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JUNE 3, 1992
fllr COPJ'
7 30 p. . City council ~B
1. Minutes of May 20. 1992
Zoning Text
Amendment 92-2
City of Seal Beach
Amend the Zon1ng Ordinance to allow
as a conditionally perm1tted
entertainment cafes 1n the General
Commercial zone, (C-2) only.
3. Policy Statement regard1ng Max1mum S1zes of
Proposed CRAS's (to be del1vered Monday)
The regularly scheduled Plann1ng Comm1SS1on meet1ng of June 3, 1992
was called to order by Cha1rman F1fe at 7:35 p.m. 1n City Counc1l
Comm1SS1oner OrS1n1 led the Pledge of Alleg1ance.
Cha1rman F1fe
Comm1ss1oners Dahlman, Sharp, Law, Ors1n1
Department of Development SerV1ces:
Lee Wh1ttenberg, D1rector
Barry Curt1s, Adm1n1strat1ve Ass1stant
Joan Fillmann, Execut1ve Secretary
M1nutes of May 20, 1992
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Dahlman to approve the Plann1ng
Commiss1on Minutes of May 20, 1992 subJect to a typographical
correct1on at page 10, line 7, "crown" to "crowd".
5 - 0 - 0
Sharp, Dahlman, F1fe, Law, Ors1ni
There were no scheduled matters.
2. Zon1ng Text Amendment 92-2
Enterta1nment Cafes
Staff Report
Mr. Curt1s de11vered the staff report. [Staff report on f1le 1n
the Plann1ng Department]. At the July 17, 1991 Plann1ng Comm1SS1on
meeting Comm1ssioner OrS1n1 requested the C1ty'S zon1ng ord1nance
be amended to proh1b1t enterta1nment cafes on propert1es Wh1Ch abut
res1dent1ally zoned propert1es. The C1 ty Counc1l subsequently
author1zed the Planning Comm1SS1on to beg1n hear1ngs to cons1der a
poss1ble munic1pal ~ amendment. The staff report presented four
alternat1ves for Comm1ssion cons1deration:
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(1) Amend the ~ to permlt entertalnment cafes In the C-2
zone only, subJect to approval of a CUP.
(2) Amend the ~ to prohlblt entertalnment cafes on
propertles which are located wlthln 300 feet of
resldentlally zoned propertles.
(3) Prohlblt entertalnment cafes Clty-wlde.
(4) Do not amend the QQQg.
Mr. Curtls sald the city presently has three entertalnment cafes:
(1) Panda Panda
(2) Noel's
(3) Spaghettlnl's
Plano bar
Polyneslan mUS1C
Jazz mUS1C
The Cl ty has recel ved no complalnts to date on any of these
entertalnment cafes.
staff recommended entertalnment cafes be allowed
zone subJect to approval of a CUP. ThlS
entertalnment cafes on Maln Street, Ocean
Beach/Pavlllon Center, Lelsure World Center.
Staff belleves entertalnment cafes can eXlst Wl thout adversely
lmpactlng surroundlng propertles lf they have proper condltlons and
only In the C-2
would prohlblt
Avenue, Seal
~ Commlsslon Comments
Outlaw EXlstlng Cafes
CommlSSloner Sharp asked lf thlS Zonlng Text amendment would result
In outlawlng entertalnment cafes where they are already permltted?
Dlrector Whlttenberg sald the ~ allows appllcatlons for
entertalnment cafes In both the C-1 and C-2 zones sUbJect to
Condltlonal Use Permlt (CUP) approval. ThlS proposal would no
longer allow appllcatlons for entertalnment cafes In the C-1 zone.
An addltlonal restrlctlon lS belng placed on the C-2 zone: the
property must be located along a prlmary or arterlal hlghway.
Resldentlal Unlts In C-l on Maln street
Chalrman Flfe asked how many resldentlal unlts are In the C-1 zone,
along Maln Street, such as apartments above eXlstlng buslnesses?
Mr. Curtls sald approxlmately flfty; he dld not know the exact
number. The maJorlty belng over the cleaners at the south end of
Maln street.
NOlse from Entertalnment versus Other Sources
Chalrman Flfe sald one of the lssues lS whether the percelved
problem wlth an entertalnment cafe lS nOlse and trafflc of patrons
comlng and gOlng or whether It'S a problem of open doors and mUS1C
blastlng out. He sald "I thlnk lf the real problem lS trafflc of
buslness comlng and gOlng what we're really talklng about lS slowly
but surely outlawlng our commerclal zone, convertlng Maln Street
Page 3 - planning Commission Minutes of June 3, 1992
tit 1nto a res1dential street. It m1ght be n1ce for the people who
11ve there but 1t'S certa1nly g01ng to hurt our budget".
'J.Ypes of Entertainment
Comm1SS10ner Dahlman sa1d th1S proposal addresses the problem
prev10usly brought up but 1t would make soft enterta1nment
1mposs1ble. Mr. Curt1s sa1d that was correct because the ~
doesn't d1fferent1ate between types of entertainment.
Comm1ss10ner Dahlman cont1nued, "I th1nk, Mr. Cha1rman, you're
trY1ng to get at the problem of what are we trY1ng to solve here
but th1s may be a rather broad brush".
Cha1rman F1fe sa1d across Amer1ca there are bookstores 1n Wh1Ch an
asp1r1ng actor would read poetry that would make 1t an
enterta1nment cafe and you couldn't have that on Ma1n street. "I
hardly th1nk that's the k1nd of 1ns1d10uS th1ng that's g01ng to
destroy Amer1ca or even Seal Beach. I'm not 1ncl1ned to go along
w1th th1S, I can tell you that". He noted there are homes back1ng
to C-l and C-2 zones by Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway.
No C1ty Enforcement
Comm1SS10ner OrS1n1 sa1d "Bas1cally when I looked at th1S report I
can't go along w1th any of 1t. Another th1ng that bothered me w1th
th1S report, when I read the one paragraph that sa1d ' staff
bel1eves that the entertainment cafes can be properly cond1tioned
by the Plann1ng Comm1SS10n and enforced by staff' --- 1t'S a known
fact that we have no enforcement, per10d, on any k1nd of cafes,
restaurants. Spaghett1n1's ran an enterta1nment cafe for a year
before we even d1d anyth1ng about 1t. So as far as enforcement
goes that doesn't even make sense to put 1t down on paper".
Comm1ss10ner OrS1n1 sa1d Old Town has a fear of what can occur
because of what has occurred 1n the past. The C1ty doesn't have
any enforcement. If someth1ng goes sour the C1ty can't enforce 1t
and the res1dents are stuck 11v1ng w1th 1t, f1ght1ng 1t for two or
three years to do someth1ng about 1t.
C-l and C-2 Zones
Regard1ng C-l and C-2 zones, Comm1SS10ner OrS1n1 sa1d enterta1nment
cafes back1ng to res1dential properties w111 not work. D1rector
Wh1 ttenberg sa1d the C-2 zone would be the most proper for
enterta1nment cafes because that's a heavy commerc1al use. He
suggested a m1n1mum parcel S1ze to m1n1m1ze C-2 zon1ng 1mpacts on
adJacent resident1al propert1es. Staff felt enterta1nment cafes
along Pac1f1C Coast H1ghway properly cond1t10ned would not be
Enterta1nment Licenses from ABC versus C1ty
Comm1SS10ner OrS1n1 sa1d the C1ty'S enterta1nment 11cense was
d1fferent from the ABC's enterta1nment 11cense. He asked 1f the
appl1cants for enterta1nment cafes get approval from ABC before
Page 4 - Planning Commission Minutes o~ June 3, 1992
. they appear before the Commissl.on? Or, is the Cl. ty grantl.ng
somethl.ng they are not allowed to l.ssue? Dl.rector whittenberg sal.d
an appll.cant for an entertal.nment cafe would seek whatever
modl.fl.catl.ons to thel.r ll.cense they need through ABC once they've
received Cl.ty approval.
Comml.ssl.oner OrSl.nl. sal.d any contest l.nsl.de a restaurant l.S
entertal.nment and the Cl.ty can't perml.t thl.s l.f the ABC ll.cense
restrl.cts l.t. The Cl.ty has been grantl.ng specl.al perml.ts for thl.S
purpose. He added the Cl.ty has not enforced eXl.stl.ng problems.
Dl.rector Whl. ttenberg took exceptl.on to the statements on non-
enforcement, saYl.ng once the Cl.ty was made aware of the sl.tuatl.on
at Spaghettl.nl.'s they contacted the restaurant and the management
came l.n qUl.ckly for a CUP and recel.ved the necessary approvals.
Mr. Whl.ttenberg sal.d ~ enforcement efforts have been stepped up
recently and many letters wl.ll be going out l.n the near future.
Snecl.al Actl.vl.ty Perml.ts
Comml.SSl.oner OrSl.nl. asked about the Cl.ty's specl.al perml.ts. Mr.
Whl.ttenberg sal.d a specl.al actl.vl.ty perml.t l.S handled by a Specl.al
Event Coordl.nator l.n the city Manager's Offl.ce and l.S not dealt
Wl.th by the Plannl.ng Department or Plannl.ng Comml.ssl.on. He would
research how that department ensures the necessary reVl.ews by other
agencl.es are handled. Under the zonl.ng ordl.nance, an entertainment
cafe l.S an on-gol.ng use, not a one-tl.me specl.al perml.t use and ABC
doesn't have a problem with that use gOl.ng on l.n one of thel.r
ll.censed locatl.ons as long as l.t l.S properly perml.tted and
condl.tl.oned by the Cl.ty. On a fal.rly regular basl.s ABC wl.ll add
condl.tl.ons over and above the Cl.ty's condl.tl.ons.
Comml.ssl.oner OrSl.nl. asked how problems wl.th resl.dentl.al propertl.es
along Pacl.fl.c Coast Hl.ghway would be controlled? Mr. Whl.ttenberg
suggested allowl.ng staff to look at requl.rl.ng cafes to be along
prl.mary streets and also imposl.ng a ml.nl.mum lot Sl.ze --- that would
ell.ml.nate smaller parcels along PCH from becomml.ng entertal.nment
cafes. Entertal.nment cafes would contl.nue to requl.re a Condl. tl.onal
Use Perml. t whl.ch l.S a Publl.c Hearl.ng Wl. th a 300' Notl.ce to
surroundl.ng property owners.
Public Hearl.ng
Chairman Fl.fe opened the Publl.c Hearl.ng, askl.ng for those l.n favor
of thl.S appll.catl.on to speak fl.rst.
Ml.tzl.e Morton * 153 13th street. Seal Beach - sal.d Cl.ty resl.dents
have been wal.tl.ng fifteen years to resolve the problem of
entertal.nment cafes near resl.dentl.al uses. She l.ndl.cated the Cl.ty
has never been able to control the entertal.nment problems and they
get carr l.ed to extremes. For example, Hennessey's came l.nto
eXl.stence by deceptl.on, l.t was to be a restaurant. She sal.d the
Mal.n Street busl.nesses are not sufferl.ng because they lack
paqe 5 - Planning Commission Minutes of June 3, 1992
entertainment. The enterta1nment cafes are not compat1ble
adJacent to res1dent1al homes because of the late hours. Old Town
residents would llke to see enterta1nment cafes llmited to the C-2
Comm1ss10ner Dahlman asked Ms. Morton to elaborate on why she would
like enterta1nment cafes 1n the C-2 areas. Ms. Morton sa1d because
most C-2 areas are on ma1n thoroughfares and have b1g park1ng lots
Wh1Ch would also hold the cars.
Comm1ss10ner Dahlman sa1d that 1f the restr1ct10n to 300' were
placed there wouldn't be any enterta1nment cafes 1n Old Town,
Mar1na H1ll or College Park --- only 1n Rossmoor Center could one
conce1vably be opened. Ms. Morton sa1d someth1ng could be worked
out on the 300'. She d1dn't th1nk enterta1nment cafes should be
outlawed throughout the C1ty, certa1n areas could call for
someth1ng. The Comm1SS10n could set the hours and type of
enterta1nment 1n those areas. The CUP process would prov1de for
C1ty control. The problem lS enterta1nment of a type that draws
crowds late at n1ght. She would have a problem w1th amplif1ed or
loud (llke mar1ach1 bands) mUS1C at any t1me. She wouldn't obJect
to a v10l1n1st 1n a restaurant except that the owners f1nd a way to
c1rcumvent the ord1nances.
David Rosenman * 208 E1ghth street. Seal Beach - rev1ewed the
appl1cat10n for the Renaissance Cafe stat1ng there was a var1ety of
m1srepresentat10ns by the appl1cant. He obJected to loud n01se but
would not obJect to poetry read1ngs or a v10l1n1st. He wants the
C1ty to have structures 1n place to deal w1th enterta1nment cafe
appl1cat10ns, stat1ng res1dents fear they w1ll not be aware of an
appl1cat10n and someth1ng w1ll sllde 1nto place.
Charles Antos * 328 17th Street. Seal Beach - made several p01nts:
(1) ESTABLISH TRACK RECORD The C1ty'S ord1nance for ABC
appl1cat10ns prov1des for C1ty control w1th 1n1t1al Comm1SS10n
rev1ew, another reV1ew at SlX months or one year and then an
1ndef1n1te extens10n reV1ew. Th1S establ1shes a track record for
an establ1shment. New appl1cants ask1ng for an ABC llcense want an
enterta1nment llcense slmul taneously. He suggested a wa1 t1ng
per10d of perhaps one year before an enterta1nment perm1 t lS
granted, regardless of where 1 t lS located 1n the C1 ty . The
appl1cant must establ1sh a good track record f1rst to glve the C1ty
someth1ng to Judge what k1nd of ne1ghbor the appl1cant lS.
( 2) NOT IN CLOSE PROXIMITY - No enterta1nment cafes should be
cons1dered for propert1es Wh1Ch are 1n close proxim1ty to
res1dent1al propert1es. There lS only the alley w1dth of 15'
separat1ng some res1dent1al propert1es from commerc1al propert1es.
(3) NOT CONSIDER BAD NEIGHBORS - Some bUS1nesses don't bother to
get spec1al event perm1 ts. Very loud and rowdy act1 V1 t1es go on --
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- dlSC Jockeys, wet T-shlrt contests, etc. Most of the time he
flnds about these actlv1t1es by Journal newspaper ads. These
businesses have no 1ntent10n of be1ng good ne1ghbors and they
should not be cons1dered leg1t1mate appl1cants for any
enterta1nment perm1t.
(4) DON'T CONGREGATE USES - It would be cr1m1nal to concentrate
these uses 1n the Rossmoor Center and adversely effect the adjacent
ne1ghbors 1n the condos.
5) SAFEWAY CENTER - If an enterta1nment perm1t were 1ssued to, for
example, Denney's restaurant the auto traff1c would adversely
1mpact the Mar1na H111 res1dents.
Brent Matthews * 218 Eighth street. Seal Beach - spoke 1n favor of
not expand1ng non-conform1ng uses. He sa1d he advocates fa1rness,
saY1ng the C1ty has asked h1m not to use hlS property In the same
way he could have used 1 t twenty years ago. But the Cl ty
grandfathers the commerc1al uses on Ma1n Street. Some of the same
rules should apply to both res1dent1al and commercial uses.
Commissloner OrS1n1 sa1d a lot of the enterta1nment problems could
have been exped1ted by gOlng through ABC versus the C1ty. ABC can
stop a lot of the th1ngs that have been occurr1ng. Cha1rman F1fe
sa1d ABC enforcement 1S probably not effect1ve because ABC's budget
has been severely slashed.
Comm1ss10ner Dahlman asked Mr. Matthews what he thought about Mr.
Antos' suggest10n for a good ne1ghbor test? Mr. Matthews sa1d he
thought 1 t was a great 1dea but would not want to trade an
ord1nance for It.
Comm1ss10ner OrS1n1 sa1d a problem w1th the one year wa1t1ng per10d
concept 1S the C1ty has two maJor parcels for Wh1Ch maJor hotels
may be planned. He felt the C1 ty should see what type of
enterta1nment a cha1n would have and that should be cons1dered 1n
place of the1r one year wa1t1ng per10d.
D1rector Wh1ttenberg asked Mr. Matthews 1f h1S op1n10n would hold
for non-ampl1f1ed enterta1nment? Mr. Matthews sa1d probably
because 1t br1ngs In other factors such as hours of operat10n. If
you don't have enterta1nment there's not much reason to stay open
tl11 2:00 a.m. He felt def1n1t10ns of enterta1nment would help.
Mr. Matthews sa1d past abuses of enterta1nment were so bad the
cit1zens had to reta1n the1r own legal counsel and take away then-
C1ty Manager Allen Parker's rlght to grant enterta1nment 11censes.
He sa1d the problems have subs1ded Slnce the Clty Manager lost that
author1ty but 1t 1S also due to c1t1zen part1c1pat10n aga1nst
enterta1nment cafes.
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He felt strongly that the cltlzens should have better protectlon
and a better reVlew process. Chalrman Flfe sald all entertalnment
cafe appllcatlons would requlre a CUP process WhlCh lncludes Notlce
and a PubllC Hearlng and any declslon of the Plannlng CommlSSlon
and Plannlng Dlrector lS appealable to the City Councll. Mr.
Matthews sald hlS fear lS an entertalnment cafe appllcatlon wll1
Sllp by because the Noticlng lS 11mlted to 300' and people do get
busy wlth thelr own dally 11ves. It takes a lot of work and tlme
for Clty resldents to get others to come out and VOlce oplnlons to
the Clty. Mr. Matthews sald he does not feel the appeal process lS
eaSler and stronger. He was involved wlth an appeal to the Clty
Councl1 regardlng Hennessey's and "... It's a mlserable way to go.
I don't feel any more secure In knowing that I, as an lndlvldual,
can petltlon the Clty Councl1 based on thelr declslons to support
Condltlonal Use Permlts II
Chalrman Flfe asked lf 1 t was solely entertalnment or was 1 t
trafflc nOlse? Mr. Matthews sald the resldents accept 11vlng wlth
mlxed uses but don't support expanslon of non-conformlng uses
whether they are resldentlal or commerclal. He sald II I have a
certaln rlght to expect mlnlmum enforcement of the zonlng text as
we see lt ...".
Regardlng the nOlse lssue, Commlssloner Orsinl sald beer and Wlne
11censes are restrlcted to closlng tlmes of 11:00 p.m. There are
SlX #47 ABC (general 11quor) 11censes In Old Town. The Clty has no
control over thelr hours. There wll1 be no more #47 11censes In
Seal Beach because they can't meet parklng requlrements as there lS
no more grandfathered parklng. Hennessey's was approved through
the Clty Councll.
Chairman Flfe sald the central and over-rldlng lssue lS dlsturbance
of the resldents --- no matter where that dlsturbance comes from.
To slngle out and say the problem wll1 be flxed by outlawlng
entertalnment cafes perlod end of dlScusslon, leavlng no effectlve
way to deal wlth loud restaurants doesn't solve the problem. The
focus should be on how do we mlnlmlze the dlsturbance of the
restaurants whlle achlevlng some sort of compromlse of the fact
that the Clty doesn't want a Maln Street of nothlng but nal1 shops,
the Clty needs sales tax revenue. Mr. Matthews sald he dldn't
agree; thlS lS a good flrst step. It sends a clear slgnal to what
our intentlons are In Seal Beach. Chalrman Flfe asked lf the Clty
should move agalnst the restaurant next? Mr. Matthews sald he
dldn' t thlnk we were movlng agalnst anybody. He sald the Cl ty
should use an enllghtened approach WhlCh looks at the proximlty to
your resldentlal nelghborhoods, look at problems that have happened
the past. Entertalnment has been a maJor lssue by ltself. Mr.
Matthews sald he hoped the CommlSSlon would support an ordlnance
DaVld Rosenman * 208 Eighth street. Seal Beach - sald many chaln
operations, such as Sheraton, Howard Johnson etc., are franchlsed.
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There 1S no way to know what the1r track record 1S. Comm1SS10ner
OrS1n1 sa1d the1r enterta1nment is controlled through their central
off1ce. It's a c1rcle, where the enterta1nment goes from one hotel
to the next hotel. Mr. Rosenman sa1d he has stayed 1n several
franch1sed 10cat10ns that were not up to the chain's standards and
the home off1ce could not help h1m as a consumer. The 1ssue 1S not
restaurants, the 1ssue 1S n01se 1n prox1mity to res1dences.
Reva Olsen * [No Address] Seal Beach - sa1d she would l1ke to see
the Comm1SS10n get something on the books because the C1 ty has
wasted staff t1me and legal fees on th1s 1ssue. She suggested
"Let's get 1nto bus1ness and make th1s C1 ty pay. Th1S 1S
r1d1culous to waste all these res1dents' t1me people want
government that takes care of people ... let's get th1s C1ty 1n
shape and get some ord1nances and put some teeth 1nto them and get
some enforcement and stop wast1ng people's time".
David Rosenman * 208 E1ghth Street. Seal Beach - commented he had
Long Beach fr1ends say they l1ke to come to Seal Beach because 1t's
small, qU1et, fr1endly and safe. Before Seal Beach tr1es to become
Belmont Shores we should th1nk about what we're g1v1ng up.
Sol John * 330 Ma1n Street. Seal Beach - sa1d people who want to
gamble or dr1nk should have a boat that would pull up to the p1er
and take them off shore for that recreat10n. That would get them
away from the city. He sa1d there should be a 9:00 p.m. curfew 1n
the C1ty on enterta1nment.
No one w1shed to speak aga1nst th1s app11cat10n and Cha1rman F1fe
closed the Pub11c Hear1ng.
Commiss10n Comments
Comm1ss10ner OrS1n1 began to make a rnot10n but Comm1SS10n Dahlman
asked for further d1scuss10n. Comm1SS10ner OrS1n1 agreed.
Comm1ss10ner OrS1n1 sa1d he does not want to effect the three
eX1st1ng enterta1nment cafe perm1 ts. He wants to make certa1n
enterta1nment cafes are proh1b1ted on Ma1n Street and Seal Beach
Boulevard. The C1ty must get enforcement and control wh1ch are
non-ex1stenti we don't have any backbone. The best way 1S to stop
1t completely unt1l we get the controli our problems take too long
to resolve. He favored alternat1ve #1. Regard1ng the 300' versus
500' he ment10ned Noel's has had no compla1nts. He agreed
entertalnment 1n the Safeway Center would affect Mar1na H1ll. The
C1ty'S budget doesn't allow for a Code enforcement off1cer but
that's what's needed.
Commissloner Sharp sa1d he has some real problems w1th target1ng
"enterta1nment" because there are so many forms of enterta1nment.
He would have no problem e11m1nat1ng loud mUS1C but would want to
reta1n a quiet piano, a soft gU1tar, poetry read1ng, book reviews.
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Comm1ss1oner Dahlman agreed, add1ng there 1S a problem def1n1ng
what 1t is we want to get r1d of 1n town and what we want to keep.
Commiss1oner OrS1n1 sa1d one type of entertainment could lead to
another type of enterta1nment. How could th1s be prevented? There
1S no enforcement. Comm1SS1oner Sharp sa1d 1f it were true that
there 1S no enforcement then an ord1nance would not be needed 1n
any case --- people would do as they please.
Cha1rman F1fe 1nd1cated an appl1cant for a spec1al event perm1t
should present h1S appl1cat1on to the C1ty and h1s ABC approval at
the t1me he appl1es. Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d staff would be happy to
work w1th ABC to ensure C1ty procedures on spec1al perm1ts conform
to what ABC desires.
Comm1ss1oner Dahlman sa1d all of the test1mony ton1ght centered on
whether or not we should have enterta1nment in close prox1m1ty to
resident1al wh1ch 1S addressed by alternative #2. He suggested
approv1ng alternat1ve #2, dec1d1ng how many feet d1stance and
add1ng a S1X month reV1ew per1od. He sa1d the Comm1SS1on has to
make a rule for what 1S g01ng to be allowed 1n the future,
separately address1ng what we are g01ng to do w1th what we have.
Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d, regard1ng the 300' d1stance, staff 1S
concerned that 1f adopted 1t would make at least two of the three
eX1st1ng 11censed enterta1nment restaurants legal non-conform1ng --
- Spaghett1n1's and Noel's. Panda Panda Restaurant m1ght be - 1t'S
close. The only property 1n the C1ty which would be able to have
an enterta1nment cafe 1S the red port1on of Rossmoor Center
ind1cated on staff's map presentat1on. Mr. Wh1ttenberg sa1d th1s
may not be what the C1ty, the Counc11, the Comm1SS1on wants.
Comm1SS1oner Dahlman sa1d someth1ng 1sn't right here the
Comm1SS1on 1S e1ther outlaw1ng too many or perm1tt1ng too many and
none of the alternat1ves make everybody happy. Mr. Wh1ttenberg
sa1d staff's suggest10n for C-2 along an arter1al was based on the
Plann1ng Comm1SS1on' S dec1s1on to approve Noel's where 1 twas
1mmed1ately adJacent to res1dent1al. When that appl1cat1on was
before the Plann1ng Comm1SS1on the staff recommendat1on was to not
allow ampl1f1ed mUS1C at that locat1on but the Comm1SS1on dec1ded
to allow 1t w1th the 11m1tat1on of f1ve mUS1C1ans. Staff thought
Noel's lot area was fa1rly comparable to other lot areas along PCH.
The lot S1ze of Noel's 1S approx1mately 15,000 square feet --- a
larger parcel than most along PCH. If the Comm1SS1on were to
include a m1nimum lot S1ze that's large enough to allow the
exist1ng ones to ma1nta1n themselves staff could come back to the
Comm1SS1on at the next meet1ng and 1nd1cate how many other parcels
along PCH and what's on them now would be over that S1ze
lim1tation. Th1S would show what potent1al other locat1ons could
be cons1dered 1n the future 1f a new use were to be proposed.
Comm1SS1oner Dahlman sa1d that because that suggest10n was not on
the staff report's 11St of alternat1ves he wanted to make a mot1on
Pa98 10 - P~annlng Commission Minutes of June 3, 1992
. to re-open the Publ1c Hearing and cont1nue th1s item to a date
Cha1rman F1fe sa1d he was not prepared to vote for th1s ord1nance
in the cond1t1on 1t'S currently 1n. There's a broader problem and
th1s 1S one segment of 1t. He referenced the problems at Super
Saver Cinema Seven, a fac111ty wh1ch does not have enterta1nment
but wh1ch 1mpacts nearby res1dents, as a segment of th1s same
problem. Mr. Anto's p01nt of C-l zon1ng be1ng able to be changed
to C-2 zon1ng and the d1stance of 300' from the bU1ld1ng may not be
reasonable. The problem of f1nd1ng a reasonable accommodat1on
between commerc1al uses and nearby res1dent1al 1S a lot more
compl1cated than simply outlaw1ng entertainment cafes. The 1ssues
must be addressed 1n such a manner that all aspects are handled.
The Commiss1on discussed on what date they w1shed to re-hear th1s
1tem. They dec1ded to hear th1s item after resolv1ng the Super
Saver C1nema Seven issue.
MOTION by Dahlmani SECOND by F1fe to re-open the Public Hear1ng on
Zon1ng Text Amendment #92-2 for the purpose of cont1nuing th1S 1tem
to the July 15, 1992 Plann1ng Comm1ssion meet1ng.
5 - 0 - 0
Dahlman, F1fe, Sharp, Law, OrS1n1
Mr. Wh1ttenberg summar1zed 1tems staff 1S to 1nclude 1n the next
staff report:
1. Interface problems between res1dent1al uses adJacent to
commerc1al uses.
2. M1n1mum lot S1ze 11m1 tat10ns for new locat1ons. D1stance
requ1rement from exter10r boundar1es of the property for both
ampl1f1ed and non-ampl1f1ed enterta1nment.
3. An automat1c S1X month reV1ew of all enterta1nment perm1ts.
4. A prov1s1on that the operator of a bus1ness must be 1n
business for "X" months before an enterta1nment appl1cat1on
could be subm1tted to the C1ty.
Hours of operat1on of
eX1st1ng ABC approvals
locat1ons 1n the C1ty.
enterta1nment cafes to be tied to
that have been granted to other
6. Park1ng plan that goes beyond meet1ng the ~ or be1ng
grand fathered 1n. Where are the cars g01ng to be parked? On
res1dent1al streets? What's the c1rculat1on plan? T1me?
Page 11 - Planning Commission Minutes o~ June 3, 1992
Dav1d Rosenman * Seal Beach - suggested a c1t1zen volunteer S1t 1n
on these d1scuss1ons. Cha1rman Flfe sald thlS would be a good ldea
and Mr. Wh1ttenberg agreed.
There were no oral communlcatlons.
Pol1cy StatementIMax1mum eRAS S1zes
Mr. Curt1s presented a proposed POllCY statement sett1ng forth
maXlmum dlmenSlons for rectangular, clrcular, L-shaped and stralght
CRAS's. [Memorandum on flle In the Planning Department].
The Plannlng Commlsslon, after conslderlng thls matter, recommended
a f1nal POllCY statement be consldered at the July 1, 1992
Commlsslon meetlng.
Compat1b1l1ty of Use/Veter1nary Cl1n1c for Cats on Ma1n Street
Mr. Curtls presented a memorandum to the Commlssion for the1r
reVlew as a staff concern at the June 17th meetlng. [Memorandum on
flle In the Plannlng Department].
Equ1pment 1n Center of S1dewalk @ st. Cloud/Seal Beach Boulevard
Mr. Wh1ttenberg presented the memorandum. [Memo on flle In the
Plannlng Department]. Chalrman Flfe asked staff to flnd out who lS
llable lf someone were to be lnJured --- GTE or the Clty? Mr.
Whlttenberg wlll check with the PubllC Works Department to see lf
they lssued an encroachment permit or a llcense for that equlpment
to be on the sldewalk. He felt lf thls were the case the Clty
would be lndemn1fled. Staff to report back to the Commlss1on.
Commlssloner Sharp sald the street by the serVlce statlon near
B1Xby has a lot of trash on lt and B1Xby 1S not keeplng lt clean.
Staff to notlfy B1Xby immed1ately.
Chalrman Flfe adJourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully Subm1tted,
Joan F1llmann
Recordlng Secretary
Approval: The Plannlng Commlss1on Mlnutes of June 3, 1992 were
approved by the Plannlng CommlSS1on on July 1, 1992. ~