HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1984-07-18 SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA City Council Chambers 211 Eighth Street Seal Beach. California ~~.. , Seal Beach Pla~ng Comnussion meets in session every first and th~rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. If you w~sh to address the Comm~ssion on any part~cular publ~c hear~ng ~tem, the Cha~rman w~ll call for y__lic ~~S~_ ..y .__st for those in favor of the proJect, and second, for those who are not in favor. When you see that the speaker's posltlon ~n the center of the room lS unoccupled, step up to the mJ.crophone and when recognlzed by the Chalrman, speak directly into the mJ.crophone by flrst statlng your name and address clearly and distinctly for the records. State your buslness as clearly and succlnctly as posslble and then walt a moment to see lf the Commiss~oners have any questlons In regard to your comments or questlons. If there are no other questlons or comments, return to your s~at so that the next person may address the CO~SSlon. If you wlsh to address the Comnussion on matters other than public hearlngs, the agenda provldes for that tlme when the Chalrman asks for comments from the publlc. Address the Comnusslon in the same manner as stated for public hearlngs, always stat~ng your name and address f~rst. July 18, 1984 Next Resolutlon #1333 \. 1. Pledge of Alleglance 2. Roll Call. v.c 2./4.. No-"",~:":t"'s .F C+-iAct-.~.J ~I Ct>),--.-r--~ . . 3. Approval of Mlnutes of June 20, 1984. 4. Pub11C Hearlngs: A. Mlnor Hel~ht Varlatlon Permlt 2-84 101 Maln Street Reso1utlon #1332 A request to allow a non-habltab1e archltectural cupola to devlate 4-feet from the 3D-foot helght llmlt. Sectlon: App" cant: Owner: 28-2317 James Watson Same 5. Commlsslon Requests 6. Oral Communlcatlons 7. Commlsslon Communlcatlons 8. Report from Secretary 9. AdJournment <. . . . MINUTES OF THE SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION ~EETING OF JULY 18, 1984 The Plannlng Commlsslon met In regular seSSlon on Wednesday, July 18, 1984 In the Councll Chambers of the Clty Admlnlstratlon BUlldlng. The meetlng was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chalrman Goldenberg and the pled~e of alleglance was led by Vlce Chalrman Jessner. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Also Present: Chalrman Goldenberg Commlssloners Hunt, Covlngton, Jessner Commlssloner Perrln John Baucke, Prlnclpal Planner PLANNING COMMISSION REORGANIZATION Chalrman a~ended the agenda to take lnto conslderatlon reorganlzatlon of the Plannlng Commlsslon. Commlssloner Covlngton nomlnated Ron Jessner as chalrl1e.n of the Plannlng Commlsslon for the year July, 1984 to July, 1985. No other nomlnatlons were glven; therefore, nomlnatlons were closed. COlllmlSS10ner Hunt seconds the nOmlnatlon. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Covlngton, Goldenberg, Hunt, Jessner None Perrln Motlon Carrled Mr. Goldenberg nomlnated Jay Covlngton for Vlce Chalrman of the Plannlng Commlsslon for July, 1984 to July, 1985. As no other names were suggested, nomlnatlons were closed. Jessner seconds the nomlnatlon. AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Goldenberg, Jessner, Hunt None Covlngton Perrln Motlon Carrled Mr. Jessner then assumed the chalr and thanked the Commlsslon for thelr support, and thanked Mr. Goldenberg for the excellent Job he has done as Plannlng Commlsslon Chalrlllan. COMMISSIO~ ~INUTES OF JUNE 20, 1984 Mr. Goldenberg moved to accept the mlnutes as presented; Covlneton seconds: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Goldenberg, Hunt None Covlngton, Jessner Perrln ~10tlon Carrl ed PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Mlnor Helght Varlatlon Permlt 2-84 Request was to allow a non-habltable archltectural copper cupola WhlCh would extend 4 feet about the 3D-foot helght llmlt. . . . Plannlng Commlsslon Mlnutes - July 18, 1984 Page Two Staff report presented lndlcatlng background of property and POllCY for mlnor helght varlatlons. Recommendatlon was to approve the Mlnor Helght Varlatlon permlt 2-84. PubllC hearlng opened. Mr. Jlm Watson, 101 ~aln Street, SUlte A, explalned hlS request. Stated the cupola lS 4-5 ft. In dlameter and would be approxlmately 8 feet hlgh, 4 feet over the 3D-foot helght llnllt. The dome would provlde wlndow llght above ~ second-story addltlon between two eXlstlng offlces whlch wlll be used as a lobby. It wlll house an antlque chandeller and provlde archltectural detall to the bUlldlng. Co,nmlssloner Covlngton dlscussed wlndow cleanlng, double-panlng wlndows, need for glass to sustaln dlrect hoslng wlthout breakage wlth Mr. Watson. As no one spoke In Opposltlon, publlC hearlng closed. Resolutlon #1332 Covlngton moved to adopt Resolutlon 1332 approvlng Mlnor Helght Varlatlon Permlt 2-84, Goldenberg seconds. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Goldenberg, Covlngton, Jessner, Hunt None Perrln Motlon Carrled ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Commlssloner Covlngton asked status of State Lands Parcel. Staff replled that a prellmlnary submlttal from the orlglnal developer has been recelved. An envlronmental document wlll be prepared and as soon as lt lS recelved a publlC hearlng wlll be set. The proJect lS for one-story strlp co~merclal bUlldlngs deslgned In spanlsh medlterranean style wlth approprlate requlred parklng. The proJect does comply wlth speclflc plan In that retall uses are acceptable even though a hotel lS not belng proposed In conJunctlon. The envlronmental document wlll come before the Plannlng Commlssloni the Preclse Plan would come before elther the Councll or Redevelopment Agency. Respondlng to questlon by Covlngton, lf the ComRlsslon has obJectlons to the proJect as proposed, they should express those obJectlons to Councll. Mr. CovlnBton askea that a copy of the Speclflc Plan, approved In September, 1983 for the State Lands Parcel be provlded to the Commlsslon. Commlsslon further dlscussed lllegal dumplng occurrlng on that slte. They requested that staff send letter to State asklng for cleanup of the slte or relmbursement to Clty for Clty forces performlng the work. Meetlng adJourned at 8:05 p.m. ~~~~. Recordlne ecretary