HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1990-01-17 '. - " CITY OF SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 17, 1990 The regularly scheduled rneetlng of the Plannlng CornrnlSSlon was called to order In Clty Councll chambers by Chalrrnan Sharp at 7:32 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Alleglance was led by CornrnlSSloner Flfe. ROLL CALL Present: Chalrrnan Sharp CornrnlSSloners Flfe, Suggs, Forsythe Absent: CornrnlSSloner Rullo Staff Present: Lee Whlttenberg, Dlrector, Dev. Srvcs. Dept. Barry Curtls, Adrnln. Asst., Dev. Srvcs. Dept. REORGANIZATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION MOTION by Suggs i SECOND by F1fe to re-elect J1m Sharp as Cha1rman of the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on. MOTION CARRIED NO VOTE PER UNANIMOUS DECISION ABSENT: Rullo MOTION by F1fei SECOND by Forsythe to re-elect Emmett Suggs as V1ce-Cha1rman of the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on. U MOTION CARRIED: ABSTAIN: ABSENT : 3 - 0 Suggs Rullo CONSENT CALENDAR 1. MINUTES OF JANUARY 3, 1990 MOTION by F1fei SECOND by Suggs to approve the M1nutes of the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on meet1ng of January 3, 1990 as presented. MOTION CARRIED: 4 - 0 ABSENT: Rullo It Page 2 - Plannlng CommlSSlon Mlnutes of January 17, 1990 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT 1-90 LOT COVERAGE - COLLEGE PARK WEST Staff Report Barry Curtls dellvered the staff report on ZTA 1-90 whlch seeks to extend College Park West's lot coverage requlrements from 40% to 45%. The 5% lncrease In lot coverage would allow an average slzed lot to add approxlmately 275 square feet to the flrst floor of a home. Staff recommends approval of ZTA 1-90 to the Clty Councll by Resolutlon No. 1566. Commlsslon Comments Mr. Flfe asked staff why Tract 5699 (Mr. Flfe's tract) was not llsted? Staff sald they would check on thls and amend Resolutlon No. 1566 prlor to l ts gOlng to the Cl ty Councll. Staff sald lncreaslng the lot coverage to 45% would not relax the setback requlrements. e Publlc Hearlng Gordon Logan * 308 Harvard Lane spoke In favor of the lot coverage lncrease, submlttlng twenty-three letters from his nelghbors for the Record, stated famlly rooms are standard on new homes, and that the matter of lncreased lot coverage was lnltlally decllned because resldents thought chlldren would be plaYlng In the streets If the yards were not blg enough. Frank Krause * 112 College Park Drlve spoke agalnst the lncreased lot coverage If It would be an lnducement to bUlldlng lncome produclng unl ts . Staff lndlcated the Cl ty' s zonlng ordlnances would not allow second unlts on the property. Addltlonally, staff checks all plans to ensure the opportunlty for a second unlt lS not provlded wlth addltlons. The 5% would equate to approxlmately 275 square feet or one room. Commlsslon Comments Mr. Flfe asked that If, In addl tlon to the zonlng prohlbl tlng second dwelllng unlts, would the present zonlng prohlblt rentlng rooms to persons who are not part of the famlly? Staff noted the zonlng ordlnance does not place any restrlctlons along those llnes. Staff could enforce thls by maklng sure there are not two kltchens provlded In a unlt. In an R-l zone multlple famllles could llve In a slngle famlly home and share one kltchen. -- MOTION by Fl.fei SECOND by Suggs to recommend Zonlng Text Amendment 1-90 to the Cl.ty Councl.l by Resolutl.on No. 1556 Wl.th the provl.so that staff wl.ll check the tract numbers ll.sted l.n the proposed Artl.cle 3 ( 1 ) (A) (e) to determl.ne whether Tract 5699 should be l.ncluded. MOTION CARRIED 4 - 0 ABSENT: Rullo e Page 3 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of January 17, 1990 staff 1nd1cated ZTA 1-90 w1II be scheduled for a Publ1C Hear1ng before the C1ty Counc11 and an add1t1onal Not1ce w1II be rece1ved by res1dents. After the C1 ty Counc11 conducts the1r Publ1C Hear1ng they w1lI adopt an ord1nance; th1S takes about Slxty days. SCHEDULED MATTERS 3. ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT 2-90 TEMPORARY SIGNS (BANNERS) staff Report Staff 1nd1cated ZTA 2-90 1S before the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on for reV1ew. Suggest1ons, changes etc. should be made at th1S t1me so staff can reV1se the staff report and have 1t 1n the format Wh1Ch addresses all the concerns pr10r to the Publ1C Hear1ng. The Publ1C Hear1ng w1II be before the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on before 1t'S referred to the C1ty Counc11. Comm1ss1on Comments Ms. Forsythe asked who 1S gOlng to enforce th1S? Staff 1nd1cated that as the perm1ts are 1ssued there w1II be a "t1ckler f1le" created and staff w1II go out and see 1f the banner 1S down. If not, staff w1II talk to the perm1ttee. Eventually the 1nfract1on/c1 tat10n process w1II be 1nstated. Th1S w1II make tt v1olat1ons el1g1ble for c1tat1on. Publ1C Hear1ng No one w1shed to speak for or aga1nst th1S matter. No mot1on was needed and ZTA 2-90 was rescheduled for the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on meet1ng of February 7, 1990. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral commun1cat1ons from the aud1ence. STAFF CONCERNS Staff 1ncluded wr1tten memos on (4) street work be1ng done at Seal Beach Blvd/Bradbury; (5) repav1ng of Ma1n street; (6) street legends around McGaugh School; (7) a roof slgn at 1013 Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway (AI Capone's P1zza); (8) pat10 encroachment at 1733 Crestv1ew; (9) Coastal Comm1SS1on meet1ng on January 12, 1990 to cons1der the Mola Development Co. proJect on Hellman Ranch. The Plann1ng Comm1SS1oners had no further comments on these matters. ", Staff 1nd1cated they don't know what 1S planned for the acreage of the el1m1nated 26 lots. Mola 1nd1cates those lots w1II probably be deeded to the C1 ty as an add1 t10nal recreat10n area. The Coastal Comm1SS1on d1d not requ1re those 26 lots to actually be ut1l1zed as a wetland area. The1r concern was there was not enough buffer area between the res1dent1al areas and the wetland area 1tself. They d1d not requ1re these 26 lots to be 1ncluded as part of the wetland area. Staff 1nd1cated the 26 lots compr1se about . e e Page 4 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of January 17, 1990 flve acres. The Coastal CommlSSlon dld not appear to have any concerns wlth the parks adJacent to the eXlstlng wetland areas but the dld lndicate the flnal plans must be approved by them for any of the park facllltles. One of thelr condltlons was that the tennls courts (shown on the plans) could not be llghted for nlght use so lt doesn't dlsturb wlldllfe. Staff wlll meet wlth Mola wlthln the next two weeks to dlSCUSS thelr antlclpated constructlon schedule. Mola stlll needs to get the 404 Permlt through the Army Corps of Englneers. That permlt can be processed whlle they are beglnnlng thelr gradlng work on the Seal Beach Blvd. sltes. Mola may be dOlng a two track process and staff wlll be developlng a schedule wlth them. ThlS lnformatlon wlll be made avallable to the Plannlng Commlssloners, Parks & Recreatlon Commlsslon, Clty Councll members. Arco Statlon * 12800 Seal Beach Blvd. Mr. Flfe lndlcated diesel fuel was never sold at the Arco statlon. Staff indlcated lt was found In the sOlI by the Orange County Department of Envlronmental Health and lt could have occurred long ago but staff doesn't really know how. COMMISSION CONCERNS Brldgeport Blockwall Ms. Forsythe sald the clty-owned blockwall that surrounds Brldgeport lS In need of some repalr. The wall's helght permlts people to Jump over lt and that lS resultlng In blocks falllng off. Staff lS to check wlth the PubllC Works Department and report back. Arco Statlon * 12800 Seal Beach Blvd. Mr. Flfe sald an area dlrectly behlnd hlS home (trlangular strlp of land owned by B1Xby Ranch at easterly end of Old Ranch Country Club) has a slzeable mound of dlrt. ThlS slte has been used as a dumplng ground for earth movers. ThlS lot has been recently graded and the excess dlrt bUll t up lnto one large plle. Is thlS contamlnated sOlI? What lS B1Xby gOlng to do Wl th thlS dlrt? Staff lS to check wlth B1Xby and report back. . ~ e e e Page 5 - Plannlng CommlSSlon Mlnutes of January 17, 1990 ADJOURNMENT Chalrman Sharp adJourned the meetlng at 8:10 p.m. to the February 5, 1990 meetlng wlth the Clty Councll as a study seSSlon to dlSCUSS the Ad Hoc Retall Sales Commlttee report. Respectfully Submltted, . q D~ ~ CG,--,--. Joan Flllmann Secretary Department of Development SerVlces *** THESE MINUTES ARE TENTATIVE AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. *** The Mlnutes of the January 17, 1990 Plannlng Commlsslon were approved by the Plannlng CommlSSlon on February 1~, meetlng 199~