HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1990-09-05
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commlssion of the
City of Seal Beach was called to order on September 5, 1990 at
7:30 p.m. in Clty Council Chambers by Chairman Fife.
The Pledge of Alleglance was led by Commissioner OrSlnl.
Chalrman Fife
Commissioners Orslni, Sharp, McCurdy
commissioner Dahlman
Lee Whittenberg, Dlrector, Development Srvcs. Dept.
Barry Curtls, Admin. Asst., Development Srvcs. Dept.
Mlchael Cho, Admin. Intern, Development Srvcs. Dept.
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by McCUrdy to approve the Planning
Commission Minutes of August I, 1990 as presented.
AYES: Fife, Orsini, Sharp, McCurdy
ABSENT: Dahlman
Chalrman Fife made the followlng changes to the Minutes:
Page 2, Line 42 - After "conformlng due" add "to both".
Page 4, Line 5 - After "the" add "plans previously".
MOTION by Orsini; SECOND by Sharp to approve the Planning
Commission Minutes of August 15, 1990 with the two corrections
noted above.
AYES: Orsini, Fife, Sharp, McCurdy
ABSENT: Dahlman
Page 2 - Planning Commission M1nutes of September 5, 1990
Staff Report
Michael Cho delivered the staff report. The applicant, Greg
Albright, proposes a Minor Plan Review and a Minor Height variation
to convert the trailer and add a two-story cabana. A M1nor He1ght
Var1ation was applied for to permit a non-habitable architectural
proJection and chimney in excess of the allowed height. Mr. Cho
said the municipal Code allows an add1tional 7 feet beyond the 25
foot he1ght limitation; the appl1cant could have bU11t to 32 feet.
The existing tra11er contains 380 square feet and Mr. Albr1ght
proposed to add 1610 square feet. Mr. Cho noted a problem with
windows which were 1ncluded above the 20 foot limit. Mr. Cho
stated the windows would have to be removed from the plans or
lowered below the 20 foot he1ght lim1t.
Commiss10n Comments
Commissioner McCurdy asked what was below the curved roof on the
west elevation? Mr. Cho said he thought it was a vaulted ceiling.
Cha1rman F1fe asked staff about the north elevat10n showing a round
dormer window which appears to exceed the 20 foot height limit.
Mr. Cho said the east and west elevat10n w1ndows must be entirely
removed and the dormer windows must be lowered so the tops don't
exceed 20 feet 1n he1ght.
Commiss10ner Orsini asked staff about the parking situat10n at the
Seal Beach Trailer Park. Mr. curtis replied the trailer park
parking is in a central parking area located around the clubhouse.
When the trailer park was developed there was adequate parking for
the number of units. Mr. Orsini sa1d he has talked to the Fire
Department and they complain to the Police Department constantly
because when they go 1nto the trailer park with a f1re truck they
cannot get through the streets. Mr. Wh1ttenberg asked if the fire
trucks cannot get through because of parking along the street? If
so, that's an enforcement issue of the F1re Department. If the
streets are marked as f1re lanes, the Fire Department has the right
to 1ssue citations. Commissioner Orsini stressed that the City
continues to increase the density in the Seal Beach Trailer Park
and some tra11ers appear to be houses rather than tra1lers and he
quest10ned where this 1S going to stop? Mr. Whittenberg sa1d under
the current provis10ns of the Code, trailer owners are allowed to
make very maJor modif1cat10ns to their trailers. Recent
d1Scussions staff has had with the State Department of Hous1ng and
Commun1ty Development indicates that if trailer owners retain a
port10n of the floor of the trailer and build around that 1t 1S
st111 cons1dered a mob11e home. The wheels need to remain on the
floor area and cannot be buried. Mr. Orsini ind1cated the trailer
owners are making these three and four bedroom homes and they still
fall under Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) fees and do not pay
any property taxes.
Page 3 - Planning CommlSSlon Minutes of September 5, 1990
Mr. Orsinl asked Mr.
low lncome housing.
but not all, of the
moderate lncome.
Whittenberg if the Seal Beach Traller Park was
Mr. Whittenberg indicated a certaln number,
units in the park are restricted for low and
Chalrman Fife asked staff what portlon of the extra DMV (In lieu
taxes) levied as a function of the value of the lmprovements to the
trailer flnd their way to the City of Seal Beach in comparison to
property taxes? Mr. Whlttenberg sald he had no idea and would have
to research that. Mr. Orslni said he had researched that questlon
and there are no monies corning back to the City from DMV - the Clty
loses the taxes. DMV fees stay in Sacramento. Commissloner orsini
said he went through the Seal Beach Trailer Park and there lS a
traller for sale for $250,000.
Commlssioner Sharp sald as he read this appllcation he didn't see
any seismic or earthquake studies - any of the thlngs that could
be problems in Seal Beach. A development on Hellman Ranch has been
denied because of these problems. ThlS application is essentlally
a three bedroom house belng built on "about as dangerous land as
we could flnd anyplace in Seal Beach." Chairman Fife said he
shared Commissioner Sharp's concern in view of the City Council's
findlngs on those lssues wlth respect to the Mola Development Co.
proJect site. The Seal Beach Trailer Park is approximately a
couple of hundred yards away from the Hellman property which has
been labeled unsuitable for houslng development because of
seismicjllquefaction concerns. It's all part of the San Gabriel
rlverbed alluvlal plaln. Mr. Flfe indlcated that untll the City
Council gl ves the Planning Commission some further direction,
either limiting those flndlngs to the Mola Co. property site or
otherwise creating some basis for the Planning Commission to avoid
dealing with those findlngs with respect to other buildable sltes
in Seal Beach, the Commlssion would have the same obligation to
deny what is essentially houslng development on thlS site unless
the Commission has seismic or liquefaction informatlon to suggest
those dangers have been adequately mitlgated.
Mr. Whittenberg responded the current situatlon for small in-fill
developments occurring in the communlty requlres a soils report as
part of the building permit process. If, based on the soils
reports additional studies are deemed necessary by the englneer who
prepared the soils report, then those studies are undertaken. The
existing buildlng code requirements deal with seismic issues for
construction and there are set standards which need to be met for
all construction - residentlal, lndustrlal and commerclal. Mr.
Whi ttenberg indlcated the POllCY of the City has been not to
prohibit new construction from occurring based on those issues.
commissioner Sharp asked Mr. Whlttenberg who made this policy? Mr.
Whittenberg explained the Clty Council has "not dlrected staff to
cease issuing buildlng permits for new residential constructlon in
the communl ty based on seismlc concerns". Mr. Sharp indlcated that
even though the Planning
Page 4 - Planning CommlSSlon Mlnutes of September 5, 1990
Commission has let the Clty Councll know of its concerns and asked
for dlrection, the City Council has not given the Commission any
direction. Mr. Whl ttenberg said the Cl ty Council is still
reviewlng that area of concern. Council has asked staff to track
down additional lnformation from the Cltles of Sacramento and San
Diego ... particularly regardlng llquefaction studies. Once the
information is obtalned staff wlll report back to Council.
Mr. Sharp said" . . . I have my questlons on what our llability
would be if, where Mola was turned down on some of the things we
don't have on this (appllcation), and we turn around and grant this
(application) and it's built. six months later we have an
earthquake and that thing goes down and somebody's killed --- we
have absolutely ignored the fact that they wouldn't put up (houses)
on the same type land for reasons we don't know eXlst here but we
think they do. We have some llability and I don't like it. I
think we have to have clear dlrections from the City Councll ...
before I feel we can grant any kind of major construction, even
though lt's only one house or a cabana ... and that's Just the way
I feel".
Mr. Whlttenberg sald wlthout Councll dlrectlon not to lssue
permits, if a person submits plans meeting all Clty requirements
which do not need to corne before the Planning Commission for
review, that that permit would be issued.
Mr. Whittenberg said a sOlIs report has not been done at 15
Cottonwood but 1 t would be required as part of the plan check
process through buildlng permit lssuance. Mr. Flfe asked to what
degree of detail a soils report would go - test borings, water
content? Mr. Whittenberg sald the sOlIs engineers would normally
do 4 or 5 test borlngs on the site to determine soil condltion.
At that point, lf it appears there is instability or a llquefactlon
problem then it would be dealt with at that time. The Clty has
been requlrlng sOlIs reports on new single family homes for 9 to
10 months. The borings are approxlmately 20 to 25 feet and deeper
lf the sOlI lS not consolidated. Mr. Fife asked if the City
requlres examination of the peak accelerations as a function of a
given energy release earthquake on a certain fault locatlon? Mr.
Whi ttenberg said the Cl ty doesn't require an assumed level of
ground acceleration. There are some requirements through the
building code provisions that are used generally throughout the
Southern Callfornia area. The Cl ty has not decided to require
something over and above what the standard building permit
requirements. Mr. Flfe indlcated he understood the City Councll's
findings with respect to the Mola project that, among other
reasons, it was a determlnatlon that as a matter of blanket POllCY
the entire project site was not sUltable for development of housing
for, among other reasons, seismlc and liquefaction concerns. Am
I incorrect? Was there a findlng of lot by lot? Mr. Whlttenberg
sald Mr. Flfe
Page 5 - Planning Commission Minutes of September 5, 1990
was not incorrect, 1t was a total project determination. Mr. Fife
sa1d he shares Mr. Sharp's view on this p01nt and is not
comfortable W1 th approving what is really a house construction
under the present circumstances w1thout e1ther further d1rection
from the City Counc11 as to what our "march1ng orders" are w1th
respect to these two issues or spec1fic information about the
suitab1lity of this specif1c slte for this kind of development.
commissioner McCurdy noted this is the only trailer park 1n the
State of Californ1a that allows two story tra1lers. He called for
a complete new set of zon1ng rules for th1S tra1ler park. He read
from the zoning codes regard1ng the trailer park and noted many
exceptions. He indicated 1t should be either a tra1ler park or
h1gh dens1ty hous1ng which would bring tax money into the city.
Chairman F1fe ind1cated he has received some object1ons on this
proJect and asked the Commiss1on if they would agree to a Public
Hearing on this item.
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by McCUrdy to open Minor Plan Review
#10-90 to a Public Hearlng with limited time for consideration.
AYES: Orsini, Sharp, McCUrdy, Fife
ABSENT: Dahlman
Public Hearing
Rick Schm1dt * 14 Georgetown. Irv1ne (Name of architectural company
not glven).
Mr. Schm1dt stated he was the designer and was represent1ng the
owner, Greg Albright. Mr. Schmidt said he was confused as to what
the Comm1SS1on wanted and asked the Commission for their opin1ons.
Chairman F1fe sa1d his pos1tion 1S "that I am not inclined to vote
for a development for resident1al purposes of properties that 11e
wi th1n zones that were previously mapped as high liquefaction
danger zones by the Californ1a Division of M1nes & Geology unt11
such time as the City Council clarifies 1n relationship to the
dec1s1on made on the Mola property proJect what we're to do on
these sUbjects".
Commiss1on Ors1ni said his pOS1 t10n is that "1 t' s a mobile home
park and 1 t should stay W1 thin that. Which means 1 t could be
pulled out at any time. These are becom1ng houses. If they are
gOlng to be houses they might as well pay property taxes."
Page 6 - Plannlng Commission Mlnutes of September 5, 1990
Commissioner Sharp said his feeling was that "until the city
Council glves us (Planning commisslon) some deflnlte directlons ...
they are the ones who turned down the building because of the land
problems and earthquake problems ... we have asked for directlons
and I feel because of the llablllty that I feel... there is a
lawsult against not only the Clty but three of the Council people,
because of thlS ... I read in the paper that the City lsn't going
to be the one who picks up the bill to defend the Council people
and I'm slttlng up here ln a posltion where I don't want to get ln
that position and I'm not going to because I'm not going to vote
for any building untll I have clear directlons and the attorney
sitting here (Mr. Flfe) can say that I'm not going to be liable.
When he can tell me that then I'm gOlng to vote for It''.
Commlssioner McCurdy said he had no objection to this plan's
design. He said he felt "the park needs an entirely new set of
zoning rules to comply wlth what we want to wlnd up with ten years
from now after everybody builds and get variances. The Cl ty should
get some taxes out of it". Chairman Flfe agreed, saying that lt
was unsettling to him to thlnk that flve years hence there could
be $20,000,000 worth of property in the traller park that's paYlng
a grand total of $1,000 DMV fees and nothing to the Clty. They
would be getting Flre and Police protection.
Mr. Schmidt stated he wanted to represent his client to the best
of his abllity and wanted to abide with the glazlng requirements.
The said he would get an englneering analysis with semi working
drawings lf the Commisslon wanted. Mr. Schmldt asked for an
extended date to answer the Commlssion's concerns.
Commissloner OrSlnl said a slngle wide trailer with an extenslon
in the Seal Beach Traller Park is now selling for $135,000. In
most parks that would be worth $50,000 to $60,000. Talking to a
realtor in the park, Mr. Orsinl was told he could build a person
a two-story house.
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by orsini to table Minor Plan Review #10-
90 until the January 2, 1991 Planning Commission meeting.
AYES: orsini, Sharp, McCurdy, Fife
ABSENT: Dahlman
Mr. Whlttenberg said he would meet (before January 2, 1991) with
Mr. Schmidt to discuss Mr. Schmldt's questions on condition #2.
The Commission asked staff to prepare a historical report on the
Seal Beach Trailer Park and how it has evolved to its present
state. This should include the future of the park, addressing such
lssues as all two-story cabanas? Are there alternative means Page
7 - Plann1ng Commission Minutes of September 5, 1990
(example: annual fee structure) someth1ng approx1mat1ng the City's
share of property taxes. Staff is to research existing contracts
between the Redevelopment Agency and the owners of the park. These
have 1mpacts on the financial 1mpacts.
4. PLAN REVIEW #11-90
Staff Report
M1chael Cho delivered the staff report. Th1S is a request by Larry
Holtzen to remove the eX1sting pat10 and add a staircase, a second
story deck between buildings and additional 240 square feet of
interior floor space. The 240 square feet is inside the new
staircase and 1S for storage. Staff recommended approval subject
to four cond1t1ons.
Comm1ss1on Comments
Comm1SS1oner McCurdy noted they are taking out the patio, putting
1n sta1rs, a storage room and a deck in its place. No bedrooms are
be1ng added. Mr. Fife sa1d his concerns on the seism1c and
liquefaction matters were not expressed here because there were no
structural modifications and no addition of space to be occupied
by anything other than storage.
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by McCurdy to approve Minor Plan Review
#11-90 subject to the four condit1ons set forth in the staff
AYES: Orsini, Sharp, McCUrdy, Fife
ABSENT: Dahlman
There were no scheduled matters.
5. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #11-90 * Resolution #1591
Staff Report
Mr. Curt1s delivered the staff report. This is a request by San
Pedro Slgn Company to amend the planned sign program for Zoeter
Place. The appl1cant proposed an amendment to accommodate the
un1que requirements of Russell's restaurant. Russell's, at Suite
Page 8 - Plannlng Commission Minutes of September 5, 1990
B1, is allowed five signs totalling 163 square feet. This proposal
requests the increase of the number of slgns from 5 to 7 signs but
a decrease the square footage of those 7 signs from 163 square feet
to 78 square feet. The appllcant wants to replace two of the
awning signs with channel letter signs. Staff recommended approval
of CUP #11-90 wlth three condltions through the adoption of
Resolution #1591.
Commlssion Comments
Mr. Fife clarified that if Resolution #1591 were approved it would
pertain only to Suite B1.
Public Hearing
The PubllC Hearing was opened by Chairman Flfe. No one wished to
speak for or against this application and the Public Hearing was
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by McCUrdy to approve Conditional Use
Permi t 11-90, with the three conditions set forth in the staff
report, by the adoption of Resolution #1591.
AYES: orsini, Sharp, McCurdy, Fife
ABSENT: Dahlman
Staff Report
Mr. Whittenberg delivered the staff report. The applicant, the
Clty of Seal Beach, requested an amendment to the Subdivision
Ordlnance definltion of vesting Tentative Map to allow all requests
for subdivisions to be for a vesting map, if desired by the
appllcant. The deflni tion of a "Vesting Tentative Tract Map" would
be changed by deletlng the reference to "residential" subdivisions.
That would allow applications for all subdivislons to be for a
vesting map. This change was recommended by the City Attorney's
Commlssion Comments
Commissioner McCurdy asked how an applicant would subml t for
commerclal construction? Mr. Whittenberg indlcated it was
subml tted under a regular Tentatl ve Tract Map which was not
classified as a Vesting Tentative Tract Map. The major advantage
a potential developer would gain is that once a vesting map has
been approved the City cannot change the conditions of approval
prlor to recordlng the flnal map. This can be done on a regular
tract map.
Page 9 - Planning Commission Minutes of September 5, 1990
PubllC Hearlng
The PubllC Hearlng was opened. No one in the audience wlshed to
speak for or against this item and the Public Hearing was closed.
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Orsini to approve Subdivision Ordinance
Text Amendment 1-90 through the adoptlon of Resolution #1594.
AYES: Orsinl, Fife, Sharp, McCUrdy
ABSENT: Dahlman
Staff Report
Barry curtis delivered the staff report. ThlS proposed Zoning Text
Amendment would allow additlons greater than 10% to non-conforming
structures WhlCh are nonconforming solely due to density and tandem
parklng. ThlS amends section 28-2407 of the Code.
commission Comments
Mr. Sharp asked about the addition of bedrooms. Mr. curtis stated
that Sectlon 1, 4(c) states "the number of bedrooms may not be
Mr. Fife said, lf passed, each case would corne before the
Commission via a condltional use permit.
Mr. curtis noted the City is locked lnto the number of units with
tandem parklng since the Cl ty doesn't allow any more tandem
parklng. This would be 4 or 6 units all ln Old Town.
PubllC Hearing Opened
Ed Wllcorek * 208 4th Street, Seal Beach
Mr. Wilcorek stated he was not an applicant but hlS home is one of
the four or six units. He would like to add 528 square feet to a
front unit of 980 square feet. He has a back unlt of 1,100 square
feet. He has four car tandem parklng but realistically lt winds
up with the tenants parking on the street. H1S lot is 30' x
Mlke Neube * 412 Central Avenue. Seal Beach
Spoke ln favor of thlS Zone Text Amendment to help homeowners.
The PubllC Hearlng was closed hearlng nothlng in opposltion.
Page 10 - Plann1ng Commission M1nutes of September 5, 1990
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by McCurdy to approve Zone Text Amendment
5-90 through the adoption of Resolution #1593.
AYES: Fife, Sharp,
- 1 - 1
CUP 10-90 * 1120 CENTRAL - MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by McCurdy to
continue CUP 10-90 to the Planning Commission meeting of September
19, 1990.
AYES: orsini, Fife, Sharp, McCurdy
ABSENT: Dahlman
Bruce Stark * Seal Beach
Mr. Stark spoke on two matters: (1) Seal Beach Tra1ler Park and
(2) Seal Beach Boulevard (between Electric and PCH on the west
slde). He sa1d the tra1ler park concept involves e1ther renting
a space or hav1ng a leasehold interest in a space; he wondered why
there is a heavy financial investment 1n the park. Mr. Stark sa1d
he investigated the trailer park re low 1ncome and was told "don't
worry about that, all you have to do is sign a form and file 1t 1n
the office and nobody ever looks at it anyway". He noted there's
no central park1ng area. Secondly, he suggested staff look into
what's gOlng to be done on Seal Beach Boulevard Wh1Ch is presently
zoned commercial. He indicated there's nothing can be done to
"bring it into a commercial type structure". When he asks City
staff what 1S gOlng to be done he's told "It's in a state of flux,
we don't know what we're going to do with it". He noted his
building and the ones next to it are apartments and they would be
ideal to convert to single offices for real estate, insurance,
accounting etc. Staff apparently has no direction from anybody as
to what can be approved or what can be done. Staff says there's
not enough parking although he felt park1ng is not a problem on
Seal Beach Boulevard. He stated he would 11ke the Planning
Commiss1on to direct staff to hold Public Hear1ngs to corne up w1th
a plan as to what the property owners can do w1th their property
to bring 1t 1nto a commercial type venture that 1t'S zoned for.
Page 11 - Plannlng Commisslon Minutes of September 5, 1990
Mr. Whlttenberg said the only staff concerns were contalned in the
agenda packet.
Expense reimbursement for Plannlng Commisslon from $30
to $60 per meetlng: the Council has had the lntroduction
of that ordinance and the second readlng lS scheduled for
September 10, 1990.
Status report on a number of items. Summary document lS
included ln this agenda.
Chalrman Flfe asked staff lf Mobll oil has been advised that the
mlnl-mart on Seal Beach Boulevard might be phased out? Mr.
Whlttenberg sald Mobll 011 has not be advised because staff lS
still seeing if amortization procedures are a possibill ty to
consider. Mr. Fife asked that lf the mini-mart cannot be amortlzed
or phased out could the Clty develop a mlnl-mart ordlnance which
would allow mini-marts wlthln certaln areas of the City (example:
on and north of westminster Blvd.) but not allow them in the Old
Town area. Mr. Whittenberg said there are a number of optlons the
City could consider. ABC will not issue a license until they have
recelved the City's CUP approval; that's an eXlstlng provision of
State law.
Commlssloner Sharp noted the 75th Anniversary of the Clty lS gOlng
on and there will be a parade and he wondered if the Planning
commission wanted to rlde ln the parade. The parade will be
October 27th and the masquerade party wlll be October 26th. Mr.
Flfe indicated the Commission should think about this issue and
perhaps dlSCUSS it at the next meetlng.
commissioner McCurdy, referenclng the Irvine Liquor Store at Flfth
and Marina, asked lf it had complied with municipal Codes? Mr.
curtis said the liquor signs are down and it complies. Mr. Orslni
said the photocopy slgn must be removed.
Chairman Flfe sald he has been gettlng a number of reports about
the Super Saver Clnema. One report is that toughs are gathering
around the theatre. Another is that blcycles are being stolen.
His own and neighborhood children told him of kids that are being
chased. He lndicated that Dottle PhilllpS or the Police
Department's presence at the October 3rd meeting would be a good
Page 12 - Planning Commisslon Mlnutes of September 5, 1990
Chalrman Flfe adJourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submltted,
J an Flllmann
Executlve Secretary
Planning Department
These Minutes are tentatlve and are subJect to the approval of the
Plannlng Commlssion.
The Plannlng CommlSSlon Mlnutes of August 1 and August 15, 1990
were approved on September 5, 1990.