HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1990-05-16
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Comm1SS1on was
called to order on May 16, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. in City Council
Chambers by Cha1rman Sharp.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Sharp.
Chairman Sharp
Commissioners Rullo, F1fe, McCurdy
commissioner Forsythe was elected to the C1ty
Council and was seated May 15, 1990.
Lee Whittenberg, D1rector, Dev. Srvcs. Dept.
Barry Curtis, Admin. Asst., Dev. Srvcs. Dept.
Staff Report
Mr. curtis delivered the staff report Wh1Ch 1S a request by
appl1cant, William Bruton for owners Michael and Sharon Arnstein,
to remove the existing flat roof and build a sloped shed-style roof
w1th usable attic space and minor structural alterations. Staff
recommended approval with f1ve (5) conditions.
Commission Comments
Chairman Sharp asked Mr. Curtis about the exit from the third
floor. Mr. Curtis replied a second means to exit the th1rd floor
will be by an exterior spiral sta1rcase from the front balcony.
Chairman Sharp asked Mr. curtis what assurances the Comm1ssion had
that this space would be used for storage and would not be used for
living quarters. Mr. Curtis said it doesn't meet UBC requ1rements
for habitable space and staff felt it could proceed w1thout
additional conditions because no w1ndows were provided. But the
Commission could request a covenant be placed on the property that
would d1ctate only one unit be on the property.
Mr. Rullo noted everyth1ng in Surfside is single family and this
request has no k1tchen and won't be used as a second un1t.
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Mr. Fife asked about add1tional ventilat10n to m1nim1ze the danger
of f1re. Mr. Whittenberg added the UBC prov1des for attic
ventilation but if the Commission felt an additional smoke detector
1n the area was appropriate, it could be an add1t1onal cond1tion.
It is not a requirement of the building or fire codes. Mr. Fife
said he felt it would be a good 1dea, stating the area would be
f1lled with combustibles. Addit1onally, Mr. Fife noted condit1on
#1 requ1res the removal of a greenhouse window and asked what 1t
would be replaced with? Mr. curtis said W1 th a convent1onal
window, noting the UBC does not provide for open1ngs w1thin three
feet of a property line which this window does. The height on the
window is on the second floor - about 10' up. Mr. Curt1s noted
that staff has a proposal to be presented to the Commission at its
June 6th meeting re one-hour fire rated w1ndows being considered
a perm1tted intrus10n 1nto the setback.
Mr. McCurdy noted th1S 1S a flat roof with a slope on each end,
versus a shed type roof. He noted they propose a 26' x 14' storage
space with no apparent means of egress. He inquired as to why th1s
family needed such a large storage space.
Sharon Arnste1n * Owner, Al16 Surfs ide
Mrs. Arnstein sa1d the house was built as a two-story house and the
main floor was added later and 1S on the sand. The main floor is
where they store everyth1ng and it's always wet and they want to
move everything up higher. The storage area is for boxes and
clothes. She thought about lining the walls with cedar for clothes
storage. They had been using a bedroom for storage and now would
like to clear out and use the bedroom. They plan to have a pull-
down ladder from the ce1l1ng inside. The first floor is not really
a first floor because it's not good for anything. She has not
discussed 1nsulating the roof with anyone.
Bill Bruton * B61 Surfside
Mr. Bruton is the builder. The plans shows a pull-down attic
staircase 1n the hallway. The plans still need to go through the
BU1ld1ng Department for structural plan check and any kind of
insulat1on, smoke detectors etc. w1ll be taken care of through that
process. It was noted a smoke detector could be placed in the
attic w1th the noise maker on another floor where 1t could be hear
qU1te well. In Surfside the houses are narrow and the second floor
is bas1cally a kitchen and living room with bedrooms on the third
floor. The greenhouse window was there when the Arnstein's
purchased the home. Mr. Fife asked Mr. Bruton how he planned to
ventilate the attic? Mr. Bruton sa1d the Build1ng Department has
a formula for the square footage and dead air space that reverts
back into inches of ventilated area which is paSS1ve. You cannot
put the spin-around type vent1lating devices in because they rust
out in six months. The best th1ng to do is use a passive system
with a type of treated metal. Mr. Fife sa1d he favored more active
ventilat1ng systems.
Page 3 - Planning Commiss1on Minutes of May 16, 1990
Mr. McCurdy noted the plans show four 24 x 24 vents in the attic
space. Mr. Bruton said yes, th1S is the passive system but said
he would not use that type of ventilation because it rusts out.
Mr. Rullo noted everyone 1S going to copper as 1t doesn't rust.
Mr. Sharp said he was sure the ventilation would be taken care of
through the BU1lding Department.
MOTION by Rullo; SECOND by McCUrdy to approve Plan Review 4-90,
subject to requiring an additional smoke detector in the attic
AYES: Rullo, Fife, McCUrdy, Sharp
There were no scheduled matters.
There were no Publ1C Hearings.
There were no oral communications.
Mr. Curt1s presented a staff report entitled "Additions to Non-
conforming Structures Which Are Non-Conforming Solely Due to
Densi ty and Tandem Park1ng". This report was generated by two
recent requests to add to legal non-conforming duplexes in an
amount greater than the 10% allowed under a Minor Plan Review.
Staff recommended the Commission direct staff to 1nitiate a Zoning
Text Amendment to allow for addi t10ns of greater than 10% to
residential structures which are non-conforming solely due to
tandem parking and dens1ty. Staff recommended that Section 28-
2407(A)(3) be amended to require a Conditional Use Permit for all
such additions.
The Comm1ssion asked how the add1tions would policed the make sure
they were not bedrooms? Mr. Curtis said a CUP process was proposed
and they would corne before the Planning Commiss1on. As with a
Minor Plan Review, rooms could be changed around as long as there
1S no net increase in the number of bedrooms. Mr. McCurdy said he
objected to tandem parking because it usually resulted in one car
in the tandem and two cars parked on the street because of the
necess1ty of moving the cars to get them out.
MOTION by Rullo; SECOND by Fife for the Planning commission to
direct staff to proceed initiating a Zoning Text Amendment to allow
for additions of greater than 10% to residential structures which
are non-conforming solely due to tandem parking and density.
AYES: Rullo, Fife, McCurdy, Sharp
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Appolnt New Commlssioners
Mr. Sharp said two Plannlng Commlssloners, Gwen Forsythe and Joe
Rullo, were leaving the Commission. Ms. Forsythe being elected to
the Clty Councl1 and Joe Rullo resigning effective May 16, 1990.
He urged the new City Council Members Forsythe and Hastlngs to
speedily appoint two new members to the Commission.
Chairman Sharp adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submltted,
Executive Secretary
Department of Development Services
These Minutes are tentatlve and are subject to the approval of the
Planning Commlssion.
The Minutes of the May 16, 1990 Planning Commission meetlng were
approved on C\~ 01.0 1990.