HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1996-05-08 . . . . .' CITY OF SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA OF MAY ~, 1996 7:30 P.M. · City Council Chambers 211 Eighth Streett Seal Beacht CA Next Resolution: #96-21 I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ll. ROLL CALL m. AGENDA APPROVAL By Motion of the Planning Commission, this is the time to: (a) Notify the public of any changes to the agenda; (b) Rearrange the order of the agenda; and/or (c) Provide an opportunity for any member of the Planning Commission, staff, or public to request an item be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. IV. ORAL COMMUNlCA nONS At this time, members of the public may address the Planning Commission regarding any items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, provided that NO action or discussion may be undertaken by the Planning Commission unless otherwise authorized by law. V. CONSENT CALENDAR Items on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and are enacted by one motion unless prior to enactment, a member of the Planning commission, staff or the public requests that a specific item be removed from Consent Calendar for separate action. 1. Minor Plan Review 96-2 [Continued from April 17, 1996] Address: 229 Seal Beach Boulevard Applicant: Walter Miller The City of Seal Beach complies With the Amencans With Dtsablbbes Act of 1990. If you need assistance to attend thiS meetmg, please telephone the City Clerk's Office at (310) 431-2527 at least 48 hours ID advance of the meebng "e 2 . CIly rI Se.II BeIdI ....... c-.._ AaaIIIa · M.y S, 1996 . Property Owner: Walter Miller Request: Architectural review of a proposal to construct a new mixed use development at 229 Seal Beach Boulevard. The proposed development consists of a one-story commercial building at the front of the lot with a three-story, two-unit residential structure at the rear of the lot. Recommendation: Approval through the adoption of Resolution 96- _, subject to conditions, 2. Approve Planning Commission Minutes of April 17, 1996. 3, Receive and File: City Council Staff Report dated April 22, 1996 re: SB 1896 - Telecommunications Permit Cost Recovery Legislation. 4. Receive and Flle: City Council Staff Report dated April 22, 1996 re: Receipt of -Notice of Intent to Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Marine Corps Air Station El Toro Community Reuse Plan - . . 5. Receive and File: City Council Staff Report dated April 22, 1996 re: Notice of Preparation of EIR - Merger of Huntington Beach Redevelopment Project Areas. 6. Receive and Flle: City Council Staff Report dated April 22, 1996 re: Receipt of DEIS - Disposal and Reuse of Long Beach Naval Station. VI. SCHEDULED MA TIERS 7. Consideration of Resolution 96- _ for ZT A 96-2(a) * City of Seal Beach Denying the prohibition of new third stories in the MHO and RHD zones of Old Town. v The City of Seal Beach complies with the Amencans With Dlsabihbes Act of 1990. If you need assistance to attend thiS meebng, please telephone the City Clerk's Office at (310) 431-2527 at least 48 hours In advance of the meebng ruN 05 . CUP 94-1/600 MarinalRadisson 12 mos. ABC ruN 19 JUL 03 JUL 17 AUG 07 AUG 21 . SEP 04 . CUP 94-8/327 Main/Nip 'n Stuff 6 mos. 2nd review SEP 18 OCT 09 . CUP 94-4/770 PCH/Burger King Final review @ 12 mos. of drive-thru window. OCT 23 NOV 06 NOV 20 DEe 04 DEe 18 . The City of Seal Beach complies With the Amencans With Disabdlbes Act of 1990 If you need assistance to attend thiS meebDg, please telephone the City Clerk's Office at (310) 431-2527 at least 48 hours In advance of the meebng. . . . ....e 3 . Cd;y <<Seal BeIda I'IIaIIaI8 c-- AI'" · May I, J996 8. Consideration of Resolution 96- _ for ZfA 96-2(b) * City of Seal Beach Denying, thus not allowing certain roof treatments to exceed the 25' height limit by up to 2 - 3'. 9. Consideration of Resolution 96- _ for Conditional Use Permit 94-4 * Leroy Stone 770 Pacific Coast Highway (Burger King) Approving a six (6) months extension, a children's table to seat ten (10) children and the addition of a Condition of Approval regarding the catalytic emissions scrubber. vu. PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. Zoning Text Amendment 96-5 Applicant: City of Seal Beach Request: To change the side yard setbacks for properties whose side yards abut Bolsa A venue from the current 15 % of lot width with a 36 foot utility easement to a flat 36 foot setback. The intent of this amendment is to preserve the open space along Bolsa Avenue with the forthcoming abandonment of the easement. The second alternative to be considered is to leave the existing 15 % lot width side yard setback but only allow one-story structures to be built within the 36 foot wide former easement area. VIII. STAFF CONCERNS IX. COMMISSION CONCERNS 11. Consideration of Resolution No. 96-20 Honoring Patricia E. Campbell x. ADJOURNMENT The City of Seal Beach compbes with the Americaos With Olsabdibes Act of 1990. If you need assistance to attend thiS meebDg, please telephone the City Clerk's Office at (310) 431-2527 at least 48 hours m advance of the meetmg ....e 4 - CIlJ . Seal JIe8ch ....... "-- AI'" · May., 19!16 . 1996 AGENDA FORECAST MAY 22 CUP 92-1/909 Ocean/El Burrito 12 mos. ABC [Changed ownership 1/96] . CUP 9S-1/Pletro's Pizza/l013 PCH [12 mos. OR revocation] . . CUP 94-8/327 Main/Nip 'n Stuff @ 8 mos. . Setback Exemptions for Plant-Supporting Structures [2-7-96] ruN OS . CUP 94-1/600 MarinalRadisson 12 mos. ABC ruN 19 JUL 03 JUL 17 AUG 07 AUG 21 . SEP 04 . CUP 94-8/327 Main/Nip 'n Stuff 6 mos. 2nd review SEP 18 OCT 09 . CUP 94-4/770 PCH/Burger King Final review @ 12 mos. of drive-thru window. OCT 23 NOV 06 NOV 20 DEe 04 DEe 18 . The City of Seal Beach complies With the Amencans With Olsablllbes Act of 1990. If you need assistance to attend thiS meetmg, please telephone the City Clerk's Office at (310) 431-2527 at least 48 hours In advance of the meebng. . . . CITY OF SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 8, 1996 The City of Seal Beach Planning CommissIOn met In regular session In CIty Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. The Chair called the meetIng to order WIth the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Present Chairperson Campbell Commissioners Sharp, Brown, Law Also Present: Department of Development ServIces Lee Whittenberg, Director Craig Steele, Assistant City Attorney Barry Curtis, Associate Planner Joan Fillmann, Executive Secretary Absent: - Commissioner Dahlman MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Brown to excuse Commissioner Dahlman's absence. MOTION CARRIED: AYES: ABSENT: 4-0-1 Sharp, Brown, Law, Campbell Dahlman AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION by Brown; SECOND by Sharp to amend the Agenda by moving item #10 to the front of the Agenda and extracting item #1 from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration. MOTION CARRIED: AYES: ABSENT: 4-0-1 Sharp, Brown, Law, Campbell Dahlman COMMISSION CONCERNS 11. ConsIderation of Resolution No. 96-20 Honoring Patricia E. Campbell Vice Chairman Brown read Planning CommIssIon Resolunon No. 96-20 whIch honored and thanked Chairperson Campbell for her dedicated service to the City of Seal Beach. He then . . . P8&e 2 - ~ of Se8I Beach PIaIuuoa ComauaaIClll MInutes of May 8, 1996 presented Chairperson Campbell with a caricature sketch of herself at work done by a local artist. Chairperson Campbell said she would deliver a thank you speech at the end of the meeting. MOTION by Brown; SECOND by Sharp to approve Resolution No. 96-20. MOTION CARRIED: A YES: ABSENT: 4-0-1 Sharp, Brown, Law, Campbell Dahlman ORAL COMMUNICA nONS Ed Simmons ... Seal Beach Ed Simmons, referencing Walt Miller's project, spoke of his concern about Planning Commissioner's attitudes. He rebuked the Commissioners for not visiting the sites under reyiew. For example, regarding Minor Plan Review 96-2, an application submitted by Walt Miller, Mr. Simmons felt that a Commissioner's comments "Well, three weeks doesn't matter, you've waitedfouryears-, was out of line. He indicated Walt Miller and his family are known world-wide as bicyclists and own a bicycle shop in Seal Beach. He indicated the Miller's are a great asset to Seal Beach and have done a lot for the City. Their proposed buildmg Will be beautiful, just like their other building at the same locale. Mr. Simmons expressed his concern that the Planning Commissioners are the officials voting on apphcations when they don't VISIt the sites and don't know long-time City residents. With no one wishing to speak, the Chair closed Oral Communications. CONSENT CALENDAR MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Law to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: 2. Approve Planning Commission Minutes of April 17, 1996. 3. Receive and File: City Council Staff Report dated April 22, 1996 re: SB 1896 - Telecommunications Permit Cost Recovery Legislation. 4. Receive and File: City Council Staff Report dated April 22, 1996 re: Receipt of "Notice of Intent to Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Marine Corps Air Station EI Toro Community Reuse Plan". . . . l'1Iae 3 . C1ly of ScaI Beach J>Iaonmg CclaumIaIOl1 Mmutca of May 8. 1996 s. Receive and File: City Council Staff Report dated April 22, 1996 re: Notice of Preparation of EIR - Merger of Huntington Beach Redevelopment Project Areas. 6. Receive and File: City Council Staff Report dated April 22, 1996 re: Receipt of DEIS - Disposal and Reuse of Long Beach Naval Station. MOTION CARRIED: AYES: ABSENT: 4-0-1 Sharp, Brown, Law, Campbell Dahlman Consent Calendar item #1 was considered separately. 1. Minor Plan Review 96-2 [ContlOued from April 17, 1996] Address: Apphcant: Property Owner: Request: 229 Seal Beach Boulevard Walter MIller Walter Miller Architectural review of a proposal to construct a new mixed use development at 229 Seal Beach Boulevard. The proposed development consists of a one-story commercial buildlOg at the front of the lot with a three-story, two-umt residenbal structure at the rear of the lot. Commissioner Brown commented that he and Mayor Hastings VISIted the SIte last week, meeting with the applicant. They reviewed the plans, went over the grounds and the apphcant shared the history of the project. MOTION by Brown; SECOND by Sharp to approve Minor Plan Review 96-2. Before the vote, Director WhIttenberg lOdlcated staff had prepared a Resolution indicating approval of thIS item which the CommiSSIOn had delivered to them Monday of thIS week for their review. Commissioner Brown amended his Motion, the Second accepted the amendment: MOTION by Brown; SECOND by Sharp to approve Minor Plan Review 96-2 through the adoption of Resolution No. 96-21, subject to all Conditions of Approval noted in the staff report. . . . PIgc 4 - CIty of Seal Beacb PIaJuuDg CclmmJasIClll Mmutea of May 8, 1996 MOTION CARRIED: AYES: ABSENT: 4-0-1 Sharp, Brown, Law, Campbell Dahlman SCHEDULED MA'ITERS 7. Consideration of Resolution 96-22 for ZT A 96-2(a) * City of Seal Beach Denying the prohibition of new third stories in the MHO and RHD zones of Old Town. MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Law to approve Resolution No. 96-22. MOTION CARRIED: A YFS: ABSENT: 4-0-1 Sharp, Brown, Law, Campbell Dahlman 8. Consideration of Resolution 96-23 for ZTA 96-2(b) * City of Seal Beach Denying, thus not allowing certain roof treatments to exceed the 25' heIght limit by up to 2 - 3'. MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Law to approve Resolution No. 96-23. MOTION CARRIED: A YES: ABSENT: 4-0-1 Sharp, Brown, Law, Campbell Dahlman 9. Consideration of Resolution 96-24 for Conditional Use Permit 94-4 * Leroy Stone 770 Pacific Coast HIghway (Burger King) Approving a six (6) months extension, a children's table to seat ten (10) children and the addition of a Condition of Approval regarding the catalytic emissions scrubber. The Chair asked if staff has heard anything on the installation of the scrubber'! The Director indIcated the Commissioners have received a copy of a FAXd letter from Leroy Stone [Attached]. Mr. Stone provided staff a copy of an invoice showmg the equipment has been paid for but due to a mixup with the freIght company it has not been dehvered for mstallatlon yet. Installation is expected on May 17th. Staff wdl report back to the CommiSSIOn on Its installation. Plac 5 - Ctl,y of Seal Beaeh PJamunc CcImmJsIKlII Mmutca of MIl, 8, 1996 . MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Law to approve Resolution No. 96-24. . . MOTION CARRIED: AYES: ABSENT: 4-0-1 Sharp, Brown, Law, Campbell Dahlman PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. Zoning Text Amendment 96-5 Applicant: City of Seal Beach Request: To change the side yard setbacks for propertJ.es whose side yards abut Bolsa Avenue from the current 15 % of lot width with a 36 foot utility easement to a flat 36 foot setback. The mtent of this amendment is to preserve the open space along Bolsa A venue with the forthcoming abandonment of the easement. The second alternative to be considered is to leave the eXIsting 15 % lot width side yard setback but only allow one-story structures to be built wlthm the 36 foot wide former easement area. Staff Re.port Mr. Curtis delivered the staff report. [Staff report on file in the Planning Department for reference]. Staff indicated no correspondence had been received regardmg this matter. Commission Ouestions on Staff Re.port Comrmssioner Sharp asked if the 36' easement reverts back to the property owners? Mr. Steele said the easement will be abandoned back to the property owners. Comrmssioner Sharp asked about only allowing single story structures to be built into that 36' setback. Mr. Curtis said the first alternative would be to allow no liveable structures, just patios and gazebos. The seCond alternative would allow one-story habItable space wIthIn the former easement. The third alternative ,would be to allow two-story habItable structures up to the 10' setback. Commissioner Law asked what the other HIll propertJ.es are allowed to do? Mr. CurtJ.s said other HUl properties which abut a side street are allowed to build within 15% of the lot's width. The subject properties are approximately 36' wider because of the easement. Commissioner Brown asked what the rear yard versus side yard setbacks were? Mr. Curtis said the rear yard setbacks are 10' on Marina HIll and the SIde yard setbacks are 5' on an interior lot and 10% of the lot width or up to 10' at a SIde street. In thIS instance, the rear yard would be 10' and the side yard would be 10'. . . . PlIgc 6 . ~ of Seal Bc8ch PIannJog Comnus8Kl11 MInutes of May 8, 1996 Charrperson Campbell asked if there are 17 homes affected by this? Mr. Curtis explained there are two homes which have additions built into the easement. In both of those instances the power lines weren't actually over the properties but were over the City's sidewalk. Commissioner Brown asked if the homes on Coastline Drive were different because those were rear yards? Mr. Curtis said yes. Commissioner Brown asked if they have the same 36' easement and if staff is proposing to change that? Mr. Curtis said yes, they have the 36' easement and staff is not proposing any changes. He explained that those homes could build a second story in their rear setback because along Coastline, there, you have a continuous wall built up off the sidewalk. Due to how the homes are situated, a viewable area is not provIded which you get along the rest of Balsa Ave. Commissioner Brown asked that if everybody were allowed to build two-story structures withlO ten feet of the property line if it would have a canyon-like effect? Mr. Whittenberg SaId there would be a potential for that. Mr. Curtis said it was more that the eXIsting scenic area, the wider landscaped area, could potentially be lost. Commissioner Sharp asked if there were any timetable on when the easement area would be released to the property owners? Mr. Whittenberg said not to stafrs knowledge. The work IS on-going. The actual power hnes have been removed. The towers are suU StandlOg and staff doesn't know when they will be removed and quit claims filed on the easements. Commissioner Sharp said he didn't feel the Planning Commission should get into thIS without doing a lot of studying. Public Hearing John Dampman * 601 Bayside Drive. Seal Beach Mr. Dampman SaId he did bring a letter to the CIty but somehow It got lost at CIty Hall. He has been a City residence since 1966 and his is one of two homes with an addition. His addition was built in 1973, the plans show the structure comes to within 13th' of the property line and it's a one-story addition. He said only 15 homes are involved in thIS ZTA and 14 of those homes have eXIsting block walls. Eight have block walls on the property line and they're all a mlmmum of 6' hIgh. Some are tiered back and are 8' or 9' high. There are 12 homes with block or slump walls, lIS grape stake, 1 is wooden. HIS feeling IS that the homeowners should have the right to erect walls and to, build on their property to the 15 %. They should be allowed to build two stories. There is only one yard which can be seen from the street. He said he was concerned about the Planning Commission's authority and assumed whatever the Commission were to do would be pro-active versus reactive. The Chair assured him he would not ask him to tear out his addition. . . . P8ge 7 - CIty of Seal Beach 1'IImnIDB CommwIOll Mmutes of May 8, 1996 He said "We're not protecting open space right now. Fourteen of the fifteen lots have walls. Hls feeling that the people should be allowed to put eIther a one-story or two-story ... and he'd support the 15% from the property line, the ong1Oal setbackll. Ralph Oxenrider * 600 Balboa Drive. Seal Beach Mr. Oxenrider agreed with Mr. Dampman's comments on open space and said he was against restricting taxpayers. He was not opposed to the 15% or the one-story addItions. He said a 36' easement would be unreasonable. Mary Pitt * 1140 Coastline Drive. Seal Beach Ms. Pitt said she now understands her back yard will remain with a 10' setback. She saId if her property is sold, those people should be allowed to build whatever they want in the rear yard, even a two-story structure. She has no plans to add on. She did state Bolsa Avenue is extremely noisy and that's why people want the high walls. Andreas Grato,p,p * 600 Beachcomber. Seal Beach Mr. Gratopp said it is wonderful to get rid of the power lines. He said he wasn't notified when the City put in Stop signs at Bolsa Avenue. Mr. Whittenberg explamed public versus private property Noticing requirements. He 10dicated McGaugh School was to send Notices but they didn't. Mr. Gratopp noted most of houses are one-story with approximately 20' between the houses. The effect is canyon-like already and he dIdn't see what the property owners 10 question should be restricted to one-story structures. He felt it would be unfair and unjust to not allow all property owners to build to the same extent, I.e. 15% from the property line and to two- stories. Mr. Shoemaker * 601 Sandpiper Drive. Seal Beach Mr. Shoemaker saId he viSIted CIty Hall to ask for clarification about the quit claim of the easement. He said that tax-wise there is no difference between a back yard and a side yard. Speaking about open space, he noted that historically open space has been unfenced land, such as range land. The land in question is definitely not open, it's walled in 8' to 10' high. The houses are almost 40 years old and now the City proposes to place a restriction on them that they can't build in the 36' abandoned easement. There is a canyon effect on one SIde. The power lines goes down Seal Beach Boulevard and those homes abut the hnes at approXlmately 10'. He asked why nobody is C9ncerned about their easements? He smd the City should make building rights the same for everybody in the same zoning district. The action of the City should be no action. David Keevler * 600 Sandpiper Drive. Seal Beach Mr. Keevler said the easement was a safety deVIce for Southern California Edison, it was not a building restriction. The property 10 question should not be more restnctlve than other property restrictions on Marina Hill, such as 45 % lot coverage. He said their propertles should then be allowed to have the 45 % lot coverage and their properties won't look any dIfferent than the other neIghborhood properties. The City's action should be no action. Plae 8 - ~ of Seal Beach I'IaDnmc Cclmmwlon MmuteIJ of May 8, 1996 . With no other persons wishing to speak, the ChaIr closed the Public Hearing. Commission Comments Commissioner Sharp asked the width of the lots without the 36' easement? Mr. Curtis said the lots are approximately 44' wide. With the 36' easement included, those lots are approximately 80' WIde. Commissioner Sharp asked if the City's Code would prohibit a homeowner of one of these lots from bulldozing their lot and subdividing it into two lots? Mr. Curtis said yes; you need a minimum 50' lot width. . Drrector Whittenberg clarified points brought up during the Public Hearing. One question was why wasn't the restriction brought around to the Seal Beach Boulevard side where the homes back to the Boulevard. He explained there was no easement on private property there, the lines are all on public property there. Additionally, thIs matter is brought before the CommiSSIOn because staff felt it was an opportune time for the City to review its policy and see if the Commission wishes to maintain its existing policy or do something different. Staff thought it would be better to be pro-active than to wait until someone wants to obtain a buildmg permit and then be reactive. Also, the easement area does not restrict building, it restrIcts It to the discretion of the company holding the easement. They have the option to allow something to be built in that area. If they were to determine it was alright to build a structure in the easement, then that structure would have to meet current City reqUIrements, the 10' setback, the 25' height limit, et cetera. Commissioner Sharp asked if the Planning Commission was required to take any action and if no action were taken would the existing rules and regulations contmue to apply to that area? Mr. Whittenberg said yes. Commissioner Sharp said he would be in favor of that. Commissioner Law said she was in favor of no change, noting that if the other homeowners on Marina Hill can build one way, these homeowners should be allowed to do so also. Commissioner Brown said it's a pleasure to have an opportunity to add to someone's property values and to allow a homeowner to do more. He noted Bolsa Avenue is a busy street and assumed, therefore, that these properties could have a somewhat lower property value because of that. For years, these homeowners have had properties under a power line. This is an appropriate reward, after having lived with those lines for a long time. There is still 20' between the houses in the rear year, an 18' setback in the front yard plus the street. It would not be canyon-like. He complimented City staff on bemg pro-active on thIS matter and said he would be in favor of no action. Chairperson Campbell made the decision unanImous by mdlcatmg she would favor no action. She felt this windfall was wonderful for these homeowners and felt they should have all the . . . . Puae 9 - CI11 of Seal Beach I'IlIIInuIc Comnu88100 Mmutes of May 8, 1996 nghts and privileges that all the City resIdents have. The Commission would have no busmess puttmg a restriction on those properties. MOTION by Law; SECOND by Sharp to deny Zoning Text Amendment 96-5. MOTION CARRIED: A YES: ABSENT: 4..0..1 Law, Sharp, Campbell, Brown Dahlman The Director indicated staff will return with a Resolution at the next meeting. There was a brief discussion on the number of Commissioners to be present at the next meeting. Commissioner Law said she thought she might be replaced due to a new Councll Member being mstalled for her District. Director Whittenberg said he felt the remaining Commissioners would remain on the Commission for some time period yet. It was determined that Commissioner Dahlman could vote on tins Resolution if he reviews the video tape of the meeting and the Minutes. Mr. Steele advised that if Commissioner Law would, for any reason, not be present at the May 22nd meeting, he would ask CommiSSIoner Dahlman to review the video tape. STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Whittenberg said staff is sad to see Chairperson Campbell leave the Planning COmmlSSIOn, although she is moving on to the City Council. Staff has appreciated her time and efforts at studying matters at this level. He indicated he would look forward to working with Commissioner Campbell at the City Councll level. Letter from Michelle Brendel Mr. Steele echoed the Director's sentiments. He added, and clarified, that both Chairperson Campbell and the CIty Manager receIved a letter dated May 6, 1996 from MIchelle Brendell. It dealt with the Bollen property at 1101 Seal Way. The CommISSIon reVIewed the apphcatlon to convert four multi-family units to three units. This letter raises the issue of replacement housing in the coastal zone. The Government Code requires that units which are OCCUpIed by persons of low and moderate income are eliminated in the coastal zone, that the person eliminating those units either replace them or pay monies into an in lieu program to replace those units. This letter questions why this issue was not brought before the CommISSIon. The City Attorney's Office wants to clanfy thIS matter because the letter quotes the CIty Attorney's Office as giving particular advice on another project. The CIty does comply with the Government Code. Staff investigated and found that the unit at issue was not OCCUpIed by a tenant of low or moderate mcome for one year or longer prior to the application being submitted; a declaration by the property owner to that effect IS on fde at City Hall. There is no indication that the tenant, more than one year prior, was a person of low or moderate income. The CIty thinks that person purchased a house in Seattle, W A when they moved. The City Attorney researched the matter, determined the statute didn't apply, and that's why the matter didn't come before the Commission. The City ~ PIce 10 . ~ of Seal BcIcb PWuuog ComuuBBIOI1 MInutes of May 8, 1996 . Attorney's Office takes that statute very seriously and does comply WIth It when necessary. In this case it was not necessary. Patty Campbell's De.parture Comments The Chair delivered her departure comments, thanking staff for their work over the last three years. She thanked the Commissioners and staff for their dedication to the City. NiYX Commissioner Law said that the Department of the Navy is being very neighborly and asked staff if they could continue working on the bike path along Seal Beach Boulevard? Mr. Whittenberg said the City Manager has been making telephone calls to the new base commander to discuss this and a number of issues. Vice Chairman Brown Chairperson Campbell mdicated CommiSSIoner Brown, the Commission's Vice Chairman, will take over as Chairman. Newly Appointed Commissioner The Chair said she hoped to appoint a new Planning Commissioner at the last City Council meeting in May. . ADJOURNMENT The Chair adjourned the meetIng at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, qD~~'-- Joan Fillmann Executive Secretary APPROVAL The Planning Commission Minutes of May 8, 1996 were approved by the Planning CommIssion on May 22, 1996. ~ '.