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AGENDA for NOVEMBER 20, 1991
1. General Plan Amendments 2A-91 and 2B-91
Zoning Text Amendment 4-91
Zone Change 2-91
Applicant: City of Seal Beach
General Plan Amendments: To amend the Land Use and
Housing Elements of the City's General Plan to
~stablish a Limited Commerc1al land-use
Zoning Text Amendment: Amendment of the Zoning
Ord1nance to establ1sh a Lim1ted Commerc1al zone
and to set forth permitted uses, cond1 t10nally
perm1tted uses and development standards for th1S
Add1tional amendments to the Zon1ng Ord1nance
amend1ng the definition of "basement" requ1r1ng
that floors located partially above grade have at
least 2/3 of the floor's height below grade and
providing a definition of "Floor Area Rat1o".
Zone Change: To change the zoning along the
westerly side of Seal Beach Boulevard between
Landing Avenue and the northerly Electric Avenue
alley from General Commerc1al (C-2) to Lim1 ted
Commercial (L-C).
Resolution Nos.:
#1657 - GPA 2A-91
#1658 - GPA 2B-91
#1659 - ZTA 4-91
#1660 - ZC 2-91
contHl\led ...
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Planning COBmission Agenda 11-20-91
Zoning Text Amendment 15-91
Resolution No. 1662
The City of Seal Beach will be considering the
following amendments to the City's Zoning Ordinance
(Chapter 28 of the Code of the City of Seal Beach,
( Code) :
. Amend Section 28-2002(1) to specifically include
open space and parks as permitted uses wi thin the
Public Land Use zone, (PLU).
. Amend section 28-2313 to allow the construct1on
of low-level wooden decks W1 thin the required
front yard setback.
. Amend Section 28-2405 to allow the Planning
Comm1ssion to set or vary amortization periods
for nonconforming uses which do not relate to
. Amend section 28-2407 wh1ch sets forth standards
for the remodel of and addition to nonconform1ng
res1dential structures and uses.
. Amend Section 28-1300(7) to requ1re the issua~ce
of a Cond1tional Use Permit in cOn)unct1on ~th
the operation of any commercial activity between
the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.
. Amend Sections 28-401, 28-701 and 28-801 chang1ng
the m1nimum corner lot S1ze in all resident1al
zones of Distr1ct I (Old Town) from 27.5' x 100'
to 25' x 100'. Th1S amendment would mak-e the
minimum lot size in Old Town the same for all
. Amend the City's sign Ordinance (Article 18 of
Chapter 28 of the Code) to set forth specif1c
standards for the short-term placement and use of
advert1sing banners in the City'S commercial
The proposed amendments are intended to address
certain perceived deficiencies in the ~ wh1ch
have ar1sen over the past year. In conjunction W1 th
the pub11c hear1ng, Staff will provide the Plann1ng
Comm1ssion with proposed amendments to address these
contiJWed ...
Page 3 of 3
planning commission Agenda 11-20-91
Environmental Review: This project is
categorically exempt from CEQA review.
Applicant: city of Seal Beach
Code Sections: 28-301; 28-701; 28-801; 28-1300(7);
28-2002(1); 28-1800; 28-2313; 28-2406; 28-2407
Jleetina Date
CUP #12-91
CUP #12-90
KPR #10-91
ZTA 15-91
Submission Deadl1ne
1120 Central Avenue/stark-Brendell
Bonnadonna's Restaurant/ABC l1cense
24 Welcome Lane (Two-Story Cabana)
Poss1bly: Re banners and expans10ns
to non-conform1ng res1dences.
The regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting of November 20,
1991, was called to order by Chairman Fife at 7:30 p.m. in City
Council Chambers.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Fife.
Chairman Fife
Commissioners Law, Orsini, Sharp
commissioner Dahlman (Excused Absence)
Department of Development Services:
Lee Whittenberg, Director
Joan Fillmann, Executive Secretary
There were no items on the Consent Calendar.
Chairman Fife agreed to a change in the Agenda format and allowed
Margaret Karn of 6751 Laurelhurst Drive. Huntington Beach to
present a letter to the Commission plus make a statement on behalf
of her mother-in-law, Martha Karn, a resident of the Seal Beach
Trailer Park. Ms. Karn said her July 15, 1991 letter to the
Planning Commission regarding the request to build a two-story
cabana at 125 Cottonwood Lane was filed and she was not told when
the hearing took place allowing her to present her letter and make
a statement at that time. She stated only the owner of the Seal
Beach Trailer Park, Bill Dawson, is Noticed when construction
applications come to the Planning Department regarding the Trailer
Park. She felt the Trailer Park residents should also be Noticed.
She said the two-story cabana is being built by a Trailer Park
resident who resides out of the country and who also owns several
properties in the Trailer Park thus making it impossible for him to
occupy all the residences. Therefore this four bedroom addition
will serve as a rental. If this unit is rented to a qualifying low
income individual it will change the density of the Park which is
already at a maximum. She requested she be present when the
Building Department/Planning Department makes the crucial
measurement between the trailers. Her measurement shows only 5'
and not the required 6'.
commissioner orsini asked staff if additional parking would be
necessary because four bedrooms were being added to 125 Cottonwood?
Mr. Whittenberg said no additional parking was required because
Page 2 - Planning Commission Minutes of November 20, 1991
parking requirements for the Trailer Park are based on a certain
number of spaces for the total number of units for the Park. Most
of the parking spaces are provided in two large common lots.
Commissioner Sharp asked staff what Ms. Karn's alternatives are due
to the fact her letter was inadvertently not read into the Record
as promised by staff? She cannot appeal due to the time lapse.
Mr. Whittenberg said he was not sure she had any remedies available
and he would have to review this issue with the City Attorney and
report back to the Commission. The matter was first heard in mid-
June and the final decision was given in August.
Chairman Fife asked staff about the Noticing procedures, noting
only the property owner, Bill Dawson, is notified. Mr. Whittenberg
said the City has no way of knowing whether Mr. Dawson notifies
other Park owners of what is going on. Chairman Fife asked if this
procedure could be changed to have at least a mailing list of the
park occupants as they are the most directly affected. Mr.
Whi ttenberg said the Commission would have to process a Text
Amendment to the QQQg requiring specific tenant notification within
a certain distance to proposed construction wi thin the Park.
Chairman Fife said occupants of large apartment buildings should
also be notified.
staff will discuss with the City Attorney a Text Amendment to the
~ for a future Planning commission meeting. This will be on
tenant notification in the Seal Beach Trailer Park and/or
throughout the City.
Commissioner Orsini asked to be notified on the measurement at 125
Cottonwood and said he would like to go with Ms. Karn.
Chairman Fife thanked Ms. Karn for her comments but said the
Commission could not act tonight on this matter because the time
limits have run out on the issue. His only suggestions to her
desire to stop construction at 125 Cottonwood would be for her to
contact the City Attorney's Office or have her attorney do so.
There were no Scheduled Matters.
1. General Plan Amendments 2A-91 and 2B-91
Zoning Text Amendment 4-91
Zone Change 2-91
Ap>>licant: City of Seal Beach
General Plan Amendments: To amend the Land Use and Housing
Elements of the City'S General Plan to establish a Limited
Commercial land-use designation.
Page 3 - Planning Commission Minutes of November 20, 1991
Zoning Text Amendment: Amendment of the Zoning Ordinance to
establish a Limi tad. Commercial zone and to set forth permitted
uses, conditionally permitted uses and development standards
for this zone.
Additional amendments to the Zoning Ordinance amending the
definition of "basement" requiring that floors located
partially above grade have at least 2/3 of the floor's height
below grade and providing a definition of "Floor Area Ratio".
Zone Change: To change the zoning along the westerly side of
Seal Beach Boulevard between Landing Avenue and the northerly
Electric Avenue alley from General Commercial (C-2) to Limited
Commercial (L-C).
Resolution Nos.:
11657 - GPA 2A-91
#1658 - GPA 2B-91
11659 - ZTA 4-91
#1660 - ZC 2-91
staff Report
Mr. Whittenberg presented the staff report [on file in the Planning
Department] .
commission Comments
commissioner Sharp, referencing Section 28-1153 (C), said the
nursery school on Seal Beach Boulevard should not have to have a
Conditional Use Permit (CUP) required as a CUP is not mandatory for
other day care centers in the City. Mr. Whittenberg said staff
feels close proximity of day care centers to residential uses may
cause problems. Some cities restrict outdoor play time for the
children. Other cities use the CUP process to look at the safety
of the drop-off/pick-up areas. Commissioner Sharp felt if a CUP is
required for one day care center it should be required City-wide.
Chairman Fife agreed and said that suddenly requiring this day
center to obtain a CUP would counter the Commission's desire to
better the economic climate for property owners in this area.
commissioner Orsini agreed.
Chairman Fife, referencing Section 28-1151(E), said to him there
are two types of doctors offices --- doctors offices and medical
clinics. He felt this area could not support a medical clinic with
increased parking needs. Mr. Whittenberg said Section 28-1152(E)
would address such a situation because it limits the gross floor
area to a maximum of 3000 square feet for a business operation.
Chairman Fife asked if all lots were 100' deep? Mr. Whittenberg
said all the lots are about 104' deep but there is one lot that is
pie-shaped, being 40' at the front and 10' at the back. That lot
could be classified as a non-conforming lot which could not be
Page 4 - Planning Commission Minutes of November 20, 1991
further sub-divided and it's size would not limit its building
uses. Chairman Fife commented on lot coverage, indicating 90% lot
coverage is allowed for lots of less than 5,000 square feet and 75%
for over 5,000. He suggested a change to "75% but not less than
4500 square feet" because the owner of a 5000 square foot lot finds
he is able to develop less of his property than an owner with a
smaller lot.
Commissioner Orsini said parking credits should include the spaces
across the street because nothing can be built there and suggested
4 parking spaces for a 25' lot and 8 for a 50' lot. Mr.
Whittenberg said the staff report recommended 2 parking spaces per
lot no matter how wide because there's a total of 17 new parking
spaces created on both sides of the street under the restriping
Commissioner orsini asked if the limousine service had a CUP? Mr.
Whittenberg said he would research that and report back.
Commissioner Orsini noted Section 28-1152(A) would limit the limo
business because they operate well after 10:00 p.m. Staff noted
that after the street is restriped the limo business will be unable
to park his vehicles on the street.
Chalrman Fife asked about the abandoned right-of-way at Seal Beach
Boulevard and Electric Avenue. Mr. Whittenberg said that the Navy
does not own that property, having quit claimed it to the railroad
in the 1960's or 1970's. The City has contacted the railroad to
discuss the parking issue.
Staff has had meetlngs with the local Navy officials on the
possibility of moving their fence further back from the street.
The Navy Department at the Seal Beach facility sees no problems in
doing that. There would be no easement as they would deed that
property to the city. That request needs to be made to the
Department of the Navy in San Francisco at their regional office.
The City is preparing the letter. However, the Navy is not
responsive to providing additional parking on their property
because of the explosive arc issues from the loading facilities.
Commissioner Law asked if the 50 MPH speed limit could be slowed.
Mr. Whittenberg said staff has suggested to the City Council,
installing stop signs on Seal Beach Boulevard at Landing Avenue.
These would be proceeded by flashing yellow lights. Chairman Fife
said Bolsa Avenue would be a good place to start the slowing down
process with signs dropping it from 50 MPH to 40 MPH. Mr.
Whittenberg said speed limits are based on what 85% of the traffic
actually drives. Yearly speed surveys must be done to justify the
speed limits for citation purposes. Staff can check with the
Police Department. Chairman Fife said he understood it's
based on what people typically do but it must be consistent with
safety factors --- like the school with a church there on Sundays.
Page 5 - Planning Commission Minutes of November 20, 1991
Public Hearing
Walt Miller * 227-231 Seal Beach Boulevard spoke in favor of this
project, praising Mr. Whittenberg's report. He had three issues of
concern. The first was the position of the second and third
stories on the property. He wants it changed from the three
stories on the front to three stories on the rear of the property
to maximize the sun and view. The second issue was to correct the
language to move the building from the 35' height at the front of
the property to the rear of the property or setback from the front
of the property. Regarding the third issue, parking, he stated the
L-C zone should not be held to the same commercial parking
requirements as other commercial developments in the city. He said
the property owners of the thirteen lots involved are willing to
give up the C-2 zoning for L-C zoning to bring to the City low
intensity use businesses, pedestrian attractions, and to create
amenities for pedestrians and bicyclists. The owners can't develop
this project as they want to if they have to meet the parking
requirements set for other commercial development.
Ken Sanders * No Address Given - Introduced himself as Mr. Miller's
architect. He spoke on the 1988 Uniform Building Code (UBC) not
requiring the same exiting requirements from second story retail as
is required from the first story.
Chairman Fife, referencing 28-1156(A)(5) for glvlng credit for on-
street parking against off-street parking requirements suggested
changing this section to read "Make the credit conditional on the
development of the property utilizing at least 75% of the space
that would otherwise be required for parking on the lot, for open
space and/or planted areas". Mr. Miller agreed.
Seretta Fielding * 223 Seal Beach Boulevard spoke in favor of this
project. She agreed with Mr. Orsini, saying they must take
advantage of the south side of the street. She preferred to have
residential uses on the second story because that income could pay
the loans if the commercial on the first story was experiencing
difficulties. Regarding the need for a CUP for a day care center,
she asked for day care centers to be a permitted use with set
regulations on the outside hours for the children's play being from
9:30 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. She felt a purposes of this Seal Beach
Boulevard improvement program is to create less expensive loans to
enable property owners to change Seal Beach Blvd.
Commissioner Law asked Mrs. Fielding if she would object to
restricted outdoor play hours? Mrs. Fielding said she thought a
schedule could be worked out. The Commission asked about the day
care center's hours. Mrs. Fielding said her business started at
7:00 a.m. and closed at 6:00 p.m. and in only one or two instances
has she had a child stay beyond 6:15. She did not envision this
community needing evening child care.
Page 6 - Planning Commission Minutes of November 20, 1991
Frank Pryor * 233 Seal Beach Boulevard spoke in favor of the
project. Regarding the issue of whether the second and third
stories should be on the front or the rear of the lot he suggested
this be left to the individual owner.
Chairman Fife closed the Public Hearing.
Commission Comments
Chairman Fife reviewed Article 11.5, making changes to Sections 28-
1151(A), (G) and (H), section 28-1152 (B), (C) and (D) and section
28-1156 (A5). These changes were incorporated into the final motion
and are presented there.
The Commission discussed Section 28-1155 (D3), the 45 degree angle
being measured from (staff's suggestion) the rear property 11ne as
opposed to (Mr. Miller's suggestion) go from the rear setback line
of the adjoining residential property line. Change is reflected in
the resolution.
The Commission discussed the allocation of the parking spaces at
length. The final suggestion was "Allow the credited parking
spaces on the street to include all of the new diagonal spaces on
the Naval Weapons Station side of Seal Beach Boulevard and the
increased number of parking spaces that will be provided by going
to diagonal parking over the current number of parallel spaces on
the west side of the street". This is four (4) spaces per 2500
square feet for the total number of spaces provided on the street.
MOTION by Orsini; SECOND by Sharp to approve General Plan Amendment
2A-91 by adopting Resolution No. 1657, to approve General Plan
Amendment 2B-91 by adopting Resolution NO.1658, to approve Zoning
Text Amendment 4-91 by adopting resolution No. 1659, to approve
Zone Change 2-91 by adopting Resolution No 1660 with the following
Section 28-1151(A):
section 28-1151(G):
Add "art" after "flowers".
Add a section "G" to read "G.
Nursery schools, day care centers,
pri vate or trade schools provided
however such usages do not involve
outdoor activities occurring earlier
than 9:00 a.m. or later than 5:00
section 28-1151(8):
section 28-1152(B):
This is the previous section "GR.
Add "non-pubic area storage" after
"... is devoted to ...R
Page 7 - Planning Commission Minutes of November 20, 1991
Section 28-1155(C):
After "0.75" add "... but not less
than 4500 square feeto.
section 28-1155(03):
Change "rear lot line" to
adjoining rear setback line".
Section 28-1155(0.1.a): Change " Front 0 to "Rear".
section 28-1155(0.1.b): Change ORear" to "Front".
Section 28-1156(AS):
Change" maximum of two ( 2)
spaces" to "maximum of four (4)
spaces for each 25' of frontageo.
At the end of the section add
"Provided the development of the
property utilizes at least 75% of
the space which would otherwise be
required for parking in the absence
of such credi t and the property
owner has reimbursed the City on a
pro-rata basis for each space so
credited in proportion to the costs
to the City per space to develop new
spaces by restriping and other
redevelopment on the affected area
of Seal Beach Boulevard".
Section 28-1156(AS):
Allow the credited parking spaces on
the street to include all of the new
diagonal spaces on the Naval Weapons
Station side of Seal Beach Boulevard
and the increased number of parking
spaces that will be provided by
going to diagonal parking over the
current number of parallel spaces on
the west side of the street.
4 - 0 - 1
Page 8 - Planning Commission Minutes of November 20, 1991
Resolution No. 1662
The City of Seal Beach will be considering the following
amendments to the City's Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 28 of the
Code of the City of Seal Beach, (Code):
. Amend Section 28-2002(1) to specifically include
open space and parks as permitted uses wi thin the
Public Land Use zone, (PLU).
. Amend section 28-2313 to allow the construction
of low-level wooden decks wi thin the required
front yard setback.
. Amend Section 28-2405 to allow the Planning
commission to set or vary amortization periods
for nonconforming uses which do not relate to
. Amend Section 28-2407 which sets forth standards
for the remodel of and addition to nonconforming
residential structures and uses.
. Amend Section 28-1300(7) to require the issuance
of a Conditional Use Permit in conjunction with
the operation of any commercial activity between
the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.
. Amend Sections 28-401, 28-701 and 28-801 changing
the minimum corner lot size in all residential
zones of District I (Old Town) from 27.5' x 100'
to 25' x 100'. This amendment would make the
minimum lot size in Old Town the same for all
. Amend the City's Sign Ordinance (Article 18 of
Chapter 28 of the ~) to set forth specific
standards for the short-term placement and use of
advertising banners in the City's commercial
The proposed amendments are intended to address
certain perceived deficiencies in the ~ which
have arisen over the past year. In conjunction with
the public hearing, Staff will provide the Planning
Commission with proposed amendments to address these
Page 9 - Planning Commission Minutes of November 20, 1991
staff Report
Mr. Whittenberg delivered the staff report. [Staff report on file
in the Planning Department].
Commission Comments
Chairman Fife discussed the five amendments:
1. Amend Section 28-2002(1) to Specifically Include Open Space
and Parks as Permitted Uses within the Public Land Use Zone
( PLU) .
To clarify the language to make sure it embraces open space and
recreation uses Chairman Fife suggested revision of the amendment
by changing the wording to "public open space and public recreation
2. Amend Section 28-2313 to Allow the Construction of Low-Level
Wooden Decks Within the Required Front Yard Setback.
This should be expanded to include front yard, rear yard and side
yard setbacks. Mr. Whittenberg indicated that Commissioner Dahlman
had telephoned him today to state that particularly rear yard
setbacks should be included. Commissioner Orsini asked if this
would effect Crestview. Mr. Whittenberg said it would only effect
Crestview if he were to slope his deck so it's only one foot above
the slope. Staff needs to address the issue of how to deal with
patios on a slope.
3. Amend Section 28-2405 to Allow the Planning Commission to Set
or Vary Amortization Periods for Non-Conforming Uses Which Do
Not Relate to Structures.
Particularly regarding those "grandfathered" establishments selling
alcohol, Mr. Fife asked if the City had room to regulate here? Mr.
Whi ttenberg said there is room to regulate certain things. It
cannot regulate areas preempted by the State but, for example, the
City can regulate hours of operation to be more stringent than ABC
allowances if it's detrimental to the neighborhood. Staff's
concern is a certain number of businesses which are controlled
through the CUP process and some which are not. Those which are
not do cause the Planning Department and the Police Department
4. Amend section 28-1300(7) to Require the Issuance of a
Conditional Use Permit in Conjunction with the Operation of
Any commercial Activity Between the Hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.
What happened between the Jack-in-the-Box and the adjacent
homeowner? Mr. Whittenberg said staff has met several times with
Jack-in-the-Box management and they have taken some actions to
alleviate the problems wlth lighting but a remedy to the outside
speaker problems has not been reached. They are not willing to
Page 10 - Planning Commission Minutes of November 20, 1991
bend very much in that area. From what staff has heard, people
honk their horns when the speaker doesn't work. Under the CUP
process the Commission could hear the concerns of the surrounding
neighbors. Chairman Fife indicated that the ordinance should have
enough muscle to shut down a business who proposes to operate
between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. and to heck with his neighbors.
5. Amend sections 28-701 and 28-801 Changing the Minimum Corner
Lot Size in All Residential Zones of District 1 (Old Town)
from 27.5' x 100' and the Minimum Lot Area for a Corner Lot
from 2750 to 25-- square feet. This Amendment Would Make The
Minimum Lot Size in Old Town the Same for All Properties.
Chairman Fife opened the Public Hearing.
Public Hearing
Bill Gerlach * 126 8th street. Seal Beach spoke strongly in favor
of the proposal to require a CUP for an alcoholic establishment.
He lives behind a bar lacking genteel clientele but the Police
Department and Planning Department cannot do much barring criminal
Gerald Kyle * 8th Street. Seal Beach said he has lived here for
twenty years and it's been a nightmare living behind that bar.
When his grandchildren visit they cannot allow them to stay in the
bedroom which is nearest to that bar. The language if foul and the
area is used as a public urinal. He urged the Commission to
consider the six month notice over the twelve month notice.
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Orsini to continue Zoning Text Amendment
#5-91 to the Planning commission meeting of December 4, 1991, and
request staff to prepare formal amendment language for the above
text amendment proposals.
4 - 0 - 1
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - There were no Oral Communications from the
STAFF CONCERNS - Mr. Whittenberg said the Coastal Commission
conducted their Public Hearing on Jim Watson's proposal for the Rum
Runner's property. Their staff had recommended denial, preferring
completely commercial development. After testimony by City
representati ves the project was approved 8 - 2 by the Coastal
COMMISSION CONCERNS Commissioner orsini asked staff to
investigate Hennessey's in-lieu parking situation, stating they
Page 11 - Planning commission Minutes of November 20, 1991
have twenty-six in-lieu spaces and asking where the missing
fourteen spaces are?
Chairman Fife adjourned the meeting at 10:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joan Fillmann
Recording Secretary
Tne PlCLnn~~Cot'Y\~ ~~ oD
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July 15, 1991
City of Seal Beach Planning CommissIOn
Byf...l.rS. tAR~ Date 1'120/~1
Planning Commission
city of Seal Beach
211 Eighth Street
Seal Beach, CA 90740
I am writ1ng on behalf of Martha Karn, a resident of Seal Beach
Trailer Park. You have a petition before you requesting
permission to build a 2 or 3 story addition to the mobile home
located at 125 cottonwood Lane.
Mrs.Karn, who lives next door to the requested addition, is 81
years old and has been a resident of the Park for 19 years. She is
in poor health, suffering from emphysema, hearing loss and severe
sight loss. An addition as close as is proposed would cut off the
ocean breezes she relies on for relief from her breathing problems.
Th~ heighth would cut off the light in her home, making it even
more difficult to see with her failing eyesight.
It is my understanding, per regulations, there is to be a minimum
of six feet between coaches in this Park. It is obvious from a
tour through the Park this regulation has not been enforced. At
the present time there is only five feet between the two coaches at
125 and 126 Cottonwood Lane. If a variance is granted, with a
foundation outside the coach it would leave only approximately
three feet on one side and only ONE FOOT OR LESS between the
coaches located on spaces 124 and 125.
The coach at 125 Cottonwood Lane, next to Mrs. Karn, was relocated
with1n the Park to its present space in December, 1989. The
relocat10n was accomplished to enable long time residents to remain
in the Park that has been their home for many years. The
relocation process was accomplished by moving this mobile home in
with a giant crane, a traumatic and frightening experience for Mrs.
Karn. To further disrupt her life by allowing an addition, with
all the dirt, dust, grime and noise associated with the
construction necessary to accomplish such an endeavor, would be
life threatening to her in her present condition.
.( ,
Cf~V (17 31'711 Bpdcn Pijr-\I?~ CDommissiOn
8 It/J-o/ Cf I =Dat~c.- ~
~ f I
Please consider the elderly, long time residents of this Park
before making decisions which further disrupt their lives. This
Park has become a community for its tenants. Please do not allow
additions that will encroach upon the rights of these neighbors and
Yours truly
!:~':J ~rn~ ~
Daughter in Law
6751 Laurelhurst Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
T"''Y-'" 'I''l'
t;/ty 9f S
eat Beach Pt
SUBM anntng C
tJ ITTto FOR I:> ommlSS/A"'-
e,lJ~ nECORD Ul~
To the Members o~ the Seal Beach Planning COlflm15510n
-- November ;20,
Thanks to Mr. Lee Whittenberg and Joan ~or their help and pg~1ence.
They retrieved a letter 1 ....rote to t.he Plenning LOlllmis.s,ion
regarding the addition to the tra11er ....hen :l:1re.t pres,ent...d. At
that time the matter ....as tabled aE. the o....ner ....as, out. CJ~ the
country. He is still out o~ the country. 1 ....as as,s,ured lilY let~er
WQUId QI:' kl:'pt. emd p.ie~I:'I~t.e-d t.Q tt~e PIennj.ng Uli-part.ment i:t t.h1S,
application ....as reinstated. As my lett.er ....as not pres~nt.~d when
this application ....as reinstated, 1 wish to addreE.E. th1E. m~t.ter at
this t1me.
I am speaking on behal~ o~ Martha Karn, my mother 1n law, ....hose
trailer is next door to the tra11er addition. Mrs. Karn is, 111 and
is unable to be here.
In addition to the in~ormation in my ~irst letter regard1ng the
inconveniences I would also like to add a ~ew 0:1: my observat10ns
regarding the these additions being built in thiE. perk.
The two and three story additions are changing the ambivalence in
the Park. The Park has been a home ~or the residents, mostly
Older, retired individuals ....ho have made their home in the park ~or
twenty odd years, most oz these residents and owner/occupantf.,
living in the1r o....n units. Th1s addition is be1ng bU11t by an
o....ner residing out oz the country, a ~our bedroom add1t10n, that
will serve as a rental, not a res1dence. As he 1S the owner oz
several oth~r units in the Park, it does not appear he will be able
to occupy all oz them. I~ the unit is rented, to a 10.... income
~amily as is required ....ho can preE.ent all the neCebs,ary
documentation to verizy income, it will certainly change the
density oz the Park, already at the maX1mum ior land us,e density.
Six zeet between trailers, six ~eet ~rom the street is high
density, and iz the additions are allo....ed to be built s,1de by bide
~or absentee o....ners to be used as rentals, I enV1~10n a rental
I question iz there is really six ,teet bet....een the trailerf.. 1 heve
been assured by Mr. Whittenberg i~ at all possible 1 will be
notizied when the Inspector makes this crucial measurement so I
will be able~to verizy the di5tance between the trailers. By my
tape, I measure only zive xeet.
I ....ould also like to address the lack o~ not1x1cation to the
immediate neighbors ....hen an addit10n is planned. 1 understand the
property o....ner is the Park owner, but to have my xirst notix1cation
that construction was to begin ....hen 1 inadvertently stopped by and
xound a ~arge dumpster parked in the street, ....as most dis~res,sing.
Perhaps this can be addressed by the Commiss10n at a later date.
I would ~ike to thank you again ~or your patience 1n th1~ matt.er
and hope you ....ould reconsider your actions 1n 9rant.1ng a peXlfl1t ~or
the addition :tor this trailer.
VY\ c.-j ~ ..-J. --K ~
<''16', eJ~~.
.:q..J ~o.. ~"..L C(ot ., ~ ~ '1 )
AGENDA for NOVEMBER 20, 1991
1. General Plan Amendments 2A-91 and 2B-91
Zoning Text Amendment 4-91
Zone Change 2-91
Applicant: City of Seal Beach
General Plan Amendments:
Housing Elements of the
~stablish a Limited
To amend the Land Use and
City'S General Plan to
Commercial land-use
Zoning Text Amendment: Amendment of the Zoning
Ordinance to establish a Limited Commercial zone
and to set forth perm1tted uses, cond1tionally
permitted uses and development standards for th1S
Additional amendments to the Zoning Ordinance
amend1ng the definition of "basement" requiring
that floors located partially above grade have at
least 2/3 of the floor's height below grade and
providing a definition of "Floor Area Rat10".
Zone Change: To change the zoning along the
westerly side of Seal Beach Boulevard between
Landing Avenue and the northerly Electric Avenue
alley from General Commercial (C-2) to Limited
Commercial (L-C).
Resolution Nos.:
#1657 - GPA 2A-91
11658 - GPA 2B-91
#1659 - ZTA 4-91
#1660 - ZC 2-91
contimled ...
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Planning Commission Agenda 11-20-91
Zoning Text Amendment 15-91
Resolution No. 1662
The City of Seal Beach will be considering the
following amendments to the City's Zoning Ordinance
(Chapter 28 of the Code of the city of Seal Beach,
( Code) :
. Amend section 28-2002(1) to specifically include
open space and parks as permitted uses wi thin the
Public Land Use zone, (PLU).
. Amend section 28-2313 to allow the construction
of low-level wooden decks wi thin the required
front yard setback.
. Amend section 28-2405 to allow the Planning
Commission to set or vary amortization periods
for nonconforming uses which do not relate to
. Amend Section 28-2407 which sets forth standards
for the remodel of and addition to nonconforming
residentlal structures and uses.
. Amend section 28-1300(7) to require the issuance
of a Conditional Use Permit in conjunction with
the operation of any commercial activity between
the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.
. Amend Sections 28-401, 28-701 and 28-801 changlng
the minimum corner lot size in all residentlal
zones of District I (Old Town) from 27.5' x 100'
to 25' x 100'. This amendment would make the
minimum lot size in Old Town the same for all
. Amend the City's Slgn Ordlnance (Article 18 of
Chapter 28 of the Code) to set forth specific
standards for the short-term placement and use of
advertising banners in the City's commercial
The proposed amendments are intended to address
certain perceived deficiencies in the ~ WhlCh
have arisen over the past year. In conjunctiOJl- wi th
the public hearing, Staff will provide the Planning
Commission with proposed amendments to address- these
contiJmed- ...
Meeting Date
CUP #-~2-91
CUP 112-90
MPR #-~G--91
ZTA 15-91
Page 3 of 3
Planning commission Agenda 11-20-91
Environmental Review: This project is
categorically exempt from CEQA review.
Applicant: City of Seal Beach
Code Sections: 28-301; 28-701; 28-801; 28-1300(7);
28-2002(1); 28-1800; 28-2313; 28-2406; 28-2407
Submission Deadline
1120 Central Avenue/Stark-Brendell
Bonnadonna's Restaurant/ABC license
24 Welcome Lane (Two-Story Cabana)
Possibly: Re banners and expansions
to non-conform1ng residences.
City of Seal Beach Planning Commlsslo~
Date 1I .;toO
14 c:>~(. 841. 9~ 7 .J
(? ~) OFFICE (7141 8472551
FAX (714) 847 1430
X l~"tt)