HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1990-03-07 e e 8 CITY OF SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 7, 1990 The regularly scheduled meet.lng of the Plann.lng Comm.lss.lon was called to order .In C.lty Counc.ll Chambers by Cha.lrman Sharp at 7:40 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Alleg.lance was led by Comm.lss.loner Forsythe. ROLL CALL Present: Cha.lrman Sharp Comm.lss.loners Rullo, F.lfe, Forsythe Absent: Comm.lSS.loner Suggs Also Present: Lee Wh.lttenberg, D.lrector, Dev. Srvcs. Dept. Barry Curt.ls, Adm.ln. Asst., Dev. Srvcs. Dept. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 21, 1990 MOTION by RUllo; SECOND by Forsythe to approve the Plann.lng Comm.lssl.on Ml.nutes of February 21, 1990 as presented. MOTION CARRIED: 4-0 ABSENT: Suggs Cha.lrman Sharp requested the removal of .l tern #4 from Scheduled Matters because Comm.lss.loner Suggs .lS absent for th.ls meet.lng. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1-90 2950 WESTMINSTER AVENUE RESOLUTION NO. 1570 Staff Report Barry Curt.ls presented the staff report wh.lch .lS a request by the appl.lcant, A&S Eng.lneer.lng, to remodel an eX.lst.lng automob.lle serV.lce stat.lon at 2950 Westm.lnster Avenue. The remodel w.lll conS.lst of a new canopy, relocat.lon of lube bay doors to the rear of the bU.lld.lng and remodel of cash.ler area. Mr. Curt.ls recommended amend.lng Cond.lt.lon #11 to allow the hours of operat.lon to be 24 hours da.lly. Comm.lss.lon Comments There were no comments from the Comm.lss.loners. -- Page 2 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of March 7, 1990 PubllC Hearlng Ahmad Ghaderl * 207 W. Alameda. #202. Burbank. CA Mr. Ghaderl lntroduced hlmself as the appllcant and sald he would 11ke the hours of operatlon to be 24 hours dally, as that lS the current hours of operatlon. Mr. Flfe asked about sOlI contamlnatlon due to leaklng underground tanks and programs the 011 companles have In monltorlng contamlnatlon. Mr. Ghaderl replled the state's Alr Quallty Management Dlstrlct monltors gas statlon sltes In Callfornla annually and lS maklng sure all underground tanks are upgraded to double-walled flberglass tanks. All 011 companles submlt annual sOlIs reports and status on thelr tanks; thls slte lS clean. The older (25-30 years) steel tanks are sUbJect to leaklng. A&S Englneerlng lS gOlng to replace the tanks on thls slte wlth new double-walled flberglass tanks and dlspensers. The sewer 11ne runs behlnd the statlon and lS 150 to 220 feet away from the eXlstlng/new tanks. The eXlstlng/new tanks are In front of the serVlce statlon by the pump ls1ands. The modern tank monltorlng equlpment would shut down the whole serVlce statlon lf there lS any leak. e No one wlshed to speak agalnst thlS matter and the PubllC Hearlng was closed. Commlsslon Comments MOTION by Forsythe; SECOND by F1fe to approve Cond1tlonal Use PerJlllt 1-90 by the adopt1on of Resolut1on 1570 and to 1nclude modificat1on of Condit1on #11 to allow for 24-hour da1ly operat1on. MOTION CARRIED 4 - 0 ABSENT: Suggs *** 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2-90 12101 SEAL BEACH BOULEVARD/CARRIAGE TRADE LIQUOR RESOLUTION NO. 1569 staff Report Barry CurtlS dellvered the staff report WhlCh 1S a request by Gopal Seth to transfer an eXlstlng off-sale general 11quor 11cense In con]Unctlon wlth the transfer of ownersh1p of Carrlage Trade Llquor at 12101 Seal Beach Boulevard. e Comm1ss10n Comments Mr. Flfe asked staff lf thlS establlshment recycled recyclable mater1als? Staff sald lt was not readl1y ObVl0US; there's a trash can out front. Mr. Flfe asked staff lf those stores Wh1Ch prollf1cally generate recyclable contalners are requlred to recycle e e e Page 3 - Plann1ng Comm1ssion M1nutes of March 7, 1990 them? Staff sa1d the types of uses wh1ch are required to prov1de recyc11ng fac1l1 t1es are pr1mar1ly supermarkets wh1ch do over $2,000,000 per year 1n sales. Under certa1n cr1ter1a there's a State department Wh1Ch determ1nes Wh1Ch 10cat10ns are author1zed to have these type of fac1l1t1es. A 11quor store does not have a requ1rement to prov1de a recycl1ng fac111 ty. Mr. F1fe asked 1f the supermarket 1n Rossmoor Center qual1f1ed? Staff sa1d they would have to check the supermarket's sales; 1t'S based on amount of sales. Mr. Rullo asked staff to research where we stand as a C1ty that wants all 11quor stores to have recycl1ng fac111t1es? Staff w111 check to see if the eX1st1ng prov1s10ns would allow a c1ty to go over-and-above the State requ1rements. Staff sa1d the C1ty 1S 1nvest1gat1ng a C1ty-w1de res1dent1al recyc11ng program wh1ch would prov1de for the p1ckup of those recyclable mater1als at the res1dent1al locat10ns themselves. Staff w111 prov1de the Comm1ss10n w1th a 11st of those liquor stores Wh1Ch are "grandfathered" regard1ng neon signage at the 3/21/90 Comm1ss10n meet1ng. Publ1c Hear1ng Gopal Seth * 31282 V1a San V1cente. San Juan Cap1strano Mr. Seth 1ntroduced h1mself as the appl1cant, stated he had read the staff report and 1ts condit10ns and agreed to these. He agreed that, 1f, 1n the future the C1ty would requ1re recycl1ng he would comply w1th all requ1rements. Jerome Gotle1b * 12300 Montec1to. Seal Beach Mr. Gotle1b asked 1f the landscap1ng at Rossmoor Center was sub- standard and sa1d the end of the Center by Carr1age Trade L1quor had no landscap1ng. Staff sa1d they would look back at the C1ty'S records because they bel1eve the Center 1S sub-standard 1n landscap1ng and g1ve the Commiss10n an update at the1r 3/21/90 meet1ng. Mr. Gotle1b obJected to dr1nk1ng alcohol 1n cars parked 1n the Center. He suggested post1ng 11quor store CUP requ1rements 1n the stores themselves so the publ1c can V1ew the rules. Mr. Rullo agreed w1th the post1ng of CUP requ1rements 1n the stores stat1ng 1f th1s does not d1sagree w1th State law he would l1ke to see these cond1t10ns posted 1n the stores. The State mandates the hours a 11quor store can be open; they are 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. Staff 1S to look 1nto th1S. Staff 1nd1cated you could not apply cond1t10ns retroact1vely to prev10us CUP's. MOTION by F1fe; SECOND by Rullo to approve Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t 2-90 by the adopt1on of Resolut1on No. 1569 W1th the understanding that at the twelve-month review they would be able to 1ntegrate add1t1onal cond1t1ons based on ton1ght's d1Scuss1on and the answers that come forth from that discuss1on. MOTION CARRIED 4 - 0 ABSENT: Suggs e Page 4 - Plann1ng Comm1ss10n M1nutes of March 7, 1990 SCHEDULED MATTERS 4. ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT 2-89 CUP FOR OFFICES IN COMMERCIAL ZONES MASTER PLANNING FOR ROSSMOOR CENTER Chairman Sharp removed th1s 1tem from the Agenda. 5. REVIEW OF WETLAND RESTORATION PLANjHELLMAN PROPERTY Staff Report Mr. Wh1ttenberg de11vered the staff report, 1nd1cat1ng the wetlands restorat10n plan 1S before the Comm1ss10n to e11c1t the1r comments/concerns wh1ch would be 1ncorporated 1nto the C1ty'S comments to the Coastal Comm1ss10n. Th1S plan comp11es w1th the area requ1rements set forth by the Coastal Comm1ss10n. The plan's maJor obJect1ve 1S to develop a wetland area that prov1des 40% to 50% Sub-t1dal area w1th an 1nter-t1dal area pr1mar11y of vegetated salt marsh. The plan has been rev1ewed by the Dept. of F1sh & Game, Nat10nal Mar1ne F1sher1es Serv1ce and F1sh & W11d11fe Service and meets the maJor concerns of all these resource agenc1es. e Comm1ss10n Comments The Comm1ss10n deferred to Mola's comments. Pub11C Hear1ng K1rk Evans * Mola Devel09ment * 4699 Jamboree Rd.. New90rt Beach The changes C1ty staff has requested are being 1ncorporated 1nto the restorat10n plan now and a new booklet w111 be prov1ded to staff for d1str1but10n to the Comm1ss10n about March 12. The only mater1al change 1S an 1ncrease 1n p1ckle weed area by two (2) acres to encourage more hab1tat for the Beld1ng savannah sparrow. Mr. Evans showed an exh1b1t clar1fY1ng water surface at var10US t1dal ranges to the Comm1ss10n and the telev1s10n aud1ence. One part1cular area 1S cons1dered sub-t1dal and by def1n1t10n 1S wetlands but the State Department of F1sh & Game does not g1 ve wetlands cred1t for Sub-t1dal areas. Average water surface on any g1ven day would be between 17 - 31 acres of water surface. The h1ghest elevat10n area w111 be p1ckle weed, dropp1ng down to cort grass, dropp1ng down to mud flats, dropp1ng down to Sub-t1dal areas. Mola w111 post bonds to guarantee the plan's performance standards are met. Mon1tor1ng reports will be subm1tted to the Coastal Comm1ss10n and the C1ty. Before perm1ts are pulled Mola w111 be offer1ng that land up for ded1cat10n to whatever agency approved by the Execut1ve D1rector of the Coastal Comm1ss10n. The 26 lots wh1ch w111 now not have houses w111 be g1ven to sub-t1dal wetlands. Th1s was the one area of the S1 te that has a h1gh 11quefaction s011 structure. e e e e Page 5 - Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes of March 7, 1990 Mola does not get credlt for these Sub-tldal restored areas, but the Port would, due to the 20/20 Plan and the Port fllllng deep water areas that are Sub-tldal. The Coastal Cornrnlsslon, at ltS last hearlng, made lt known that In return for the addltlonal four acres of Sub-tldal wetlands, Mola could achleve some credlts for the ports lf deslred. Chalrman Sharp stated thlS was not a PubllC Hearlng but asked lf anyone In the audlence had any comments. Hearlng none, thlS segment was closed. Commlsslon Comments Mr. Whlttenberg sald the staff report lndlcates two concerns: (1) The monl torlng proposed In the restoratlon plan dld not lnclude the Cl ty belng notlfled of those monl torlng reports. Staff lS requestlng the Clty recelve all monitorlng reports of the restoratlon for lnformatlon purposes. (2) The staff report from the Coastal Commisslon indlcates that the wetland areas adJacent to currently vacant Sl tes along Hellman Ranch Road would requlre addi tlonal buffers from these wetland areas. ThlS would have an lmpact on both the State Lands property and the remalnder of the Hellman properties. Staff feels lt would be approprlate to try to get some deflni tlon from the Coastal Cornrnlsslon as to what addltlonal buffers they may wlsh to see on both the State Lands property and on the remalnder Hellman property. Mr. Flfe asked Mr. Evans lf, In the event the Hellman Ranch remalnder property lS ultimately developed, what wlll be done about the wetlands restoratlon on that slte? Mr. Evans explalned all the degraded wetlands on the slte are on the portlon Mola purchased. One acre of severely degraded salt flat wetlands. A future developer would be requlred to restore lt lf they were gOlng to flll or dredge It. Or, lt could be bUllt around, and not be requlred to be restored. Mr. Flfe asked Mr. Evans about the Port posslbly glvlng credlt for that Sub-tldal land lS Mola concerned about the Port glvlng Mola monetary credlt for thlS land? Mr. Evans lndlcated that Mola welcomes the Port's lnvolvement and deflnltely would llke thelr expertlse. Mr. Evans emphaslzed that the addltlonal four acre parcel wlll be restored to wetlands regardless of the Port's lnvol vement. Rlght now Mola Development has the total responslblllty for the restoratlon, operatlon, monltorlng and malntenance. If Mola turns lt over to a local coastal conservancy the Coastal Commlsslon has also stlpulated that a fund be establlshed to guarantee malntenance of the wetlands. Anythlng that Mola gets from the Port lS gOlng lnto the wetlands malntenance. The Port needs credlts and four acres lS slgnlflcant e Page 6 - Plann1ng Comm1ss1on M1nutes of March 7, 1990 enough for the Port to negot1ate w1th Mola for the purchase of those cred1ts. Whatever dollars Mola gets from the Port w1II go toward go toward the development, operat1ng, mon1toring, ma1ntenance of the wetlands. Mr. Wh1ttenberg clar1f1ed the p01nt of ma1ntenance by read1ng page 10-11 of the Coastal Comm1SS1on staff report. Cha1rman Sharp 1nstructed staff to pass along 1ts concerns to the Coastal Comm1SS1on. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Jerome Gotle1b * 12300 Montec1 to asked 1f a beauty college 1S cons1dered as a school regard1ng the d1stance requ1rements from a 11quor store. Staff sa1d 1t was not cons1dered a school, publ1C and pr1vate elementary, m1ddle and h1gh schools would be cons1dered. STAFF CONCERNS Staff reported the blockwall at Br1dgeport was repa1red on February 23, 1990 by the C1ty'S Department of Publ1C Works. COMMISSION CONCERNS Doghouse - Staff sa1d they are rev1ew1ng a number of alternat1ves It and w1II have a report for the next Comm1SS1on meet1ng. N01se study - Staff sent 15 - 20 letters to home abutt1ng arter1al streets and have rece1ved a few pos1t1ve responses to ass1st 1n the study. The Health Department needs at least 3 part1c1pants. Staff wants to see what the d1fference 1S between a 6' fence and an 8' fence have on the n01se levels 1n these yards. Blockwall @ Vons - Staff 1S to look 1nto what 1S be1ng done to repa1r the damage to the wall and report back to the Comm1ss1on. Asbestos 1n College Park East - Mr. F1fe asked staff to research and report back to the Comm1ss1on on what k1nds of cond1t1ons eX1st 1n var10US parts of the C1ty and comp1le a IlSt of "do and don'ts" to m1n1m1ze asbestos problems. e - e -- Page 7 - Plannlng CommlSSlon Mlnutes of March 7, 1990 ADJOURNMENT Chalrman Sharp adJourned the meetlng at 9:53 p.m. Respectfully Submltted, qo~~~ Joan Flllmann Secretary Plannlng Department THESE MINUTES ARE TENTATIVE AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. *** The Plannlng CommlSSlon Mlnutes of March 7, 1990 were approved by the Planning CommlSSlon on March ~I~t, 1990. ~