HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1995-06-21
. MINUTES of JUNE 21, 1995
7.30 P.M * City Council Chambers
211 Eighth Street, Seal Beach, CA
The City of Seal Beach Planning Commission met in regular session, at 7:30 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers, with Chairman Dahlman callIng the meeting to order with the Salute to the
Chairman Dahlman
Commissioners Campbell, Brown, Sharp, Law
Department of Development Services:
Lee Whittenberg, Director
Craig Steele, Assistant City Attorney
Barry Curtis, Administrative Assistant
Joan Fillmann, Executive Secretary
Chairman Dahlman Indicated he would like to hear Staff Concerns and CommissIon Concerns
prior to the PublIc Hearings.
MOTION by Brown; SECOND by Campbell to amend the Agenda by hearing Staff
Concerns and Commission Concerns prior to the Public Hearings.
Dahlman, Law, Sharp, Campbell, Brown
Dr. Steven Scheuer
Dr. Steven Scheuer came forward to give his comments on the Los Cabos restaurant request.
Mr. Whittenberg informed him that he should wait for the Public Hearing on that matter.
Dorothy Whyte * Seal Beach
Ms. White spoke on the June 14, 1995 Planmng Commission which was held at the North Seal
Beach Community Center. No matter how well-intended the effort, she felt it was a disservice
to the community to hold a meeting where it could not be televised live. Without the live
broadcast, the meeting was seen by 80 - 100 people. When there was a break in the proceedings
many people left and only approximately 25 people stayed to hear the remaIning dIscussIOn.
PDg1l2. Clly of Seal Beach P1annmg ConIDu..lon Mmulll. of JUI11121, 1995
That remaining discussIOn was when many important aspects of the proposal came up -- such
as flooding. There was no previous announcement on when this meeting would be teleVIsed.
Only the 25 people remaIning learned It would be televised on Sunday, WhICh was Father's Day,
and not a day people sit and watch meetings. After the majority of the public had left, the
questIon came up as to whether people could view the project site to see how deep the housing
went. BIXby SaId they would put stakes out on the property; dIrectIons were gIven. She felt that
on a project of this Importance It was a dIsservice to the community to not have it broadcast
live, when that technology is aVaIlable. Both the City Council and the Planmng CommiSSIon
knew this meeting would not be teleVIsed lIve when they voted to allow a meeting to be held
outside CIty Hall. Ms. Whyte SaId she hoped the CommiSSIon would never vote to allow a
meeting to be held outside City CouncIl Chambers again.
CommiSSIoner Campbell stated she was the person who requested the meeting be moved and
Indicated she stands by that recommendatIOn She SaId the meeting was put at a locatIon by the
people who would be most affected by thIS project. She SaId she telephoned Comcast to ask
when the meeting would be teleVIsed and said anyone was free to call and get that Information.
Chairman Dahlman asked If the stakes were stIll up on the BIXby property? Someone said they
were. CommissIOner Law SaId she saw the stakes over the week-end and today they were
There were no items on the Consent Calendar.
1. Conditional Use Permit 95-3 [Continued from 5-17-95]
550 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 111
Los Cabos Restaurant
Staff Report
Mr. CurtIs delIvered the staff report. [Staff report on file in the Planning Department]. The
applicant, David Bonadonna, requested Planmng CommiSSIOn approval to amend his hours of
operation as approved through CUP 91-6 from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday through Thursday and
10 a.m. to 11 p m. FrIday and Saturday to 1:00 a.m. daily. Additionally, the applicant
requested permISSIon to remodel the interior of the restaurant to provide a lounge or bar area
at Los Cabos restaurant located at 550 PaCIfic Coast HIghway, Suite #111. Mr. CurtIs said no
bar or lounge are currently exists In this restaurant which is located 150' from the nearest
residences and there are three other full-services restaurants within the shopping center with
alcohol service. There has been no histqry of complaints for any of those uses.
Page 3. CIty of Seal Beach Planmng COlllnllsslOn MlOutes of June 21, 199~
Commission Comments on Staff Report
Commissioner Brown asked Mr. CurtIs to review the hours of operation at the other bars in the
area. Mr. CurtIs said he thought the permitted hours at VIlla Bonadonna are to 1:00 a.m., to
midnight at Red Lobster and Restaurant KOl closes as 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. Restaurant
Koi is not a full hquor l1cense, It only serves beer.
Additional CommUntCatIOns
Chairman Dahlman asked the secretary If there had been other commumcations? Ms. Fillmann
said no.
Public Hearing
David Bonadonna * [No Address GIven]
Mr. Bonadonna Introduced himself as the appl1cant and owner of both VIlla Bonadonna and Los
Cabos restaurants. He has been operatIng businesses In the center for seven years WIthout
citations or violatIons. HIS applIcatIon IS to accommodate the numerous customer requests he
has received to oblige slOgle customers in an atmosphere other than a restaurant table. He said
he needs the flexibIlIty to meet hIS cl1ent's needs and to remain competItIve. VIlla Bonadonna
has the extended hours in place but does not stay open to 1:00 a.m. on a regular baSIS.
However, there are occaSIOns when VIlla Bonadonna hosts a pnvate party and he has the
extended hours to accommodate the party.
Chairman Dahlman said that whIle Los Cabos restaurant is not on Main Street but IndIcated that
most, but not all, of the MalO Street restaurants servlOg l1quor are clOSIng at 10:00 p.m. week
nights and 11:00 p m. week-ends Mr. Bonadonna said he was not aware of that. Chairman
Dahlman said he could enVISIOn that when the establishments close on MaIn Street, their
customers could dnft over to Los Cabos and VIlla Bonadonna; he asked what the applicant's
thoughts were on thIS Issue. Mr. Bonadonna saId both hIS restaurants are full-service restaurants
and not bars. They have food available the entIre tIme of theIr operatIonal period. Chairman
Dahlman underscored hIS pOInt by notIng these Main Street patrons may have already had dInner
and then just want to dnnk. Mr. Bonadonna saId he could have complImentary food avaIlable
at the bar or offer lighter fare avaIlable later in the evening.
Commissioner Brown asked the apphcant to comment on a rumor he had heard that the applicant
is planmng to sell Los Cabos restaurant. Mr. Bonadonna SaId he had heard the rumor also but
it's unfounded.
Charrman Dahlman saId that point IS well taken as the Planmng CommISSIon has been advised
by staff and the CIty Attorney's Office that ConditIonal Use Permits run WIth the land and not
the bUSIness owner. Therefore, no matter how trustworthy and honorable an applicant is, the
Commission must look forward and conSIder land use approvals in terms of anybody that mIght
operate that bUSIness. Mr. Steele venfied ChaIrman Dahlman's comment that a CUP does run
with the land, not the business owner.
Commissioner Sharp asked the appl1cant what hIS current seating is and what it will be after the
remodeling. Mr. Bonadonna SaId the current seatIng IS 45 - 48 persons and he would like to
incorporate 6 - 8 bar stools as additional seating. A bar has always been In place m the
Page 4 - C1ly of Seal Beach Pl:uuung COIIUlllSSIOIl Mlllutes of June 21, 1995
restaurant. It's not used as a bar now and has no seats at It. It is used as a customer service
area to hand out to-go orders. There wIll be some remodeling as there's room for only 3 - 4
bar stools. A wall wIll be removed and give the area more accessibility. Also, this bar is not
isolated from the dmmg room.
Dr. Steven Scheuer * 255 SIxth Street. Seal Beach
Dr. Scheuer spoke m oppOSItIon to thIS applicatIon, stating he hves dIrectly across from the
restaurant. He related an mCldent that occurred on March 17, 1995 when a drunk man tried to
break into hIS house. ThIS man was unable to find hIS own house and thought this mIght be hIS
and his parents wouldn't let hIm m. He came dIrectly from Main Street. The police were called
and a report IS on file. He stated he has never had a problem WIth the clientele from Villa
Bonadonna and they go there frequently. However the entrance to Los Cabos goes mto the
parking lot which faces hIS house along WIth several others. He said his famIly occasionally
goes to bed early as they have a young chIld and they can hear noise commg from Los Cabos.
Another concern IS If Los Cabos has a cocktail lounge WIll they have mUSIC, eIther hve or
amplified? He saId "I certamly have no problems WIth adding a bar, but the extensIOn of hours
to 1:00 a.m. I really find very unacceptable".
Dr. David Friedman * 225 SIxth Street. Seal Beach
Dr. Friedman spoke m OppOSItIon to thIS applicatIon, expressing hIS concern for another bar in
the area and extended hours. He SaId Los Cabos' parking lot faces onto Marina Dnve and
people leaving the restaurant would then use Sixth Street as a thoroughfare. He shared concerns
that incidents do happen where drunken people mIght stumble into your home while wondering
where they hve. HIS bIggest concern IS that if thIS restaurant were sold, the extended hours,
whIch would go with the property, would be a strong sellmg point. This locanon could turn mto
an establIshment lIke LIve BaIt m Long Beach. He said he heard about this PublIc Heanng
indirectly and when he asked hIS neIghbors about It they had not heard eIther. More neIghbors
may have spoken here had they known.
Director Whittenberg saId the State laws reqUlre a NotIce to be maIled to all property owners
within a 300' radIUS of the property, m this case, 300' radIUS of the extenor boundaries of the
shopping center. ThIS mcludes the street also. There was a short discussion on how many
houses this would have mcluded.
CommIssioner Brown. notmg the applIcant dId indIcate he would need the extended hours only
on occaSIOn and not every mght, wondered If the CUP could be crafted to accommodate thIS.
The applIcant SaId currently there are a number of occaSIons through the rounne operation of
the business when he could use the extended hours and dIdn't want to be set to, for example,
ten times when he could have extended hours. VIlla Bonadonna already has extended hours in
place and it does not get an mflux from Main Street at 10:00 p.m. He asked why that should
happen at Los Cabos when the settIng IS the same. He felt the Commission could grant this
application and If the extended hours don't work out, the Commission could rescmd them or
modIfy them.
Chairman Dahlman told the appltcant he was free to make any other comments at thIS nme. The
PIce S - City of Seal Beach P1:ummg ('OIlUllI\'101l Mmute, of JlIIle 21, 199'i
. applicant had no other comments and the PublIc Hear10g was closed.
Commission Discussion
Commissioner Brown asked Mr. Steele If there IS a way to have a CUP run with the 1Odlvidual?
Mr. Steele said no.
Commissioner Sharp saId the CommissIon has extensively revIewed this aspect of a CUP ---
when one owner changes and who the new owner mIght be. It's someth1Og the Commission has
no control over except that when a CUP IS granted the CommissIOn must make certain the
Conditions of Approval are 10 place to make the business run smoothly to keep the neighborhood
happy and the bus10ess owner happy. ThIS applIcant owns two adjacent restaurants, one of
which has extended hours and IS running smoothly. CommIssioner Sharp said he had
reservations when he read the staff report that the applIcant wanted to add a bar/lounge.
However, the realIty is he IS only add10g 6 - 8 stools, do1Og some remodeling to upgrade the
restaurant, the park10g IS adequate and he has run busmesses in that area WIthout 10CIdent and
he would vote in favor of thIS applicatIOn.
Chairman Dahlman asked If parkmg had been dISCUSSed? Mr. WhIttenberg said he dId not recall
such a discussIon but added the shoppIng center provIdes more parkmg than IS required under
municipal Code prOVISIOns.
Commissioner Brown said If Los Cabos restaurant were on Main Street he would defimtely be
agamst extended hours On MalO Street the parking IS really CIty park10g but this restaurant
is on pnvate property, Its parkIng IS on pnvate property and the property owners pay for the
parking as opposed to MalO Street where the CIty really pays for the parking and the residences
are closer. He SaId he would feel much more comfortable If the extension of hours were to
11:00 p.m. or 12:00 mIdnight. After you pass mIdmght, the functIon of a restaurant changes
to appear a bar. He felt thIS was the residents' concern also. He explained the purpose of the
Commission IS to balance the nghts of the residents and the property owners and suggested a
compromise if possible He had no problems WIth putting seats in a lounge area.
Commissioner Law said she would lIke to see the hours limited to 12:00 midmght. She SaId as
long as food is served all the tIme she dIdn't see anythmg wrong with the applicatIon.
Dr. Scheuer called out to the Commission "You don't have to listen to them closmg up".
Director WhIttenberg rem10ded hIm the Public Hear10g has been closed.
Commissioner Sharp reminded the CommIssIon that although extended hours may be requested,
a businessman IS only going to stay open as long as It'S profitable.
Chairman Dahlman asked CommIssIoner Sharp If thIS restaurant were 100' or 200' from where
he hves in Leisure World and at 1:00 a.m. It turned out it was profitable and there were twenty
people eXIting thIS restaurant/lounge comb1OatIon. Would your solutIon for the reSIdents be to
close their windows?
Commissioner Sharp said he was not gomg to argue about what IS go1Og to happen next door
to his house or anybody else's house. I'm talkIng about Los Cabos and It'S 150' from any
Pag~ 6 - CIty of Seal Beach PhlUlIllg C.oIlUlm\IOIl MlIlule& of June 21, 1995
resIdences and It has a proven record. He saId he got bred of people trymg to tell him they
were going to put a bar in the mIddle of Leisure World, saymg that would never happen until
the Department of Housmg and Urban Development (HUD) got out of Leisure World -- m about
eight years.
Commissioner Brown SaId CommIssIoner Sharp was missing the point. The pomt is not how
long the applIcant's hours are or what hours he might stay open to. The pomt IS what's allowed
to be done and If the property is sold a LIve BaIt could come into that location. They would
have a legal nght to stay open untlll:OO a m. And, If they don't have the busmess to stay open
profitably, they could do whatever they had to do to attract the busmess to make It profitable.
They could sell $ .50 beers. CommissIOner Sharp said they would not be allowed to do
whatever they wanted, they would have to SIgn a CIty Acceptance of Conditions form before
ABC would even transfer the I1cense. If the CIty keeps the CondItions of Approval strong, that
would keep people mIme. CommIssioner Brown SaId the busmesses on Mam Street have
Conditions of Approval m place "... and people flagrantly do what they want anyway and there's
very little we can do about It II .
Commissioner Campbell SaId the record shows there have been no mCIdents. However, we
don't know what the record would be If they had stayed open after 10'00 p.m. The exit from
Los Cabos is OpposIte several reSIdences and they are more inclmed to hear what's going on.
She said she had a problem wIth the extended hours but no qualms about the intenor remodelIng.
"I just see that we're addmg another bar" .
Chairman Dahlman asked CommIssioner Campbell If she was opposed to any extenSIon of the
hours or would she allow for extended week-end hours? CommIssioner Campbell said she
would consider some extenSIOn on the week-ends but not dunng the week. Not If the exit IS
OppOSIte the residenbal homes.
Chairman Dahlman SaId he doesn't belIeve It'S Justified to extend the hours at this bme on week
nights since they are 10 00 p.m. now, the same as most Main Street establIshments. An
extension to 11:00 p.m. or mIdmght on Fndays, Saturdays and legal holIdays would be alright.
The review period should be SIX months.
MOTION by Dahbnan; SECOND by Campbell to approve Resolution No. 95-12, thus
approving Conditional Use Permit 95-3, with a change to Condition #4, indicating 8:00 a.m.
to 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Friday, Saturday and
Legal Holidays.
Dahlman, Campbell, Sharp, Law, Brown
Director Whittenberg adVIsed the applIcant of hIS ten calendar-day appeal penod to the City
Pagll 7 - CIty of Seal Beach PlllMmg COIIlllII.SIOII Mmute. of JWIll 21, 1995
Variance 95-2
B-2! SUlofside
Staff Report
Mr. Curtis delIvered the staff report. [Staff report on file in the Planning Department]. The
applicant, Leon Carey, requested Planmng CommIssIon approval to remodel and add a new
second floor above an eXIsting smgle family dwellIng located at B-21 Surfside. The subject
property is considered nonconformmg due to madequate SIde and front setbacks. In conjunctIon
with the proposed addItIon/remodel, the applIcant IS proposing the addItIon of a two-car garage.
Mr. Curtis said one letter 10 support of the applIcation had been received from Henry and Sally
Viets of A-18 Surf sIde. Photos of the existmg dwellmg were prOVIded to the CommissIOn by
the applicant.
Commission Comments on Staff Report
Chairman Dahlman asked how many dwellings could conceivably apply for the same type
Variance? Mr. CurtIs estimated twenty others. He noted there are approximately 20 -25
structures of thIS vmtage remammg 10 Surf sIde Colony but most of those structures do meet
setback requirements. An estImated 5 - 10 structures don't meet setback requirements.
Leon Carey * B-21 Surf sIde
Mr. Carey lOtroduced hImself as the applIcant and said he lIves at B-21 Surf sIde along with hIS
wife and four chIldren The house has two bedrooms and one bath whIch IS crowded with SIX
family members. Due to costs, he cannot afford to tear down thIS house. He said the house IS
fifty to sixty years old and IS in good condItion. They propose to build 1600 square feet. If
they built up they could bUild 3500 square feet. He Said he would be opposed to the latter as
that style makes Surfside a gIant walled city.
Chairman Dahlman asked the applIcant for other reasons, other that the costs, for preserving the
existing insuffiCIent setbacks? The applIcant saId he felt Surfside has a style to It and It'S bemg
taken away from the commumty by certam factors. He wants to preserve the hIstonc factors
in Surfside.
There were no persons WIshing to speak for or against thIS applIcatIon and the Chairman closed
the Public Hearing.
Commission DiscussIOn
Chairman Dahlman called for CommIssIoner comments. Commissioner Brown said he had no
objectIons to thIS apphcatlon and lIked the addItIon of a covered garage. CommissIOner Law
said she lIked the Idea they would be upgradmg the utIlIties.
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Brown to approve Resolution No. 95-13, thus approving
Variance 95-2, subject to Conditions of Approval.
Sharp, Brown, Dahlman, Campbell,Law
Page 8 - City of Seal Beach PhlUllng COIlUlII'\lon Minute, of June 21. 1995
Director Whittenberg noted a bnef memo was provided in the CommIssIon's agenda packet
regarding 303/305 MalO Street. Staff has been notIfied by the Department of AlcoholIc
Beverage control that there IS an applIcatIon pending to transfer the existing liquor license. Staff
is requesting the applIcants sign an Acceptance of CondItIons form.
There were no CommIssion concerns
Mr. Whittenberg adVised the publIc that staff reports and other materials were avallable for them
on the table behlOd the secretary, regardlOg the proposed BIXby Old Ranch Golf Course
Development Plan.
With the consensus of the Commission, Chairman Dahlman called a recess at 8:20 p.m. The
meeting reconvened at 8'40 p.m.
Chairman Dahlman announced the staff WIll produce resolutIons tomght on Variance 95-2 and
CUP 95-3.
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Campbell to amend the Agenda to allow the Planning
Commission to consider resolutions for Variance 95-2 and CUP 95-3 tonight.
Sharp, Campbell, Law, Dahbnan, Brown
Director WhIttenberg said that smce there were persons who spoke 10 oppositIon to the first
applicatIon, staff wIll notify those people and the applIcant first thlOg tomorrow mormng
indicating the Commission did take this action and therefore the appeal penod starts tomorrow.
Chairman Dahlman opened the continued Pubhc HearlOg on the BIXby Old Ranch golf course
Continued Public Hearing f.'om June 14, 1995
Supplemental Report - Review of Bixby Old Ranch Golf Course Development
3901 Lampson A venue, Seal Beach
Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR)
General Plan Amendment #95-1 (a) and (b)
Zone Change 95-1
Vesting Tentative Tract Map #14465
Staff Report
Page 9. ell)' of Seal Beach Plnnnmg ('00l1l1l8810n MllIult-, of June 21. 199;
Mr. Whittenberg presented the staff report [Staff report on file 10 the Planmng Department].
The dIrector mdIcated thIS IS a contmued Pubhc Hearing; the CommIssion conducted Public
Hearings on June 7 and June 14, 1995. The CommIssIon has received testimony from the
applicant and hIS team of consultants regardmg theIr proposed project. Additionally, the
Commission has receIved tesnmony from approximately twenty persons over the course of the
two meetings both 10 opposInon to and 10 favor of the project. Tonight staff has provided the
Commission a supplemental staff report, dated June 21st, wIth copies made available to the
public. Staff has provided addItional documentanon whIch has been received by staff since the
June 14th meeting. At the June 7th meeting the Bixby Co. provIded information packets to the
Commission. The last page was mIssmg from some of those packets and is presented tonight
as Attachment 1. Attachment 2 IS a letter from the CIty of Los AlamItos which staff received
on June 21st. ThIS letter mdIcates theIr concerns regardmg some of the mIngation measures that
the City has proposed. These are pnmanly related to traffic Impacts along Los AlamItos
Boulevard. There are concerns about the future development of the proposed high densIty area
at the north end of the proJect. That letter has been prOVIded to the CommIssIon, along WIth a
response from the CIty'S pnme EIR consultant, EIP ASSOCIates, which deals WIth the Issue of
the multi-famIly residennal pornon and how the City of Los AlamItos' concerns would be dealt
with at a later apphcation pomt when an actual development plan is before the Planmng
Commission at a Pubhc Heanng. There is also a letter from DKS, the CIty'S traffic consultant,
addressing the Issues that the CIty of Los AlamItos felt snll had to be addressed. Attachment
4 to the staff report packed IS a memorandum from DKS mdlCating that smce the last meeting
they met with the Rossmoor Homeowner's AssocIanon to dIscuss/deal WIth the Issue of intrusion
of traffic into the Rossmoor area from the proposed project. Attachment 5 is a memorandum
from EIP aSSOCIates regardmg the Issue of storm dram facIhnes and floodmg that was raIsed
primarily at the June 14th meetmg. EIP went back through the EIR document and tried to
highlight the major mInganon measures WhICh deal with how those Issues would be addressed
if a project was approved. The memo mc1udes responses to comments from the Nanonal Guard,
Rossmoor Homeowners Association, CIty of Seal Beach Engmeer's Office and the CIty'S
Environmental QUalIty Control Board. Attachment 6 is mformation the City received today from
the Long Beach AIrport based on a request from CommIssIoner Brown regardmg the SENL
levels that they unhze 10 mOnItonng nOIse generated from the Long Beach AIrport. Only one
page of a multI-page document has been receIved at this nme. Staff contacted the John Wayne
Airport and were told they would prOVIde the CIty WIth mformation but that they were not
wilhng to just send a page or two, they wanted to send a 120 page document. The staff report
indicates there would be an Attachment 7 WhICh he thought would be wntten information from
one of the other consultants. As It turns out, that consultant WIll do a verbal presentation at the
end of the Public Hearmg.
Mr. WhIttenberg mdIcated the CommIssIon could proceed to receive publIc tesnmony at this
time, starting with a speaker SIgned up for June 14th but who did not yet speak. Once the
public testimony has been receIved, the apphcant has the opportunity to make rebuttal comments.
Public Hearing
Betty Cheevers * LeIsure World. Seal Beach
Ms. Cheevers spoke 10 oppOSItion to the applicanon, stanng she IS opposed to any development
10 Seal Beach. She mdIcated John Nakagawa, EQCB member and traffic engmeer for Orange
Page 10 - CIty of Seal Beach Plnnnmg Conillus'lon Mmutes of June 21, 199~
County, SaId the average famIly WIth teenagers had twelve (12) vehIcle trIps per day. She said
that years ago, when her famIly was snll at home, they were always on the go, lots of vehicle
trips per day, and she Included repaIr people to the house. WhIle she could not gIve stansncs
each automobIle throws Into the aIr, she saId that pollunon comes over the wall and mto Leisure
World. She said everyone In the area is affected by the pollution and you can't carry on a
conversation with anyone before someone starts coughing. Everyone seems to have trouble with
their breathing. She saId there IS enough pollunon m the aIr and more is not needed. She said
she couldn't see the world was any better by more development. Our drmlong water IS not
Improving and we've had to put ammoma In It in order to kill the bacteria. She was in the
water filtenng and coffee bUSiness and said the ammoma and chlonne we have to use to kill
bacteria will kill fish. While It'S not supposed to harm humans, it doesn't make the water taste
better. She stated all bottled water IS filtered, It doesn't come from a mountaIn spnng
somewhere m Arrowhead, they fill up at the fire hydrant, at the rate of one truck a day. She
said that years ago people weren't educated on world populanon and today It'S a #1 problem.
The more homes we buIld the more we'll fill them up --- It'S the law of nature. Animals will
limit their populanons The world doesn't have enough to supply those who are here. She felt
more is not better and suggested slOWing things down.
Dorothy Whyte * 4416 Candleberry Avenue. Seal Beach
Ms. Whyte SaId she is ann-development/slow growth but in favor of thIS project. She said she
has been acnve In every ann-development movement In town until thIS proposal. She said the
choice is not no development or thIS proJect, nonng Bixby Co. already owns the property which
is zoned to allow commercIal constructIOn. She said the Old Ranch Tennis Club IS zoned for
commercial construcnon and holds a CUP for alcohol sales. She hoped nothing would be buIlt
there with a lIquor lIcense. Since the C-2 zoning currently eXIsts many people feel the proposal,
with mixed uses, would be more advantageous to College Park East and the City at large.
Because the C-2 zomng eXIsts, BIxby Co has the right to build WIthin the City's zomng
ordinance parameters. If thIS project IS not approved, the CIty will not get as many mItigation
measures as they would not be required.
Ms. Whyte SaId she would hke to clear up a misconception that she, indIvidually, negotiated the
tennis club for the City of Seal Beach by tWIsting BIxby's arm, that she's in Bixby's pocket or
somehow she is getting something out of this. This IS not true. She handed the Commission
a letter [attached] dated December 27, 1993. She said she wrote this letter to the CIty Manager
as a result of a conversanon at the North Seal Beach Center In 1993 when we (persons not
Identlfied) fust asked Mr. Bradshaw to present the project to the commumty under the auspIces
of the neighborhood aSSOCIatIOn. At that time they were frustrated because there IS no facIlity
in College Park East and they had to cancel a neighborhood program put on for the chIldren.
She said the commumty has bIcycle parades and Christmas actlvitles for the children. ThIS letter
was wntten WIth the consent of the board, consisting of herself as PreSIdent, Hamet OttaVIano,
Karen TIlleray, Shan NemIrow, Patty Campbell and Gerri Galbreath. It was not written With
collusion or promIses In mind. It was written because "Whenever we fight BIxby we lose and
we figured we might as well get something II ,
Another misconcepnon being perpetuated is that Lampson A venue WIll be realigned. The
advisory commIttee which Frank Laszlo put together several years ago dId ask for the entrance
Page 11 - City of Seal Bem.b PI~nnUlg COllUI\IUIOll MUlule8 of June 21, 199~
to the County Club to be moved to Basswood where there IS a traffic signal. There's a blind
curve and turnmg left IS very dangerous.
Another misconceptIon gomg around IS that BIXby Co. is going to build a thirteen-story hotel
similar to the Hohday Inn on WIllow Avenue at Lakewood Street. City ordinances permit only
a 35' height.
Another fallacy is that cnme and graffitI is not bemg addressed because Bixby Co. is really
going to build apartments. The apartments won't be sold, It will be a project. Ms. Whyte said
the moderate mcome housmg requirements was put in place by the CIty'S General Plan not by
BIXby Co., as the result of State law.
Ms. Whyte said that whenever Seal Beach deals wIth an Issue that becomes divisive, people get
heated up. She urged everyone to look at Issues unemotIonally. She hoped the College Park
East residents wIll remain fnends. She saId that If she has stated anythmg that IS not true she
hopes she will be corrected.
Josta)h Palmer * 3911 WIstena Street. Seal Beach
Mr. Palmer spoke m favor of the applIcation. He said several years ago BIXby Co. distributed
information for a project on the golf course and College Park East resIdents were fnghtened by
it. College Park East had a meetIng at Southwest Regional Laboratory (SWRL) and 50% of the
attendees voted to set up a group to talk WIth BIXby Co. to see If the project could wmd up
being something that wasn't as fnghtening as the origmal proJect. The group of twenty was
formed and It may be the adVIsory committee referred to (by Ms. Whyte). Several meetIngs
were held and BIXby was very understandmg, accommodatmg and changed theIr plans by
reducing the number of homes they had planned and relocatIng those to another sectIon. In the
end, Bixby Co. agreed to donate approximately seven (7) acres to the City of Seal Beach, to
donate about $750,000 to a buddmg fund and to spend about $1,000,000 m traffic
improvements. The AFRC has stated thIS proposal WIll not mterfere or Impede their mISSIon.
The development would bnng money to the local schools and increase sales taxes in the CIty.
It would take a pIece of property that IS generatIng few taxes to the CIty and generate some more
taxes. Probably four hundred (400) people would be purchasing homes m the project and that
would increase purchases are local shops. Jobs would be created by the constructIon operation
and servICes. College Park East would gam a commumty bmldmg. If thIS proposal IS condoned
by City staff and the CIty Attorney's Office it's a wm-wm SItuatIon. Bixby WIll profit
financially also. It seems everyone receIves an advantage. He would lIke to see this proposal
handled now --- with the CIty staff, Planning CommiSSIon and City Councd that exist as things
would be handled correctly at thIS tIme.
Glenn Cook * 2821 TIgertaII Dnve * Rossmoor
Mr. Cook spoke m OppOSItIon to the proposal. He saId he has lived m the area 35 years and
the last 25 years m Rossmoor He and hIS neIghbors are vehemently opposed to the Bixby Co.
development plan and see no pOSItIve benefits for Rossmoor or the surroundmg communities.
While there may be mcreased tax revenues for Seal Beach, they are off-set by the many
Pllge 12 . CIty of Seal Beach Pl:mnmg CommlUIOR MlOu\e8 of June 21, 1995
negatives of the plan. The Rossmoor Homeowners AssociatIon has monitored this development
plan and has reported their concerns to this Commission. He said he and his neighbors do not
feel this Commission realIzes the depth of oppOSItion to this proposal. Their opposition centers
on the several Issues which have been brought to the Commission's attentIon. Many Rossmoor
residents are not satisfied with the proposed mitigation proposals.
Regarding traffic, common sense dictates the addition of a 180-room hotel, restaurant space,
retail space, office space, 98 sIngle-family homes and 100 to 125 multI-family umts would
increase traffic and overload an already over-burned street and highway system. Adding another
lane or wldemng the Seal Beach Boulevard overpass will not help a traffic system which is
already at grid lock many hours of the day and mght. At peak traffic hours it's very difficult
to exist to Seal Beach Boulevard or Los Alamltos Boulevard from Rossmoor. Any additional
traffic Will make It almost ImpOSSible Additional traffic may use Rossmoor streets to aVOId
backups on Seal Beach Boulevard. The dangers of thIS congestion, which Impacts bicyclIsts,
emergency vehicles and semor CitIzens have already been pOInted out to the CommiSSIOn.
Added traffic will Increase nOIse and air pollution. These negative factors Will destroy the
quality of lIfe In Rossmoor.
RegardIng safety, Mr. Cook Said it was unconscionable to accept the constructIon ofa hotel and
homes so close to a runway at AFRC. No schools can be bUIlt In the College Park East area
because of safety regulatIOns regardIng schools. If It'S unsafe for schools, surely homeowners
and hotel guests should be protected also.
Regarding flooding, Mr. Cook Said the January 4, 1995 storm brought City reSidents close to
a major disaster. AddIng additional blacktop and concrete to the environment Will Increase thiS
danger in wet years.
Regarding the Mola Co. proposal, Mr. Cook said that project was wisely rejected by the voters
of the commumty. Grass roots activism by the CItizens was responsible for stopping an unwise
use of the land.
Mr. Cook urged the CommiSSIon to represent the Will of the people In thiS Situation. He urged
them to lIsten to the genuIne concerns of the cItIzens who are opposed to thiS project. He urged
them to be aware of the depth of oppOSitIOn to thIS proposal by the reSidents of Rossmoor and
recommend the EIR Inadequate and vote no on the proJect.
Frank Clift * 4489 Dogwood A venue. Seal Beach
Mr. ClIft spoke In favor of the project. Mr. ClIft Said he has not received mformatIon that has
been promulgated allover College Park East; most of hiS neIghbors have. College Park East
residents seem to feel that If the Planning CommiSSion and City CouncIl reject this proposal
(which Mr. ClIft referred to as "Plan A"), that all development will cease on that site. He
reminded them that the Bixby Co. owns 22.8 commercially zoned acres of land surrounding the
Old Ranch Country Club. If the CouncIl were to reject thiS proposal, there is then no need for
the Bixby Co., or any other person who nught own that land, to develop anythmg they deSired
as long as they followed the C-2 zomng reqUIrements. Any developer would not have to gain
Page 13 - City of Seal Beach PI ulIlIng COIIlllll'\IOIl MUlllte, of June 21, 1995
CIty approval to buIld The CIty would lose immensely by this. It would lose the income
generated by the mIxed use, the Increase In property taxes to the City's general fund. It was
only through the efforts of a professIonal City Manager that the City was able to survlVe a
potential bankruptcy In the last three years The CIty has not received the revenues it needs to
keep going properly The CIty IS about to lose that CIty Manager and it wornes him that it w1l1
be six months or more before any replacement could be up to speed enough to be able to
accomplish the mIracle that Mr. Bankston has accomplIshed In the last few years. He urged the
Commission not to let theIr guard down and don't feel that If the Council rejects Plan A that the
option that BIxby, or any other buyer, would be a bad alternatIve --- It would be a dIsaster for
College Park East and people who lIve at the end of Seal Beach. What could be placed on that
site could be most dIstasteful WIth lIttle or no reqUIrement for traffic mItIgatIon, no extra revenue
for the CIty, and a load on the public servIce reqUIrements of the City.
Chmrman Dahlman asked Mr. Chft If hIS statement on extra revenue to the City was based on
property tax Income? Mr. ClIft rephed yes. He smd he was CItIng thIS as a fact. The proposed
homes would cost $650,000 and up and the property tax from those homes would be more than
double what the current College Park East homes pay. Also, there's a $350,000 one-tIme
development fee that would be paId by BIxby Co. and $1,000,000 to the Los AlamItos Umfied
School Distnct.
Russ Lightcap * Rossmoor Homeowners AssociatIon
Mr. Lightcap saId he was follOWIng up to hIS comments at the June 14, 1995 Planning
CommIssIon meetIng. He saId the Rossmoor Homeowners ASSOCIatIon (RHA) wanted to know
ifthere would be an ImplementatIOn plan that shows when the Seal Beach over crossing is gOIng
to be constructed to the final SIX lanes He asked If there IS a plan, WIll there be a written
response and when RHA would receIve a response? RHA is concerned because the mItIgation
measures involve not only the project proponent but the CIty of Seal Beach and the amount of
money Seal Beach has to carry out that mitIgatIOn.
Chairman Dahlman SaId the CIty of Seal Beach has a Growth Management Plan and it does refer
to a traffic growth plan.
Mr. Whittenberg, respondIng to Mr. Lightcap's questIon, SaId he dIdn't know that RHA could
expect a specific implementatIOn plan regardIng the bridge wIdemng as a part of thIS project as
it's proposed. The mItIgatIon measures deal WIth restnpIng the eXIstIng bndge and constructing
a number of Improvements at both on and off ramps to the north and south of the bndge Itself.
The CIty, as a part of that process and as is proposed In the mItIgatIon measures, would reqUIre
a Development Agreement to be entered Into between the project proponent and the CIty of Seal
Beach which would set forth, In very speCific detml, the tuning, the payment of fees, the
responsibilItIes of all partIes. ThIS would happen before any actual project Improvements could
begin on the pnvate property. AddItIonally, the City collects traffic Impact fees as development
occurs in town. Those funds are held In a separate account to Improve specIfic areas of the
City. The maIn area that has been IdentIfied In the CongestIon Management Plan is the bridge
at Seal Beach Boulevard. In additIon to CIty momes, there are funds through Caltrans, the
Orange County TranSIt Authonty, dIscretIOnary grant funds and Measure M funds from gasolIne
sales taxes. Some of these funds come back to sub-regIOns of Orange County and can be used
Page 14 - Cdy of Seal Beach P\:umulg C0I1UlII..lon Mmute. of June 21. 199,
for improvements. The bndge at Seal Beach Boulevard has been Identified as a potential project
for two of those areas because the freeway IS a boundary lme between two of those sub-regIOnal
areas of the County. There IS a very strong potentJal of gettJng additional fundIng through that
process also. It would entaIl a number of fundmg sources for the ultimate widemng of the
bridge and the major responsIbIlIty for that IS Caltrans -- It'S their bridge.
Commission Campbell asked if we could expect to see money from Orange County? Mr.
Whittenberg indicated he dId not say Orange County but rather the Orange County Transit
Authority (OCTA). The funds come through the gas tax. CommissIOner Campbell expressed
concern that the County has been finding ways to "rob Peter to pay Paul". Mr. Whittenberg
said that recently Orange County requested money from OCTA and OCTA SaId no. There are
legal issues involved 10 thIS because the funds from Measure M were specifically approved by
the voters for transportatIOn purposes. It would be questJonable whether those funds could be
taken for a non-transportatIOn purpose
Chairman Dahlman came back to Mr. Lightcap's pomt, that that bridge WIll ultJmately have to
be widened. Mr. LIghtcap SaId he was aware of Mr. Whittenberg's comments. HIS concern
is that it may take years for the final mItIgatIOn to come about -- It may be years. He wanted
to know what sort of an overall plan the CIty of Seal Beach has, or when WIll you have It, that
shows that the City WIll be gettmg the funding to do thIS? Where is the funding to take care of
the sewer and floodmg problems so that the mItJgatIOn referred to 10 the ErR can be carried out
within a reasonable time? Mr. Whittenberg said the fund 109 mechamsms would be set out In
the Development Agreement WhICh would be prepared If a project IS approved. If a project IS
not approved, no Improvements would be made 10 the area Mr. LIghtcap SaId the Development
Agreement would only show that the BIXby Co. WIll be contrIbutJng theIrfazr share and thatfair
share would only be a small percentage of the cost of the mItJgatJon/the WIdenIng. The RHA's
questJon is, do you have a plan or are you going to have a plan that shows the total cost of this
and how It WIll be funded? He said he was aware of Measure M and noted Caltrans will not
be funding any of the bridge wIdemng. Caltrans WIll proVIde overSIght but they don't have funds
for the widening. He satd agaIn, what plans do you have for showmg a coherent fundmg
package to carry out the mItIgatIOn that IS proposed 10 the ErR? Mr. WhIttenberg SaId the
mitigatJon measure 10 the EIR IS restnp10g --- that IS all that IS reqUIred to mItJgate the Impacts
of the project. The bndge wIdemng IS necessary because of current traffic levels that exist
WIthout the project That IS an eXlstJng problem that is not the responsIbIlIty of thIS project
proponent. The funds that WIll be denved from the traffic mItJgatJon fees that the CIty collects
WIll, to a large extent, go to fund10g the ultJmate Improvements. The project Itself does not
require the wIdemng of the bndge.
Chairman Dahlman asked If staff knows how much it would cost to widen the bridge and when
we plan to do it? Mr. WhIttenberg saId no. That IS an issue that must dealt WIth by Caltrans
and a number of other agenCIes and those costs have not been determIned.
Mr. Lightcap saId that he has heard Mr WhIttenberg's response. He suggested the CommISSIon
should have some recognitJon of the cost of carry 109 thIS out and that there IS some sort of a
coherent plan. RHA would be 10terested 10 see10g the plan and the figures.
Page IS - CIty of Seal Bench Plnnnmg COIIU11IUIOn Mmutes of June 21, 199~
Mr. Lightcap sald RHA had some comments on the drainage at the 39 inch gravity-flow sewer
and asked when RHA wIll get responses to that? Mr. Whittenberg sald staff is stillloolang into
this issue. They haven't been able to resolve it 10 the week s10ce the last meeting. Depend10g
on the Planning COmlTIlSSIOn'S tune schedule It WIll come back to them or the CIty Council at
the time it goes to CouncIl for Pubhc Heanngs.
Regarding recreatIOn facilities, Mr LIghtcap asked If the Planmng Commission would require
the proponent to proVIde a recreation faclhty? Mr. Whittenberg asked If he was talking about
a recreabon facihty over and above the proposal to deed the tenms club to the City? Mr.
Lightcap Sald yes, it's the response to 13.21 10 RHA's letter where it Sald the project proponent
has committed to prOVIde recreatIOnal faCIlItIes If required by the Planmng Commission dunng
review of the planned development Mr. WhIttenberg said that would come at the time of a final
design plan for the multI-famlly hous1Og. RecreatIOn faCIlIties are normally reqUIred by the CIty
and he didn't see the CIty chang10g that But, It's not reqUIred by City ord1Oance.
Mr. LIghtcap saId RHA dId meet WIth DKS as 10dlcated 10 the memo that was prOVIded and
appreciated that opportumty. RHA understands that the traffic shown IS based on commercIal
traffic because they thought that would be the hIghest amount of traffic. But it dId show it was
zero (0) traffic go1Og 1Oto Rossmoor at certa10 times. RHA feels that there may be some
chIldren from the proposed project that would be go1Og 1Oto Rossmoor but it may not be
significant from the point of the EIR However, when looking at the traffic projections, there
IS addItional traffic com1Og 1Oto Rossmoor and RHA has concerns on this. RHA would request
a more comprehensIve study be done 10 terms on an intrUSIOn study which would show 10 more
detail what the actual 1OtruSIOn IS go1Og to be on Rossmoor
Commissioner Campbell asked Mr. LIghtcap Ifhe used to work for Caltrans? Mr. Lightcap said
yes, he did. CommIssIoner Campbell saId they have been trY10g to get a dollar figure on the
wldemng of the bridge If that were to be done 10 1995. She asked if he could gIve her a
ballpark esbmate? Mr. LIghtcap saId he would not gIve a ballpark figure at thIS bme because
ballpark figures tend to get 1Oto cement. But that 1Oformation could be avatlable. He would
expect the CIty would be malang an estImate of that so the CommissIOn would be enlightened
on the costs as well as a fund10g plan to carry It out. CommIssIoner Campbell asked DIrector
Whittenberg if he had any informatIOn? Mr WhIttenberg said he dIdn't have any figures at thIS
time. The CIty'S Eng10eenng Department IS worlang with the people at Caltrans to try to get
some figures.
Regarding the 1OtrusIOn study, Mr WhIttenberg asked Mr. LIghtcap If he was aslang for an
intrusion study based on the Impacts of the proposed project or based on general traffic Increases
in the area or in the future? Mr. LIghtcap sald RHA was not certain the 1OtruSIOn study would
be based on the EIR but, RHA feels an 1OtrusIOn study needs to be made because when you look
at the projected traffic there IS increased traffic. He dIdn't know If It would be from this project
itself. From the figures he has, that may be 1Osignificant. The only thing not shown is there
will be some children go1Og to school and It'S probably more than zero. He couldn't say the
traffic would be sIgmficant
Page 16. CIty of Seal Beach PI.mIlUlg ('01111111"1011 MUlUll:, of June 21, 199~
Irwin Anisman * fNo Address GIven 1 Rossmoor
Mr. Anisman said he used to be neutral to the project but the more mformanon he receives the
more neganve he's becommg toward the development. He addressed three EIR Items that he
takes excepnon to. The first IS the mItIgation of the overpass wIth restnpmg. The car lane w1l1
be reduced by l' and the bICycle lane wIll be reduced by 2' from 8' to 6'. This 3' reducnon
is a reduction of the safety margm between the automobiles and the bICyclIsts. He stated he
bikes there frequently now and It'S nsky now. If reduced It would mcur a greater nsk to the
bicycle lane users Secondly, the figures of the populanon densIty stated 10 the EIR didn't make
a lot of sense. The number of 1 9, was based on the Census of Seal Beach. It would have
made more sense to use the contIguous commumtIes' figures (College Park East and Rossmoor)
which are probably closer to 4 because that's what the population of that development would be.
That would double the projected population figures. ThIrdly, the EIR said there would be no
impact on the intrusIon mto Rossmoor and that's "blatantly ridIculous II . Just as the testimony
showed that people from Garden Grove drive Lampson Avenue to get through Los Alamitos,
people from Los AlamItos Boulevard are gomg to take the St. Cloud eXIt from the development
and short cut through Rossmoor to get to the 605 on-ramps. People do It now but when there
are several hundred more cars from the proposed development some of those wIll use the short
cut. That will Impact Rossmoor.
Bruce Stark * fNo Address Given). Seal Beach
Mr. Stark said he thought the PublIc Heanng was to talk about the EIR rather than the ments
of the project. ChaIrman Dahlman SaId he was at lIberty to talk about the adequacy of the EIR
and the merits of the project The CommIssIon WIll adopt a resolutIon on the adequacy of the
EIR and the ments of the project
Mr. Stark said he would lIke to dISCUSS several pomts the EIR doesn't address. He had hoped
the June 14th meetmg would have been teleVIsed and were dIsappomted when It was not.
Regarding flooding potennal of bmldmg on the golf course, the CIty has an easement that BIXby
granted them when Mr. RIsner was CIty Manager in 1957. A pornon of that reads:
The grantor, Bixby, shall not construct any structure that would obstruct the
water Morage and carrying capacity of the flood plazn without first obtainzng
wrlffen approval from the City of Seal Beach and the Orange County Flood
Control D,Strzct
Mr. Stark felt the EIR does not address thIS. He SaId staff has not addressed It because "They're
in favor of the project for theIr own career development rather than the people who pay theIr
salary II . ChaIrman Dahlman saId he would lIke to correct thIS statement by mdIcatmg that staff
has addressed It because CommIssIoner Campbell requested those Items and all the
Commissioners receIved them dunng the past week. They WIll be part of the Record of the
Mr. Stark asked what the BIxby Co. was givmg the CIty to relmquish the easement or to sign
off on bullding on the flood pi am area? That's very serious because he understood that when
College Park East was bmlt Caltrans mSIsted there be open land to absorb the water to prevent
Page 17 - City of Seal Bem.h PllIIllllDg COIlUllI\MOIl MIIlUM of June 21, 199~
flooding of the 405 and 22 freeways. Dunng the last ram storm we saw what the water did to
Leisure World. The water came off there (location not specIfied), down through the drainage
canal and into Leisure World.
Mr. Stark dIsputed the thought that development produces mcome. He said the home builders
and the associated general contractors, over ten years ago, gave up the argument that a
development produced mcome to the commumty 10 whIch It was located. The rule of thumb that
they have endorsed for a decade IS that a dollars worth of development costs the commumty two
dollars. RIght now the CIty cannot afford a polIce officer 10 the newly construct Police sub-
station by the pIer --- how are we gomg to polIce that? Where WIll the money come from?
We're talking about a bndge whIch IS the most direct route from Seal Beach's Leisure World
to the nearest hOSpItal 10 Los AlamItos. Restnpmg does not WIden the bndge. Restriping
constitutes a safety hazard. The EIR does not and cannot address the traffic impact that the
proposed development would create.
Mr. Stark SaId he has a solutIon It IS to mItIgate now and buIld later. He asked why the City
should approve a project proposal that reqUIres this much mItIgatIon on the promIse that It might
be done 10 the future He ~aId the publIc has heard all sorts of excuses about the bndge, how
it IS going to be restnped, how It mIght be WIdened, and If we can get the money here or there
we might do sometlung. He saId no other busmessman would accept that type of security and
he definitely would not gIve somethmg when he was not sure how the buyer would pay for it.
But that's what the BIXby Co. and staff are trymg to sell the CommIssIon. He suggested
building the sewer system, wIdemng Seal Beach Boulevard to SIX or eIght lanes, WIden the
bridge and see If we can convmce Los Alamitos to gIve up their aIrport first. Once all the
mitigation is done, then a development can be bUIlt. He saId he wasn't one to rely on buIlder's
promIses and saId he dIdn't thmk the BIXby Co. has that good a track record. In talkmg to the
old tImers m town, Frank ClIft bemg one of them, when College Park East was built WIthout
a parking strIp between the sidewalk and the curb, WIth compromised setbacks and vest-pocket
parks they were told not to worry They were told there was a strip of property along Lampson
Avenue that was avaIlable for a park for College Park East Then BIXby told them that they
would sell It to them. The reSIdents didn't have the money and now there are condommiums
on that strIp of land that BIXby bUIlt. College Park East was supposed to have mce facibtIes,
a beautiful golf course and tenms courts. Then BIxby told them there was a membershIp fee to
join the club.
Regardmg QUImby Act park fees, "ThIS CIty has screwed off more QUImby Act park fees
because the staff won't collect them from their fnendly developers and I can CIte you chapter
and verse". What makes you thmk they WIll be collected from BIXby Co.? He SaId a CIty of
Seal Beach Planning Department employee went to work for the BIXby Co. after the last big
project went through. Mr. Stark saId that made hIm SUSpICIOUS. He asked what assurances the
CIty residents have that BIXby Co. WIll lIve up to any of theIr promises, any of the Development
Agreements? The solutIon would be to mitigate now and buIld later or let Bixby Co. put up the
money in a bond to prOVIde for the wIdemng of Seal Beach Boulevard, to provide for the
widening to SIX lanes through Rossmoor up to Los Alamltos, wIdemng Lampson A venue to see
all the mitigation measures are taken care of. The EIR does not adequately address these issues.
The mitigation suggested far outweIgh the worth of the development, what can be accomplished
and what BIxby Co. IS WIllIng to do He felt BIxby IS trymg to sell us a bill of goods that we
Page 18. City of Seal Belich PI.mnmg C'ollum,slon MmuM of June 21. 199~
will end up paymg for. He asked how would the project be pohced if the CIty can't afford one
officer for the sub-statIOn
Commissioner Campbell asked Mr. Steele about the reference Mr. Stark made to the easement.
The flood zone extends beyond the easement and a portion of the proposed project would be
built on the flood zone but outSIde of the easement She asked If that would stIll reqUIre the CIty
to sign off? Mr. Steele SaId he would need to look at the easement document while other
testimony was bemg gIven He saId he would reply later m the meetIng.
Audrey KIme * 4292 Dogwood A venue. Seal Beach
Ms. Kime saId she IS a member of the neIghborhood aSSOCIatIOn and hoped that the rest of the
neighbors who mIght dIsagree WIth her opmIOn on this proposal would not think she was angry
WIth them --- she SImply has a dIfferent opImon. It has to do WIth her personal behefs.
FIrst, when the two new exhIbIts came out she had to read them qUIckly as everyone else had
to. Regardmg ExhIbIt A, she would be mterested to know if these are the same numbers used
when the EIR was prepared or are these new numbers? Mr. WhIttenberg Said these are all
documents from the EIR or based on the EIR document. Ms. KIme Said It seems rather strange
that sees Southern Cahforma would thmk there are that few vehIcles per reSIdence, particularly
m thIS area.
LookIng at ExhIbIt L, she had questIons on what the lOgIC was behmd It. Looking at the various
intersections dIscussed, It shows the future WIthout the project and the future WIth the project.
For most of the areas gomg from the current tenms court area towards the freeway, as an eXIt,
and the areas gomg toward downtown and towards Rossmoor It shows a certaIn amount of
Impact. But, when you come to the area specIfically where we would have a ISO-room hotel,
30,000 square feet of restaurant space, 30,000 square feet of retail space and 35,500 square feet
of office space you have no Impact gomg towards the Buena Park area. She asked if any of
these people would be gomg to Knotts Berry Farm or DIsneyland because you don't get to eIther
place on the freeway from that SIte WIthout gOIng way out of your way. This is not a logical
conclUSIon to her and thought we need to have somebody go to the SIte and look at thIS.
Ms. Kime said she's an accountant WhICh makes her skeptIcal about numbers and reasomng
behind things. She referenced her prIor remarks about the restaurant space and the retaIl space.
She Said the figures looked conspICUOUS to her m relatIon to the economy. She mdIcated her
company laid off 20 people Just yesterday and that's Just a preparation for more layoffs to come.
A ISO-room hotel m a CIty WIth no major sporting events, no conventIon area and no draw
seems mterestIng. It's a bIt far from the major amusement areas. It doesn't appear the most
advantageous way to use that property There's a hotel off PaCIfic Coast HIghway that has a
problem keeping ItS rooms rented She wondered If such a use would become somethmg other
than a one or two-mght stay facIhty. She found 30,000 square feet of restaurant space seems
interestIng as It would be ImmedIately across the street from two restaurants, one of which has
had two enterprIses faIl -- the Soup Exchange and TortIlla Beach. The restaurant busmess IS
conSIdered by most Industry standards m the country to be the most dIfficult busmess to run ---
nine out of ten faIl WIthin the first year. Also, 30,000 square feet of retail space across the
Page 19 - CIty of Seal Beach PI UIDlIlg COnUllI\MOn MlIlul", of June 21, 199~
street from what should have been or still could be a major shoppmg area. Rossmoor Center
is in dire need of renovation to bnng It up to current day mall standards that would draw more
people. And 35,500 square feet of office space m a county where office space IS rentIng at
about 62 %. She has heard talk about other CIties wantmg to take the vacant office buildings and
turn them mto housmg for the homeless. There IS an office buildmg nearby which IS not rented
to capacity.
Regarding the bndge, she wondered why, when It IS known that bridge IS already a bottleneck
and is already congested, that you'd want to exacerbate the SItuation by addmg more congeStIon
before you consider fixmg the bottleneck
Dennis Martmeau * rNo Address Givenl College Park East
Mr. Martineau saId he objected to paymg one of the hIghest utIlity taxes in the County and
relatively hIgh property taxes and any addItional taxes that might flow from the Orange County
bankruptcy situatIon. As he assesses thIS project proposal he wondered what costs mIght be
pushed onto hIm. The proposal entaIls multIple and expenSIve publIc works projects --- traffic
and freeway Improvements Of partIcular concern to hun IS the flooding SItuation. The EIR at
impact 4.2-2 and related mItigation measure 4.2-2A pomts out the potentIal Impact of Impervious
surfaces bemg created, addItional storm run off etc. The mItIgatIon measure suggests that at
some point addItIonal studIes need to be done. He felt we would want that mformation now,
before proceedmg any further. Last week the CommIssIon was presented WIth informatIon that
the entIre flood control basm and all ItS related tnbutanes and pumping statIons for this area are
madequate. That IS apparently based on a 20-year old report of the Orange County Flood
Control District Measures to address thIS WIll be extremely expenSIve. He was bothered by
the manner m WhICh thIS report came to lIght. A number of consultants and professIonals have
been involved m thIS project, yet somehow thIS very relevant report was not made a part of the
discourse and dIalogue untIl a private CItizen submItted It to the CommissIon a week ago. He
could not understand why the consultants and profeSSIonals dIdn't bnng this to the Commission
themselves. In the worst ca~e scenano, somebody was sIttmg on It. Glvmg everyone the benefit
of the doubt, somebody didn't do their homework This scenario makes me wonder what other
things weren't disclosed.
He was concerned about BIXby's paymg a fair share. He referenced the comment letter 0.2,
generated by the BIXby Co , WhICh was m part commentmg on mItIgation measures 4.7-IA, 4.7-
2 and 4.7-3. These suggestmg the project would have adverse Impacts on the vanous agenCIes
such as police, fire, lIbrarIes and that the CIty would look to BIXby Co. for help WIth this.
BIxby Co., m its comments, appears to have stated that It had some reservatIons about whether
a fair share would have a nexus or connection WIth those actIVItIes or whether It would be
necessary. It also pOInted out the CIty was gettIng money from other sources, like an mcreased
tax base. Therefore, BIxby Co. may contnbute afalr share.
Mr. Martineau held up a brochure WhICh he saId was dIstrIbuted to the reSIdents of College Park
East by the BIXby Co. It refers to benefits to be proVIded by the project but given the nature
of the publIc Improvements that have been dIscussed he found It questIonable whether these
benefits will meet up to the costs involved. EspeCIally to floodmg. It was hIS understandmg we
cannot look to the Orange County Flood Control DIStrICt WhIle they set gUldelInes, the Flood
PagC 20 - CIty of Seal Belich PhlUung COllllllMIOll MIliuM of JUlIC 21, 199~
Control District doesn't cover the cost of Improvements. The propertIes the benefit bear the
Mr. Martineau said he IS opposed to the project, after beginmng at a neutral position.
BIll Enckson * [No Addres~ Glvenl. Seal Beach
Mr. Erickson saId the EIR was unreadable and maccurate He felt the EIR should have been
accurate when presented to the CommISSion. Regardmg the EIR, Mr. Enckson saId the purpose
of an EIR IS to mform the publIc and declSlon makers on a project's sIgmficant envIronmental
impacts and ways to reduce them He Said he learned a lot from the dISCUSSIons at the
CommiSSIon meetmgs and felt the FEIR was too massive, madequate, maccurate and unreadable.
He said noise and flood concerns have not been adequately addressed. Regarding AFRC
runways, in ExhIbIt A, 4R, the large runway IS always shown on the map but 4L IS not drawn
on the document.
Chairman Dahlman saId hIS comment comes nght out of the EIR m an outSIde agency
commentIng that the runway 4L be more prommently dIsplayed. He asked staff how that was
addressed. Mr. WhIttenberg saId there are a number of figures m the FEIR whIch mdlcate both
Mr. Erickson wondered how staff could recommend the FEIR IS adequate when there are large
gaps not addressed, such as traffic mItIgatIOn Staff has had the advantage of paId experts to
come up with thIS data and paid tune to review the document. He asked how oversights hke thIS
possible? AddIllonally, the FEIR does not demonstrate how the envIronment WIll be protected.
He said he is agamst the FEIR and urged the CommISSIon to vote as the EQCB did.
Joe Siler * rNo Address GIven). Seal Beach
Mr. StIer SaId he has been a College Park East reSident smce 1971. Regardmg dratnage, the
first major flood m that area was 1971 and the second was m January 1995. He SaId the major
cause of the 1995 floodmg was clogged dramage canals and not the excess water. Regarding
predicted sigmficant mcrease m water flows, the EIR clearly shows a total mcrease of 1 % more
water to come across the golf course due to the added impervIOus surfaces. That amount will
be reduced durmg sustaIned rains as the ground WIll absorb water. However, when ground
becomes saturated It too becomes ImpervIOUS What we are really talkmg about in terms of
Increased water IS from 1 % decreasmg to 0%, dependmg on how severe the storm IS and how
long it lasts. He didn't thmk thIS would cause major floodmg, espeCIally If the storm dratns are
kept clear to handle the capacIty they were deSIgned to handle. RegardIng LeIsure World,
Leisure World reSidents have concerns regardmg water flOWIng off thIS project. His
understandIng IS that thIS would not happen. Some of the water flows thru the draInage ditch
north of the San Diego Freeway out to the San Gabriel River. It does not cross the San Diego
Freeway. The rest of the water, that comIng across the golf course, goes Into the Federal
channel and drains Into the Naval Weapons StatIOn. The only way that water could get to
Leisure World would be to back up and somehow come across Seal Beach Boulevard. Leisure
Page 21 . CIty of Seal BeaLh Phnll1l1g COI1I1I11\\IOI1 MUllIl(\ of June 21, 199~
World would be left untouched by any water flow from thIS project. Regarding the water
easement and whether there would be any buIldmg m the area of the easement. There is an
easement WhICh reqUIres the BIXby Ranch Co , the golf course, to contaIn 84 acre feet; it's
designed to flood and become lIke a lake during a heavy rain. None of the building activIty
would take place in the area that gets flooded as a part of the 84 acre feet or In the little
extended area that the easement has beyond that. It's true that there's a 100-Year flood plain
that much of Orange County IS located m. Some of these umts will be buIlt In that 100- Year
storm plain Those umts are specIfically addressed m the EIR and there's an indIcation that they
would have to be raIsed over the eXlstmg ground level by approximately twelve (12") inches.
Regarding polIce, safety and costs, he remmded the CommIssIon that the financIal impact report
shows that thIS project WIll generate, on an annual baSIS WhICh is separate from the one-tIme
fees, 1.1 mIllion dollars In new revenue to the CIty at an estImated cost of $300,000 to the CIty.
The most important pomt IS the pOint the project's opponents are making --- that If this project
is rejected the land WIll remam vacant and the traffic WIll remain as It IS today. They are
absolutely wrong on thIS Idea. The BIXby Ranch Co. has made a firm decISIon to change theIr
golf course. ThIS IS probably the dnvmg point behind all of this. They want a better golf
course, they want to re-do It and when they do that they have to thmk about the remainder of
therr land. One of the thmgs they deCIded to do was to move the tennis facIlIty across the street.
This would gIve tenms club members easIer access to the restaurant, to the locker rooms and
meeting rooms Once the tenms club moves, what happens to those seven acres? BIXby Ranch
Co. is a profit makmg company and they are gOing to figure out some way to get a profit to
economIcally develop that land. The land IS zoned commerCIal and it WIll be developed
Regarding the hotel SIte, people who oppose the hotel are 25 years too late. That land IS zoned
C-2 and It'S acceptable for a hotel whether thIS project goes through or not. Commercial
development IS certain and ItS traffic WIll be worse The traffic appears to be 23% - 25%
greater If Bixby Co bUIlds out ItS 22 8 acres as commerCIal versus thIS entIre project
Mr. SIler Said that If a person IS concerned about traffic and how the College Park East
commumty looks then that person should support thIS project. The tenms club would be a mce
addItion to the commumty. College Park East wanted to buIld a commumty center and park
where the Old Ranch townhomes are now and the commumty, by a vote of 61 % In favor, was
WIlling to in debt themselves to the extent of $1,000,000 In the early 1970's to have the park
and commumty center. Now, BIXby Co. WIll buIld one for the community at no cost to the
commumty. He saId he dId not understand how 61 % of the residents could be In favor In the
early 1970's and people are opposmg It today He thought there is a SIlent majonty who are not
wIllIng to come In and speak. The opponents, however, tend to get emotIonally Involved. The
CommIssion WIll hear more opponents proportionately than proponents. He belIeved the
majonty of College Park East reSIdents support thIS project They have had two straw votes,
one among hIS commIttee WhICh was selected from people who had been opposed to development
in the past, 75% of them support thIS proJect. The SWRL meeting straw vote was about 80%
to make a deal With BIXby Co. and get the best deal they could for College Park East. He felt
this is the best deal from Bixby Co. and he suggested the project merits the CommiSSIOn's
Page 22 - CIty of Seal Beach PlnmlUlg COIllIllI\'IOn MmukS of June 21. 199~
Gordon P. Trigg * rNo Address GIvenl. Seal Beach
Mr. Trigg saId he IS a College Park resident of 26 years He recalled the past controversies
over building at Lampson Avenue across Seal Beach Boulevard. He said he IS tIred of lookIng
at a vacant lot at Seal Beach Boulevard and Lampson A venue and felt a beautiful buIlding could
be located there whIch would enhance the College Park East commumty. If the dnving range
is relocated to the interior of the golf course he would not have to look at its poles and chicken
wire. The entrance and eXIt to the golf course would be placed at a signal and thIS should have
been done years ago for safety He urged the CommIssIon to approve the project.
Sue Corbin * (No Address GIven). Seal Beach
Ms. Corbin said she dId not belIeve the PublIc Hear10g was handled in the letter of the law and
not in the spint of the law because only twenty people have been able to speak at two
Commission meet10gs At the fIrst meet1Og, the applicant took most of the meetIng's tIme; until
10:30 p.m. She felt future meet10gs should be better handled. She felt this is a hIgh density
project and belIeved the denSIty should be brought back and the quality of lIfe should be
enhanced. It should not be just a money project for Bixby Co., the quality of lIfe should be of
major importance. She felt this IS bad tIm10g because the City IS changing City Managers. She
felt the BIXby Co. should WIthdraw this applIcatIOn, as they dId during the Mola project, until
the CIty has new staff. She felt that If a Development Agreement were drawn up, BIXby Co.
should come under the same zomng as everyone else 10 Seal Beach and shouldn't get any special
benefits. She dId not read anywhere what Bixby Co. planned to do WIth the animals IIv10g on
the project site. She asked If they would be trapped, notIng they are not allowed to be moved
under Fish & Game laws. She felt thIS should be addressed. She asked If the entIre project
would be gated, or Just portIOns of the project? She felt the cItizens should not be negotiatIng
in their homes WIth Bixby Co. ThIS happened dUrIng the Mola Co. project and It had very
adverse ramifications. The CIty staff, or people who have been gIVen the authonty, should do
the negotIatIng. She felt the reason some of the bus10esses have failed is that people were so
angry at that BIxby Co. project along the Freeway they would not support the bus1Oesses. She
said that may happen aga1O, "Seal Beach IS famous for that". There was a malt shop in the
1950's and the kids got mad at the owner and the kids wouldn't go in there. She said she didn't
feel Bixby Co. would warn the lessees of the 50 % polItIcal impact of people be10g angry about
the project. She felt this project IS proceed1Og the same way the Mola Co. project dId ---
without really embrac10g the community and trY10g to make It a lIveable sItuatIon for the
community. "It's baSIcally a money-making proJect".
Rich Hauser * rNo Address GIven]. Seal Beach
Mr. Hauser said he has been a Seal Beach reSIdent for the last ten years. He said he has a
growing concern about statements made by Mr. Bradshaw. Mr. Bradshaw stated that the
military dId not want to renew ItS lease WIth BIxby Co. for the lands at the clear zone area. In
reviewing this, thiS IS not true ReVIew of a letter from Chase Morgan, Bixby Ranch Co., dated
July 25, 1983, to the Department of the Army It states "BIxby has no 10terest 10 renew10g the
lease upon its expiration. Instead, our 1OtentlOn IS to go forward as expedItiously as possible
with a development of what remaIning land we own 10 the Seal Beach area, including thIS
property". Bixby has 10creased the lease amount so much that the Government backed out of
Page 23 - City of Seal Beach P1amuIlg COllulII..lml MUlU\es of JUlIe 21, 1995
the lease. He saId he IS m favor of slow, thoughtful, safe, financially-supported, planned
Regardmg accIdent potential zones, Mr. Hauser saId "Let's call a spade a spade, they are crash
zones". Modern aIrcraft dynamICS gIve you a paIr of stubby wings on rockets. The two most
dangerous tImes for accIdents IS on take off and landing. The pIlot does not make a decision
on where an aIrcraft WIll crash; there IS no ghde factor to modern jets. He said there should
not be any housmg at the end of runways. BIXby Co. has thIS zoned C-2 and there's nothmg
the commumty can do about that He saId "BuIld your commercial property but don't put
families at the end of a runway and put them m harm's way". Mr. Hauser said hIS background
is four years m the Naval servIces m both the Umted States and southeast Asia. He has seen
air crashes and they are not mce to see He saId the aIrcraft have no control, especIally when
they lose power. The accIdent potential zones were ehnunated m the last AICUZ study. Now
Bixby Co. moved onto these clear zone Issues They worked very hard at gettIng the Air Force
instructIon in place which pulled the clear zones onto the base property. Again, aIrcraft don't
know the dIfference and are gomg to crash where they're gomg to crash. Those zones are put
there for a reason. The Army put them there knowing what the dynamICS of these aircraft are.
In the AICUZ study, dated June 1, 1994, page 2.3, paragraph 2.a, clear zones, it states
"Although the AIr Force Instruction 32-7063 does not normally apply to an Army installatIon,
the Deputy ASSIstant Secretary of the Army on 14 September 1993 gave permiSSIOn to use AIr
Force cntena at Los AlamItos He would bet thIS is the only non-AIr Force base at whIch
runways for fixed-wmg aIrcraft has the mstructIOn m place regardmg land use. The dIfferent
branches of the Umted States 111lhtary servIces do not routInely adopt regulatIons of the other
branches; how dId It get there? He SaId he thought Mr. Bradshaw and hIS non-resIdent lobbYIsts
worked very hard to have the AIr Force regulation put m place regardmg this base. Mr.
Bradshaw hImself has even stated that. Mr. Hauser SaId he sees a pattern of steady
encroachment on thIS base. He felt that AFRC was strategICally located here for area dIsaster
and riot rehef and safety. He beheved that WIth the contInued Bixby Co. development threat,
the Army aIr statIOn WIll pull up stakes and move, leavmg Seal Beach and the surrounding
communities high and dry m the case of a dIsaster "And what is thIS for? It's for the almIghty
buck". He SaId he doesn't hke the sugar-coated explanations BIXby Co. hands out and they are
an affront to everyone's mtelhgence There are too many unanswered questions, poorly
developed studIes and too many problems just around the corner If thIS project gets approved.
He urged the CommISSIon to please conSIder and recommend to the City Council that the BIxby
project not be approved.
Marty Mahrer * fNo Address GIvenl. Seal Beach
Mr. Mahrer saId he IS a College Park East reSIdent. Referencmg the exhIbited map, he SaId It'S
a composite from the EIR and It shows the proposed housmg, the runway and part of the flood
zones. He called It "Theory By Totally OmISSIon". He saId he has been an Engmeer for 33
years and hIS tOpIC IS "How To Buy A PIg In A Poke". ThIS IS an expreSSIon that has been used
for years m SItuations that are always verbahzed so the prospective buyer remains uninformed
or possibly informed by maccuraCIes and omISSIons of the facts ThIS repeated scenario is
what's before the CIty at the present time Because of the madequacy of the storm basm and
discussions with personnel at the Orange County EMA Flood Control Program office, he was
PagC 24 - ell)' of Seal Beach P1mllUlg ('OIlUlll~~IOII MUlutes of JUIIC 21, 1995
curious as to what thIS project would look hke wIthout the fancy handouts. He went to City
staff and they dId not have any tract maps, lot elevation maps, sewer line connectIon maps or
anythmg else other than what has been seen m the handouts. ThIS informatIon was not available
five to six weeks ago at CIty Hall. The reason given for not havmg or for not askIng the
developer to produce was that It was an added cost to the developer and that the project was not
yet approved. In hIS 33 years of engmeenng, he has yet to see a project of any magmtude go
without drawings. Here you're talkmg a lot of money and this IS Just commg off handouts. He
applauded BIXby Co. or someone's ImagmatIon and the work IS not m any document at CIty
Hall. He said "I find thIS totally dIsgustmg". ThIS type of mformatIOn IS mandatory prior to
any development startIng, let alone m an area of a flood control basm. He found It mcredible
that the CommissIOn was bemg asked to approve a project wIth VIrtually no plans for most of
it. He felt it was like gIving BIxby Co a blank check for whatever they want to do and asked
if someone is asleep? He asked hImself what BIXby Co.'s real goal m all of this and decided
theIr hidden agenda IS that BIxby Co. wants the air statIon shut down because they want to
particIpate in the development of It. That's where the really bIg money IS WIth theIr fnends
in high places m Sacramento and Washmgton, D.C. they would pull It off. They know very
well that people hVIng at the end of a runway WIll complaIn, so that's why they're puttIng them
there. They WIll complam about the nOise and the water. Bixby Co. wants them to complain.
And to be sure those complamts WIll reach ears that can do somethmg about It, they will put
well-heeled people m those homes as they WIll have friends m hIgh places as was eVIdenced by
some of the changes that are very prevalent; thIS IS the only aIr statIon m the country that has
it. Faced wIth an onslaught of complamts, the mISSIon could move out of the area, the base
declared surplus and be up for development. The scope of that massive development and the
effects on the surroundIng area IS mcomprehensIble The loss of the dIsaster support area would
be of monumental Importance to everyone 10 Southern CalIforma. "Are we to trade our safety
and security for BIxby development profits? I hope not". The AFRC's close-in locatIon makes
it indispensable to everyone in Southern Call forma He noted there's a lot at stake here ---
noise, floodmg, traffIC, safety and pOSSIble loss of the AFRC. He saId none of the consultants
lives in Seal Beach so It'S easy for them to throw whatever they want to the reSIdents. He urged
the Commission to vote no on thIS project
Larry Michaels * rNo Address GIven). Seal Beach
Mr. Michaels saId he has been a College Park East reSIdent smce 1967. He talked about the
flood basm, notmg that dunng the January 1995 storm he lost a $25,000 automobIle due to
negligence of the CIty'S Pohce Department and the Garden Grove Police Department. He
detaIled hIS dIfficultIes dunng that storm. He Said that in less than one hour after the rain
stopped the streets were clear. He felt the floodIng problems are not the drams bemg plugged
up but rather a lack of drams mstalled when Shapell bUllt the development m 1967. For one
mile there are only two drams.
Chairman Dahlman asked the secretary If additIOnal commumcatIons had been received? Ms.
Fillmann Said no.
CommIssioner Sharp asked ChaIrman Dahlman to ascertam from the applIcants how long the
rebuttal WIll take and then deCIde on when tIns meetmg IS gomg to stop. He noted the
CommissIOn needed to hear the rebuttal and needed addItIonal tIme to debate.
PagC 2S . CI1.y of Seal Beach Plnnnmg COIIUlII\.IOII MlIlulc. of JUIIC 21, 1995
Chairman Dahlman told the apphcant that If rebuttal were started tonight, it would be stopped
in 17 minutes. He IndIcated July 5th would not be a good meetlng date as one of the
Commissioners WIll be out of town CommIssIoner Sharp Said June 28th IS aVailable.
Ken Bornholdt, attorney for the applicant, saId the appbcant estlmates the rebuttal wIll take 20 -
30 minutes. They could not make the rebuttal by 11 :00 p. m. and It would be theIr preference
to push forward and are wilhng to stay late tomght.
Chairman Dahlman IndIcated the CommIssIon's normal rules of procedure do not allow them
to continue. Mr. Steele clanfIed ResolutIOn No. 9420, WhICh says the Commission WIll not take
up any new agenda Item after 11:00 p.m. and the Commission WIll adjourn by 11:59 p.m.
Commissioner Sharp saId he wanted to be sure that the Commission has bent over backwards
to let the public be heard on thIS Issue and dId not want to ask anybody to cut theIr tlme short
in order to rush thIS meetIng to a concluSIOn at 12 00 a m.
Chairman Dahlman IndICated he was gettlng tIred and was not sure he wanted to make a decISIon
in another hour.
Commissioner Brown said he dId not see how the rebuttal and CommIssion discussion could be
concluded tonight but 12.00 a.m. He saId to Mr. Bornholdt that what the CommIssIon IS asking
is does the appbcant want to begIn now and do whatever they can and contlnue at another
meetlng? Mr. Bornholdt saId It would be the appbcant's preference to have one single
presentatlon. He was afraId If their rebuttal were broken up by a week or three weeks the
Commission would not see the connectIons He would prefer to meet next week on June 28th.
Comnussioner Sharp saId hIS only ObjectIOn would be If the meetlng could not be teleVIsed and
could not be held In the CIty CouncIl Chambers.
Mr. Whittenberg saId that the CommIssIon meetIngs can always be teleVIsed lIve when held In
the Council Chambers. June 28th should be available for the Commission meetIng.
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Dahlman to continue the Public Hearing to Wednesday,
June 28, 1995, in City Council Chambers.
Sharp, Dahlman, Law, Campbell, Brown
Mr. Whittenberg Said It would be alnght to adjourn to an earlIer tlme If the Commission so
wished. The CommIssion determIned to stay at 7.30 p m.
The CommissIOn conSidered Resolutions Nos 95-12 and 95-13 for CUP 95-3. Commissioner
Brown asked if would be appropnate for the CommIssion to decide on resolutlons tomght when
it was announced they would be prepared for another meetIng? Mr. Steele Said yes, as long as
staff gives notlce tomorrow morl11ng to the apphcant and the people who spoke In opposItlon so
they have the proper ten calendar-day appeal penod.
Page 26. Clly of Seal Beach P1alUlUlg COIIUlm\IOII MUlllle. of June 21. 1995
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Law to approve Resolution No. 95-12, thus approving
Conditional Use Permit 95-3 for an extension of hours at 550 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite
#111 for Los Cabos restaurant. The hours will be 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sunday through
Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Friday, Saturday and holidays.
Sharp, Law, Dahlman, CampbeIJ, Brown
MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Brown to appl'ove Resolution No. 95-13, thus approving
Variance 95-3, permitting a variance from the required front and side yard setbacks in
conjunction with the construction of a new two-car garage and second story addition at B-
21 Surfside.
Shar'p, Law, Dahlman, Campbell, Brown
WIth a consensus of the CommIssIon, ChaIrman Dahlman adjourned the meetIng at 10:50 p.m.
to Wednesday, June 28, 1995.
Respectfully SubmItted,
Joan Fillmann
Recording Secretary
APPROV AL: The Planmng CommIssIon Mmutes of June 21, 1995 were approved on
Ci ILa '0' 19~ 1995. ~
)",~",.JleJ OIl ;~.'$
to ~",,~oIJ-\-
CIty of Seal Beach Planning Commisslo~
By lU H YTE Date (0 _ ~ 1_ q '5
4416 Candleberry Avenue
Seal Beach, Cahforma 90740
December 27, 1993
Mr Jerry Bankston, CIty Manager
CIty of Seal Beach
211 EIghth Street
Seal Beach, Caltfomia 90740
Re Proposed BlXby Project
Seal Beach Boulevard
Dear Mr Bankston
Wlule the EIR on the proposed Bixby project has not yet been submitted, we understand that
housing has been proposed by Bixby Regardless of whatever development is proposed, we
antJ.clpate an impact on our commuruty, specifically, the North Seal Beach Commuruty Center
(NSBCC), and our parks As part of the mitigallon, we would hke to request that QUlmby funds
or any other funds generated, be used toward the construc1lon of a community center/gym/mulll-
purpose facility on a site in close proxunrty to College Park East.
The existing NSBCC, located in Rossmoor Center, 15 heaY1ly impacted and difficult for us to use
for College Park East (CPE) ac1lvilles Also, here m CPE, we have no covered facility m wInch
to hold any of our community events We are held hostage to the weather, as was eVldenced by
our latest actiVlty on December 11, 1993 -- a scheduled holiday activity for the nelghborhood
children, which included crafts and a VlS1t from Santa Because of the mclement weather, we had
to canceL These events take a lot of preparation time and expense, and are looked forward to with
great antiClpallon m the neighborhood, and the children were very dlSappomted when we had to
, .
One of the purposes of our association is to provide information through public forums on issues
of concern to CPE and Seal Beach as a whole Agam, we are lirmted because of the heavy
booking of the NSBCC. Because the Seal Beach Recreation Dept h1'\S hmited funds, we take on
not only a Chmtmas program for the children, but also the Fourth of July event, at no expense to
the City. Again, we are hmited because of our lack of facilities.
The distance and traffic impacts between CPE and other facilities, such as Marina Center, make It
very difficult for our people to access and partiClpate in -- especially children -- It'S Just too long
and dangerous a bike nde. When the EIR is submitted, we will address tlus Issue more
TIrls request 15 made with the full concurrence of the Executive Board of CPENA We further
request that this letter be filed with the City, to be taken into consideration when mitigation
measures are under review
)t;jY yours
President, eon e Park East
Neighborhood Association
.... \Ylo ~ U E83
E101 East E7th Stl""Elet
Long Seach. CA 80806
City of Seal Beach P:annmg Commission
By VI~T,", Date eo/:;zdQ5"
Phone: 310/426-2107
FAX: 310/426-9848
19 June 1995
Planmng Commission
City of Seal Beach
221 Eiohth Street
Seal Beach,CA 90740
B-21 Surf side
Notice of Public Heanng
Dated 05 June 1995
Dear Planmng Commission Members
This letter is in support of the Carey's request to remodel their residence at B-21
Surfside. The project will beautify and upgrade the neighborhood while working
no hardship on any of the surroundlllg properties
We request you grant VARIANCE 95-3 and that the necessary bUilding permit be
Issued to Lee and Diane Carey
Very truly yours,
A~118~ (P 0. Box 308)
Surfside, CA 90743