HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1991-04-17
APRIL 17, 1991
1. Discussion re Appeals Ordinance.
2. Report re Seal Beach Boulevard
3. Approval of April 3, 1991 Minutes
4. Minor Plan Review #15-88
125 Surf Place (Amend Condition)
5. CUP #4-90
Soup Exchange (Liquor Renewal)
Resolution No. 1617
Minor Plan Review #6-91
114 First Street
Resolution No. 1619
7. Minor Plan Review #7-91
112 First Street
Resolution No. 1618
8. CUP #2-91
Breitburn Energy Corp.
Resolution No. 1620
9. Variance #2-91
163 Electric
Resolution No. 1621
VI. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - At this time members of the public
may address the Planning Commission regarding any item
wi thin the subject matters of the commission provided no
action may be taken on off-Agenda items unless authorized
by law.
The regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting of April 17,
1991 was called to order at 7:30 p.m. in city council Chambers by
Chairman FJ.fe.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner Sharp.
Present: ChaJ.rman Fife
CommJ.ssioners Orsini, Sharp, Dahlman
Absent: Commissioner McCurdy
Note: Commissioner McCurdy's excused absence was due to
family illness.
Department of Development Services staff present:
Lee Whittenberg, Director
Barry Curtis, Administrative Assistant
Joan Fillmann, Executive Secretary
Michael Cho, Intern
1. Discussion re Appeals Ordinance
Staff Report
Director Whittenberg presented the staff report. [Staff report on
file in the Planning Department]. In November 1990, the City
Council adopted urgency Ordinance No. 1320 to allow all
determinations of the Department of Development Services and the
Planning Commission to be appealed to the City CouncJ.l. Staff
proposed a new recommended ordinance, Ordinance No. 1333 which
implements the desires of the Planning Commission and City Council.
Ordinance 1333 repeals Ordinance 1320. In March 1991 the City
Council introduced the recommended Ordinance and referred it to the
Planning Commission for review and comment prior to Council action.
Staff presented three suggested Commission actions.
Commission Comments
Chairman Fife suggested the following corrections to draft
Ordinance 1333 should be made:
. Section A. AuthorJ.zatJ.on: Change "or" to "on" to read "Any
aggrieved person may appeal a decision on ...".
Page 2 - Planning Commission Minutes of April 17, 1991
. Section A. Time for Conducting
. . .: Change "held" to "heard" to read "Appeals to the Planning
Commission shall be heard within ..."
. Section B. Time for Conducting ...: Change "held" to "heard"
to read "Appeals to the City Council shall be heard ...".
. Section 28-2943: Add subparagraph C to state "All hearings
on appeals shall be agendized and conducted as Public
Hearings" to negate any ambiguity that they are Public
. Section 28-2945. Findings on Appeal: Change "appellant.. to
"appellate" to read "The appellate body shall make ...".
. Section 28-2945. Findings on APpeal: Add subparagraph C to
specify what's the outcome if the appellate body does not
announce its decision is that an affirmance of the
appeal or a denial of the appeal?
Commissioner Sharp suggested the time limitations throughout the
Ordinance be clarified from, for example, "a forty day period" to
something specifJ.c, like "forty business days" or "forty calendar
days". Mr. Whittenberg said the intent is for all the days to
refer to calendar days.
Chairman Fife noted this process expands the categories of
decisions that can be appealed. He indicated the draft Ordinance
does not contain a definition of 'an aggrieved person' and he felt
that definition should include a connection with the property where
they are aggrieved in some real sense. The question being who
should be able to file --- not wanting to have anybody any place
in a position of being able to appeal any decision you make. Mr.
Whittenberg said the current City policy is to allow anyone to file
an appeal with no restrictions. Most cities do not have
restrictions on appeals but they are open only to city residents.
He suggested staff could review this question with the City
Attorney's Office and could report back to the City Council as part
of the Commission's report. The ~ provides for appeals to the
decisions of the Department of Development Services and its
Director; that process is still in place. The Minor Plan Review
process did not have an appeals process. This became a major issue
when two projects were discussed in October 1990.
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Dahlman for Planning Department staff to
refer draft Ordinance No. 1333 to the city Council with comments on
the definition of an 'aggrieved person', indicating that all time
periods refer to calendar days, clarification that all hearings on
Page 3 - Planning commission Minutes of April 17, 1991
appeals will be agendized as Public Hearings, at Section 28-2945
indicating what the impact of no decision within that specific time
period would be.
4 - 0 - 1
Fife, Orsini, Sharp, Dahlman
2. Report re Seal Beach Boulevard
staff Report
Mr. Whittenberg delivered the staff report. [Staff report on file
in the Planning Department]. Staff recommended the Planning
Commission instruct staff to proceed to reinstitute the process to
consider General Plan and ~ amendments allowing for mixed-use
developments and prepare a tentative schedule for consideration at
next meeting. Staff outlined two basic options: (1) Place into the
existing commercial zoning an allowance for residential
construction under certain circumstances. The current commercial
zoning in that area carries a very intense designation, for example
allowing car washes, service stations ..., which is not totally
compatible with that area; (2) Develop a mix of both residential,
office and service commercial uses in that area. This would be
more in line with the existing development pattern in the area.
Staff would need to present the Commission with a time schedule
showing how this can be fit into the present work schedule.
Commission Comments
Commissioner Sharp stated he felt the Seal Beach Boulevard project
would be too time consuming for consideration at this point. The
Planning Department currently is processing two major projects plus
has six or more work-study projects to complete. Until some of
these other studies are completed it would be best to hold this
project in abeyance until at least the June 4th election regarding
the Mola Development Co. proposal is settled. Chairman Fife agreed
with the concept but felt the Commission should take public input
at this time. Director Whittenberg said he would prepare a listing
of all projects given to staff and perhaps the Commission could
prioritize that list. Comm1ssioner Orsini stated the city should
move forward in some way to improve Seal Beach Boulevard and asked
what would be needed to get 45 degree parking on Seal Beach
Boulevard? Director Whittenberg said the parking reconfiguration
would be dec1ded by the City Council. That would entail a Public
Works Department study to complete the necessary r1ght-of-way and
traff1c studies for safety issues.
Commissioner Dahlman asked how Main Street was zoned? Staff said
C-1, Service-Commercial; this is a less intense zoning. Seal Beach
Boulevard is zoned C-2, General-Commercial, the most intense
commercial zoning. Pacific Coast Highway is zoned C-2. Therefore,
Seal Beach Boulevard has the same allowed uses as Pacific Coast
Page 4 - Planning Commission Minutes of April 17, 1991
Highway. People cannot live above the stores on Main street; new
residential uses on commercial lots are not currently allowed.
Chairman Fife asked if there were residential uses on Seal Beach
Boulevard now? Staff said yes and they are classif~ed legal non-
conforming. Chairman Fife said this might impede refinancing,
improvement or sale of that kind of property. Staff felt the main
concern was, for any new development to occur, the required
parking. Parking for new commercial uses would force surface level
parking with a raised building housing retail or office uses above
that. Subterranean parking was discussed briefly, with Mr.
Whittenberg mentioning the high costs of that parking being
ventilation and the problems associated with a high water table in
Seal Beach.
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Orsini to hold a limited (30 minutes)
Public Hearing on the issue of Seal Beach Boulevard improvements.
4 - 0 - 1
Orsini, Sharp, Fife, Dahlman
Serata Fielding * 223 Seal Beach Boulevard - Ms. Fielding said she
is the owner of Growing Tree Pre-School at 223 Seal Beach
Boulevard. She stated the financial aspects of buying mixed-use
property is the mixed-use loans which are refinanced very five
years. She could not find a thirty year loan. She favors
residential/commercial zoning as it would help improve the block
which is now 80% residential/20% commercial. She felt the
improvements are needed because the area has been neglected yet is
the gateway to the city. She acknowledged the City's heavy work
schedule yet felt that she had waited through the Mola proposal,
rezoning and reconditioning of Zoeter School and urged the
Commission to go forward with the process to improve that block on
Seal Beach Boulevard as the property owners have been very patient.
She noted the water table is five feet. She felt the traffic was
excessively fast and a stop s~gn would slow drivers down by having
to brake. She noted the children, while waiting for the school bus
at Electric and Ocean Avenues, run across the street to the park.
She felt relocating the bus stop's location would be beneficial.
Chairman Fife asked if she would favor an ownership linkage between
residents usage and commercial useage? She said she was not sure,
stating you take a chance on who your neighbors will be when you
purchase a house. She felt rezon~ng was the ~mportant issue, to
allow the area to open up and improve through better financing and
more opportunity. That would help the area problems.
Dave Bartlett * B93 Surfside - Said he has been a City resident for
six years and was the project manager for Van Dell Corporation from
1984 - 1986 when this project was studied. He favored staff-
recommended Option 2 as a solid approach.
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The residential/commercial use was studied extensively by Van Dell
and City staff and the intent was to have the combined use include
the same people both living and working in the same building to
achieve compatibility with the residential neighborhood, thus
ensurJ.ng adequate parking. He urged the Commission to move forward
with Option 2 and, in addition, have the ultimate disposition of
the Pacific-Electric Right-of-Way (ROW) be taken care of
simultaneously. He felt the City's budget was the bottom line and
noted the City Council had allocated HCD funds for this project.
He said over one million cars pass through Pacific Coast Highway
and Seal Beach Boulevard weekly; it's the gateway to the City. He
suggested including the Hanshaw property and Rum Runner's in the
zoning possibilities --- carrying the use around the corner,
including entry statements. The City and Navy discussed the
subject of widening Seal Beach Boulevard by five feet, allowing for
45 degree parking on the residential/commercial side and to
increase parking by 40% - 50% on the street. The Navy was adamant
about not giving up any additional property. The City can still
widen by five feet, that is still withJ.n City property. Diagonal
parking and a proposed median were assumed to slow traffic. He
felt that the Mola proposal would soon be put to the voters and the
City could get on with regular business and let people have a say
in the ultimate dJ.sposition of their property. He felt the City
should budget funds for improvement of the roadway as it couldn't
come strictly from the private sector.
Commissioner Sharp expanded on the election and the Mola proposal,
saying that even though there's a general election on June 4th, the
Mola re-application is still in the process in the Planning
Department and some work is being done daily on that project. It's
still a big jOb for the Planning Department. Regarding the Seal
Beach Boulevard issue, a major problem has always been financing --
- it was going to be very expensive. (Mr. Bartlett suggesting
$500,000). From listening to the City Council, we would be talking
about money the City doesn't have. This is a complex issue,
involving J.nput from City staff, the City Council and the people
involved. It will be necessary to get other issues off the
calendar so there is time to handle this project properly.
Commissioner Dahlman asked Mr. Bartlett if the rezoning he was
proposing would be less lucrative to the City? Mr. Bartlett said
the commercial use is not being taken away, rezoning would be
allowing residential uses as well. Funds would not be taken away
from the City because that property has been zoned C-2 for a very
long time and nothing has happened. Commissioner Dahlman said the
area has not moved forward and developed commercially because of
lack of parkJ.ng; it has not moved forward and developed
resJ.dentially because of the zoning. Mr. Bartlett agreed.
Page 6 - Plann1ng Commission Minutes of April 17, 1991
Walt Miller * 229 and 231 Seal Beach Boulevard - Said he felt this
is a simple matter, the street does not need big improvements but
needs parking. There are fifteen properties involved which are
serviced by a twelve foot wide alley which cannot accommodate
parking requirements. He felt the City should stripe for diagonal
parking and place a boulevard stop sign at Landing. Main Street
has boulevard stops on Main Street at Central, Ocean, Electric.
This would not require studies --- they have already been done. He
suggested a tram between Main Street and Seal Beach Boulevard.
Frank Prior * 233 Seal Beach Boulevard Agreed that the
improvement of Seal Beach Boulevard should be a simple matter. The
property owners aren't looking for the City to re-do the center of
the street, they felt striping for parking would be good. The
zoning change for mixed use was what the owners are waiting for.
Chairman Fife closed the Public Hearing.
Chairman Fife asked staff what would be involved in getting the
Public Works and Engineering Departments to figure out the re-
striping of the street, resolve safety issues and cost issues? Mr.
Whittenberg said the Commission should recommend to the Council
that they consider requesting staff to prepare a report back to
Council what would be involved.
Chairman Fife asked that if restriping occurred, would existing
zoning still require Walt Miller to provide a certain number of on-
site parking spaces? Staff said yes; they are subject to the
current zoning requirements which do not allow credit for any
additional on-street parking that would be provided. It would be
a policy decision by the Council and Commission if they would feel
that type of a trade-off would make sense. Chairman Fife said he
felt it would be worthwhile to recommend to the Council that they
direct the Engineering Department and Public Works Department to
study what's involved in re-striping Seal Beach Boulevard and to
address the issue of whether or not, if it were re-striped, credits
for parking places could be given to at least promote the further
commercial development under the existing usage. Otherwise nothing
is being accomplished, we get lots of parking but the property
owner has to use half his lot to get on-site parking. Commissioner
Sharp requested to ask the Council if monies would be available or
would this project be turned down immediately because of financing.
Chairman Fife said he understood moving the street southward,
toward the Navy property to be the chief expense. He didn't
envision this would be done. What would be done is re-striping the
North side of Seal Beach Boulevard to allow diagonal parking,
working out something that (if rezoning doesn't occur) would allow
existing zoning to take credit for that available park1ng.
Commissioner Orsini said he wanted to see something go forward on
this project and felt putting the rezoning together with the
restriping could hold one or both up at Council level. He
suggested sending the issues separately. Director Whittenberg
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suggested the Commission recommend to the Council that they request
a report from the Public Works Department regarding re-striping of
the street and at the same time refer to the Plannlng Department
the issue of crediting any increased parking created by a future
re-striping as meeting parking requirements for new construction in
that area. Staff will take that into account as new development
standards are created for the area for a mix of residential and
commercial uses. The Public Works Department report would go to
City Council and staff suggested requesting Council report back to
the Commission re the lssues involved in implementing re-striping.
staff is to prepare a list of special studies for the May 1st
Commission meeting at which time the Commission will prioritize
that list. staff could then give the Commission a tlme line on all
MOTION by Orsini; SECOND by Dahlman to recommend to the City
Council Option 1 for consideration and as part of staff
consideration of Option 2 that they consider provisions for a
credit for any addition on-street angled parking as part of new
development proposals for Zone Text Amendments relative to Seal
Beach Boulevard.
4 - 0 - 1
Dahlman, Fife, Sharp, Orsini
3. Approval of April 3, 1991 Planning Commission Minutes
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Orsini to approve the Planning
Commission Minutes of April 3, 1991 with the following
corrections: page 7, edit to reflect Commissioner Dahlman
saying "... to fill those hours with police personnel who
would be very effective." and page 8, put a period (.) after
4 - 0 - 1
Orsini, Dahlman, Fife, Sharp
Page 8 - Planning Comm1ssion Minutes of April 17, 1991
4. Minor Plan Review 115-88
125 Surf Place
Reconsideration of Condition of Approval 14
staff Report
Mr. curtis delivered the staff report. [staff report on file in
the Planning Department]. In December 1998 the Planning Commission
approved Minor Plan Review #15-88 allowing the addition of 226
square feet to an existing non-conforming garage. The applicant
completed the garage add1tion and is in the process of a major
addition to his house. During building plan check and
construction, the applicant modified the plans slightly so the
garage (all three bays) has a depth of 19'8". The 4" deficit in
garage depth is the property's sole non-conformity. staff's main
concern is maintaining existing levels of on-street parking on the
cul-de-sac. Staff recommended the Commission approve by minute
order an amendment to the fourth condition of approval of Minor
Plan Review #15-88. Staff recommends the applicant be required to
maintain two on-street parking spaces with minimum lengths of 16
feet. Mr. Curtis read, for the Record, letters received from
residents Timothy R. Myer of 105 Surf Place and H. E. Wulf of 115
Surf Place [Attached].
commission Comments
Matt Mikkelsen * 125 Surf Place - Mr. Mikkelsen introduced himself
as the applicant/homeowner. He said one neighbor has continually
complained throughout the entire project but that neighbor will be
mov1ng in six months. He stated a resident around the corner with
a three car garage just poured a thirty-one (31') foot wide
driveway. Mr. Mikkelsen came to City Hall and informed staff of
th1S driveway as it was yet unpoured. He said wants a driveway
wide enough to get in all three of his garages and a centered
twelve (12') foot driveway would not allow this. He thought he
could do this with a sixteen (16') foot centered driveway. He felt
there's enough parking on the cul-de-sac at the curbs. He felt
the letter from Mr. Wulf contained misleading statements; he has a
table saw because he is doing all the work on his own house himself
and needs the tools. Additionally, the truck Mr. Wulf complained
about is Mr. Mikkelsen's work truck and when the house is competed
the truck will be gone. He admitted the truck takes up a lot of
space now. He stated that everyone in Seal Beach should be treated
in the same manner and get the same pri vI edges and that's not
happening. He felt that was why the 'doghouse' issue became such
a big problem.
commissioner Dahlman stated he was not happy about the 31 foot
driveway and asked for an explanation as to how this happened? Mr.
Curtis explained the approved plans for 940 Catalina called for a
16 foot driveway. They went through plan check, permits were
Page 9 - Planning Commission Minutes of April 17, 1991
issued and the house was built. When it was time to do the actual
curb cut someone in the Engineering Department required the
applicant to put two driveways on the property instead of one.
This required a huge curb cut. To rectify the situation the
Director of Engineering allowed the applicant the maximum size for
a two car garage --- which is 31 feet. Orange County places
specific provisions for driveway widths and requires a certain
number of feet between the driveway and property lines but doesn't
address on-street parking. staff is supposed to look after and
protect this but that did not happen in this instance.
Chairman Fife asked if the Commissioners wanted to open this to a
Public Hearing but received a negative response.
Commissioner Dahlman restated his concern for large curb cuts and
asked for the complete assurance of the City that what happened on
Catalina will not happen here on Surf Place.
MOTION by Dahlman; SECOND by Sharp to approve the reconsideration
of Condition of Approval #4 for Minor Plan Review #15-88 to allow
a drive apron of sixteen to eighteen feet (16' - 18').
4 - 0 - 1
Orsini, Sharp, Fife, Dahlman
Chairman Fife asked Mr. Curtis "Barry, keying off the 31' curb cut
we've just been discussing, how does it happen that something gets
fairly well approved according to a set of plans that the
Commission and the Department understands and is familiar with and
all of a sudden it gets changed without any recycling back?"
Mr. Curtis said "Lee might be able to answer better than me but
I'll give it a try. We're working with three different departments
each time an application comes in for a house like this. You have
the Building Department, the Planning Department and the
Engineering Department. What is supposed to happen is that things
come into both Engineering and Planning at the same time, are
approved or looked at and sent on to the Building Department. And
that's what happened in this instance. It was approved through the
Building Department. At that point everything is supposed to meet
Planning and supposedly meets Engineering and once it gets approved
by the Building plan check it's ready to be built. It's up to the
Building Inspectors to go out and inspect the house. They are not
really too involved in looking at the driveway cut but they go
inspect the house. And it's up to them to make sure that the
Planning issues are met and the Engineer1ng Department will inspect
to make sure the Engineering issues --- like curb cuts and other
public improvements --- are met. In this instance the ~ was
interpreted differently later on down the road after it had already
been through all three Departments and a requirement was put on the
Page 10 - Planning Commission Minutes of April 17, 1991
applicant to do a certain type of curb cut --- a double curb cut
--- which County standards don't allow for on the same property
either on this width of a lot. What happened was the applicant
went out in good faith and cut this double entrance into his yard
which actually took up more space than the actual driveway takes up
now and came back in when we said "What are you doing? You can't
do this". He came into the Engineering Department upset. And what
was agreed upon was that he would reduce it to the maximum width
allowable for a two car garage --- which is the 31 feet. Those
sort of things are not supposed to happen, the don't generally
happen but occasionally something gets misinterpreted along the way
when things go between several Departments. It was discussed at
length at that time and hopefully, at least for the near future,
things like that won't occur again. And that's something staff
strives for but occasionally things like that may happen".
Chairman Fife asked if there was any procedure or protocol within
the various Departments of the City to resolve conflicting
interpretations of the~? Mr. Curtis said the City Manager's
Office has an automatic over-ride over all the Clty departments.
If there's a problem between departments that's where they get
resolved. Traditionally, they get resolved between the departments
before it gets that far along. However, there is still human
error. Commissioner Dahlman said whoever stamped the approval for
this did not think about what he was doing. If every house on
Catalina were allowed to cut away 80% of their curb parking
wouldn' t be possible. This violates common sense. Mr. Whittenberg
said that when mired in looking at details a person can overlook
what that does to the entire area. staff will be very careful in
the future that when changes to an already approved set of plans
come up that a look is taken by all departments involved to make
sure that what one department feels needs to be changed doesn't
impact a requirement of someone else's department.
Chairman Fife called a recess at 9:25 p.m. for five minutes.
5. Conditional Use Permit #4-90
3001 Old Ranch Parkway
Staff Report
Mr. Curtis delivered the staff report. (Staff report on file in
the Planning Department]. The applicant, Soup and Salad Systems,
Inc., requested an indefinite extension of Conditional Use Permit
#4-90, an on-sale beer and wine license.
Commlssion Comments
It was noted the restaurant has a take-out food 11 cense;- Thel r beer
and Wlne stays on-slte as a requlrement of their State ABC licens'eCind thelr
Clty Condltlonal Use Permlt.
Page 11 - Planning Commission Minutes of April 17, 1991
Public Hearing
The Public Hearing was opened. The applicant was not present and
no one in the audience wished to speak for or against this
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Orsini to approve an indefinite
extension of Conditional Use Permit #4-90 for an on-sale beer and
wine license by the adoption of Resolution No. 1617.
4 - 0 - 1
Fife, Dahlman, Sharp, Orsini
6. Minor Plan Review #6-91
114 First Street
staff Report
Mr. Cho delivered the staff report. [Staff report on file in the
Planning Department.] The applicant, Donald Cox, requests approval
for a covered roof access structure (CRAS) above the height limit
of 25 feet. The proposed CRAS brings the house to 31 feet in
height and is 10'4" x 14' in size. Additionally, the proposed
roofing material is different. Staff found the requested
application to be in substantial compliance with Section 28-2317 of
the municipal ~ but placed a caveat in its report asking for
Commission direction. Mr. Cho read, for the Record, letters from
City residents Carol Llewellyn of 201 Second Street and Fern
Henryson of 120 Second Street [Attached].
commission Comments
Commissioner Orsini asked if all neighbors within 300 feet were
notified of the meeting? Mr. Cho replied yes.
Commissioner Sharp asked why the sta1rcase was in excess of nine
feet (9') in width? Mr. Cho replied the Commission should ask the
applicant why it was so designed as there are no technical
requirements for staircase sizes. Each flight of stairs is four
feet in width.
Chairman Fife felt the objective of the many discussions on CRAS
was to allow access to the roof, but minimize the size. Perhaps
the wording should have been changed from "necessary to cover the
stairwell" say "necessary to provide reasonable access to the roof
Commissioner Sharp asked Mr. Whittenberg about the CRAS moratorium.
Mr. Whittenberg said the moratorium was lifted when the new
development standards were approved by adoption of the new
Page 12 - Planning Commission Minutes of April 17, 1991
ordinance. The standards are listed on page two of the staff
report. Commissioner Sharp said the public testimony weighed
heavily on the side of not exceeding the height limits. This is a
full sized room and exceeds the height limit.
Pubic Hearing
Don Cox * 114 First Street. Seal Beach
Mr. Cox said he has been building in Seal Beach for sixteen years
and now plans to have this house as his personal residence. He
explained he felt this house was built within the guidelines of the
~ and it would be a modern-style home. The staircase is
designed to d1splay a Dale Evers bronze statue of six foot whales
plus water. The glass block in the stairway illuminates the house
interior. The average stair width proposed is three feet wide, the
four foot width makes it more comfortable for two people to walk
Commissioner Dahlman detailed three issues where any flexibility
was left in the ruling: (1) height limit, (2) roofing material,
(3) location. There are already many CRAS in Old Town exceeding
the height limit which posed the problem of taking them down or
compromising. This is a wonderful design but should end at 25
feet. Mr. Cox said he had a hard time getting with the spirit of
the CRAS issue when the CRAS issue surfaced when the observadome on
Sandpiper Drive slipped through the cracks. That occurrence caused
the ~ to be changed. Mr. Cox stated he was not trying to
stretch things but felt he was within the bounds of the ~.
Commissioner Dahlman said he felt a person could choose personal
designs as long as they kept within the height limits but when
exceeding the height limit the CRAS must be kept to a minimum.
Commissioner Dahlman advised Mr. Cox that people who have large
doghouses/CRAS, during the com1ng review, are going to have to make
them smaller or take them down --- it was intended CRAS be the
minimum. The rule says they must bring the CRAS for review within
a year and they have to qualify. The second issue is the roofing
material. Mr. Cox explained the roof deck 1S going to be a
waterproof decking material. The flat roof on the CRAS will be a
90 pound roof or a rock roof. The pitched roof would be tile. The
third issue is the location, when building on a 25 foot wide lot it
becomes hard to build anything on a roof that isn't on one side or
the other.
Commissioner Orsini, noting Mr. Cox was building in such a way to
obtain interior light, was taking away light from his neighbors.
Mr. Cox agreed that it might be possible for them to lose their
light earlier but that was happening allover Old Town. The
Commission discussed the re-or1entation of the staircase in some
detail. Commissioner Sharp asked Mr. Cox what the 140 square feet
of floor area contained at the top of the stairwell besides the
treads? Mr. Cox said it was a landing area to get out to the roof
Page 13 - Planning Commission Minutes of April 17, 1991
Paul Geyer * Architect * San Clemente
Mr. Geyer introduced himself as the architect for 112 and 114 First
Street. He said the minimum headroom height is 6'8". Turning the
stair would not be suitable for this plan and would necessitate an
entire plan change. He indicated the plans had been through plan
check and approved.
Chairman Fife said the sense of the Commission so far has been that
this is not what all the meetings have been about. If the CRAS
were to remain this large, it might as well be a three-story house.
He suggested Mr. Geyer re-orient the stairs or use another
Jim Cook * 330 8th Street - Spoke in favor of this CRAS because
it's an open stairway with no extra living space, it has
architectural deslgn, concern over blocking light should be met
with lowering the height limit. He said maybe 90% of the people
didn't have any problem with CRAS but only 10% complained they did.
pierce Ostrander * 116 First Street - Said he felt it was important
the Planning commission understand the unique situation on First
Street which is the beautiful view. He said that if Mr. Cox did
not get his CRAS approved he (Mr. Ostrander) would lose 30% of his
angular view which included his view of Catalina Island. Mr. Cox
is allowed to put a large circular stairwell on his front patio but
this would force him to look through the iron stairwell to get his
Mr. Curtis clarlfied that the stairway would not be located in the
front yard setback. The front setback is a minimum of 6 feet with
a 12 foot average. The stairway would be located outside the 6
foot setback. The access would not be from ground level, it would
be from within the house at the second story level going to the
Mitzie Morton * Seal Beach - Spoke against going over the height
limit as the spirit and intent of what the citizens wanted and
depended on staff to protect. She read the Ordinance regarding
CRAS and thought it was very clear that the roof access shall be
limited horizontally and vertically to a minimum area to cover the
stairwell --- it was assumed a 3 foot wide structure. She feels
the Commission and staff should take a firm stand to not force the
citizens to come to City Hall every time a CRAS is applied for.
No one wishing to speak further Chairman Fife closed the Public
commission Comments
Commissioner Orsini expressed his opposition to CRAS entirely but
if compromlsing, felt CRAS must be a minimal structure for roof
access. He asked if they could limlt the CRAS size? Chairman Fife
said the Commission was interpretlng the Ordinance because "... I
Page 14 - Planning Commission Minutes of April 17, 1991
th1nk in terms of the letter of the law, he meets it. He's got
something that minimally covers his stairwell. The problem is, his
stairwell is a lot bigger than what we think the intent was ... we
could consider recommending to the Council they consider a further
amendment to the Ordinance to address this kind of problem". Mr.
Wh1ttenberg 1ndicated that if specific dimensions are requ1red for
a CRAS, that would require every CRAS to have the same type of
MOTION by Fife; SECOND by Sharp to continue the Public Hearing and
application to the May 15, 1991 Planning commission for the purpose
of allowing the owner to submit revised plans that are more in
keeping with the spirit and intent of the covered roof access
4 - 0 - 1
Fife, Dahlman, Sharp, Orsini
7. 112 First Street
Minor Plan Review #7-91
staff Report
Mr. Cho delivered the staff report. [Staff report on file in
Planning Department]. The applicant, Don Cox, requests a Minor
He1ght Variation for a covered roof access structure above the 25
foot height limit at a new house at 112 First Street. This is a
circular stairway. Staff found the requested application to be in
substantial compliance with Section 28-2317 of the municipal ~
but placed a caveat in its report asking for Commission direction.
Mr. Cho read, for the Record, letters from City residents Carol
Llewellyn and Fern Henryson [Attached].
Commission Comments
Commissioner Orsini asked why there was a phone jack and electrical
outlet inside the CRAS? Mr. Cho said this should be reviewed and
decided upon by the Commission but the ~ does not have specific
language regulating phone jacks. Mr. Curtis said he would
recommend this condition be approved similarly to the CRAS looked
at two weeks ago, the portion containing the phone jack and
electrical outlet could be exterior and the CRAS wall would be
brought in to the stud wall at the edge of the spiral stairwell.
Public Hearing
Donald Cox * 114 First Street - Mr. Cox said he felt he followed
the City's guidelines closely. The CRAS roof is tile which is
consistent with the rest of the house. He stated he would agree to
a slight reduction of the 9 foot dimension in the CRAS to an 8 foot
Page 15 - Planning Commission Minutes of April 17, 1991
Mitz1e Morton * Seal Beach Spoke in opposition to the
CRAS/doghouses. She urged maintaining a 25 foot height limit
saying "Unless you have a height limit of 25 feet, the planning
Commissioners are constantly going to have a headache about
doghouses. You have already established the fact (from two weeks
ago) that you're willing to accept an 8'x 6' room on top of a
house. We haven't accomplished anything ... I have a 50 foot wide
lot and I can build 3 stories. I'm conscientious about Old Town
and what we're trying to get at in this area here. Some day we're
going to have another staff and something is going to slip by
because it's still not going to be clear. It's still a matter of
staff interpretat10n ... you've had it on a curb cut and other
problems in town. I think we should go for a 25 foot height limit.
They can still have a stair access to a roof without going beyond
the 25 feet ... the whole intent is to go up on a roof - you don't
need windows up there ... " . Commissioner Orsin1 noted the
Commission fought the doghouses/CRAS through the whole process but
it went to the Council and it passed through the Council --- they
are allowed. The only control we have now is that they are used as
a covered roof access structure.
The Commission has to go by the Ordinance and keep them as small as
possible. Chairman Fife, agreeing with Mr. Orsini, said this is
the Council's latest expression.
Nancy Kredell * 1633 Seal Way - Said she agreed with Ms. Morton's
comments on the height limits and appreciates the Commission's
keeping them smaller but there are uncovered roof accesses.
Chairman Fife closed the Public Hearing with no one wishing to
speak further.
MOTION by Orsini; SECOND by Sharp to approve Resolution No. 1618
approving Minor Plan Review #7-91 at 112 First Street with the
condi tion that the covered roof access structure is reduced in size
and the access structure's roof tiled to be consistent with the
rest of the house.
4 - 0 - 1
Fife, Dahlman, Sharp, Orsini
Commissioner Dahlman said the commission's motion neglected to
state the exact reduction of covered roof access. Mr. Whittenberg
said the ~ will specify the requ1rements. He added staff would
word the condition using the same wording the Commission used on
its approval of the last doghouse at the April 3rd meeting.
Page 16 - Plannlng Commisslon Minutes of April 17, 1991
8. Conditional Use Permit 12-91
Breitburn Energy Corporation
oil Island - 2001 Pacific Coast Highway
staff Report
Mr. Curtis delivered the staff report. [Staff report on file in
the Planning Department]. The applicant, Breitburn Energy
corporation, is requesting to install a gas drying unit at the oil
Island oil extraction facility located within the Alamitos Lease,
Seal Beach. The gas drying unit will filter out precipitates
present in the natural gas produced on site. The dried gas will be
piped directly into the Southern California Gas Company's system
via existing gas lines for consumption by consumers. Staff
recommended approval of Conditional Use Permit #2-91 and certify
Negative Declaration #3-91 through the adoption of Resolution #1620
subject to five conditions outlined in the staff report.
commission Comments
Chairman Fife asked what the net habitat gain would be for that
area? Mr. Curtis said currently many vehicles travel the road.
This would add a couple of extra truck trips per day.
Chairman Fife asked if the precipitates are classified as toxic
waste? Mr. Curtis said he thought so because they're natural
gasoline, water and petroleum byproducts. They would have to be
removed in accordance with the transporting rules for toxic waste.
Public Hearing
Randy Breitenbach. President of Breitburn Energy Corp.
Mr.Breitenbach said the staff's presentation was very complete and
he would happy to answer any questions.
commissioner Dahlman said the gas has currently been piped to
Lomita where it gets converted into a more useable form. It is
then sold to the Southern California Gas Company. The idea is to
shorten that process by drying the gas at the site. Mr.
Brei tenbach said the product of drying the gas is not more
flammable or explosive than wet gas. The gas will be stored longer
at the site. The dry gas will be removed every 3 to 4 days.
Hal Washburn, Breltburn Energy Corp.
Said they are currently storing in excess of 1000 barrels of crude
oil at all times on the site. They are asking now to store another
20% of natural gasolines. Three employees will supervlse the site
24-hours per day. Natural wet gas is powering the motors on site.
They will convert to all electric motors.
. No one wishing to speak further, the Public Hearing was closed.
Page 17 - Plannlng CommlSSlon Minutes of Aprll 17, 1991
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Dahlman to approve Condi tional Use
Permit #2-91 through the adoption of Resolution No. 1620 and with
the addition of Condition #6 that the applicant's pay the
Department of Fish and Game fees for the Negative Declaration
4 - 0 - 1
Orsini, Sharp, Fife, Dahlman
9. Variance #2-91
163 Electric Avenue
staff Re-port
Mr. curtis delivered the staff report. [Staff report on file in
the Planning Department]. The applicant, Ron Molinari, requested
a variance from the required parking dimensions in conjunction with
the remodel of his single family residence at 163 Electric Avenue.
Mr. curtis noted the appllcant has a three-car garage but is only
required to have a two-car garage and so is allowed to convert one
of his garages to some other type of use. Eleven days after the
Building Permit was issued, Building Inspector Chuck Feenstra
inspected the site and informed the applicant that the permit had
been issued in error because the Fire Code prohibits a bedroom
having a direct exit into the garage; the approved bedroom could
not be used for sleeping purposes. The main garage is non-
conforming due to spa equipment being located there which takes up
2'8" of the requlred 20' garage width. Staff provided the
applicant with three alternatives and attempted to work with the
applicant to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution which staff
believes is the third option, the construction of a corridor
between the proposed bedroom and the existing den. Staff
recommended approval of Variance #2-91 subject to four conditions
outlined in the staff report.
Commission Comments
The Planning Commission reviewed the floor plans and discussed them
at length.
Public Hearing
Ron Molinare * 163 Electrlc Avenue
Mr. Molinare requested the removal of Condltion #2, from a
liability standpoint, from his Conditions of Approval on the advice
of his legal counsel. Mr. Curtis said staff imposed Condition #2,
because staff wanted to be sure the converted bedroom is
incorporated lnto the rest of the house and not become a bootlegged
unit. If the exterior door is eliminated there would be no reason
to impose Condltlon #2.
Page 18 - Planning Commission Minutes of April 17, 1991
No one wishing to speak further on this issue, Chairman Fife closed
the Pubic Hearing.
commission Comments
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Orsini to grant Variance 12-91 through
the adoption of Resolution No. 1623 and (1) removing Condition 12
and (2) removing the door between the den and the corridor and (3)
and squaring up the wall coming out from the corridor to meet ~.
4 - 0 - 1
Fife, Dahlman, Sharp, Orsini
Jim Cook * 330 8th street. Seal Beach - Requested Comm1ssion help
in mitigating Jack-1n-the Box problems. Mr. Cook stated that when
he purchased his house the restaurant was open until 11:00 p.m.
Recently they changed their hours to stay open 24-hours per day.
Therefore, 24-hours a day the outside speakers blare, the large,
overhead lights illuminate the whole area and patrons leaving bars
use his wall and garage door as a urinal. Additionally, a large
industrial trash can, which abuts his neighbor's wall, is causing
a cockroach problem. He and his neighbor not1f1ed Orange County
Health to no avail.
Staff is to research the license for Jack-in-the Box and any
Conditional Use Permit restrictins and report back to the
There were no staff concerns.
There were no Commission concerns.
Chairman Fife adjourned the meeting at 12:20 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Q o~ ~c.....--....-..
J6an Fillmann
Executive Secretary
Department of Development Services
Page 19 - Planning Commission M1nutes of April 17, 1991
These Minutes are tentative and subject to the approval of the
Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission Minutes of April 17, 1991 wer~l~roved by
the Planning Commission on ~ J} 1991. ~
LY of Seal Beach Planning Commission
By ~~1L'I1i9a~"Y IJ:. "I ;; iJ
Apr 11 179 1991
Mr. Lee W1ttenberg
Department of Development Serv1ces
211 E1ghth Street
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Dear Mr. W1ttenberg:
Re: He1ght Var1at1on Request at 112, 114 F1rst Street
. NeIther my husband, RIch Kempster, nor I wIll be able to attend
ton1ght's publ1C hearIng regardIng the request by Mr. Cox for
constructIon of a covered, roof-access structure 1n excess of the 25
foot he1ght Ilm1t 1n conJUnct1on wIth the constructIon of new slngle-
famIly dwellIngs at 112 and 114 FIrst Street.
US1ng thIs letter as a vehIcle, we declare our Oppos1tlon to th1S
request. WhIle we understand the des1re to utIlIze as much of a
valuable lot as poss1ble, we bel1eve the Ilm1ts have been more than
generous and leave no room for further extensIon eIther In heIght or
area. We feel that prevIous exemptIons from the he1ght Ilmlt 1n our
ImmedIate ne1ghborhood (and 1n the rest of Old Town as well) have
devalued the aesthet1c qualIty of our ne1ghborhood and town.
Very truly yours,
Carol Llewellyn
201 Second Street
Seal Beach, CA 90740
, II jig GummlSSlon
By He(r"'t'l~@/~ , Date ~/rtJ ~ n
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Cltv of Seal Beach Planning CommIssIon
ay=-~~ ~ ,_Ollte=~ ~ f;;i!Li
18 Apr 91
Tlmothy R. Myer
105 Surf Place
Seal Beach Ca 90740
Plannlng CommlSSlon
Clty of Seal Beach
211 8th st
Seal Beach Ca 90740
Dear Slrs:
Re: Mlnor Plan ReVlew 15-88
App1lcant: Matthew Mlkkelsen
I have recelved not1f1cat1on of the amendment to the
Mlnor Plan ReVlew 15-88. It is my understand1ng that the
appllcant w1shes to 1ncrease the w1dth of the dr1veway
approach to hlS property to 16 feet. In the process, 1t 1S
my understanding that some curbslde park1ng on Surf Place
will be lost. I have spoken to the app 1 1 cant and have been
assured that, In fact, the parklng problem wlll be
ameliorated. The two vehlc1es he owns wl11 no longer be
parked In the street but In h1s dr1ve way or garage. I am
satlsf1ed that the appearance of the street (fewer cars
parked), more space avallable for Vlsltors and better access
for the app1lcant to hlS extended garages wl1l be forthcomlng
wlth the acceptance of the amendment to the Mlnor Plan
ReVlew. As a ne1ghbor (one house removed), I have no
obJectlons ~o Mr. M~kkelsen's appll~.~lon. - ----
14 fZ ~
Tlmothy R. Myer
CIty of Seal Beach Planning CommIssIOn
8y.iJJp ~F ~f)atD~ t ~J ~
Apnl 16, 1991
Oppos1t1on to M1nor Plan Rev1ew 15-88 (125 Surf Place)
We oppose the proposed change to 1ncrease the eX1stlng drlve apron w1dth
(Cond1t1on of approval No.4) for the follow1ng reasons:
1. Any less than 18' of unobstructed length w1ll be useless as a park1ng space
for any but the smallest veh1cles. Our ne1ghbors and the1r V1s1tors have many
full Slze veh1cles.
2. We part1cularly obJect to staff1s reason1ng that Slnce the street park1ng
spaces w1ll be substandard anyway, applicant should be allowed even further
dev1ation from the public requ1rements and from the decis10n of the Plann1ng
Comm1ss1on which granted h1S orig1nal variance.
3. We bel1eve 1t would be more reasonable, since 1t 1S a var1ance, to reduce
the w1dth of the 3 foot XiS on both sides of the dr1veway 1n order to malntain
two street parking spaces of at least 181 each. Th1S would allow appl1cant the
dr1veway w1dth he has agreed to and still ma1nta1n two sorely needed parking
spaces for the ne1ghborhood.
4. As we stated at the or1g1nal hear1ng, it 1S ObVl0US that appllcant lS
plannlngto use the garage as a woodwork1ng shop and therefore has made no
prov1s1on to park h1S own overslzed p1ck-up truck ln the new garage or on
the new dr1veway, someth1ng he could have done easlly lf he had consldered
h1S ne1ghbors 1nstead of only h1S own use of the publ1C parking areas
iliff WllLr
//6 .,5t:7Rr ~~(P~