HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1996-06-05 , ... or~' . . . CITY OF SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION MlNUTES of JUNE 5, 1996 The City of Seal Beach Planmng CommIssIon met in regular seSSIon in City Council Chambers at 7:32 p.m. The Chair called the meeting to order wIth the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Brown CommiSSIOners Sharp, Law, Dahlman, Hood Also Present: Department of Development Services Lee WhIttenberg, DIrector Craig Steele, ASSistant City Attorney Barry CurtIS, ASSOCiate Planner Joan FIllmann, Executive Secretary INTRODUCTION OF COMl\1ISSIONER HOOD The Chair welcomed newly appointed Commissioner DaVid Hood. AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION by Dahlman; SECOND by Sharp to approve the Agenda as presented. APPROVED: A YES: 5-0-0 Dahlman, Sharp, Hood, Law, Brown ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral communicatIons from the audience. CONSENT CALENDAR MOTION by Dahlman; SECOND by Sharp to approve the Consent Calendar: 1. Approve Planmng CommISSion Minutes of May 22, 1996 APPROVED: A YES: ABSTAIN: 4-0-1 Dahlman, Sharp, Law, Brown Hood .. Page 2 - CIty of Seal Beach Plannmg ConU1l1SSI0Il MUlute. of June S. 1996 . PUBLIC HEARINGS . . 2. Condltlonal Use PermIt 95-1 Address: 1013 PacIfic Coast HIghway Business: PIetro's PIzza Property Owner: Jerome L. Moss Staff Rta>ort Mr. Curtis delivered the staff report. [The staff report is on file in the Planmng Department for reference]. The applicant, Charles SIckenger, requested an indefinite extension of a land use entitlement for an alcohol-related land use entltlement, WhICh allows the sale of beer and wme for on-premises consumption in conjunction WIth an existing restaurant. Actlon should be through the adoption of Resolution No 96-28. Commission Ouestions on Staff Report Commissioner Sharp asked for clarIfication on thIS reVIew. Mr. Curtls explamed thIS IS a review at one year for mdefimte extenSIOn. Chairman Brown asked If the CIty has any polIcy or precedent for operatlng hours for alcohol uses outside of Mam Street. Mr. Curtls saId no, the CommIssion has conSIdered each application indIVIdually. Public Hearing Bruce Sickenger * Owner. Pietro's PIzza Mr. Sickenger said he agrees WIth the staff report and It'S recommendatlon for approval of hIS application. Commissioner Dahlman asked for c1arIficatlon on who Jerome Moss is. Mr. WhIttenberg explained Mr. Moss is the owner of the entlre shopping center and Mr. Sickenger leases his restaurant space from him. There were no other persons wIshmg to speak for or agamst this apphcatlon and the Chair closed the Public Hearing. Commission Comments MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Law to approve Resolution No. 96-28, thus approvmg the indefimte extension of Condltlonal Use PermIt 95-1 MOTION CARRIED: A YES: 5-0-0 Sharp, Law, Brown, Dahlman, Hood Page 3 - City of Seal Bucb Plannmg C0I1UlllSSI0Il MUlule, of June~, 1996 . Director WhIttenberg expla10ed the Planmng CommissIon's action IS final and w1l1 start a ten calendar-day appeal penod effectIve tomorrow morning. STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Whittenberg indicated the City Attorney presented an updated Planmng Commissioner's Handbook for the edification of CommISSIoner Hood and copIes were prOVIded for the other Commissioners for theIr 1Oformation. COMMISSION CONCERNS CommIssioner Dahlman jokIngly asked if Dr. Brown were getting special treatment as hIS SIgnature is followed by "M.D." and Dr. Dahlman's SIgnature was never shown WIth hIS "M.D.II. Mr. Whittenberg expla10ed the "M D.ll shown follow1Og the Chair's name was 10 direct response to a request from the Chair Chairman Brown said he had gIven staff booklets outlImng the functions of a Planmng CommissIOn and felt these should be aVailable for the publ1c. Mr. WhIttenberg said he remembered receiving them but was not sure where they ended up. He thought they had been flied. The Chair said he thought he had addItIonal copIes and would look for them. . ADJOURNMENT The Chair adjourned the meetIng at 7.45 pm. Respectfully SubmItted: ~O~ Joan Fillmann Recording Secretary APPROVAL: The Planmng CommissIOn MInutes of June 5, 1996 were approved on July ~, 1996. ~ .