HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1996-10-23 . -- . . .. ~) CITY OF SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA OF OCTOBER 23, 1996 7 30 P M * City Council Chambers 211 Eighth Street, Seal Beach, CA Next ResolutIon. #96-38 I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. ROLL CALL III. AGENDA APPROVAL By MotIon of the Planmng CommIsSIOn, thIS IS the tIme to: (a) NotIfy the publIc of any changes to the agenda; (b) Rearrange the order of the agenda; and/or (c) ProvIde an opportumty for any member of the Planmng CommIsSIon, staff, or publIc to request an item be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate actIon. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS At thIS tIme, members of the publIc may address the Planmng CommIsSIon regardmg any Items wIthm the subject matter JUrISdICtIon of the Planmng CommIsSIon, provIded that NO actIOn or dISCUSSIon may be undertaken by the Planmng CommIssion unless otherWIse authOrIzed by law. V. CONSENT CALENDAR Items on the Consent Calendar are consIdered to be routIne and are enacted by one motIon unless prIor to enactment, a member of the Planmng CommIsSIon, staff or the publIc requests that a specIfic Item be removed from Consent Calendar for separate actIon 1. Approve Planmng CommIssIon Mmutes of October 9, 1996. The City of Seal Beach compile'l With the Americans With DI'lablhtle'l Act of 1990 If you need a'l'll'ltance to attend thiS meetmg, please telephone the City Clerk's Office at (310) 431-2527 at lea'lt 48 hours m advance of thiS meetmg .' . . .;. CITY OF SEAL BEACH PLANNlNG COMMISSION MINUTES of OCTOBER 23, 1996 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The City of Seal Beach Planning CommIssion met In regular session at 7:30 p.m. In CIty Council Chambers. The meetIng began wIth the Pledge of AllegIance to the flag ROLL CALL Present: VIce Chatrman Hood CommIssIoners Sharp, Law, Yost Also Present: Department of Development Services Cratg Steele, ASSIstant CIty Attorney Barry CurtIS, ASSOCIate Planner Absent. ChaIrman Brown Lee WhIttenberg, DIrector Joan FIllmann, ExecutIve Secretary Mr. CurtIs Indicated Chairman Brown had telephoned the Planmng Department to explaIn hIS absence tomght was work-related. AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Law to approve the Agenda as presented. MOTION CARRIED: A YES: ABSENT: 3-0-2 Sharp, Law, Hood Brown, Yo~t CommISSIoner Yost arnved. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral commumcatIons. CONSENT CALENDAR MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Law to arp."ove the Consent Calendar as presented: 1. Approve Planning Commission Minutes of October 9, 1996. MOTION CARRIED: A YES: ABSENT: 4-0-1 Sharp, Law, Hood, Yost Brown . . . n Page 2 - CIty of Seal Beacb P1anmng ( OllUlm"on MlOutL' for OLlahl r 9 1996 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Conditional Use Permit 96-2 12241 Seal Beach Boulevard * Parasol Restaurant Staff Report Mr. Curtis delivered the staff report. [Staff report on file m the Planmng Department for reference]. The applicant, Roy Hall, requested approval to amend the onginal ConditIOns of Approval for CondItIonal Use PermIt 87-13. SpeCIfically, the apphcant requested approval to serve beer and wine m an eXIstmg outdoor dmIng area at the Parasol restaurant. Staff recommended approval, subject to CondItIOns (if Approval, through the adoption of ResolutIon No. 96-_. Mr. Curtis noted the resolution had not been brought to this meetIng. CommISSIon OuestlOns on Staff Report CommissIOner Sharp asked If there was a condition that there be an attendant on duty outSIde? Mr. CurtIs saId that was CondItIon #23. CommissIOner Yost asked If the hours of operation would be changed? Mr. Curtis saId no. He explamed the pnor/exIsting conditions of approval remaIn In effect and a number of new, now- standard condItIons were added PublIc Heanng There were no persons WishIng to speak for or agaInst thiS apphcatlOn and the Vice Chatrman closed the Pubhc HearIng. CommISSIon Comments and DiSCUSSIOn CommIssioner Sharp said he agreed WJth staff, that the extenor gate to the outdoor dmmg area should be changed and felt condItIOn #28 should be Included. MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Law to approve Conditional Use Permit 96-2 subject to the Conditions of Approval as outlined in the staff report, including Condition #28. Before the vote, Mr. Steele noted the COmnllSSlOn does not have a ResolutIon m front of It to adopt tomght. It would be appropriate to direct staff to bnng the ResolutIOn to the CommISSIon at the next meetIng. MOTION CARRIED: A YES: ABSENT: 4-0-1 Sharp, Law, Yost, Hood Brown STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Steele mdIcated it would be appropnate to have a Motion to excuse Chairman Brown I . . . . Page 3 - CIty of SelII Beach Planmng l'OII1IllI~\IOn MlIIlIl,,~ for O..lobcl 9. 1996 MOTION by Sharp; SECOND by Hood to excuse Chairman Brown's absence at this meeting. MOTION CARRIED: A YES: ABSENT: 4-0-1 Sharp, Law, Yost, Hood Brown COMMISSION CONCERNS CommIssIoner Yost satd he had had one commUniCatIon regarding ZTA 96-8, an Issue Involving the Seal Beach Trader Park. He asked staff If the FIre Department had responded? Mr CurtIs said yes, he discussed the issue wIth the FIre Department yesterday and today and a memo is expected short! y . ADJOURNMENT At 7: 50 p.m. VIce ChaIrman Hood adjourned the meetIng to the regularly scheduled Planmng CommIssion meetIng of November 6, 1996. Respectfully SubmItted, ~. <400.- ) Joan Fillmann ExecutIve Secretary Development ServIces Department APPROV AL: The Planmng CommISSIon Mmutes of October 23, 1996 were approved on November _,1996._