HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1996-03-20
.' -
AGENDA of MARCH 20, 1996
7:30 P.M. · City CouacD Chambers
211 Eighth Street, Seal Beach, CA
Next Resolution: #96-4
By Motion of the Planning Commission, this is the time to:
(a) Notify the public of any changes to the agenda;
(b) Rearrange the order of the agenda; and/or
(c) Provide an opportunity for any member of the Planning Commi~ion,
staff, or public to request an item be removed from the Consent
Calendar for separate action.
At this time, members of the public may address the Planning Commi~ion
regarding any items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Planning
commission, provided that NO action or discussion may be undertaken by the
Planning Commission unless otherwise authorized by law.
Items on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and are enacted
by one motion unless prior to enactment, a member of the Planning
commission, starr or the public requests that a specific item be removed from
Consent Calendar for separate action.
1. Approve Planning Commission Minutes of March 6, 1996.
ne city or Seal BeadJ compiles with the Amerieau With Dllabilltaes Ad or IllM. It you Deed uslstaoce to aUeod th. meetlOC, please telephoDe the
City Clerk'. Ofl1ce lit (JIO) 431-1527 at least 4lI houn prior to the meet1ua
....e 2 - City of Seal Beach I'IaJunog CODllllluioD · Aceada for Marda 20, 1!l96
Resolution No. 96- , A Resolution of the Planning Commission of
the City of Seal Beach Denying Zone Text Amendment 96-2, a request
to amend the rear yard setback requirements of the Residential Low
Density zone, District V, to permit decks to be constructed within the
rear yard setback.
3. Negative Declaration 96-1
Zone Change 96-1
Zone Text Amendment 96-3
General Plan Amendments 96-1A & 96-1B
"Main Street Specific Plan" Revision 96-1
Background Studies - Main Street Specific Plan Report and
AB 1600 Report.
[Continued from 2/21/96, 3/6/96]
Applicant: City of Seal Beach
The City of Seal Beach is recommending
revisions to the existing Main Street Specific Plan,
and conforming revisions to the General Plan's
Land Use and Housing Elements, a Zone Text
Amendment, and a Zone Change to designate
those areas of the City to be designated Main
Street Specific Plan Zone.
Recommendation: That the Planning Commission recommend the
City Council adopt negative Declaration 96-1,
and approve any amendments to the General
Plan, Main Street Specific Plan, zoning
Ordinance and Zoning Map determined
appropriate, through the adoption of:
a. Resolution No. 96-_, A Resolution of the Planning
Commission of the City of Seal Beach Recommending Adoption
of Negative Declaration 96-1, Relating to Revision 96-1 of the
Main Street Specific Plan;
b. Resolution No. 96- _, A Resolution of the Planning
Commission Recommending to the City Council approval of
The city of Seal BeacIl complies willi the Amerieau WIth Disablbdes Act of 1990. If you Deed lII8istaace to attead this meeUag, please telephoDe the
city Clerk'. Ollice at (310) 431-2527 at Ieut ... boon prior to the meetiac.
....e 3 - City or Se8I BeadlI'Iamdoc CommlssloD · Agnda ror March 20, 1996
General Plan Amendment 96-1A, Amending the Land Use
Element to Maintain consistency Between the Land Use
Element and the Main Street Specific Plan Revision 96-1 and
to Revise the "Summary Table of Existing and Proposed Land
Uses in Acres" of the Land Use Element to Depict the Increase
of Approximately 14.8 Acres of "Main street Specific Plan
Zone" land and Appropriate Decreases of Other Land Use
Categories Within the City.
Resolution No. 96-_, A Resolution of the Planning
Commission of the City of Seal Beach Recommending to the
City Council Approval of General Plan Amendment 96-1B,
Amending Table 16 of the Housing Element to Depict the
Increase of Approximately 14.8 Acres of "Main Street Specific
Plan Zone" land and Appropriate Decreases of Other Land Use
Categories Within the City;
Resolution No. 96-_, A Resolution of the Planning
Commission of the City of Seal Beach Recommending that the
City Council Approve Revision 96-1 of the Main Street Specific
Resolution No. 96- _' A Resolution of the Planning
Commission of the City of Seal Beach Recommending to the
City Council Approval of Zone Text Amendment 96-1,
Creating the "Main Street Specific Plan Zone" (Sections 28-
1250 through 28-1257) and Amending Section 28-1804.3 and
28-2408.C to Maintain Internal Consistency of chapter 28 of
the Code of the City of Seal Beach.
f. Resolution No. 96-_, A Resolution of the Planning
Commission of the City of Seal Beach Recommending to the
City Council Approval of Zone Change 96-1, Changing the
Zoning to Depict the Increase of Approximately 14.8 Acres of
"Main Street specific Plan Zone" Land and Appropriate
Decreases of Other Zoning Categories Within the City.
In addition, recommend that the City Council receive and file the
Background Studies - Main Street Specific Plan Report, revised and
dated Janllary 1996, and theAB 1600 Repon, dated January 17,1996.
The City or Se8I BeadI eomplles with Ibe Amerieaas WItb Dlsaballlle& Ad or 1!I9O It )'OU Deed asslstaDce to aUeDd ibis meet1ag, please telephoDe Ibe
City Clerk'. OffIce at (310) 431-2527 at least 48 houn pnor to Ibe meet1ag
P8ce 4 - City or Seal Beaeh I'IaJmIaa CommluloD · Ageada ror Mareb 20, IIlH
Zoning Text Amendment 95-1
[Continued from 11-8-95, 12-6-95 and 1-17-96]
Applicant: City of Seal Beach
Request: To establish City-wide standards for the
temporary display of advertising banners in
commerciall industrial zones. The proposed
regulations would establish a permitting process
and set maximum time and size limits for the
display of temporary banners.
Recommendation: Recommend to City Council approval of Zoning
Text Amendment 95-1, Subject to Additional
provisions as determined appropriate, and Adopt
Resolution No. 96-_.
Proposed Fee Adjustment Schedule for
Transpottation Pacilities and Programs Development Pees
Transportation Pacilities & Programs Development Application Pees.
Applicant: City of Seal Beach
Request: To revise the Transpottation Pacilities and
Programs Development Pees and Transpottation
Pacilities & Programs Development Application
Pees, in accordance with the provisions of
Section 6 of Resolution No. 4234, as amended.
The City is proposing to establish a fee
adjustment schedule for previously developed but
currently vacant property at the time a new
development plan is submitted.
Recommendation: Staff recommends approval through the adoption
of Resolution No. 96- _.
Tbe city or Seal Beaeh eomplles wltb the AmerIcau With DlsabIhl1es Act or 1990. If you Deed lIISIStaDee to atteDd CJus meedag, please telephoDe the
City Clerk'. 0fI1ee at (310) 431-2527 at Ieut . hoon prior to the meednc.
PBae 5 - City Dr Seal BeacIII'IanDIIII COIllllllssloD · Aguda ror March 20, 1ll!l6
Variance 96-1
Property Owners:
700 South Shore Drive
Ted & Celeste Bowers
Ted & Celeste Bowers
To vary from the required rear yard
setback requirements in conjunction with
a proposed addition to a single-family
dwelling at 700 South Shore Drive, Seal
Beach. The proposed addition would
provide a six (6') foot rear yard setback
rather than the required ten (10') setback.
Staff recommends denial through the
adoption of Resolution No. 96- _.
Conditional Use Permit 94-6
Property Owners:
981 Pacific Coast Highway
The Daily Grind
Deborah Edwards & Susan Cooper
Jerome Mossl Andrew PosseU
Review at twelve months for
indermite extension of a drive-thru
espresso bar within the parking
area of the Seal Beach Center
(Pavilions Center). The espresso
bar serves specialty coffee drinks
as well as pre-prepared food items
from Pavilions market. There is
no seating area.
Staff recommends approval
through the adoption of Resolution
No. 96- .
8. Conditional Use Permit 92-2 at 101 Main Street
Seaside Grill * Change of Ownership and Transfer of ABC License
The city Dr Seal BeacII compl1es with the AmericaDs With DIsabilities Act Dr IlIM. It you Deal uslstaDce Co atleDd tIus meebllC, pIeue telepboDe the
City Clerk'. Ot1ice at (310) 431-2527 at Ieut 41 bODn prior Co the meeciDc
.... , - city or Seal Beach I'IamIlaa COIlUlllMloD · Acacia tor March 20. 1M
The City or Seal Beach complies with the Americans Wdh DisabUitirs Act or 1990. It you Deed assistaDce 10 attend this meetmg, please telephoDe the
City Clerk's 0fIice at (310) 431-2527 at 1east 48 boun prior 10 the meedDc.
Pace 7 - City or SeeI BeacII JlIanDIoa COIlllllluloD · Aleada ror MardI 20, I'"
APR 03
ZT A 96-2/Third Stories [Continued from 2/21/96]
CUP 92-1/909 Ocean/El Burrito Jr./12 mos. review.
APR 17
CUP 95-1/1013 PCB/Pietro's @ 12 mos./hours.
CUP 94-4/770 PCB/Burger King @ 3 mos.
MAY 08
MAY 22 . CUP 92-1/909 Ocean/El Burrito 12 mos. ABC
[Changed ownership 1/96]
. CUP 94-8/327 Main/Nip 'n Stuff @ 8 mos.
JUN 05 . CUP 94-1/600 MarinalRadisson 12 mos. ABC
JUN 19
. JUL 03
JUL 17
AUG 07
AUG 21
SEP 04 . CUP 94-8/327 Main/Nip 'n Stuff 6 mos. 2nd review
SEP 18
OCT 09
OCT 23
NOV 06
NOV 20
DEe 04
DEe 18
The city or SeeI Beach complies with the Amerlams With DlaabaUtIes Act or 1990. It you Deed .....taDCC to attead thIS meetilll. please telephoDe the
City Clerk'. Ofllee at (310) 431-2527 at least 48 boun prior to the meetiD&.
,. .
MINUTES of MARCH 20, 1996
The City of Seal Beach Planning Commission met in regular session in City Council chambers
at 7:35 p.m. The Chair called the meeting to order with the Salute to the Flag.
Chairperson Campbell
Commissioners Dahlman, Sharp, Law, Brown
Development Services Department
Lee Whittenberg, Director
Craig Steele, Assistant City Attorney
Joan Fillmann, Executive Secretary
Barry Curtis, Administrative Assistant
Commissioner Dahlman requested separate consideration of Item #2, Director Whittenberg
requested item #5 be moved to the last Public Hearing in consideration of those persons
participating in the other agendized items, and CommissIOner Brown requested items #6 and #7
be moved forward to become items #3 and #4.
MOTION by Dahlman; SECOND by Brown to approve the Agenda with the above-
referenced modifications.
Brown, Dahlman, Campbell, Law, Sharp
Roger West * 1201A Electric Avenue. Seal Beach
Mr. West said the consultant's term parking management problem IS correct. The City is not
managing the parking problems in Old Town. "You are not managIng it. You're responSible
for the situation in parking in Old Town. You have at your hands a tool to take care of that
problem immediately and you're not using It. And that IS parlong meters". He continued to say
that by installing parking meters, the parking demand could be adjusted to the spaces aVaIlable;
this could be done at a profit. The meters could be fine tuned to dlstnbute the parking
proportIonately. For example, If the parlong IS too dense on Main Street the parlong rates could
be raised there and lower the rates on 8th Street. Also, the beach parking rates could be made
. lower than the Main Street. He could not understand how so many people feel It'S the reSident's
PIce 2 - CIty of ScaI Beach PIlIImmc CclmnusSIOIl Mmutcs of March 20, 1996
. duty to provide parking spaces for the MalO Street merchants free of charge. This is not done
for Rossmoor Center or the Seal Beach Center. He saId welfare for MalO Street should be
Commissioner Dahlman said some businesses have a large parking deficit and they use much
of the Main Street parking. Other businesses, who have parking, would find their customers
putting money in the parking meters. Mr. West saId nobody on MalO Street complies
completely with Code requirements. For example, the Bank of America bought out Secunty
Pacific Bank. The former Security Pacific Bank build 109 had numerous parking places but when
the banks were combined into the one location on Main Street it tnpled the parking requirement
and yet they didn't provide additional parking. The City didn't even talk to them about It. The
merchants on Main Street are a drag on the taxpayers as they generate only 1% % - 2 % of the
sales tax revenue City-wide but they consume 50% of the City's services. He said there are too
many merchants in Seal Beach now.
Commissioner Dahlman said the California Coastal Commission doesn't want the City to do
anything that wIll move retail customers to park in the beach lots.
Mr. West said the Coastal Commission doesn't matter anymore and IS largely Ignored by
everyone today. He could not understand why Seal Beach couldn't have parking meters. Every
beach community from Mexico to San Francisco does it and Seal Beach could do It too. If a
MalO Street merchants provides his own parking then hIS patrons Will not have to use meters.
He was talking about property which IS owned by the City resIdents, whIch is paid for and
maintained by the citizen's tax dollars.
Gordon Shanks * 215 Surf Place. Seal Beach
Mr. Shanks said Mr. West made some valid points, one of which IS the census shows the
population of Old Town going down. But on MalO Street you can't park. A dichotomy IS going
on --- the parking IS full but the merchant's say buslOess Isn't good. The answer may be that
the businessmen can never be happy. He thought the Planmng Commission and City Council
need to look at this.
Karen Kettering * Angel ConnectIon. Main Street
Ms. Kettering said the majority of the merchants would like to have parking meters. The
problem is charging for parking at the beach whIle not charging for parking on MalO Street.
She said she talked to a lot of her customers and they don't feel parking meters would be a
problem. She said the merchants pay 11 % utIlity tax and 1% % sales tax; the merchants try their
hardest to help the City.
With no other speakers the Chair closed Oral Commumcations.
....0 3 - Cdy of Seal Beach PIannmg CommwlOl1 Mmulell of March 20, 1996
MOTION by Dahlman; SECOND by Brown to approve the Consent Calendar:
1. Approve Planning Commission Minutes of March 6, 1996.
Dahlman, Brown, Sharp, Law, Campbell
The Commission considered item #2 separately:
2. Resolution No. 96-4, A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the
City of Seal Beach Denying Zone Text Amendment 96-2, a request to
amend the rear yard setback requirements of the Residential Low
Density zone, District V, to permit decks to be constructed within the
rear yard setback.
Commissioner Dahlman said he asked for this resolutIon to be extracted because he was
excluded from participating with the Commission on thiS issue, other than hiS testimony along
with other neighbors. He does not have a conflict of interest on this Issue, but a Falr PolItIcal
Practices Commission (FPPC) rule prohibited him from voting on thiS. The FPPC rule is a
disenfranchisement and short-circuiting of the democratic process and he asked for this to be
extracted so he could vote against it.
MOTION by Brown; SECOND by Law to approve Resolution No. 96-4
Brown, Law, Campbell, Sharp
Director Whittenberg indicated that anyone Wishing to appeal the Planning Commission's
decision to the City Council had ten calendar days to file that appeal begmmng tomorrow
Property Owners:
Variance 96-1
700 South Shore Drive
Ted & Celeste Bowers
Ted & Celeste Bowers
PIa" 4 . ~ of Scalllcach PIannuJa Commwlon Manutea of March 20, 1996
Staff Report
Mr. Whittenberg delivered the staff report. [Staff report on file in the Planmng Department for
reference]. The basic request is to vary from the required rear yard setback requirements In
conjunction with a proposed addition to a single-family dwelling at 700 South Shore Drive, Seal
Beach. The proposed addition would provide a six (6') foot rear yard setback rather than the
required ten (10') setback. Staff recommends denial through the adoption of an appropriate
resolution. The existing residence is approximately 1900 square feet in area, and covers 35%
of the lot area, and the Code allows a 45 % lot coverage. The additional 10 % lot coverage could
be approved by staff assuming all normal development standards of the City are met. The
property immediately to the rear, at 701 Taper, did receive a vanance from the City in 1965 for
the same type of request. In reviewing the findings for thiS earber vanance, staff feels the
current provisions of law do not permit the making of the necessary findings to grant a vanance
in light of today's standards for the granting of a variance. In addition, the Commission has
granted several recent variances as part of a proposed additIon. All of those requests granted
a variance to a legal pre-existing structure which was bUllt many years ago and does not meet
current setback requirements, while requiring the new addition to comply With current setback
requirements. If this variance were to be granted, you would be making an existIng legal
conforming structure into a non-conforming structure.
Public Hearing
. The Chair opened the public hearing.
Ted Bowers * 700 South Shore Drive
Mr. Bowers, applicant and property owner, indicated they are requesting special consideratIon
basically because the property to their rear has already received a Similar vanance. The existIng
terracing and fencing of the property does not allow for any impact to sightbnes from
neighboring properties as a result of the requested vanance. Mr. Bowers submitted photos
showing the existing property and the views towards adjacent properties.
In response to a question from CommiSSioner Dahlman, Mr. Bowers indicated the property to
the rear has a 2 foot overlap, and further discussed the photos submitted. In response to a
question from Chairperson Campbell, Mr. Bowers indicated the two reSidences would be 12 feet
apart if the variance were to be granted. The reason for the proposed addition on the ground
floor, and not on the second floor, is that hiS mother-in-law would be takIng care of their
children and has trouble negotiatIng stairs.
There being no other speakers, the Chair closed the Public Heanng.
Commission Comments
Commissioner Dahlman confirmed the house under conSideratIon IS an "atrIUm" model, and
inquired as to the reasons for setbacks In additIon to view and pnvacy concerns. Mr.
....e 5 . CIty of Seal Beach Plaanlllll CoaunuaIOD MInutes of March 20, 1996
Whittenberg indicated there are several other issues that relate to setbacks, such as easements
for utility services, separation for fire protection, and the provIsion of a minimum private
recreation area for famIly use. Commissioner Dahlman indicated the "atrium" model has a
useable recreation area within the house, and the lot coverage requirements do restrIct theIr
ability to add on unless they convert the atrium area to hVIng area. He feels this IS a special
circumstance, particularly since the neighbor has received a similar variance in the past.
Commissioner Brown indicated he didn't see how the CommissIOn could grant this variance
since the Commission has just denied a Zone Text Amendment which is essentially the same
request under consideration. He further indicated that if the zone text amendment had been
approved, it would be very difficult to deny this request. If this request IS granted, it becomes
more difficult to maintain the provIsions of the Code. If the setback reqUirements are wrong,
they should be changed, but not on a case-by-case baSIS. He feels staff has summed thiS case
very well, and that a legal basis for approval does not eXIst.
Commission Law indicated she opposes the variance request also, and that the reSidence can be
expanded without requiring a variance. Commissioner Sharp agreed with the pOints raised by
Commissioner Brown and Law.
Chairperson Campbell indicated she agrees with Commissioners Brown, Sharp, and Law, and
is in opposition to the granting of the variance.
MOTION by Law: SECOND by Sharp to deny Variance 96-1, and instruct Staffto prepare
a resolution for consideration at the April 3 Planning Commission Meeting.
Law, Sharp
Dahhnan, Campbell, Brown
Chairperson Campbell indicated she had pushed the wrong button and incorrectly voted.
Commissioner Dahlman indicated that a motion to reconsider IS required. Mr. Steele indicated
that is correct.
MOTION by Campbell: SECOND by Law to reconsider
Law, Sharp, Campbell, Brown
MOTION by Law: SECOND by Sharp to deny Variance 96-1, and instruct Staffto prepare
a resolution for consideration at the April 3 Planning Commission Meeting.
....0 6 - City of S08l Beach PIaJuung ComnuIIIClll Mmulo8 of March 20, 1996
Law, Sharp, Campbell, Brown
Mr. Whittenberg indicated the Planning Commission Will consider adoption of a resolutIOn of
denial at the April 3 meeting, and if adopted the lO-day appeal period Will begin on April 4,
4. Conditional Use Permit 94-6 [Renewal]
Address: 981 Pacific Coast Highway
Business: The Daily Grind
Applicants: Deborah Edwards & Susan Cooper
Property Owners: Jerome Mossl Andrew Posse II
Staff Re,port
Mr. Whittenberg delivered the staff report. [Staff report on file in the Planning Department for
reference]. The basic request is to review at twelve months a request for Indefinite extension
of a drive-thru espresso bar within the parking area of the Seal Beach Center (pavllions Center).
The espresso bar serves specialty coffee dnnks as well as pre-prepared food Items from
Pavilions market. There is no seating area. Staff recommends approval through the adoption
of Resolution 96-5, provided with the staff report. Mr. Whittenberg Indicated the bUSiness has
not received any complaints and that all conditions of approval have been complied With.
Public Hearing
The Chair opened the public hearing. The applicant indicated she did not wish to speak, and
there were no other persons wishing to speak on thiS matter.
CommiSSIOn Comments
Commissioner Sharp indicated he felt the mitial proposal was a nsky venture, but hiS
observations have Indicated the business is a real success and congratulated the operators for
running a successful bUSiness.
MOTION by Dahlman: SECOND by Law to approve the indefinite extension of Conditional
Use Permit 94-6 and adopt Resolution 96-5 as prepared by staff.
Law, Sharp, Dahlman, Campbell, Brown
Mr. Steele indicated the lO-dayappeal period Will begin to run tomorrow.
PIce 7 . Cll)' of Seal Beach PlamaUl& Comml881011 Mmutca of March 20, 1996
Negative Declaration 96-1
Zone Change 96-1
Zone Text Amendment 96-3
General Plan Amendments 96-1A & 96-1B
"Main Street Specific Plan" Revision 96-1
Background Studies - Main Street Specific Plan Report and
AB 1600 Report.
[Continued from 2/21/96 and 3/6/96]
Applicant: City of Seal Beach
Staff Re.port
Mr. Whittenberg delivered the staff report. [Staff report on file in the Planning Department for
reference]. The basic request IS to recommend revisions to the existmg Mazn Street Specific
Plan. and conforming revisions to the General Plan's Land Use and Housing Elements, a Zone
Text Amendment, and a Zone Change to designate those areas of the City to be designated Mam
Street Specific Plan Zone. Mr. Whittenberg further mdicated staff has attempted to respond to
additional issues discussed at the March 6 public hearing on thiS matter.
The first issue discussed is the regulation of alcohol-related businesses regarding standard hours
of operation and number of establishments. Staff still recommends the CUP process, as it
provides the maximum flexibihty to the City. If the CommissIOn determmes to recommend
standard hours for new alcohol-related land uses on MalO Street, staff has provided proposed
amending language and the current hours of those types of businesses on MalO Street. From
staff's viewpoint, if the CUP process is retained, the hour issue can be dealt with through an
amendment to the proposed zomng ordinance for Main Street or as a separate policy statement.
Hours restrictions in the ordinance will bind future CommissIOns and Counctls, and not allow
any flexibility regarding operating hours unless the ordinance is subsequently amended.
The second issue relates to the proposed retentIOn of the $loo.00/space/year fee for eXisting
parking agreements and the proposed AB 1600 parking space fee of $3,614.14. As mdlcated
on March 6 by Commissioner Dahlman, the fee could be mcreased to around $250.00-
$3oo.oo/year and would equal the approximate present value of the AB 1600 proposed one-time
fee of $3,614.14/space. An additional concern was expressed that the proposed AB 1600
Parking Fee of $3,614.14 per space is inadequate to provide the additlonal number of parktng
spaces desired. The AB 1600 fee is derived from an analysIs of antiCIpated public actions and
improvements as set forth on Table 2 of the AB 1600 Report and potentlal revenue sources as
set forth in Table 3 of the AB 1600 Report.
These issues relate to each other, in that the AB 1600 fee must relate to the level to pay for the
costs of planned programs and improvements to be undertaken by the City. The fee cannot be
greater than necessary to pay for the unfunded components of the program. Staff has prOVided
P1ge B - Cd;y of Seal Beach Plannlllll CamoU881l11l Mmule8 of March 20, 1996
several different alternatives to illustrate this point. As the Commission ulnmately determInes
the appropriate programs and projects, and the revenue sources aVallable, the AB 1600 fee may
need revision.
In response to a question from Commissioner Dahlman regarding the costs of developing a
parking structure in Laguna Beach, and could our AB 1600 fee be set at that level, Mr.
Whittenberg responded that the site designated in the Specific Plan has been costed out at current
construction costs, and accurately reflects costs today.
Mr. Whittenberg further indicated this specific plan is not similar to the current specific plan,
and is basically a public improvement program. The proposed revision deals with appropriate
land uses, the inter-relationships between resident and visitor serving commercial uses, the image
of the area, and the parking management Issues of the area.
Mr. Whittenberg also indicated a letter has been received from Reva Olson today regardIng the
issue of a business improvement district, and her strong oppositIOn to this proposal. Staff
understands this is and has been an Issue of controversy, but beheves the proposal snll has merit
and could be used in a manner beneficial to both the bUSIness and residential areas of Maln
Street. Staff does feel the proposal should not be summanly dismissed at thiS point. If the
Commission feels strongly enough to ehminate the proposal, staff would have no obJecnon, since
the Specific Plan is not dependent on this proposal, and can funcnon very well Without that
Mr. Whittenberg then reviewed the issue of an appropriate parlang standard for desert shops and
coffee houses, indicating stafrs mitial proposal was to be the same as for a retail store. The use
is not as traffic intensive as a restaurant, and the parking should not be the same. If the
Commission feels a middle ground is appropnate, staff would recommend the Commission
establish the parking standard the same as for a profeSSIOnal office, as it would allow flexibility
to change the current ground floor professional office uses on Maln Street to a retail use and not
to face a different parking requirement.
The last issue for conSideration is the issue of Coastal CommissIOn review and buy-off on the
proposed parking program and standards set forth in the revised specific plan. SInce Seal Beach
does not have an approved Coastal Plan, the Coastal Commission does retain Jurisdiction in these
matters. The position of the Coastal Commission seems to be changing, whereby the City has
received permission to modify its parking rates in the pubhc beach parlang lots without a coastal
permit. The Coastal Commission is still concerned about an overall development and
management scheme for the Maln Street area, and staff and the consultant have dealt With the
Commission in these matters. It is easier for Coastal CommiSSion staff to take an apphcation
to their commission members with a approval recommendanon when all of the parts of the
program are set forth, and the City is attempting to prOVide that long-range overview through
this specific plan.
Pace 9 - CIty of ScaI Beach Plannmg ComnulSlOIl Mmutca of March 20, 1996
. Commission Comments
Commissioner Brown inquired if those businesses which now pay the yearly fee could convert
to the established AB 1600 fee, and Mr. Whittenberg indicated that would be correct. He also
indicated the current yearly fee can be revised, as the current fee is clearly indicated in the
agreements to be an interim fee.
In response to a question from Commissioner Law as to the ability of a BID to levy taxes and
assessments, Mr. Whittenberg indicated a BID mayor may not have that abIlIty, the BID can
choose certain funding mechanisms, and may determine which fundmg mechanisms are
Public Hearing
The Chair opened the public hearing.
Gordon Shanks * 215 Surf Place
Mr. Shanks congratulated the consultant and staff for doing an excellent job for listening to what
the community wants, and commended their understanding of the communIty, as he feels the
report is very good on most things. He sees no reason why a cap on the number of alcohol-
serving establishments cannot be established. The cap makes everyone's job easIer. He further
favors a different payment program for the beach lots, and feels parking meters on Main Street
is a viable program. The upcoming banner ordmance should also be considered in light of the
proposals for Main Street, as they may be at cross purposes.
Reva Olson * Seal Beach
Read her letter submitted to the Planning CommiSSIon earlier into the record (Attached to these
minutes and made a part hereof).
Ron Bennett * Seal Beach
Mr. Bennett complimented Zucker systems and staff for their efforts in developing this proposal.
He feels the parking reqUIrements for desert shops and coffee houses as originally proposed is
sufficient. These uses experience primarily short-term walk-in use, pnmanly local reSIdents,
not persons driving specifically to their particular business. He also supports parking meters on
Mam Street, and indicated the busmess assocIation has supported parking meters on Mam Street
for the past year.
Brian Kyle * Seal Beach
Mr. Kyle indicated that for those busmesses whIch have been paymg the yearly fee for many
years, there should some credit given for those previous payments if a business determmes to
Pege 10. CIty of &41 Beach PIannmg COIIUI1IIIIOII Manule8 of March 20, 1996
convert to the AB 1600 fee. He further indicated he actually provided additIonal parking spaces
by restripping portions of the beach parking lot and created 28 additional spaces. Residents
along 8th Street do not seem to favor a 2-level parkIng structure and he personally does not hke
parking meters on Main Street.
Gary Putnam * 210% Main Street
Mr. Putnam also congratulated the Commission and staff for the hard work done on this
proposal. He questioned the provisions regardmg benches and that there needs to some control
of the location of them, and hoped that sidewalk and tree Improvements would be done at the
same time. He further indicated parking meters are a good idea, it works in other commumties
and cannot see why it wouldn't work here. Mr. Putnam also inqUired what mcentives the City
could offer to encourage local businesses to remodel their storefronts? Mr. Whittenberg
indicated the provisions of the specific plan only addresses the style of benches, the location
would be controlled through permits issued by the Pubhc Works Department. Sidewalk and tree
improvements would hopeful occur on a parallel track, and would be more cost effective that
Bob Collins * 321 Main Street
Mr. Collins indicated he supports some banner control and they can be effectIve for a partIcular
business. His business has off-street parkIng, and meters are a good idea. The meter revenues
can be used to maintain the street. He is not 10 favor of a BID, mdicatmg the current situatIon
in Long Beach. Let the business community organize and create a way to advertise theIr
Charles Antos * 328 17th Street
Mr. Antos indicated the last time a BID was proposed it split the commumty. The downtown
merchant's association should legitimize itself at the state level and try to get the local busmesses
to voluntarily join into a joint marketing effort, it should not be forced upon the local business.
A few weeks ago he had discussed this issue with the City Manager and the City Manager had
he was not at all interested in having one in Seal Beach, as he had gone through that effort in
another city. If the Commission leaves the BID in and It gets before the City CouncIl, in all
probability, the City Manager will take at least a neutral, If not a negative stance toward the
concept of a BID.
Commissioner Brown asked through the Chair if he could ask Mr. Bennett a questIon. With the
concurrence of the Chair, Commissioner Brown inquired how the issue of "business creep" from
a coffee house to a deli to a restaurant could be addressed. Mr. Bennett indicated he did not see
the issue being a problem, as they are two different businesses, and you cannot run a successful
restaurant without a beer and wme license, which the City controls through the CUP process.
His business is 900 square feet 10 total size.
....0 11 - City of Seal Beach PIanaung CommlSBIOO Mmulc8 or March 20, 1996
Mr. Putnam indicated his tenant is Grandma's and it is 1050 square feet in Size, and the traffic
is primarily short-term pedestrian traffic. Mr. Bennett also Invited the Commission to the Car
Show on April 20, 1996.
There being no other speakers, the Chair closed the Public Hearing.
Commission Comments
After discussion as to how to proceed, the Commission determined to allow each member of the
Commission to address the issues of concern to them.
Commissioner Law indicated she likes the Idea of textured sidewalks as long as they are not
slippery and would cause a safety hazard. She also opposes the BID and lImitatIons on the hours
and number of businesses for alcohol-related uses. Commissioner Law indicated she favors
parking meters on Main Street and feels the origInally proposed AB 1600 fees are acceptable.
She clarified that the current requirements for service stations is Included.
Commissioner Dahlman indicated he favors providIng standard operatIng hours for new alcohol-
related uses on Main Street, but they should not be set forth in the ordinance. He does feel an
upper limit on the number of alcohol-related businesses can be establIshed. This number should
be the guidelIne number established by Department of AlcoholIc Beverage Control, as this would
prevent someone from coming to the City and getting a quick CUP. He favors an increase In
the per year fee to match the AB 1600 fee, and questioned if the AB 1600 fee is appropriate,
in light of the construction costs of the proposed 8th Street parking structure. He does not favor
a BID, and it should not be included as part of the SpeCific Plan. He questioned the relaxation
in parking standards, indicating he would favor an Increase in parking requirements for less
desirable uses rather than a relaxation in parking requirements for deSired uses. This IS the
city's chance to deal with the parking Issues for many years, and the City needs to look ahead
and determine appropriate standards. CommiSSioner Dahlman IS not sure that banner prOVisions
for Main Street may need to be different from the proposed City-wide standards.
Commissioner Sharp indicated he does not object to limiting the number of lIquor
establishments, but that they should come before the City on their own ments. He feels the
parking management problem can be dealt with by parking meters and feels the sidewalks need
Commissioner Brown Indicated he is in oppositIon to a BID, feels alcohol-related establishments
stIll need a CUP but would like to set the operatIng hours In advance for new locatIons on the
street in the ordinance, and would favor limiting the number of alcohol servIng establishments.
If the City sets a limit on the number of establIshments will that freeze into place those eXistIng
businesses, limiting opportunItIes for new operators to come Into the City? In regards to the
proposed parking fees, the report buries the issue of inclusion of the beach parking lot, and this
IS not a fair way to deal With the issue. He questions the appropnateness of thiS nexus and IS
not sure the beach lots should be utilIzed as proposed. In additIon, the parking shortage In the
....e 12 - CIty of Seal Beach Plannma ComnUlllOD MUlulcI of March 20, 1996
adjoining residential areas is pri~arily caused by the lack of resident parking, as indicated in the
consultants reports.
Commissioner Brown further reviewed the per parking space costs in providmg additional
parking in the area, and that it makes the most economic sense to deck the 8th Street lot, even
though he is not sure that will happen. The costs for a new space are a mmimum of $14,000.00
in Seal Beach, and those costs are too high. The proposed AB 1600 fee does not accurately
reflect the true costs of spaces, and feels the proposed parking fees are too low, and should be
set around $5001 space/year. He further stated the concern for creep of a desert shop IS very
real, and the limiting of the size to around 1,000 square feet is a way to deter a future restaurant
in that small of a building. In response to a question from Commissioner Dahlman,
Commissioner Brown indicated If a desert shop exceeds the 1,000 square foot size, it would be
required to provide the parking for the excess area at the restaurant parking standard. Lastly,
he addressed the question of why the CommIssion is involved with Main Street, indicatIng the
street functions as a mall, without a mall manager. If the busmess community could voluntarily
take on those functIons, then the City would not have to have a hand m thIS issue. The specIfic
plan is seen to be a structure to ,allow this to happen.
Chairperson Campbell mdIcated she would favor settIng hours and a cap on the number of
businesses for new alcohol serving businesses on Main Street. Would hope to regulate the mIX
of busmesses to provide an attractive mIX within the area. Mrs. Campbell mdicated the
proposed parking fees are inadequate, and that the idea of a 2-story parking Structure may not
fly. She cannot approve a BID within the specific plan, and favors a reduction in size of the
desert shops/coffee houses to around 1,000 square feet with the parking standard at one space
per 500 square feet. Chairperson Campbell indicated parking meters should be seriously
conSIdered, and should start with the beach parking lots, and then revisit meters on Main Street.
Chairperson Campbell asked how the CommissIOn would wish to proceed. Mr. Whittenberg
indicated the Commission should wait to take actIon on all of the resolutions at once, since
amendments may be necessary based on the determmations of the Commission.
Commissioner Dahlman suggested they deal with the alcohol-related uses first. Mr. Whittenberg
indicated his understanding of the discussion to thIS pomt IS that the majorIty of the CommiSSion
prefer to retain the CUP process and that the issue of standard operating hours for new
establishments and a cap on the number of businesses needs further clanficatIon. If you set a
cap on the number of businesses which is less than the current number on the street, you do not
need to deal with operating hours as only the existing busmesses would be allowed. Chairperson
Campbell suggested discussion as to the settIng of a cap on the number of businesses, smce that
number may preclude having to deal with operating hours. CommiSSioner Brown suggested
recommending standard hours m case the CIty CouncIl ultimately determmes to not Impose a
cap, they wIll then be aware of the position of the CommiSSion regarding operating hours for
new establishments. Mr. Steele also indicated the hours issue could arise if an existing alcohol
establishment has to come before the Commission for a ViolatIon of conditions, then the standard
hours could be imposed if the situation warrants that type of action.
Plgc 13 - CIty of Seal Beach PIannmg CommlSSlOII Mmlllc8 of March 20, 1996
Charrperson lOquired as to the position of the CommIssIoners regarding the setting of caps for
the different types of establishments. Mr. WhIttenberg 10dIcated he would prefer three different
caps, off-premise, on-premise beer and wine, and on-premise general, also indIcating the ABC
criteria is a guideline and it can be exceeded in certain circumstances. CommIssioner Law
indicated the non-food, on-sale licenses should be set at zero. It was the consensus of the
Commission to set this number at zero.
The Commission had discussion regarding on-premise food sale location caps, WIth
Commissioners Law and Sharp indicat10g a preference to not place a cap on this type of use,
as it is not possible to predIct when a hIghly desirable restaurant use may wish to locate within
the area. If an existing beer and W10e restaurant wishes to upgrade its license to a general
license, a CUP would be required. Commissioner Law indicated off-site locations should not
exceed the number currently on the street, which IS three, and the Commission concurred.
Chairperson Campbell indIcated the CommissIOn now needs to discuss a cap on the restaurants,
with Commissioner Law indicating opposition to a cap on restaurants. CommIssioner Sharp
indicated if a restaurant wants to expand its license from beer and wine to a general license, the
CUP process will allow the Commission to review that request, and the City should reta10 ItS
flexibility. Commissioner Brown indicates he supports CommissIOner Sharps concern and could
support a good restaurant in the 300 block with a general license. CommissIOner Dahlman
indicated the issue of upgrading bcenses has not really been discussed dunng this public hearing
process, with Commissioner Brown indicating this issue was discussed during the earber study
sessions with the City Council. Commissioner Dahlman expressed concern that the Commission
may be getting too specific on thiS issue, and the CUP process should control thIS Issue.
Commissioner Brown indicated the current number of restaurant businesses on the street is 15,
and a cap may dive the costs of those businesses up. Chairperson Campbell and Commissioner
Law indicated they did not feel a cap should be placed on on-premise restaurant bcenses, With
the remaining commissioner in agreement.
Commissioner Brown proposed setting standard hours for new restaurants on the street, as a help
to future business operators. Commissioner Dahlman indicated the locational differences could
warrant not setting standard hours, but if established, would favor those preViously set by the
Commission. The majonty of the Commission did 10dicate in favor of this proposal, with the
understanding the CUP process may modify those.
Chairperson Campbell asked the Commission to focus on the AB 1600 report next.
Commissioner Brown focused on the future program of the City, particularly the acqUisition of
additional surface parking in the area. Mr. Zucker indicated the CommissIOn needs to indicate
the additional program components which the Commission would prefer to see 10 the specific
plan, and then the fee would be re-calculated. Commissioner Brown asked the Commission to
focus on the proposed projects included and the reasonableness of those projects and the costs
thereof, indicating the fee should be greater than the $3,600.00 fee in the AB 1600 report. Mr.
Whittenberg indicated the Commission should focus on the revenue source and expenditure
programs included in the AB 1600 report, the ultImate chOIces 10 regards to those areas Will
PIce 14. CIty of Seal Beach Plannmc Comm.II.OO Mmule8 of March 20. 1996
ultimately determine the AB 1600 fee. Mr. Whittenberg 10dicated the program as proposed
includes the decking of the 8th Street parking lot and significant parkIng meter revenues, and
referred the Commission to pages 6 and 7 of the AB 1600 Revenue Report for a list10g of the
programs and revenue sources. The CommissIon needs to dIrect staff as to any amendments to
those proposed programs and revenues, so the AB 1600 fee can be properly calculated. Mr.
Steele indicated AB 1600 is results oriented, not dollar oriented, and the Commission needs to
focus on the components of the AB 1600 program to solve the parking problem, not the dollar
amount, in order to make the proper nexus. Commissioner Brown indicated any additIonal
projects should be included, such as acquisition of additional off-street parkIng 10 the vicinity
of Main Street and Central Avenue. Mr. Whittenberg further indicated the City can set the fee
at an amount less than the analysis would indicate if the City ultImately determ10es the
determ10ed amount is not a market acceptable number. Commissioner Brown reviewed the
proposed expenditures for the AB 1600 program, indicating the addItional property acquiSItion
would Impact the fee calculation. CommIssIoner Brown recommended the acquIsition of
additional off-street parking be included, with the Commission requestIng staff to prepare some
alternatives analysis for consideration at the next meeting.
Mr. Whittenberg reviewed the stepped process set forth in the AB 1600 Report, indicating the
fee can be modified based on significant changes to the expenditure programs and revenue
sources, at the discretion of the CIty. Commissioner Brown clanfied the beach parkIng lot Will
not have meters, but will be metered. Mr. Whittenberg clarified the parkIng meter revenues
indicated in the AB 1600 Report refer to revenues from the CIty-owned lots along Main Street,
not the beach lots.
Chairperson Campbell confirmed with the Commission the deletion of a BID from the provisions
of the Specific Plan. There were no objections.
Chairperson Campbell asked for input regarding the deSIred parkIng requirement for desert
shops, coffee houses and similar establishments, with Chairperson Campbell favoring setting a
size limit on this type of use. CommIssioner Law inquired what will be the status of this type
of business if their current location is larger than the size being discussed. CommIssioner Brown
indicated the provisions Will only apply to new business locations. After further diScussIon
among the Commission it was determined to reopen the public heanng to allow Mr. Bennett to
address the Commission regarding the size and impact on eXIsting bus10esses of the dIScussIon
regarding desert shops, coffee house and other similar uses.
Public Hearing Reopened for Limited Discussion
Ron Bennett * Seal Beach
Mr. Bennett indicated his concern was related to how the new proVIsions of the Main Street
Specific Plan impacts those businesses which have a development agreement. Mr. Steele
indicated the development agreement stipulates a certain number of parkIng spaces and a dollar
amount per space. The vanable IS the dollar amount per space, not the number of parking
Page IS - City of Seal Beach PIannmg ComnuSSlon Mmutes of March 20, 1996
spaces. Mr. Bennett indicated his parking requirement was based on the reqUIrement for a
restaurant, and if the parking ratio changes, it should change his parking fee as established in
the development agreement. Mr. Whittenberg indicated staff would need to review the language
in the development agreement to review this issue.
Mr. Bennett further indicated the size issue IS not a problem, it should be easy to see if a desert
shop IS now operating as a restaurant. Commissioner Brown indicated that has been a problem,
with changes occurring and causing a retroactIve enforcement problem.
Chairperson Campbell closed the publIc hearing.
Chairperson Campbell indicated she felt the proposed parking standard of I spacel250 square
feet for desert shops, coffee houses and other similar uses is insufficient, and can the issue of
creep be addressed also. Commissioner Brown suggested if the parking standard for desert
shops, etc., is relaxed, the Size should be severely reduced to ensure as much as practIcal that
the use will remain as a desert shop, etc., and suggested a size lImitatIon of 1,000 square feet.
Mr. Whittenberg reminded the CommiSSion the current proposal relatmg to desert shops, etc.,
is to allow them to open automatIcally if they are under 1,200 square feet In size and prOVide
12 seats or less, if a desert shop exceeds those requirements a CUP would be required. He
suggested as the Commission fine tunes this area of concern, it deal With both Size and seatIng
capacity. Commissioner Dahlman suggested setting the separation from permitted and
conditionally permitted for desert shops, etc., at 1,000 square feet and 10 seats. There was a
consensus among the Commission to this proposal.
Commission Dahlman asked which page summarizes the current and proposed parking
requirements. Mr. Zucker Indicated that appears on page 3 of the AB 1600 Report, Attachment
12 of the February 21 Staff Report. Commissioner Dahlman confirmed the current and
proposed parking requirements for desert shops, etc., is 1/ 100 square feet and 1/500 square feet,
respectively. He further indicated he felt that is too much of a relaxation. Mr. Whittenberg
indicated staff would recommend a standard of 1/250 square feet, which is the same ratio for
professional offices. Commissioner Dahlman indicated that standard may also prOVide less
incentive for creep to occur. Commissioner Brown indicated he could support 1 parking
space/250 square feet of buildmg area for desert shops, etc. The Commission reviewed the
other recommended parking standard revisions, determming to leave the other parking ratios as
proposed. It was the consensus of the CommiSSion to revise the parking standard for desert
shops, etc., to 1 parking space/250 square feet of buildmg area.
Mr. Whittenberg indicated staff will revise the language regarding service stations to reflect the
recommendation of staff, retain the proposed parking meter phasmg program, includmg the
revision to the beach parking lots, as he has heard no negative discussion regardmg those
proposals. Commissioner Dahlman mquIred as to how the proposed banner proviSions Will fit
into this specific plan. Mr. Whittenberg indicated staff would propose to include the Main Street
Specific Plan Zone as one subject to the same conditions proposed for banners throughout the
City, indicating the banner ordinance should be considered an Implementing action document,
Pace 16. CIty of Seal Beach PIaonmg CommiSSion Mmutcs of March 20, 1996
as will be a newsrack ordinance, and does not need to be specIfically set forth in the specific
plan. It was the consensus to discuss banner prOVISIons relatIng to Mam Street as part of the
next public hearing Item.
It was the consensus of the Commission to instruct staff to prepare the appropriate resolutions
for consIderation on April 3, with the modifications as discussed thIS evemng.
The Chair declared a recess at 10:25 P.M.
The Chair reconvened the Planning Commission at 10:38 P.M>, with all member present.
Mr. Steele indicated for the record the CIty IS not presently considenng the acqUISItion of any
specific parcel of property. The discussion is hypothetical, and the revisions whIch the
Commission will review on April 3 WIll be the cost of acquisitIon of a parcel of a certain SIze
so the CommIssion can have an idea of a reasonable acquISItion cost. There IS no formal
consideration at thIS point of any particular parcel of property.
6. Zoning Text Amendment 95-1
[Continued from 11-8-95, 12-6-95 and 1-17-96]
City of Seal Beach
Staff R~port
Mr. Whittenberg delIvered the staff report. [Staff report on file m the Planning Department for
reference]. The basic request IS to establish City-wide standards for the temporary display of
advertising banners in commercial/industrial zones. The proposed regulations would establIsh
a permitting process and set maximum time and size lImits for the dIsplay of temporary banners.
Mr. WhIttenberg further indicated staff is proposing the banner proviSIons apply to all
commercial areas within the City, including the proposed Main Street Specific Plan area. The
proposed ordinance will allow banners to be legally displayed, whIle they are currently
prohibited; secondly, he reviewed the size, tIme of dIsplay and permItting processes proposed.
Banners are bemg used as a permanent business identIficatIon SIgn, and that IS not and should
not be their purpose. Staff feels the proposed ordinance is a reasonable accommodation to allow
the business community to advertise their businesses as appropriate.
Commission Comments
Commissioner Dahlman clarified the proposed SIze requirements for banners will apply to the
buildmg, not to the number of businesses located withm the structure. Mr. WhIttenberg
indicated that is correct, the various tenants will need to work out those display arrangements,
and it is not the City's responsibility to solve those problems. The local busmess commumty
will need to deal with this issue, and staff will be making a copy available to all businesses
within the City and also hold workshops as to the Implementation and complIance with the
Pace 17 - City of Seal Beach PIannm& Comau88\lll1 MmutcB of March 20, 1996
proposed ordinance. In additIon, the ordinance may need to be fine-tuned after some tIme to
reflect issues or procedures that have not been foreseen at thiS time. Commissioner Dahlman
asked if a future review has been proposed, With Mr. Whittenberg mdicatIng it has not been, but
can be and would recommend a 6-month review period.
The Chair opened the public hearing.
Karen Kettering * Angel Connection. MalO Street
Ms. Kettering asked what sort of a grace penod would be established before implementatIon of
the ordinance. Mr. Whittenberg indicated the ordmance as proposed stipulates a thirty-day
period before implementation, and in addition, staff wIll be providing the ordmance to the local
business community during the prior thirty-day time period before the ordmance actually takes
effect, providing approximately sixty days of time to comply.
Ms. Kettering indicated a com,mlttee of about 6 merchants has met and is requesting the
successive display penod and total display period be increased to 60 and 120 days, respectively.
It is felt the banners really work, but that the additional time would be helpful. In additIon, she
requested additional consideration for those businesses which do not front on Main Street.
In response to a question from Commissioner Brown as to why those busmesses could not
provide a permanent sign, Ms. Kettering indicated she wIll be putting up a permanent sign, but
she cannot speak for the other businesses. Mr. Whittenberg mdicated there is no technical
reason why a business could not provide a permanent sign, unless in a multI-tenant buIlding the
allowable sign area is used by other tenants, and that IS an Issue the City cannot solve.
Commissioner Dahlman inquired why at this late time in the hearmg process are these major
changes coming forward. Ms. Kettering indicated she had preViously asked the CommiSSIOn to
hold of on adoptIng an ordinance untIl the economy Improves, that does not appear pOSSible, and
some additional flexibility is requested.
Ron Bennett * Seal Beach
Mr. Bennett indicated he was impressed with the cooperatIon between staff and the busmess
community in developing the proposed ordmance. He stressed that there needs to be
consistency, clarity, and enforcement of the ordmance.
The Chair closed the public hearing.
Commission DiSCUSSIon
Commissioner Dahlman inquired if lighting of banners was addressed in the ordmance. Mr.
Whittenberg indicated no. Commissioner Dahlman further indicated previous testImony has
indicated concern that the City should not allow a lIberal banner ordmance for Main Street, and
would oppose increasing the tIme lImits proposed by staff.
Pile 18 - Cdy of ScaI Beach PIaonma Cooun.II.OIl Mmutca of March 20, 1996
Commissioner Law verified that the provisions relatmg to a "deposit" has been removed. Mr.
Whittenberg indicated that is correct, only a permit fee is proposed. Commissioner Law
indicated she favored the deposit as an incentive to ensure the banner IS removed when it should
be. Mr. Whittenberg concurred, but indicated the business community had a major concern with
that proposal, and in fairness, indicated some lines of trust between the City and business
community needs to be built, and felt this is a way to initiate that trust. Chairperson Campbell
indicated if the process does not work, the City can revise the ordinance and develop a more
stringent deposit process to ensure compliance. Mr. Whittenberg indicated a cooperative
approach, rather than an adversarial approach, is proposed and would hope that process is
allowed a reasonable time to succeed.
Chairperson Campbell asked for discussion regarding the extended time periods requested by
Mrs. Kettering.
Mr. Whittenberg indicated the Commission has a policy to not take up a new item for
consideration after 11:00 PM, and that time is approaching. The Commission may continue to
discuss the banner ordmance, but staff would recommend that Agenda Item 7 be continued to
April 3, 1996.
Proposed Fee Adjustment Schedule for TranspOrlation Facilities and
Programs Development Fees and Transporlation Facilities & Programs
Development Application Fees.
City of Seal Beach
The Chair opened the Public Hearing.
MOTION by Law: SECOND by Dahhnan to continue the Public Hearing to April 3, 1996.
Law, Sharp, Dahhnan, Campbell, Brown
The Commission returned to discussion regarding Zone Text Amendment 95-1, a proposed
banner ordmance. After discussion among the Commission, It was felt to be mappropnate to
consider the requested changes at this time. Commissioner Brown concurred, mdlcating the
banners are for temporary advertismg, not permanent signs.
MOTION by Dahhnan: SECOND by Law to approve Zone Text Amendment 95-1 as
recommended in the Staff Report, with an additional recommendation to the City Council
to provide a six-month review before the Planning Commission, and instruct staff to
prepare the necessary resolution for consideration at the April 3 Planning Commission
Page 19 . C1ly of Seal Beach PlannIll8 Comnus8101l Mmuta of March 20, 1996
Law, Sharp, Dahlman, Campbell, Brown
8. Conditional Use Permit 92-2 at 101 Main Street
Seaside Grill * Change of Ownership and Transfer of ABC License
Mr. Whittenberg indicated staff has prepared an informational memorandum regarding a change
m ownership at Seaside Gnll for the information of the Planmng CommiSSIOn.
Commissioner Brown discussed the issue of enforcement, including bus10ess hcense
enforcement. Mr. Whittenberg 10dicated business hcense enforcement should Improve thIS next
fiscal year as new computer tracking programs for bus10ess hcense purposes are be10g acquired
by the CIty.
Commissioner Sharp stated comments made off the record as a joke by a previous member of
the Planning Commission have been taken out of context and used in a brochure improperly.
He felt the Commission should be able to make an occasIonal joke WIthout It be10g used
Commissioner Dahlman thanked Mr. Whittenberg for preparing a thank you letter to Senator
Feinstein. He further indicated the Bixby Old Ranch Golf Course plan is a bad plan, and If
anybody wants information as to why the CommiSSIOn turned the plan down, to contact hIm.
He further stated his comment is not an endorsement of eIther SIde, and It should not be
construed as such.
Commissioner Brown agrees with Commissioner Dahlman's statement regarding the BIxby
project. He further inquired if the AB 1600 fees WIll allow for no additional revIew If a
proposal to expand an existing structure is submItted to the City. Mr. Whittenberg 10dicated a
park10g analysis would be required, and If the proposed expanSIOn does not proVIde the requIred
parking under the parking standards then 10 effect, a vanance approval would be reqUIred and
the AB 1600 fee could be applied as part of the mltlgatlon of the impacts of the proJect. With
the new Specific Plan 10 effect, it WIll more difficult to make the required findings. Mr. Steele
indicated the AB 1600 process ehminates this charge that the CIty has been "selhng" variances.
The AB 1600 process establishes a supportable, not an arbitrary, 1O-heu fee.
Chairperson Campbell 10quired which negative declaratIOns and EIRs come before the Planmng
Commission, and which do not. Mr. WhIttenberg indicated most negatlve declarations will
....c 20 - CIty of sw Beach PIannmg ComousllOll Mmulcl of March 20, 1996
come before the Planning Commission. The CIty Council has the authority to grant leases on
public land use property within the City, and in those cases a negatIve declaration would go
directly to the City Council, as the CommIssion is not involved in those dehberations. For an
action which would stop at the Planning CommIssion level. e.g., variances and CUPs, the City
CouncIl would not take an actIon on a negative declaratIon unless an appeal were to be f1led.
In matters which have to go to the CIty Council for a final action, the Planning Commission is
then recommending approval of a negative declaration or an EIR.
Chairperson Campbell asked If there was a timehne for the conversion of illegal UnIts back to
garages as part of a variance approval. Mr. Whittenberg indIcated the conversion needs to be
completed prior to the issuance of the buIldmg permit for the new addItIon.
The Charr adjourned the meeting at 11 :20 p. m. She mdlcated the next Planning CommIssIon
meeting will be Wednesday, April 3, 1996.
Respectfully Submitted,
Secretary to the Planning Co
These Minutes were transcrIbed from an audIO tape.
The Planning CommIssion Mmutes of March 20, 1996 were approved on
Apnl ~cR, 1996. ~