HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1994-02-09
7:30 P.M. * City Council Chambers
211 Eighth Street, Seal Beach, CA
1. Minutes of January 19, 1994
2. Minor Plan Review #94-1
213 7th Street
3. Adoption of Resolution #93-7
TOl1i11a Beach Restaurant
Next Resolution: #94-5
4. Conditional U5.e Pel'mit #93-15 [Continued from 1-5-94 and 1-19-94]
Property Owner:
900 Ocean Avenue
Ruby's Restaurant
Lee Riley/Ruby's Restaurant
City of Seal Beach
To remodel and expand an existing
restaurant (Ruby's) through the
addition of approximately 765
square feet of outdoor seating area
(south end of municipal pier), a
170 square foot multipurpose room
(north side of the l'estaurant),
adding a wooden monument sign
(30 square feet), a new garage to
house a private tram for
transporting customers, a larger
trash enclosure and new
landscaping at foot of pier. The
remodel will integrate the existing
CondItIonal Use Pel nut #94-1
Addl ess
Plopel1y Ownel
600 PacIfic Coast HIghway
TI ansfel of Alcohol-I elated Land Use
Thai CUlsme RestaUl ant
I estr OOI11S mto the mterlor of the
I estaurant and add new exterIOr
resh OOI11S for pubhc access
600 Mal ma Drive
Radlsson Hotel
Mukai Services, Inc
Saga Seal Co , Ltd
An alcohol-related land use at the
Radlsson Hotel
Pal,e 1 Seal Reach Plallmnl, COllllll"'101l Al,lllda for Jalluary 19 1994
FEB 23
CUP #93-2/901 Ocean/Kmda Lahama @ 12 mos/ABC
CUP #92-19/Clancy's @ 12 moshndefimte extensIOn
Election of ChaIrman & VIce ChaIrman
CUP #92-2/1 0 1 Mam/SeaSlde Gn II/Review hours extensIOn
Pabe 4 Seal Beach P1annlllg LUIIlIllI"wn AhLndu fur Junnury 19 1994
DEe 07
CUP #93+ 13/Paptllon's @ 12 mos hndefimte extensIon of entertamment
DE.C 21
JAN CUP #92-13/143 MaIn/PapIllon's/12 mos entertaInment
CUP #92-25/1400 PCH/Ghder Inn/Indefimte extenslOn
ZTA #92-2
Entertamment Cafes
ACTION CIty-wIde pohcy statement on entertaInment
ST A TUS Pending CIty Manager's Input
ZT A # --
Crestvlew!Patlo Setbacks
ST A TUS Director to prepare staff report
The regularly scheduled Planning CommisslOn meetmg of February 9, 1994 was called to order
at 7:32 p.m. in City Councll Chambers by Chairman Dahlman.
CommisslOner Soukup led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Charrman Dahlman
COmmISSlOners Soukup, Law, Sharp, Campbell
D~artment of Develo..vment Services:
Cralg Steele, Assistant City Attorney
Lee Whittenberg, Drrector
Barry Curbs, Admmistrative Assistant
loan Fillmann, Executive Secretary
Minutes of January 19, 1994
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Dahlman to approve the Planning
Commission Minutes of January 19, 1994 as presented.
Sharp, Dahlman, Law, Campbell, Soukup
2. Minor Plan Review #94-1
213 7th Street
Staff Report
Mr. Curbs presented the staff report. [Staff report on file ill the Planmng
Department]. There were no Commission comments on the staff report.
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Law to approve Minor Plan Review
#94-1 as presented through the adoption of Resolution No. 94-5 with
the conditions as noted.
Sharp, Law, Dahlman, Soukup, Campbell
Page 2 I'IanDlna Commission Minutes or February 9, 1994
3. Adoption of Resolution #93-7
CUP #92-26 * Tortilla Beach Restaurant
Resolutlon No 93-7 was held over from the last Plannmg ComnusslOn
meetlng to see If staff could obtaIn a copy of the ABC hcense WIth any
condltlons set In place by ABC The apphcant provIded staff a copy of
ABC's PetItIon For Issuance of CondItIonal LIcense
Charrman Dahlman expressed IDS concerns that the apphcant stlll dId not
prOVIde a copy of IDS ABC hcense WIth Its condltlons and has had over
one year to do so The document presented does not show what type
ABC hcense It IS, nor what condltlons may be placed on the servtce of
alcohol The apphcant was not present to comment Mr Steele satd the
Plannmg CommIssIon does not have the Junsdlctlon to suspend CIty
enforcement of the terms of the CUP or Its exprratlon He suggested the
ComnusslOn act to approve thts resolutlon, subject to a specIfic condltlon
that the Issue will be revIsIted m four weeks, at wIDch tlme the ABC's
condltlons of approval must be In the packet DISCUSSIon ensued on the
ABC's staffing and IneffiCIency over the last year ComnusslOner
Campbell suggested a thIrty-day extensIon Mr Steele satd that WIth a
short, thIrty-day extensIon the CIty encounters a number of legal Notlce
and due process requIrements The CIty would have to hold another
Pubhc Heanng on further actlon after that thtrty days If the ComnusslOn
wants to extend thIS, he suggested makIng the extensIon longer, between
four to SIX months
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Soukup to extend CUP #92-26 for
twelve (12) months to allow the restaurant time to present to the
CommiSSIon the reqUIred ABC hcense and conmtIons.
AMENDMENT to MOTION by Campbell, SECOND by Dahlman to
adopt Resolution No. 94-2, extendmg CUP #92-26 for SIX (6) months
or less, prOVIded the apphcant may come back sooner If he WIShes.
VOTE on AMENDMENT to MOTION: 5 - 0 - 0
AYES: Campbell, Dahlman, Law, Sharp, Soukup
AYES: Campbell, Dahlman, Law, Sharp, Soukup
Mr Steele explamed the resolutlon IS final and the appeal penod begms
to run tomght
Pa&e 3 I'Ianmna COJllJllllWOD Minutes of February 9, 1994
The ComffilSSlon stated Its desrre for thIS apphcant to not mcur addltlonal
fees Mr WhIttenberg SaId the apphcant would technIcally owe the
addltlonal filing fees but that the CIty would deal WIth that Issue at the
tlme the apphcatlon comes up by requestlng a Waiver The mumcIpal
~ allows for thIs and It would be done at the CIty Council level
Postage for the Notlce would be the only addltlonal cost
4. Conditional Use Penmt #93-15 [Contmued from 1-5-94 and 1-19-94]
Address: 900 Ocean A venue
Busmess: Ruby's Restaurant
Applicant: Lee RIleylRuby's Restaurant
Property Owner. City of Seal Beach
To remodel and expand an eXISting restaurant (Ruby's)
through the addition of approXImately 765 square feet
of outdoor seatmg area (south end of mumclpal pier), a
170 square foot multipurpose room (north Side of the
restaurant), adding a wooden monument SIgn (30 square
feet), a new garage to house a pnvate tram for
transportmg customers, a larger trash enclosure and
new landscaping at the foot of the pIer. The remodel
will mtegrate the eXIStmg restrooms mto the mtenor of
the restaurant and add new extenor restrooms for
public access.
Staff R~port
Mr Curtls explamed the CIty receIved follow-up letters from the Department of
FISh & Game and the State WIldhfe Conservatlon Board The CIty Attorney's
Office IS recommendmg thIS matter be contlnued to the Comffilsslon's February
23rd meetlng Staff would hke to resolve CIty Issues qUIckly, notlng the Coastal
Comffilsslon process IS lengthy
ChaIrman Dahlman opened the Pubhc Hearmg to contlnue thIs matter Although
a number of cltlzens contacted ChaIrman Dahlman who raIsed numerous
obJectlons to thIs proJect, he mdlcated he would hold these comments to February
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Law to contmue the Public Hearmg on
CUP #93-15 to the CommiSSion'S February 23, 1994 meeting.
Sharp, Law, Campbell, Soukup, Dahlman
Page 4 Planmng COIlllDlSSlOD Minutes or February 9, 1994
ConditIonal Use Penmt #94-1
Property Owner"
600 Manna Dnve
RadIsson Hotel
Mukai Services, Inc.
Saga Seal Co., Ltd.
An alcohol-related land use at the
RadIsson Hotel.
Staff Report
Ms Fillmann presented the staff report [Staff report on file In the Plannmg
Department] The apphcant, MukaI ServIces, Inc , requests approval of an
alcohol-related land use permlt for the on-sale servIce of beer, wme and dIStilled
spmts from room controlled access beverage cabInets and on-sale beer, wme and
dlSt1lled spmt servIce at a hOSPltal1ty sUlte at the Radlsson Hotel
CommISSIon Comments on Staff Report
HOWlta11ty SUlte vs Bar
Chairman Dahlman asked how a hOSPltal1ty SUlte dIffered from a bar? Mr
WhIttenberg saId a bar operatIon IS a dIfferent type of ABC hcense At a
hOSPltal1ty sUlte the alcohohc beverages are free for the hotel guests Chalrman
Dahlman saId hIS InterpretatIon of the mumclpal ~ IS that It does not permlt
bars In Seal Beach The two bars In Old Town are there because the pre-eXlstlng
zonmg laws CommISSIoner Sharp saId a hOSPltal1ty sUlte IS dIfferent from a bar
because It'S a closed room and you must be a hotel guest to attend, It'S not open
to the pubhc
Can Hotel HOSPltahty Room Be Rented?
CommISSIOner Campbell asked If the CIty would allow thls hotel's hOSPltal1ty
room to be rented to an orgamzatIon? She saId she IS concerned that a Sltuanon
could occur where a young adult could rent a room, have a bar key and have
mInors as hIS or her guests Mr WhIttenberg SaId the CIty'S standpoInt IS that
the approval would not allow for It to be rented out to pnvate groups and/or
organlzat1ons ComffilsslOner Sharp saId the room key does not work the
controlled access beverage cabInets, that's VIa a SpecIal key The hotel must
prove that anyone haVIng a key IS of age
Is an ABC #40 LIcense Also Needed?
Comffilssloner Soukup asked If thls apphcant must also obtam an ABC #40 (On-
Sale Beer Only) hcense In addItIon to thIS ABC #70 hcense? Mr Whtttenberg
Page 5 -1'Ianmng Commission Minutes or FebrollJ')' '. 1m
explamed the ABC #70 license IS a new type of hcense, thIs IS the only type of
hcense necessary for the proposed use and no other ABC hcense IS requrred.
Referencing Sectlon 23355.2, Commissioner Soukup read that as meanmg the
hotel must have a pnor license before It can pursue this actlvity. Comffilssioner
Soukup asked for the apphcant to clarify this point as it is not the way he
interpreted thiS Sectlon.
Pubhc Hearing
Debra LeWIS. Esquire * Attorney for the Apphcant
Ms. LeWIS said the hotel IS seeking thiS ABC #70 hcense to make the Radlsson
competitive m a new market and for the convemence of the hotel's guests.
Embassy Suites and Residence Inn Hotels offer hospltabty hours and controlled
access beverage cabmets; this IS the new market. Therr mtent IS not to open thiS
to the pubhc but rather to attract guests to the hotel. The proposed hospltabty
SUIte at the Radlsson would be offered from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and would
serve beer and wme only, no dlstllled spirits. ThIs would be a convemence for
the guests as they would not have to leave the hotel for a hght snack and beer or
wine. In recogmtlon of this new market, the ABC has estabhshed the new type
#70 license. Prior to thiS orne, the only way you could have on-sale beer, wme
or dlstllled spIrits was to be a bar or a restaurant. The #70 hcense allows beer,
wme and dlst1lled spmts in the controlled access beverage cabmets and a
hospitabty suite for a very hffilted time penod; thiS IS available to guests. The
hospitabty sUIte will not be on the hotel's frrst floor, it will be on the second
floor. Someone walking mto the lobby area would not know a hospltabty SUIte
eXisted. At thIs tlme the hotel has no hospitality area and is not sure they want
to have a hospitabty sUIte. But, smce a hospltabty suite is contemplated by the
#70 hcense, and smce the competltive market is offering thiS service, the
Radlsson Hotel wants to be able to have this permit in case It becomes necessary
to attract chentele. Commissioner Soukup mdlcated a hospltabty sUIte was an
optlonal part of the #70 hcense. Ms. Lewis reiterated that the apphcant IS only
contemplating the hospltabty sUIte at this tlme but because hospitality suites are
contemplated in the #70 licenses, the apphcant felt It would be simpler to gam
approval at thiS tlme, rather than commg back at a later date.
Commissioner Soukup referenced Sectlon 23355.2(b) agam, questiomng whether
a #70 license was suffiCient for thIs apphcatlon. Mr. Steele explamed a new #70
hcense, where there IS no eXisting on-sale license, IS an on-sale hcense for the
hffilted purpose of sellmg from the controlled access beverage cabmets and the
hospltabty sUIte. If a hotel has an eXisting on-sale license, the #70 would be an
addltlon to the other hcense. Ms. LeWIS added the other on-sale hcenses have to
have a restaurant or be a bar to have on-sale sefV1ce.
Page" l'lanmng COll1D1WSlon Minutes of February 9, 1994
No one wIshed to speak In favor of thIs applIcatIOn The follOWing persons spoke
In OppoSItIon
DaVId Rosenman * 208 8th Street. Seal Beach
Mr Rosenman saId IDS expenences at Embassy SUItes and Hampton Inns
demonstrated that no one venfied IDS age or a room key for purchasing lIquor
from honor bars and he saw a number of people who were intOXicated He stated
he had twenty telephone calls who opposed thIs applIcatIon He saId thIs IS not
an eXlstlng lIcense and the CIty doesn't need thIs In an over-crowded (With ABC
lIcenses) area There IS no restaurant In the hotel and thIs would Increase the
poSSIbIlIty of people gettlng drunk and then dnvIng In theIr cars He saId he felt
It was Interestlng the mw-bars already were In place In the hotel rooms pnor to
the CommISSIon taking an actIon
Roger West * 120lA ElectrIc Avenue. Seal Beach
Mr West saId he has lIved In Seal Beach 25 years and has watched the alcohol
prolIferatIon grow In Old Town He saId there are 33 establIshments selling
alcohol In Old Town and thIs would be a 72-room hotel WIth an alcohol outlet In
each room That Increases the lIquor selling establIshments to 106 In Old Town
He saId hOSPltal1ty SUItes are bars With a fancy name He felt that In a couple of
years the applIcant would say the publIc should be able to use the hOSPltal1ty
SUIte ThIS hotel, 1f they have 72 controlled access beverage cabinets In the
rooms, does not need a bar In addItIon He noted It'S a one block walk to Mam
Street, where there are numerous lIquor sellmg establIshments He saId not much
attentIon IS paId to CIty ordInances and noted NIp 'N Stuff lIquor contlnues to
dIsplay neon alcohol advertISIng sIgnage In Its WIndows He IS not follOWing the
ordInances He noted a CIty Councilman IS requestIng an addItIonal polIce statIon
In Old Town because of the cnme None of the other CIty areas need addItIonal
polIce because of cnme, only the Old Town area "We're asked to permIt these
addItIonal lIquor outlets to Increase the tax rate and then Its CItIzens are requIred
to Increase the polIce and cnme preventIon to control the unruly crowds that
result" He asked the COmmISSIOner to " stand up for once and do something
for the town, Instead of rollmg over for the alcohol Industry that seems bent on
turnmg Old Town Into a raucous place for late mght aCtIVItIes,
Charrman Dahlman SaId that NIp 'N Stuff lIquor has one year to remove theIr
neon lIquor advertISing SIgns from theIr store Windows, staff will check the exact
Rebuttal Ms LeWIS SaId the RadIsson Hotel fully Intends to lIve WIthIn the
CommISSIon's CondItIons of Approval If thIS hotel were not to comply With
these condItIons, the COmmISSIOn has the means to enforce the condItIons or to
WIthdraw the CUP RegardIng the controlled access beverage cabinets already
being Installed In the rooms, as stated In the publIc testImony by Dr Rosenman,
Page 7 l'lamung Coll1D1lS8ion Minutes or February 9, 1994
because the hotel felt the ComrmssIOn was gomg to summanly approve the CUP,
those refngerators were mstalled about five years ago They have been stocked
With soft drmks and snacks but Without alcohohc beverages Regardmg testlmony
that this facility may escalate m the future, to either a bar or some other type of
pubhc estabhshment, the control here IS the Plannmg CommIssion's condltlons
say no She felt It IS premature at this tlme to be concerned about what rmght
happen m the future to expand Whlle the needs of the citIzens need to be
addressed, the needs of the busmess must be looked at ThIs IS a competltlve
chmate, Cahforma cltles are close together and It'S Important for the facility to
be able to attract chentele If the Radlsson Hotel cannot offer the same type of
services, they will not be able to attract chentele Also, only beer and wme
would be served m the event of a Happy Hour It's not contemplated that the
hotel's guests are gomg to dnnk and dnve They envIsion a busmessman/woman
gomg back to therr room after a day of busmess meetings gomg to the refngerator
and have a beer or glass of wme and watch the news on televIsion These are
travehng busmess people, they mayor may not have a car, or know the City or
want to travel At mght they want to Sit down, have a glass of beer, unwmd and
go to bed
Commissioner Sharp asked Ms LeWIS If the type #70 hcense allowed the sale of
dlStllled spmts m addltlon to beer and wme? Ms LeWIS said yes, m the
controlled access beverage cabmets
ComrmSSIOner Soukup noted that If he were at a bar and ordered several dnnks
that the bartender, at some pomt, would decide not to serve him He asked Ms
LeWIS how much alcohol would be m each refngerator? Is It enough to hrmt a
person to 08 blood alcohol level, the legal hmlt? What are the controls?
ChaIrman Dahlman asked Ms LeWIS to also comment on who IS hable If a hotel
guest were to get drunk from the alcohol m the refngerators? Ms LeWIS said
thiS IS unsettled area of the law at thiS tlme Many cases have tested the theory
of the bartender havmg hablhty and for the most part, thiS has not held up The
Issue of a bar versus a refngerator contaImng alcohol IS a different Issue At a
bar, It IS contemplated that the customers will amve m a car, dnnk and then get
back mto the car, they are completely different sltuatlons Commissioner Soukup
disagreed, saymg the hotel IS contemplatlng usmg thiS as a marketlng tool
Someone would come to the Radlsson contemplatlng they have access to hquor
m therr rooms Ms LeWIS rephed that m the bar sltuatlon, the person IS gelling
back m therr car whereas, m a hotel they are staymg overmght What's m the
controlled access beverage cabmet IS mCldental and IS for the guest's convemence
However, With a bar, dnvmg after dnnkmg IS contemplated, the hotel guests
would stay put ComrmssIOner Soukup said this could not be guaranteed
CommiSSIOner Sharp asked what would be stocked m the refngerators and
Hospitality SUIte? Ms LeWIS said the controlled access beverage cabmets would
Page 8 l'lanJun& COD1lll188iOD MiDutal of Febmary 9, 1994
be stocked WIth beer, wme and dIStilled spmts Mr Wluttenberg mdIcated the
ABC's condItlons hmIt the SIze of the dIStllled spmt contaIners to 50 millIhters
CommISSIoner Sharp sald that If someone was gomg mto the Radlsson Hotel WIth
the mtentlon of dnnkmg a lot, he would not drInk the small bottles because the
cost about $4 00 each He would buy a larger bottle from somewhere else that
would be more cost effectlve
Ms Fillmann noted that ABC's condltlons mclude the hotel not be allowed to
denve more than five percent (5 %) of ItS total gross annual revenue from the sale
of alcohohc beverages The ABC would momtor and control thIs Ms LeWIS
sald If there was a pamcularly drunken person the hotel would not want that
person there eIther The bUSIness decISIon would be to do somethmg about that
sltuatlon CommIssIOner Soukup noted that If the Radlsson Hotel were to put that
person out on the street they would be WIthIn the resldentlal neIghborhood Ms
LeWIS sald the hotel would not put the mdlvIdual out on the street They would
make sure he dIdn't leave but also adVIse hIm to find other lodgIng facIhtles for
the next mght
Charrman Dahlman sald many of Ms LeWIS' rebuttal arguments would be
persuasIve If that census tract had room for eIght alcohol-servmg estabhshments
and thIS apphcatlon were #7 or #8 However, before thIS apphcatlon, thIs census
tract has 25 alcohol-servIng estabhshments, 13 above the State recommended
ratlo He sald he could not vahdate Ms LeWIS' reasonmg when the census tract
IS currently over-saturated WIth alcohol hcenses He suggested the correct
procedure would be for the apphcant to purchase someone else's alcohol hcense
" rather than somehow get a freebIe from the government for an Unhffilted
number of alcohol hcenses m an area" He asked If the apphcant conSIdered thIs?
Ms LeWIS sald yes, but ABC has no provIsIons to purchase a #70 hcense The
only purchases of ABC hcenses mvolve on-sale general hquor hcenses These
may be purchased when avatlable and there IS a hffilted number ABC will Issue
Ms LeWIS poInted out there are other estabhshments servmg beer, WIne and
dIstIlled spmts but they are dIfferent m that they have a restaurant on the
premIses The type #70 hcense IS Just for the guests, so If the guest does not
want to go out for a whole meal, or doesn't want to leave the hotel room thIS
would serve the guest It's not mtended to compete WIth the eXIshng hcensed
facilltles Charrman Dahlman SaId he could see how the refngerators are not the
same sort of bUSIness But he couldn't see how the Hospltahty SUIte from 5 00
P M to 7 00 P M servIng beer and WIne IS dIfferent, notlng It was another
estabhshment servmg beer and WIne dunng set hours Ms LeWIS sald that If
approved, the Hospltahty SUIte would not serve the pubhc at large, It would be
for the hotel guests, and It would not serve full meals Charrman Dahlman sald
the CIty'S zomng code does not permIt bars "We are stuck WIth two (bars)
whIch have been grandfathered for 34 years"
Page 9 I'Ianmna CommlsstOD MInutes or February 9, 1994
COmtnlSSlOner Campbell saId she had a problem WIth the HOSPItahty SUIte
because she enVISIoned the guests beIng gIVen free alcoholIc beverages by the
Radlsson Hotel and then gettlng m theIr cars to go have dmner Versus, a person
who goes out to dmner and has a full meal to stabilize the alcohol Ms LeWIS
saId there WIll be food avallable at the Happy Hour to snack on
CommISSIoner Sharp saId he felt dIfferently about thIS applIcatIon He saId If
several busmessmen are staymg at the same facility, they usually want to get
together to compare what they dId durmg the day If they don't do thIs at the
hotel's HOSPltahty SUIte they will get together m a room, where one person
mVItes a few of the others In to have a dnnk before they go out for dInner He
stated he dId not thmk It was a bIg problem as long as the HOspltahty SUIte
beverages are lImIted to beer and WIne And as long as the refngerators are
stnctly controlled and lItnlted to persons 21 years of age He felt that If people
are gomg to dnnk m theIr room before gomg out to dmner they will expect the
hotel to have a stocked refrIgerator In theIr room or they will bnng theIr alcohol
WIth them He saId "I can't see that we're gomg to really solve the drmkmg
problems by denymg thIS Issue 1 thInk It puts It under the control of the
HOSPltahty Room and them momtonng who goes mto the room 1 would hke to
see us put a condItIon on It that there be someone momtors everybody who comes
In and make sure that they are a resIdent of the hotel and IS a guest and not
cotnlng m from outsIde But 1 certaInly can't see that thIS IS any bIg Issue "
Ms LeWIS saId that If someone IS Intent on dnnlang heavily, they would not
purchase a large volume of lIquor at the hotel because the 50 millll1ter bottles are
expenSIve - $3 to $4 each
CommISSIoner Law saId she dId not oppose thIS applIcatIon She saId, for
example, If a group IS travelmg together, they want some place to meet It's mce
to have a hOSPltal1ty room to gather Perhaps they do decIde they're gOIng to go
out for dmner However, she felt that If a person plans to get drunk, that person
will get drunk no matter If the hotel has the alcohol m the room or whatever If
a person IS a SOCIal dnnker haVIng an occasIonal dnnk, she could see nothmg
wrong WIth haVIng a HOSPItal1ty SUIte She saId she travels a lot and all the
hotels have controlled access cabmets m the rooms She saId she has occasIonally
seen the HOSPItaltty SUItes
CommISSIoner Sharp Said he hadn't receIved any telephone calls regardmg thIS
applIcatIon and asked If staff had receIVed any calls? Ms FIllmann saId no calls
or letters had been receIved pro or con thIS appltcatIon ChaIrman Dahlman saId
he had receIved two telephone calls on thIS appltcatIon COmtnlSSlOner Campbell
saId she receIved one telephone call CommISSIoner Law saId she dIdn't receIve
any calls CommISSIoner Soukup saId he receIved a few calls
Page 10 l'lanmn& COIl1D1lll8lOD Minutes of February 9, 1994
CommISSIoner Soukup saId that It was saId If a person wants to get drunk they
will get drunk but that person WIll not get drunk because the pnce of the small
bottles In the refngerators IS prohIbItIve It's eIther one or the other Ms LeWIS
saId If a person's Intent IS to have a SOCIal dnnk, there IS hquor there In a very
small quantIty whIch IS conduCIve to that sort of SOCIal dnnkIng COmmISSIOner
Soukup saId that If theIr Intent IS to get drunk they can do It easIer In the hotel
room, regardless of cost Charrman Dahlman saId he dIdn't thInk the
CommISSIon should not be regulatIng what can be done In a hotel room
The Charr recogmzed Roger West WIth permISSIOn of the apphcant Mr West
saId the ABC's #70 hcense allows the servIce of hard hquor In the HOSpItalIty
SUIte Ms LeWIS agreed but noted that the CUP they're requestIng would allow
only beer and WIne In the HOSpItalIty SUIte, that would take precedence
Steve Bader. VIce PresIdent of OperatIons. FIrst HOSpItalIty Group
Mr Bader saId he worked for RadIsson Hotels In ChIcago, IL and all theIr SUItes
had refngerators In every room These refngerators are small, they hold two
beers of each vanety, two dIfferent types of WInes and two bottles of five
dIfferent hquors They are hmIted and the bottles are small
AddItIonally, the RadIsson IS an upscale hotel, at whIch the customers pay a good
pnce for theIr stay At thIs calIbre, It IS typIcal to have a conCIerge floor where
the busmess chentele can go to relax
Charrman Dahlman asked If there IS an mtent to serve alcohol through room
servIce? Mr Bader saId no, only a contInental breakfast IS dehvered to the
The Pubhc Heanng was closed
CommISSIon Comments
Mr Steele commented on the SectIon 23396 l(c) WhICh states the #70 IS non-
transferrable It's not possIble for thIs apphcant to purchase another #70 and
bnng It m here Also, the premIses hcensed IS not authonzed to sell or furmsh
alcohol to the general pubhc It IS not entItled to a caterer's permIt, therefore
there would be no pnvate parnes and no off-sale pnvlleges It's a restncted
COmmISSIOner Sharp asked If there was a stIpulatIon that beer and WIne will be
the only beverages dIspensed In the HOspItalIty SUIte? Mr WhIttenberg saId no,
not as the resolutIon IS presented He suggested addItIonal wordmg be added to
such a condItIon to state" the operatIon of the HOSpItalIty SUIte must have a
Page 11 PIanmng COIl1D1lll8JOD Minutes of Febroary 9, 1994
Radlsson Hotel employee present dunng tIme the SUIte IS m use to be certaIn that
only hotel resIdents and theIr guests are usmg the SUIte"
ChaIrman Dahlman saId the hOSpItalIty hour IS a major departure from what the
Plannmg CommIssIon has approved m the past The mumclpal ~ IS clear, It
allows restaurants sellmg alcohol but It does not allows bars TIus IS close
enough that he requested CIty CouncIl gUIdance on whether they feel thIs fits m
WIth the CIty'S General Plan lilt's Just not the land of thIng that would be
approved m my Vlew"
CommISSIoner Sharp saId he would have objectIons If the hotel were gomg to sell
lIquor at theIr HOSpItalIty SUIte ChaIrman Dahlman thought the alcohol was
gomg to be tabulated on the bIlls CommIssIoner Sharp clanfied that the
HOSpItalIty SUIte was free, beer and wme mcluded, to the hotel resIdents and theIr
guests LIke a pnvate party for the guests and totally closed to the publIc
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Law to approve ResolutIon No. 94-6,
subject to three addItIonal condItions:
21. There be no dIStilled SpIrIts served, only beer and WIDe, at the
Hospltahty SUIte.
22. There be a RadIsson Hotel employee/attendant at the
Hospltahty SUIte door who IS responsIble for checkIng the
IdentIficatIon of all persons who come m to make sure they are
hotel resIdents or guests of hotel resIdents
23. There shall be two separate City reVIew penods and they would
be SIX (6) months on the Hospltahty Suite and twelve (12)
months on the room controlled access cabinets
Before the vote CommIssIoner Soukup saId "I don't feel thIS IS the best match of
a type #70 and the type lodgIng establIshment that the RadIsson IS currently The
RadIsson Isn't m a hostIle enVIronment, In an alIen part of the world where the
convemences to restaurants and other amemtIes and the beach and that land of
thIng are not eXIstIng The RadIsson would not be uncompetItIve, and they don't
need to Increase theIr competItIveness, WIth havIng small bottles of lIquor m the
refngerator ThIS sort of draw that Seal Beach has, the land of marketIng that
RadIsson has pursued, the VIllage by the sea, walk around the town, you're not
gomg to abandon that And a type #70 IS not gOIng to mcrease your occupancy
I thmk you're occupancy has been pretty well establIshed and your success has
been establIshed The fact that a HOSpItalIty SUIte could arguably be a bar IS a
certaIn restncted sense of the word IS not provIded for m the code The fact that
thIs lodgIng facility IS WIthIn 100' of the resIdences IS against the general nature
Page 12 I'Ill11I1l11g COIllDlISSJOD Minutes or Februlll'Y 9, 1994
of the code There IS over-concentratIon of estabhshments m the area There IS
htgh cnme It's two tImes the over-concentratIon and three tImes the cnme or
VIsa versa ThIs IS not an on the edge land of thmg where one more may not be
okay convernence, I don't thmk the convernence of the lodgmg person IS gomg
to be enhanced You can walk across the street and there are many, many
restaurants and many, many serviceS To be more competItIve With respect to the
service, agaIn, to reiterate, there's only one of these m the entIre Orange County
And I don't thmk the next one should be m Seal Beach With the kmd of profile
that we have and the type of hotel whtch was bUIlt as such to hffilt the kmd of
amerntIes that could be prOVided for Wlthm the faclhty You don't have room for
a bar or a restaurant, you can't pursue It traditIonally This IS a way around It
but the settIng IS not a good match for a type #70 and that's the way I feel about
It" When asked he SaId he would be m favor of rejectIng the entIre apphcatIon
Commissioner Law seconded the MotIon
ChaIrman Dahlman SaId he did not hear the MotIon so Commissioner Sharp
restated It ChaIrman Dahlman SaId ComffilSSloner Soukup gave a very
Impressive hst of objectIons and asked Comffilssloner Campbell what she thought
Comffilssloner Campbell SaId she shared Comffilssloner Soukup's concerns that
the City has such a high saturatIon of places With hquor hcenses
Sharp, Law
Soukup, Dahlman, Campbell
MOTION by Soukup; Second by Campbell to deny CondItIonal Use Penmt
#94-1 through the adoptIon of ResolutIon No. 94-6.
Soukup, Dahlman, Campbell
Sharp, Law
Mr Whittenberg SaId ResolutIon No 94-6 Will be prepared for the Comffilsslon's
review at theIr February 23, 1994 meetIng AdoptIon will start the ten (10) day
appeal penod to the City CouncIl
Paee 13 I'Ianmng COlDJDJS8lon MInutes Or Febnlary 9, 1994
DaVId Rosenman congratulated four members of the Plannmg COmmISSIOn who
he felt showed WIsdom by votIng to table consIderatIon of Ruby's apphcallon un1l1
the CIty heard from the State Department of FIsh and Game
600 PacIfic Coast Highway * Thai Cmsme Restaurant
Transfer of Alcohol-related Land Use
ThIS apphcatIon has been receIved by the CIty and IS bemg processed by the
Department of AlcoholIc Beverage Control The new restaurant owner has SIgned
the CIty'S Agreement to CondItIons of Approval
Stark LaWSUit
Mr Steele mformed the Planmng CommIsSIon that on February 7, 1994 the
Federal DIStrIct Court entered summary Judgement m favor of the CIty and all
named employees ThIs ends the laWSUIt WIthout a trIal unless there IS an appeal
New ACUIZ Study
Mr WhIttenberg prOVIded the COmmtSSIOners a copy of the new ACUIZ study
The comment tIme expIres thIS Fnday The CIty will make addItIonal comments
to the AFRC because they dId not respond effectIvely to many CIty concerns
Seal Beach PIer
CommISSIOner Law questIoned ownershIp of the pIer and Its fundmg sources as
related to fishmg Mr WhIttenberg saId that fishmg IS a condIllon of the CIty'S
havmg the pIer per the fundmg sources whIch the CIty obtamed from State
agenCIes Mr WhIttenberg could not remember specIfic language of the lease,
and therefore could not answer COmmtSSIoner Law's questIon on how many
fishermen must be accommodated and where
CommISSIoner Law mtroduced a letter she receIved from Dr Thayer regardmg
re-establIshment of the pIer tram ThIS letter was lnItIal1y sent to Council
Cleanup of BIXby Lot
CommISSIOner Law mdIcated BIXby's lot needs to be cleaned up Mr
WhIttenberg Said staff will contInue to dISCUSS that With BIxby Co
Page 14 l'lannmg COlllJlUSSlon Mlnnles or Febroary 9, 1994
RepaIr of 405 Overpass
CommiSSIOner Campbell menttoned agam that the 405 Freeway overpass at Seal
Beach Blvd had been damaged dunng the Wlnttter earthquake Srnce that tIme
the area has expenenced the Lander's and the Northndge earthquakes Two local
newspapers have reported the overpass IS scheduled for retrofitttng but thIs has
not been done Mr Whittenberg satd staff has contacted Caltrans but has not
received a response Caltrans IS Impacted due to the Northndge earthquake As
soon as the City hears somethrng a report Will be prepared for the Commtsslon
Kyle/Kltsanrn Development Agreement
Commtssloner Campbell asked when thIs Agreement was signed, how much did
they agree to pay for parkIng and asked for a copy of the Agreement Mr
Whittenberg satd he didn't remember the exact amount, It was $3,500 per space
for eighteen spaces and credits were apphed Staff Will provide COmmtSSIOner
Campbell With a copy of thiS Agreement The City Manager rnformed staff
agreements had been signed and authonzed the BUlldrng Department to Issue
permtts for the rntenor remodelrng They did not get permits for the rntenor
remodehng untIl the slgmng was accomphshed The did, however, get permits
for extenor remodehng which they could have received regardless of the
Development Agreement
COmmtSSIOner Soukup asked If the work on the rntenor wall was started before
the slgmng of the documents for the Development Agreement and the Issurng of
the permit? He satd "That seems to be what I witnessed as I walked up and down
the street" He satd he would hke to have thIs cleared up as It seems to be a
blatant Ignorrng of the process Mr Wlnttenberg satd that when they started
dorng work on the extenor of the bUlldrng, the BUlldrng Inspectors ISSUed a Stop
Work Order because staff was aware the Development Agreement had not been
signed Staff contacted the City Attorney's Office who rndlcated that under the
terms of the Development Agreement they could proceed With the extenor work
WithOUt the Development Agreement berng signed because that would not be
changrng the use rnslde the bUlldrng At that ttme the Bulldrng Department Issued
the extenor permtts only They did not get permits for rntenor work untIl after
the Development Agreement had been signed Mr Whittenberg satd he did not
personally know If they started some of that constructIon work pnor to geUrng a
permit COmmtSSIOner Soukup rnformed Mr Wlnttenberg that he beheved that
did happen CommiSSIOner Soukup satd "It may Just be an Issue of character
I don't know If that's gorng to be an Issue at all But I certarnly don't hke those
sorts of thrngs happemng" Mr Wlnttenberg satd we prefer they don't happen
but sometImes they do happen The permtts have now been properly ISSUed and
are on file now
Page 15 - l'lannmg COIllllllSSiOD Minutes of February 9, 1994
CommIssioner Soukup Not Able to Attend Staff MeetIng on Ruby's Ap,plication
Chatrman Dahlman said the CommISSIoner Soukup would not be allowed to be
present dunng the Staff meetIng when Ruby's apphcatIon, CUP #93-15, IS
dISCUSsed wIth representatIves of the Wtldltfe ConservatIon Board.
Mr. Steele said he was statIng the prinCIpal generally and not wIth specific regard
to Ruby's appltcation. He Satd a quasi-judicial body, ltke the Planmng
COmmISSIOn, IS requIred to make decisions based solely on evidence presented at
a Pubhc HearIng. A partIcular problem arIses when a member of the Planmng
COmmISSIOn attends meetIngs, does extra research or InvestigatIon on
appltcatIons, or takIng any kind of InformatIon outside the publtc record of a
Publtc Heanng. When an IndIVIdual member of the Planmng CommISSIon gathers
any type of InformatIon outsIde the Commission meetIng the CIty Attorney's
Office WIll adVIse that CommISSIOner to abstatn from votIng on that Issue because
the appltcant's and the publtc's due process nghts have been VIolated by the
gathering of InformatIon outsIde the Public Heanng. The publtc's nghts have
been Impatred by not having the opportumty to partiCIpate In the InfOrmatIOn
COmmISSIOner Campbell asked If, as CommISSIoners, they are allowed to make
telephone calls, follow-up or get addItIonal informatIon? Mr. Steele Satd the
handbook WhICh was provided to all new CommISSIon members adVIses each
CommISSIoner on the Importance of baSIng theIr deciSIOns solely on the eVIdence
coming before the CommISSIon at a Publtc Hearing. In an mstance where a
CommISSIoner gets a telephone call from a constituent or IS approached on the
street and gets addItIonal substantIve mformatIon, the CIty Attorney encourages
each member to dIsclose such mformatIon on the Record, to share It WIth other
CommIssion members.
COmmISSIOner Soukup Satd he would not attend the February 15th meetIng at the
pier WIth CIty staff and the Wtldltfe ConservatIon Board.
Chatrman Dahlman adjourned the meettng at 10:46 p.m.
Respectfully SubmItted,
Joan FIDmann
Recordmg Secretary
APPROVAL: The Planmng CommIssion MInutes of February 9, 1994 were approved by the
Planmng CommISSIon meetIng on February 23, 1994.~