HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1990-02-07
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Plannlng Commlsslon was
called to order In Clty Council chambers by Chairman Sharp at
7:30 p.m.
The Pledge of Alleglance was led by CommlSSloner Rullo.
Chalrman Sharp
CommlSSloners Rullo, Flfe, Suggs, Forsythe
Lee Whlttenberg, Dlrector, Dev. Srvcs. Dept.
Barry Curtls, Admin. Asst., Dev. Srvcs. Dept.
MOTION by Suggs; SECOND by Forsythe to approve the
Mlnutes of the Plannlng Commisslon meetlng of January 21,
1990 as presented.
Staff Report
Mr. Curtl.5 dell vered the staff report on CUP 8-89 WhlCh IS a
request by CorWln Bales, owner of BaJa Bllls fast food restaurant,
to obtaln an extenslon of hlS on-sale beer and Wlne permlt. Staff
. I,
noted Resolutlon No. 1550 approved CUP 8-89 for ItS Inltlal 90 day
perlod. Staff IS recommendlng a twelve month extenslon of CUP
8-89 rather than the SlX month extenslon Resolutlon No. 1550 called
for because of the exemplary Pollce Department report.
CommlSS1on Comments
Mr. Rullo sald he wanted the SlX month condl tion, requlred In
Resolutlon No. 15501 to remaln because thatls what the CommlSSlon
agreed to.
Page 2 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of February 7, 1990
Mr. Flfe asked lf condltlon #6 was reallstlc:
6. The sale and serVlce of alcohol shall only be In
conJunctlon wlth sale of food.
staff sald thlS condl tlon ( #6) was used by the ABC In other
countles In slmllar lnstances but has not been used In Orange
county to date. Staff acknowledged thlS lS a dlfflcult condltlon
to enforce but felt lt should be retalned as a safeguard agalnst
posslble abuse.
Mrs. Forsythe lndlcated she had telephoned Marty Breen, a forenslc
speclallst for the Orange County Sherlff's Department. He noted
that In a fast food restaurant sltuatlon, where you could eat a
taco and drlnk a beer, you would feel some effects (of a beer)
gOlng to the body's central nervous system In 10 - 15 mlnutes. The
alcohol wll1 not be totally absorbed for 30 - 60 mlnutes and at
thlS pOlnt the person lS out drlvlng a car. H1S abllltles would
be hampered and he would have a blood alcohol level of .01 to .02.
In Vlew of facts supportlng flfty percent of all hlghway fatalltles
lnvolve drunk drlvlng, Mrs. Forsythe sald she could not go along
wlth servlng alcohol at a fast food restaurant.
It PubllC Hearlng
CorWln Bales * 4861 Maul. Huntlngton Beach. CA 92649
Mr. Bales lntroduced hlmself as owner and appllcant. He noted he
has not had problems at BaJa Bllls that anyone thought he mlght
have Wl th teenagers hanging around after football games and/or
keeplng the grounds clean. He has had no complaints from
nelghbors. Alcohol beverages are not a maJor portlon of hlS
buslness but he wants to offer beer as a serVlce to hlS customers.
Mr. Flfe asked what other fast food restaurants In the Rossmoor
Center serve alcohol? Mr. Bales lndlcated that Champs and DaVlOS
are slmllar. DaVlOS has a 11ttle more slt-down area but they also
have an outslde dlnlng area and 1 t lS a carry-out restaurant.
Champs lS slmllar to BaJa Bllls. BaJa Bllls overall seatlng
capaclty lS the same lS Champs; BaJa Bllls has more outslde seatlng
and Champs has more lnslde seatlng.
Mr. Flfe asked lf selllng only two beers per patron would lmpact
hlS buslness? Mr. Bales sald lt could be dlfflcult to monltor a
customer's drlnklng. Mr. Bales noted ABC says a merchant can be
held responslble lf he knowlngly keeps servlng a patron that lS
ObVlously drunk. The beer lS served In a dlstlngulshable/vlnyl
contalner. Mr. Flfe expressed concerns that patrons could walk out
of the restaurant wlth a beer served In a vlnyl cup. Mr. Bales
sald he would stop a patron from walklng out carrYlng a beer and
an employee lS In the patlo area when patrons are drlnklng beer out
Page 3 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of February 7, 1990
Mr. Rullo 1nd1cated the Comm1SS1on must apply equally all
restr1ct1ons placed on th1s CUP app11cat1on to s1m11ar
Comm1ss1on Comments
Mr. Sharp sa1d that or1g1nally the Comm1SS1on had a recommendat1on
from the Ch1ef of Po11ce that the Comm1SS1on not grant th1s because
of the problems the locat1on had when 1t was a Taco Bell. Because
of the change 1n ownership the Comm1ssion dec1ded to grant the CUP
on a 90-day bas1s to see how th1s restaurant could be run. There
have not been any problems. The Comm1SS1on doesn't have the power
to turn th1s app11cant down for h1s beer license S1nce the State
has 1ssued a 11cense. The app11cant has done all the Comm1SS1on
asked h1m to do. He would then recommend the Comm1SS1on go w1th
another 90 days and then give h1m h1s 11cense for a year. Mr. F1fe
agreed but suggested the staff and Comm1SS1on use that 90 days to
study the 1ssue (of alcohol in fast food restaurants) 1n more
depth. He would not 11ke to see all the C1ty's fast food
restaurants sell1ng beer and wine.
Staff noted State law prov1s1ons mandate the ABC not grant1ng a
11cense unless the C1ty has granted the necessary approvals for
that 11cense to be issued. The concern that has been brought up
1S how to deal w1th future requests for a s1m1lar type use. Staff
w111 look at the cond1t1ons the Commiss1on has placed on the more
recent app11cat1ons for control11ng outs1de areas and restaurants
that are fast food versus sit-down d1nner s1tuat1ons. Staff could
come back to the Comm1SS1on w1th 1deas and suggest10ns w1th1n the
next 90 days.
Staff 1nd1cated the Comm1SS1on should be concerned that the
cond1t1ons they 1mpose have a rat10nal relat1onsh1p to the use of
the property. Staff must look at the State gU1de11nes and what the
C1ty can 1mpose.
MOTION by Rullo; SECOND by Suggs to approve Cond1tional Use Perm1t
8-89 for a n1nety (90) day extension of an on-sale beer and wine
perm1t by the adopt1on of Resolut1on No. 1564.
YEA: Rullo, F1fe, Suggs, Sharp
NO: ForsYthe
Page 4 - Plann1ng Comm1SS1on M1nutes of February 7, 1990
staff Report
Mr. Wh1ttenberg del1vered the staff report. The Publ1C Hear1ng 1S
to cons1der amend1ng the development standards for the C1ty Wh1Ch
would allow for commerc1al bus1nesses to make use of temporary
banners for certa1n types of sales and spec1al events under
str1ngent cond1t1ons. currently the C1ty'S mun1c1pal Code does not
allow for use of banners. Staff recommends the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on
adopt Resolut1on No. 1565 recommend1ng approval of ZTA 2-90 to the
C1ty Counc11. Mr. Wh1ttenberg 1ntroduced a letter for the Record
from Steven J. O'Connell, President, Seal Beach Business
Assoc1at1on. They are request1ng the $25 perm1t fee be deleted but
the $100 deposit rema1n and they agree w1th the rest of the staff
Comm1ss1on Comments
Mr. Sharp sa1d the $25 fee w111 not make the C1ty any money. It
w111 be absorbed by staff costs 1n 1ssu1ng and handl1ng of the
Mr. Suggs quest10ned cond1 tion #6. How does staff propose to
reV1ew and approve the banners? Staff repl1ed they would encourage
people to br1ng 1n a draw1ng show1ng the s1ze, letter1ng, colors
would be on the banner. They would then have approval before they
have the banner made.
Mr. F1fe quest10ned the $25 perm1t fee. Staff sa1d the cost was
$25 per banner. Mr. F1fe sa1d he would 11ke 1t to be $25 per
appl1cat1on. Mr. F1fe asked staff 1f they had cons1dered First
Amendment r1ghts per cond1t1on #6 (banners be1ng sUbJect to reV1ew
and approval of the Director)? Mr. Whittenberg sa1d he hoped
appl1cants would use d1scret1on and staff would be very careful.
Mr. Sharp sa1d wanted cond1t1on #2 to be clar1f1ed. It should be
$25 per appl1cat1on not $25 per banner. Staff could check two
banners as eas1ly as check1ng one. Mr. F1fe read cond1t1ons #2 and
#5 together.
Pubic Hear1ng
Thomas St1mmler * Manager. Shore Shop. Seal Beach
Mr. St1mmler spoke 1n favor of ZTA 2-90 and sa1d the Shore Shop
apprec1ates the Comm1ss1on' s 11ft1ng the ban on banners. He
offered the follow1ng recommendat1ons to the present proposal:
(1) total number of days a banner may be displayed be 1ncreased to
90 days; (2) one-t1me durat10n of a banner be extended to 40 days
to accommodate the Xmas season; (3) the banner S1ze not be 11m1ted
to 25 square feet but be decreed by the size of the bU1ld1ng.
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Leonard W11son * Market1ng D1rector for Rossmoor Center Merchants
Mr. W11son spoke aga1nst ZTA 2-90, saY1ng the 56-store member
Merchants Assoc1at1on stands opposed to ZTA 2-90. He sa1d they
currently place temporary banners 3' x 12' below the1r monument
s1gn from t1me to t1me for up to 7 days to br1ng pub11c attent10n
to three spec1f1c s1dewalk sales, one class1c car show and the
annual country fa1r. Th1S Assoc1at10n does not perm1t banners at
that 10cat10n for 1nd1v1dual store advert1sing. Flags (3' x 5')
are placed on 14 11ght standards dur1ng 6 maJor Center-wide sale
events throughout the year. They are up for a per10d of 5 days
each. These promot1onal decorations attract bus1ness 1n a
d1gn1f1ed manner. The events are planned and approved 1n advance
by the Board of D1rectors. Accord1ng to the1r f1gures, Rossmoor
Center produced over $50,000,000 1n reta11 sales 1n 1988 wh1ch 1S
approx1mately half of the C1ty'S reta11 sales return. The C1ty's
proposal would be a deterrent to efforts to 1ncrease sales tax
revenues 1n the C1ty. Th1S year the city has 1ncreased trash fees
and bus1ness 11cense fees for the merchants. They do not feel they
have abused the current C1ty s1gn codes for promot1onal purposes.
They see no reason to place a depos1t on advance promot10nal plans
nor to pay a fee for each event. They see 1ncreased staff w1thout
suff1c1ent 1ncome to warrant. They see 1ncreased expenses and
adm1n1strat1ve headaches for merchants at a t1me when they need to
C1ty ass1stance to 1ncrease sales tax revenue 1n the C1ty. They
ask the Comm1ssion seek an act1ve roll 1n the newly incorporated
Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce and work W1 th the merchants to
reta1n the current reta11 tax bases and to attract broader
merchand1ser mix.
Corw1n Bales * Owner. BaJa B111s Restaurant
He sa1d that 1n start1ng up h1s bus1ness he was requ1red to enforce
C1ty s1gn requ1rements that had been inact1ve S1nce 1982. It
appears to h1m there are a lot of bus1nesses 1n Seal Beach that
have not had to br1ng the1r s1gns up to standard and he wondered
why? When he asked the C1ty he was told they d1dn't have the staff
to mon1tor 1t. So how can the C1ty mon1tor th1s? If the City
can't mon1tor what they have now how can they take on more and
mon1tor that?
Leroy Brown * 705 Ocean. Seal Beach
Mr. Brown asked the Shore Shop what percentage of sales would the
90 day banner br1ng? Mr. W11son sa1d 15%.
Charles Antos * 210 8th Street~ Seal Beach
Mr. Antos sa1d he felt 1t would be good for the Plann1ng Comm1SS10n
to look at each banner app11cation. The would then have more
d1rect control.
Comm1ss10n Comments
Mrs. Forsythe asked staff what the response from merchants on Ma1n
Street w111 be? Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d he could see more ut111zat10n
Page 6 - Plann1ng Comm1ssion M1nutes of February 7, 1990
banners than there 1S now because now they're 11legal. Staff could
research ( 1) an exempt10n for banners on pr1 vate property for
publ1C purposes (Example: Red Cross events); (2) rev1ewex1st1ng
s1gn standards regard1ng S1zes of banners -- plac1ng a cap on the
Mr. Sharp sa1d th1s should be tabled for study before we pass 1t
on to the C1ty Counc11. Mr. wh1ttenberg sa1d staff w111 re-
advert1se th1s matter at the t1me they are ready to come back w1th
the changes.
* * *
Staff Report
Mr. Curt1s del1 vered the staff report. This report w111 be
presented aga1n to the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on on February 21, 1990.
ton1ght 1S a reV1ew where the Comm1ss1on can make any amendments.
Mr. Wh1 ttenberg sa1d there w111 be a Publ1C Hear1ng before the
Planning Comm1SS1on before 1t goes before the C1ty Council.
Comm1ss1on Comments
Mr. Sharp ordered th1s 1tem be scheduled for a Publ1c Hear1ng at
the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on meet1ng of February 21, 1990.
Charles Antos * 210 8th Street. Seal Beach
Sa1d the C1ty's Code was wr1tten 1n such a way to not allow m1n1-
marts 1n gas stat1ons. Therefore we would not have to worry about
sel11ng 11quor from a m1n1-mart. Mr. Antos showed a photograph of
a banner advert1s1ng a volleyball game but that also advert1sed a
certa1n beer company. He suggested the Comm1SS1on reV1ew banners.
Staff w111 reV1ew the Code to br1ng 1t up to date w1th regard to
serV1ce stat10ns and m1n1-marts.
Jerry Anderson * 1301 Sandp1per Drive. Seal Beach
Mr. Anderson protested new bU1ld1ng/houses on the H111 wh1ch exceed
the allowable he1ght 11m1ts; he spec1f1cally noted 705 South Shore
and 340 Coastl1ne. At 705 South Shore, the portion of the bU1lding
wh1ch exceeds 25' measures 10' x 13'. Th1S 1S a four-story
structure. At 340 Coastl1ne the port1on that exceeds 25' measures
12.5' x 8.5'and has an observatory dome on 1t. Read1ng from the
Code he sa1d this bU1ld1ng 1S not appropriate for the arch1tectural
style and not appropr1ate for the character and 1ntegr1ty of the
, .
~ Page 7 - Plann1ng Comm1ss10n M1nutes of February 7, 1990
ne1ghborhood. He sa1d people are tak1ng advantage of the Code now
because the Code 1S wr1tten so loosely. Cha1rman Sharp suggested
Mr. Anderson subm1t addresses 1n v10lat10n of the Code be glven to
the Plannlng Department for attent10n. Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d staff
w111 present a status report for the Comm1SS10n at the February
21st meet1ng. It w111 d1SCUSS Mr. Anderson's 1ssues and concerns
and cover staff concerns about the way the current prov1s10ns of
the Code are wr1tten, the1r 1mpact, negat1ve 1mpacts to ne1ghbors.
Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d the 1ssue of the observatory has been reported
to the Plannlng Department and staff 1S wa1 t1ng for a f1nal
clar1f1cat10n from the C1ty Attorney on some 1ssues. As soon as
an answer is rece1ved the staff wll1 get back to the Comm1SS10n.
League of Cal1forn1a C1ties. The meeting w111 take place ln San
D1ego on March 25. Any Plannlng Comm1ss10ners wlsh1ng to attend
should contact Mr. Whlttenberg.
Hellman Ranch/Mola Development. Staff 1nd1cated the 26 lots w111
be deeded to the C1 ty and incorporated 1nto the wetlands area. The
Coastal Commiss10n's conditlons are not 1n wr1t1ng yet. At the
Coastal CommlSS10n hearing they d1d not spec1fy clearly what the
use 1S gOlng to be. The actual restorat10n plan has not been
approved by the Coastal CommlSS10n. Mola has to go back to the
Coastal Comm1SS10n to get a separate perm1t for the restorat10n
plan and that restorat10n plan must be approved before they can
physlcally start dOlng any construct10n of homes on the property.
This will not affect the C1ty'S plans to acqu1re 5 acres from
Hellman at a reasonable pr1ce. Staff sa1d lt w111 not because the
closeness of th1s land to the wetlands area 1t cannot be 11ghted
for ball fleld use.
Ad Hoc Reta11 Sales Comm1ttee Meet1ng. Ms. Forsythe asked 1f a
layman's notice could be placed 1n the Seal Beach Journal so people
who want to partic1pate 1n the Reta11 Sales Commlttee meetlngs can
do so? Staff sa1d we could put together a press release descr1b1ng
the 1tems that w111 come before the Comm1SS10n and hope the papers
would take advantage of that 1n the1r program. We don't have the
budget to place a display ad.
Staff concerns covered the follow1ng seven ltems:
Block Wall @ 404 Beryl Cove Way.
Block Wall @ Br1dgeport.
D1rt (Old Ranch Country Club @ Lampson)
Greenhouse @ 11 College Park Dr1ve
state Lands Property/Hotel Slte
Hellman Ranch/Mola Development
General Plan/Local Coastal Plan ReV1S10ns.
Page 8 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of February 7, 1990
Regard1ng the Greenhouse @ 11 College Park Dr1ve, Mr. F1fe asked
1f the translucent plast1c f1lm that w1II be used for cover1ng the
structure w1II be repa1red 1f 1t r1ps or tears? staff sa1d a f1nal
C1ty Council condit1on was that the mater1al be ma1nta1ned to the
sat1sfact1on of the Plann1ng Department.
Block wall @ Br1dgeport. Mr. Rullo asked when w1II 1t be f1xed?
staff sa1d that the Publ1C Works Department has been aware of th1S
for some t1me. Denn1S Jue sa1d they are 1n the process of
deta1l1ng what has to be done. They were aware that blocks were
loose but not fall1ng off. They w1II repa1r 1t 1n the near future.
staff w1II prov1de a status report at the 2/21/90 meet1ng.
Pat10 Encroachment @ 1720 Crestv1ew. Mr. F1fe asked for the
status. Staff sa1d, after d1Scuss1on W1 th the C1 ty Attorney, staff
has glven the owner unt11 the end of February to subm1t plans to
the Plann1ng Department. The owner lS away on bus1ness a lot.
Cha1rman Sharp adjourned the meet1ng at 9:07 p.m.
Joan F1llmann
Department of Development Serv1ces
The Plann1ng Cornrn1SS1on M1nutes of February 7, 1990 were approved
on February 21, 1990.
C;\I'llSS ASSOC/I1,.
~ 1988-89 ~
February 7, 1990
C1ty of Seal Beach
Development Serv1ces Department
Attn' Lee Wh1ttenberg
RE' D1splay Banners
Dear Mr. Whlttenberg,
After reVlew of your proposed amendment, the Seal Beach
BUSlness AssoClatlon would respectfully request that you
delete the requlrement for a $25.00 permlt fee. We feel
that the fee would defeat the purpose of trYlng to make
addltlonal proflt for the buslness. We do agree wlth the
$100.00 deposlt WhlCh wlll lnsure the removal of the banner.
I understand that you would l1ke to obtaln serVlce fees for
the Clty, but we strongly obJect to the requested per~lt fee.
We do encourage the Clty Councll to adopt Resolutlon Number
1565 recornrnendlng approval of Zonlng Text Amendment 2-90.,
wlth the except10n noted by our membershlP'
We appreclate your efforts to help create a more competltlve
and vlbrant buslness cllmate.
~even ~
Steven J. O'Connell - President
Scott Jones - 1st Vjce President
John Baker - 2nd Vice President
Tina Lyons - Treasurer
Mary Poe - Secretary