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PC Min 1961-03-13
. SEAL BEA.CH PI.AlmniG COYl"ISSICI! Regulnr l:eeting !~rch 13th 1961 Uembers ~resent: Ra.y Boegor ll'.a.rl Fnine8 iU111aDl .!lorrison Ben Ra.pp Jnmos BElIlder Absent: Heme ChL\irm:m Booger onlled the DlOeting to ordpr a.t 7: 30. . The toll6'lTing tlembers ot tho Planning C017lDisaion wore a.ssigned to DleQt "7ith tho toIloring Sub-Committeo8 ot tho !raster Plan Committee. Bill "'orr1son--Boa.ch 5: lhrin::l. oom. Earl Rainos ---Boautitio~tian com. Bon Rapp ---Civio Centor oom. Ray Boeger ---Commerco &: Industry eOQ. Ja.mes Bondar --~QOreation oom. The Planning Commiasian will Q.ssist these Sub-Comadttaes in a.ttaining thoir goa.ls. Chn.irmn Boegor reportod OD the progross ot the J'astor Plan. liooting a.djourned: 9:4.5 SEAL ClI PI.dJING CO'l'MISSIOR /flM/--+.~ F. Bmfi).. . S~CRETARY .