to tr1al. Staff 1S trY1ng to get most of the v1olat1ons changed to 1nfract1ons Wh1Ch 1S a c1tat1on and a f1ne 1S pa1d at th1S t1me. The report 1S not done at th1S t1me but we do ant1c1pate those be1ng done w1th1n 60 - 90 days. Doghouses Ms. Forsythe asked about he1ght Ilm1tat1onsjdog housesj new construct1on. She asked staff for a def1n1t1on of "uninhab1table" area. Mr. Wh1 ttenberg sa1d "hab1 table" means more than seventy square feet. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - REOPENED Bruce Stark * Seal Beach spoke about steel posts be1ng placed 1n alleys. He 1nd1cated these posts v10late the alley setbacks. He asked th1S matter be1ng placed on a Plann1ng Comm1SS1on agenda and see about remov1ng the steel posts Wh1Ch are on pr1vate property. Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d staff w1II follow-up on the enforcement 1ssue of veh1cles park1ng 1n alleys and block1ng emergency veh1cle access. - e - ~, .. , .. Page 6 - Plannlng CommlSSlon Mlnutes of January 3, 1990 ADJOURNMENT Chalrman Sharp adJourned the meetlng at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully Submltted, Joan Flllmann Secretary Department of Development SerVlces THESE MINUTES ARE TENTATIVE AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. * * * The Mlnutes of the January 3, 1990 Plannlng Commlsslon were approved on January 11~1990.~