HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1990-02-21 . e . CITY OF SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 21, 1990 The regulariy scheduled meetlng of the Plannlng CommlSSlon was called to order In Clty Councll chambers by Chalrman Sharp at 7:32 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Alleglance was led by CommlSSloner Rullo. ROLL CALL Present: Chalrman Sharp CommlSSloners Rullo, Flfe, Suggs, Forsythe Staff Present: Lee Whlttenberg, Dlrector, Dev. Srvcs. Dept. Barry Curtls, Admln. Asst., Dev. Srvcs. Dept. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7, 1990 MOTION by Rullo; SECOND by Flfe to approve the Plannlng CommlSSlon Minutes of February 7, 1990 Wlth a correction at page 2 from "Green" to "Breen". MOTION CARRIED 5 - 0 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT 3-90 VIDEO ARCADES RESOLUTION NO. 1567 Staff Report Mr. Curtls delivered the staff report WhlCh advlsed the Plannlng Commission recommend ZTA 3-90 to the Cl ty Councll through the adoptlon of Resolutlon 1567. Commisslon Comments Mr. Flfe asked staff lf the term "buslness establlshment" was deflned elsewhere? Mr. Whlttenberg sald lt is prevlously deflned In the Code at Sectlon 28-216. e Page 2 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of February 21, 1990 Mr. Fife suggested the follow1ng changes (emphas1s added by secretary) : At page 3: Sectlon 28-205.1. COln-Operated Amusement Devlce. Means any amusement mach1ne or dev1ce located on or wlthln the premises of a bUSlness establlshment and operated by means of 1nsertion of a c01n, token, credlt card or slm1lar obJect for the purpose of amusement or Sk111 lnvolvlng lnteractlon between the user and the devlce and for the plaY1ng of Wh1Ch a dev1ce a fee 1S dlrectly or lndlrectly charged, 1nclud1ng but not Ilm1ted to p1nball mach1nes, v1deo games, computer games, electron1c games and slmllar machlnes and devlces. "Coln Operated Amusement Devlce" does not lnclude vending machlnes WhlCh do not lncorporate gamlng or amusement features, cOln-operated mechanlcal music devlces, bllllards or shuffleboard games. Amusement devlces located In buslness establlshments WhlCh charge for access to the devlces but do not require lnsertion of cOlns, tokens or simllar obJects for the user to actlvate the devlce, are cOln-operated amusement devlces wlthln the meanlng of thlS sectlon. tt At page 4: "(7) COln-Operated Amusement Devlces. (d) No cOln-operated amusement devlce may be located Wl thln fl ve-hundred (500) feet of any publlC or private school, except lf so located solely for purposes of storage, repalr or sale. (e) No cOln-operated amusement devlce may be located w1thln three-hundred (300) feet of any other buslness establlshment provldlng one (1) or more cOln-operated amusement devlce or Wl thln one-hundred (100) feet of any resldentlally zones propertles, except lf so located solely for purposes of storage, repalr or sale. (f) No proprletor, employee there of or manager-on-duty shall allow any mlnor (delete the followlng underllned words) under the age of elghteen (18) years of age ... - At page 6: Nonconformlng COln-operated Amusement Devlces. COln-operated amusement devlces WhlCh fall to comply Wl th thlS artlcle shall be consldered nonconformlng and sald devlces shall be removed or modlfled to comply wlth thls artlcle wlthln the approved amortlzatlon perlod as speclfied withln this sectlon. e e - Page 3 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of February 21, 1990 Amort1zat1on Per1od. BUS1ness establ1shments having At page 11, add th1S paragraph after the last paragraph: M1scellaneous machines not covered by one of the above- categor1es, unt1l such t1me as the mach1ne lS reclass1fied lnto a more specific classlflcatlon, twenty dollars ($20) per machlne. Mr. Curt1s sa1d that paragraph (k) on page 5 should be deleted ent1rely because 1t'S redundant and the 1tems re-lettered. Publ1C Hearlng Opened There was no one who w1shed to speak for or aga1nst th1s matter and the Publ1C Hear1ng was closed. MOTION by Rullo; SECOND by Suggs to approve Zone Text Amendment 3-90, wlth the changes noted above, by the adoptlon of Resolutlon No. 1567. MOTION CARRIED 5 - 0 * * * 3. VARIANCE 8-89 101 MAIN STREET RESOLUTION NO. 1568 staff Report Mr. Curt1s del1vered the staff report on Var1ance 8-89 Wh1Ch 1S a request by the appl1cant, James R. Watson, to prov1de less than the requ1red on-s1te park1ng 1n con]Unct1on w1th add1ng 440 square feet of ded1cated storage space to the second story of an eX1st1ng two- story commerc1al structure at 101 Ma1n street. Staff felt the three mandatory state f1nd1ngs were met and recommended approval through the adopt1on of Resolution No. 1568. Commlsslon Comments Mr. Suggs asked 1f approval of th1S var1ance would 1ncrease the dens1ty. Staff sa1d the density would not be affected but the park1ng requ1rements would be --- Mr. Watson w1ll need 1/2 of an add1t1onal park1ng space. Mr. F1fe sa1d he would favor chang1ng the requ1rement from permanently ded1cated storage space to ded1cated storage space Vla a covenant that's revocable wlth Plann1ng Comm1SS1on approval. e w . Page 4 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of February 21, 1990 Publ1C Hear1ng Opened J1m Watson * 350 Ocean. Seal Beach Mr. Watson sa1d he is now request1ng 440 square foot of storage area (Wh1Ch w111 not be converted to off1ce space) versus the 1400 square feet of off1ce and storage space he requested five months ago. The storage space location close to h1S bUS1ness is necessary because h1S staff uses 1 t 2 to 3 t1mes per week. Mr. Watson 1ndicated his park1ng lot 1S used by non-customers in the even1ng and on week-ends and it gets littered a lot. Therefore h1S son and nephew monitor the lot, glv1ng preference to bus1ness owners and the1r customers. He sa1d he has been studY1ng the possib111ty of tear1ng down h1S bU1ld1ng and add1ng sub-terranean park1ng to slgn1ficantly 1ncrease the amount of off1ce space but has not been able to f1gure a way to accompl1sh 1t at th1s t1me. Gerald1ne West * 1201 Electr1c Avenue. Seal Beach Ms. West spoke aga1nst approval of Var1ance 8-89 because of 1nadequate park1ng. She 1nd1cated the special C1rcumstance f1nding was not made, this property 1S not be1ng depr1ved of any pr1v1lege. M-1 1S not the correct zoning as th1S 1S not a warehouse. She 1ntends to appeal th1S var1ance 1f the Planning Comm1ssion grants 1t. No further speakers were present and the Publ1C Hear1ng was closed. Comm1ss1on Comments Mr. F1fe asked staff 1f grant1ng th1S var1ance would create a stream of other merchants want1ng to show 33.3% of the1r exist1ng space now 1S storage and thus lopp1ng off a need for requ1red parking spaces? Mr. Whittenberg 1nd1cated th1S 1S poss1ble but not ant1c1pated. Ms. Forsythe 1nd1cated an add1t1onal concern 1S park1ng. Due to years of in 11eu park1ng, lack of park1ng there 1S a severe park1ng problem 1n town. She noted page 5 of the staff report d1scuss1ng the poss1b111ty of angled parking along Electr1c Avenue, 8th and 10th Streets and along the alley west of Main Street. She sa1d she rece1ved numerous phone calls that the C1ty may be loslng 1ts b1ke tra11. We need more publ1C 1nput before th1S 1S taken any further. MOTION by Fl.fe to adopt Variance 8-89 through the adoption of Resolut1on No. 1568 wl.th a mOd1fl.cation to conditl.on 12 to read: 2. That a covenant, revocable only with the perml.ssl.on of the Seal Beach commission, be recorded on the tl.tle of the property which dedicates 440 square storage space exclus1vely to non-publl.c purposes. feet of storage Plannl.ng MOTION CARRIED 5 - 0 , '. - e Page 5 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of February 21, 1990 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral communlcatlons from the audlence. STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Whlttenberg lndlcated the repalr to the blockwall In Brldgeport would be repalred In 7 - 10 days. Mr. Rullo asked what was taklng so long? Mr. Curtls sald the PubllC Works Department thought the blocks were loose not falllng off. Mr. Whlttenberg asked lf any of the CommlSSloners wanted to attend the Plannlng CommlSSloners Instltute In San Dlego to please contact the Plannlng Department so reservatlons can be made soon. A newsletter on the B1Xby proJect was sent to over 2000 homes and organlzatlons and lnterested lndl viduals. Mr. Sharp requested staff to have a more outstandlng tltle to draw people's attention to the development. Staff wlll check lnto thlS. COMMISSION CONCERNS Mr. Rullo stated concerns over the 'doghouse' lssue. Mr. Whlttenberg sald staff study thls lssue and will report back to the CommlSSlon wlthln 30 days. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Sharp adJourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully Submltted, C\~"-'~ Joan Flllmann Secretary Department of Development Servlces THESE MINUTES ARE TENTATIVE AND SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. *** THE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 21, 1990 WERE APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON MARCH 5~, 1990. ~