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City Council Chambers
211 Elghth Street
Seal Beach, Callfornla
7'he Seal Beach Plal1llJ.ng COJllllUss~on meets ~n sess~on every f~rst and th~rd Wednesday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. If you w~sh to address the Comnuss~on on any parhcular publ~c hear~ng
....m, .Jle Cha~rman w~ll call for publ~c test~mony f~rst for thc.se ~n favor of the proJect,
and second, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker's pos~t~on ~n the
center of the room ~s unoccup~ed, step up to the mcrophone and when recogn~zed by the
Cha~rman, speak d~rectly ~nto the mcrOphone by f~rst stat~ng your name and address clearly
and d~st~nctly for the records. State your bus~ness as clearly and succ~nctly as poss~ble
and then wa~t a moment to see ~f the COJIIIIUss~oners have any quest~ons ~n regard to your
comments or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat
so that the next person may address the COJllllUss~on
If you w~sh to address the Comnuss~on on matters other than publ~c hear~ngs, the agenda
prov~des for that t~me when the Cha~rman asks for comments from the pubhc. Address the
Comnuss~on ~n the same manner as stated for publ~c hear~ngs, always stat~ng your name and
address f~rst
APRIL 4, 1984
Next Resolutlon # 1322
1. Pledge of Alleglance
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Mlnutes of March 21, 1984
4. PubllC Hearlngs:
A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 14-83 (Cont. from March 21, 1984) Resolutlon #1317
A request for approval of a Planned Slgn Program wlth a
47% helght devlatlon from the slgn code for a center
ldentlflcatlon slgn.
Sectlon: 28-1803
Appllcant: Coast Property Management
Owner: S. Mark Taper TR. c/o Seal Beach Center
B. ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT 1-84 Resolutlon #1321
A request to permlt Mlnor Helght Varlatlons of
Non-Habltable Archltectural Features to a maXlmum of
seven feet upon approval of a Mlnor Helght Varlatlon
Permlt by the Plannlna Commlsslon. after publlC
hearlng and wrltten notlce of hearlna to all property
owners wlthln 100 feet of the exterlor boundarles of
the property.
Envlronmental Revlew' Negatlve Declaratlon 3-84 has
been prepared In lleu of an Envlronmental I~pact Report.
Appllcant: Clty of Seal Beach
TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 83-1007 Resolutlon #1319 & 1320
A request to convert an eXlstlng duplex lnto two condo-
mlnlum unlts located on the west slde of 4th Street
approxlmately 55 feet south of the centerllne of Central
Way (132 4th Street).
Sectlon: 28-700(3)b
Appllcant: John James & Joan Carole Kllsanln
Owners: Same
Archltectural Revlew of a proposed two-story cabana located at 69
Rlversea Road.
Appllcant: John Jacobs
6. Commlsslon Requests
7. Oral Communlcatlons
B. Commlsslon Communlcatlons
9. Report from Secretary
10. AdJournment
The Planning Cannission met In regular seSSlon on Wednesday, Apn1 4,
1984 ln the Councl1 Chambers of the Clty Adminlstration BU11ding.
The meetIng was called to order at 7:42 p.m. by Chauman Goldenberg
and the pledge to the flag was led by CannlSSloner Covington.
Chauman Goldenberg
Carmlssloners Jessner, Covlngton
Perrln (Letter received from Com. Perrin requestlng
hlS absence be excused In March and Aprl1, 1984 due
to dutles as volunteer fireflghter. Jessner moved to
accept request for excused absence, Covlngton seconded,
motion unanlmous1y passed.
Murphy (Reslgnatlon recelved by Clty Clerk)
Also present: John Baucke, Pnncipa1 Planner
The fo11owlng correctlons were made to the above referenced minutes:
Page 2: Third paragraph, thud sentence, delete the word "two" which
precedes condomlniums.
Slxth paragraph, 4th l1ne, correct spe111ng of "separate."
Page 3: Fourth paragraph, thud lIne, change the first "they" to "that."
Flfth paragraph, last line, delete last two words "to offer."
Page 4: Fust paragraph, second sentence should read "The Conmlsslon
then asked and Mr. Heldennch agreed to resuani t as so ordered
by the Chauman, a Planned Slgn Program showlng where the
proposed new slgns would be, ldentlfYlng materials, colors,
free standlng dlmenslons or speclflcatlons for the entlre
Safeway Shopplng Center."
Page 5: Fourth paragraph from the bottom, add last l1ne to read "Chauman
so moved by mlnute order."
This public hearing was continued from March 21, 1984 P1annlng Cammlsslon
meetIng. As no new proposal for a planned sign program for the Seal
Beach Center had been subrmtted to staff, the recomnendatlon was to
continue this item.
Planning Commission Minutes of April 4, 1984
Page 2
COrmlissioner Covington moved to cont1nue CUP 14-83, Jessner seconds.
Goldenberg, Covington, Jessner
Motion Carr ied
Th1S 1S a request to perm1t M1nor He1ght Variations of Non-Hab1tab1e
Arch1tectura1 Features to a maximum of seven feet upon approval of
a Mmor He1ght Variat10n Perm1t by the P1anmng Comniss1on. Staff
presented report 1nd1cating th1S amendment estab11shes sPeCific gu1de1ines
and deta11s to the section of the code dealing W1th bU11d1ng height
limits. It also allows for a sPeC1f1C process for the P1ann1ng Camm1ss1on
to consider each app11cat1on for M1nor Dev1at1ons for Non-Habitable
Arch1tectura1 features.
Discuss10n ensued between the Comnissioners. Mr. Covington stated
that as long as each request carnes before the P1ann1ng Comnission so
that 1 t may be judged on 1 ts own men ts, the Comn1ss1on could protect
1tse1f aga1nst conversion to hab1tab1e space. Mr. Baucke stated that
th1S amendment would not 1mpaCt cabana 1ssue because that area 1S zoned
for spec1fic requirements. He also pointed out that the 7 ft. max1mum
height lim1 t referred to seven feet above the height hmi t for each
area - could not exceed 42 ft. (35 ft. + 7 ft) as the 35 ft. he1ght
1S the maximum he1ght allowable for certain areas of the City. Camm1ssioner
Covmgton asked if not1ce to property owners w1th1n 100 ft. was the
norm, rather than 300 ft. as has been used in the past. Mr. Baucke
stated that for m1nor apphcat1ons, to notice property owners wi th1n
100 ft. 1S the norm.
Public heanng opened.
M1tZ1 Morton, 153 13th Street was in favor of the proposal but questioned
the 1mpaCt of CB radio antennas 1nterfer1ng with television reception.
Jern West, 1201 E1ectnc Avenue, preferred a shorter height maXlmum
of 4 ft. rather than 7 ft. so as not to encourage habitable structures.
She also 1nd1cated that Hunt1ngton Beach notices property owners wi thm
a 300 ft. radlUs and was opposed to the 20 ft. he1ght except'lons for
ch1mneys, etc.
Pete Arnold, 1613 Seal Way, spoke m favor of amendment. He felt this
would give creat1vity to arch1tectural des1gn and the process of camng
before the Camm1ss1on would take care of the poss1bil1ty of convert1ng
to habitable space. He also felt that most PeOple know when construction
1S tak1ng place 1n the1r area and could therefore attend the hear1ngs,
so the need to not1ce w1th1n 300 ft. was negated.
Publ1C hear1ng closed.
Comn1ss1oners d1scuSSed 20 ft. and 7 ft. height restrictions. Jay
Covington reconmended to cont1nue th1S pubhc heanng unt1l the next
meet1ng when staff has the opportunity to respond to the Commission's
comments and input from the pubhc heanng. Comm1ss1oner Jessner seconds.
Planning Commission Minutes of April 4, 1984
Page 3
Goldenberg, CovIngton, Jessner
Motion Carried
CUP 6-84
Request by John K1lsanln for converting an eXIstIng duplex into two
condaninl\m\ units located at 132 4th Street.
Staff report presented by Mr. Baucke. Approval of the tentatIve parcel
map was recomnended subject to review of the CC&R' s by the City Attorney,
InstallatIon of one tree well In parkway strIp, IncludIng tree, and
InstallatIon of separate water meters for each condamlnl\m\ unIt.
Recess - 8:54 p.m.
Reconvene 8:57 p.m.
Public hearIng opened and closed as no one spoke In favor nor In OPPOsItIon
to the request.
Res. #1319
CommIssIoner Jessner moved to approve CUP-6-84, Covington seconds.
GOldenberg, Jessner, COVIngton
Motion Carried
Res. #13213
Mr. Goldenberg recomnended a fourth condItIon be added to the resolutIon
statIng "All I terns noted as a result of full house inspection be complied
WIth to the satIsfactIon of the BuildIng Department prior to fInal
parcel map approval. CommIssIoner Jessner moved to approve Res. #13213
WIth the addItion of Item #4, second by Mr. Covington.
Goldenberg, Jessner, COVIngton
Motion Carned
Request was for an archItectural review of a proposed two-story cabana
located at 69 Riversea Road. Recommendation by staff was to revise
floor plans to show required spnnk1er system and that the CommIssIon
examine the request for conformance to issues raIsed by the CommISSIon
In prevIous reVIews.
Mr. Covington InquIred as to the stIpulatIon "no two-story cabanas
WIthIn twenty feet of a proposed structure. It was his feeling that
the heanng regarding thIS Item determined the reference was to "every
other lot" rather than "WI thIn twenty feet". Mr. Covington asked that
the CommISSIon be given the mInutes WhIch reflected that hearing.
He further asked that staff, separate from thIS issue, take whatever
steps are necessary to prOVIde the opportunity to correct the text
so that It does agree WIth what was the CommIssion's clear Intent,
as a consequence of the publIc heanng that two-story cabanas may be
built on every other lot.
Planning Commission Minutes of April 4, 1984
Page 4
Jay Covington asked that this revIew be continued untIl the avaIlability
of the InformatIon requested from the applIcant and that InformatIon
requested from the mInutes to reconcIle the condItIon wIth regard to
"every other lot". The CommissIon agreed and it was so ordered by
the Chairman to contInue thIs review.
John Jacobs, 69 Rlversea Road, stated that he was unaware of the need
to put sprinkler system on the plans. He felt that would have been
noted on the Building PermIt. He asked why his cabana proposal dId
not pass when the preVIOUS request for Dean Scheele passed. CovIngton
stated there was another applicatIon for a cabana that was put on hold
until InformatIon from a meetIng of the CIty Manager, CIty Attorney
and the State were receIved whIch IS intended to clarIfy certaIn POInts.
Jessner stated that the preVIOUS application for a cabana had less
square footage than the traIler. Commissioner Goldenberg stated that
the defInItion of a cabana IS what IS In question and until informatIon
was received to clarIfy that issue, In the Interests of faIrness, no
applicatIons would be approved
CamnIssioner Covington IndIcated that requIring in lIeu park fees
for conversion of rental units into condomInIums mIght be one way that
the CIty could monitor and control the number of converSIon of rental
unIts into condanImums. Camllssion agreed with request. Jay asked
that a staff report be prepared WIth the possibilIty of holdIng more
than one public hearIng for reVIew of thIS request. Jessner mentioned
study done by preVIOUS planner whICh Indicated there were only small
amount of rental units that could be legally converted to condomlUms.
Mr. Covington further mentIoned poSSIbIlIty of condomimum converSIon
fee mIght be researched.
James Murphy tendered hIS reSIgnatIon to the City Clerk. Mr. Goldenberg
asked that a resolution be done ShOWIng gratifIcatIon for hard word
done by Camnisloner Murphy.
9:5~ p.m.
..s:4 "t'. -;;u.~~
RecordIng Secretary
1461 Pelham Rd., Apt. #132-~
Seal Beach, CA 90740
}Viarch 27, 1984
!v'jrs. Joanne T.;. Yeo, CIty 81e~k
CIty Hall
211 ~lghth ~treet
Seal Beach, CA 90740
Dear ~\~rs. Yeo:
I a~ sorry to Inform you I ~ust resIgn from tLe PlannIng
ComMIsSIon of t~e CIty of 3eal Beach.
'ly \Ilie and I have pur~lJ.ased a hOlT'e In LeIsure :!orId laguTI3.
HIlls. ~e wIll be novlng there In ~prll.
I have enJoyed my short tenure on the PlannIng CO~~lSSlon. y
thanks go to Chalrma~ GoldenberG, ~odd PerrIn, Jay COVlneton ana
Ron Jessner for theIr asslst~nce and gUIdance.
I would also lIke to thank frlnclpal Planner Jotn 3auKe, Clt~T
3nglneer Gary Johnson 8nd CoullcJlman CscaI 3rownell for tlJ.elr
fIne help.
sA. T':urp:1Y
cc: ITl~e Goldenberg
Oscar Bro'AJnell
::t-. S. l:y new address 'tllll be:
James .4.. T1urphy
666B VIa los Altos
LaGuna EllIs, CA 92653