HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1984-09-05 SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA City Council Chambers 211 Elghth Street Seal Beach. Callfornla !'he Seal Beach Planrung COlI/IIIJ.ss~on meets ~n sess~on every f~rst and th~rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p m. If you w~sh to address the COmRUss~on on any part~cular publ~c hear~ng ~tem, the Cha~rman w~ll call for publ;~ te~~4.non~ ~~rs~ ;or ~:~~~ 4. ia\or of ~he ~.vJect, and second, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker I s poSl tlon ~n the center of the room ~s unoccup~ed, step up to the llUcrophone and when recognlzed by the Cha~rman, speak d~rectly ~nto the DUcrophone by f~rst stat~ng your name and address clearly and d~st~nctly for the records. State your bus~ness as clearly and succ~nctly as poss~ble and then wa~t a moment to see ~f the COmRUss~oners have any quest~ons ~n regard to your comments or quesbons. If there are no other quest~ons or COllIIIents, return to your seat so that the next person may address the COmRUss~on .. If you w~sh to address the COlIDIUss~on on matters other than publ~c hear~ngs, the agenda prov~des for that t~me when the Chalrman asks for comments from the publlC Address the COlI/IIIJ.ss~on ~n the same manner as stated for publlc hear~ngs, always statlng your name and address f~rst. e 5. 6. 7. e 8. 9. 10. 11. SEPTEMBER 5. 1984 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL NEXT RESOLUTION #1341 \ 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 15. 1984 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Varlance 3-84 John & Mary Szcerban 1105 & 1107 Seal Way Resolutlon 11318 A request for a maJor addltlon to two legal non- conformlng duplexes, wlthout provldlng the requlred Slze, type and form of parklng (Cont. from August 15, 1984) Appllcant: John & Mary Loulse Szcerban Property Owner: Same B. Resolutlon #1337 A request for off-sale beer and Wlne In conJunctlon wlth an eXlstlng convenlence store (Cont. from August 15, 1984) Appllcant: The Southand Corporatlon Property Owner: Slgnal Realty Company C. Varlance 9-84 Charles H. Burroughs 225 Maln Street Resolutlon #1340 A request to convert a portlon of an eXlstlng furnlture store lnto a dell/restaurant wlthout provldlng all the requlred parklng. Appllcant: Charles H. Burroughs Property Owner: Charles H. & Vlrglnla Burroughs ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 4-84 62 Rlversea Road Appllcant: Steven Cook RESOLUTION NO. 1335 - A Resolutlon honorlng James Murphy for hlS dedlcated serVlce to the Clty of Seal Beach as member of the Plannlng Commlsslon. COMMISSION REQUESTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS REPORT FROM SECRETARY ADJOURNMENT e e . PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1984 The Seal Beach Plann~ng Comm~ss~on met ~n regular sess~on at 7:37 p.m. w~th Cha~rman Jessner call~ng the meet~ng to order. Comm~ss~oner Hunt lead the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Present: Cha~rman Jessner Comm~ss~oners Cov~ngton, Goldenberg, Hunt, Perr~n Absent: None Also Present: John Baucke, D~rector of Development Serv~ces APPROVAL OF MINUTES Goldenberg moved, second by Hunt, to approve the m~nutes of the August 15, 1984 regular meet~ng. AYES: NOES: Cov~ngton, Goldenberg, Hunt, Jessner, Perr~n None Mot~on Carr~ed PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE 3-84 - 1105 & 1107 OCEAN AVENUE - SZCERBAN The Comm~ss~on Secretary, Mr. Baucke, ~nd~cated that rev~sed plans had been rece~ved after Comm~ss~on's packets had been del~vered and that those rev~sed plans d~d not meet the requ~rements of staff and Comm~ss~oners; therefore, a cont~nuance unt~l the September 19th meet~ng was requested. Comm~ss~oner Perr~n expressed concern that var~ance would automat~cally be granted, s~nce request may have been cont~nued for one year. Staff ~nd~cated that var~ance request ~tself was less than one year. Mr. Jessner stated that on the prev~ous meet~ng, spec~f~cs were g~ven to the appl~cant as to what was requ~red to have the var~ance approved, therefore, he was ~n favor of not cont~nu~ng th~s hear~ng after September 19th. It was the concensus of the Comm~ss~on and so ordered by Cha~rman, that staff ~nd~cate to appl~cant that no further cont~nuat~ons of th~s publ~c hear~ng on Var~ance 3-84 be held after September 19, 1984. PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 14-84 - THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION (7-11) Mr. Baucke requested cont~nuat~on of CUP 14-84 to the September 19th meet~ng to allow Ch~ef of Pol~ce add~t~onal t~me for research. It was the concensus of the Comm~ss~on and so ordered by the Cha~rman to cont~nue publ~c hear~ng unt~l September 19, 1984. PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE 9-84 - 225 MAIN STREET - BURROUGHS Mr. Baucke presented staff report for a request to convert a port~on of an ex~st~ng furn~ture store ~nto a del~/restaurant w~thout prov~d~ng all the requ~red park~ng by f~ve spaces. The results of the study by the C~ty concern~ng park~ng on Ma~n Street and ~ts relat~onsh~p to the rev~tal~zat~on of Old Town, ~nd~cated a des~re for greater flex~b~l~ty ~n present park~ng requ~rements, ~nclud~ng allowance for on-s~te/off-s~te prov~s~ons and ~n-l~eu fee programs. Staff ~nd~cated that th~s part~cular appl~cat~on ~s un~que s~nce ~t ~s no more than the relocat~on of an ex~st~ng operat~on e e . Plann~ng Comm~ss~on Meet~ng of 9/5/84 Page 2 from the 100 block to the 200 block, therefore, the actual park~ng demand for Ma~n Street ~s not expected to ~ncrease, and ~n fact, may ~mprove due to the lower park~ng demands on the 200 block as compared to the 100 block of Ma~n Street. Recommendat~on was for approval of Var~ance 9-84 w~th the cond~t~on that appl~cant prov~de an agreement to part~c~pate ~n an ~n-l~eu park~ng program or any other program the Counc~l may establ~sh for park~ng ~n Old Town area to the amount equal to the prov~s~on of f~ve spaces, as approved by C~ty Attorney. Act~on would be by adopt~on of Resolut~on No. 1340. Cha~rman Jessner declared publ~c hear~ng open. Mr. Chuck Burroughs, appl~cant, 217 Ma~n Street, ~nd~cated he had been a merchant on Ma~n Street for 15 years. Four years ago he had developed the nursery on Ma~n Street and now w~shed to complement that w~th a del~/restaurant. Comm~ss~oner Goldenberg expressed concern that number of bathrooms were ~nadequate. Mr. N~ck Zamp~no, del~ operator, stated that the requ~rement by the Orange County Health Department ~s for one (1) bathroom, but actually three bathrooms w~ll be on the ent~re s~te. Mr. Goldenberg requested that staff prov~de a copy of the Orange County Health Department regulat~on wh~ch states that one bathroom ~s adequate for the proposed s~te. No other persons spoke ~n favor nor ~n oppos~t~on to the var~ance. Comm~ss~oner Perr~n ~nd~cated he had rece~ved a letter ~n support of appl~cant from Peggy Murphy of 2l8-2l8! Ma~n Street, stat~ng that the proposed del~/restaurant would be an ex~c~t~ng add~t~on to the 200 block of Ma~n Street. Mr. Baucke stated he rece~ved wr~tten commun~cat~on from M. S~ll of 211 10th Street, oppos~ng the var~ance due to ~nadequate parking. Mr. Jessner declared the publ~c hear~ng closed. After d~scuss~on, Cov~ngton requested an add~tion to f~rst cond~t~on to state "or ~f not establ~shed by C~ty Counc~l, a park~ng agreement equal to f~ve spaces be prov~ded, as approved by C~ty Attorney. Goldenberg, w~th concensus of Comm~ss~on, requested a second cond~t~on wh~ch stated: "That the appl~cant prov~de adequate bathroom fac~l~t~es as requ~red by Orange County Health Department and Un~form Bu~ld~ng Code and as spec~f~ed by appl~cant." Perr~n moved, second by Cov~ngton, to approve amended Resolut~on Number 1340 ent~tled "A RESOLUTION OF THE SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING VARIANCE 9-84, A REQUEST TO CONVERT A PORTION OF AN EXISTING FURNITURE STORE INTO A DELI/RESTAURANT WITHOUT PROVIDING ALL THE REQUIRED PARKING." AYES: NOES: Cov~ngton, Goldenberg, Hunt, Jessner, Perr~n None Mot~on Carr~ed ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW AR 4-84, 62 RIVERSEA ROAD, STEVEN COOK Mr. Baucke ~nd~cated appl~cat~on for two-story cabana met all requ~rements as ~nd~cated ~n staff report and that proposed use of wood and stucco of earthtone and pastel colors on exter~or walls ~s ~n accordance w~th des~gn gu~del~nes for cabanas. Staff recommendat~on was for approval P1ann~ng Comm~ss~on Meet~ng of 9/5/84 Page 3 4It w~th the cond~t~on that: 1) the rough-sawn wood tr~m be redes~gned ~n a more aesthet~c manner as approved by C~ty staff. Steven Cook, app1~cant, was ava~lab1e to answer quest~ons for Comm~ss~on. He ~nd~cated that the gas bar be que was portable, that he was aware of need for spr~nk1er system and eng~neer~ng ca1cs would ~nc1ude a spr~nk1er system when ready for subm~tta1. He further ~nd~cated that there would be 1andscap~ng around the cabana. It was the concensus of the Comm~ss~on, and so ordered by Cha~rman, to approve the arch~tectura1 rev~ew as subm~tted, w~th the fo110w~ng vote (Comm~ss~oner Perr~n ~nd~cated that he would oppose as he was opposed ~n pr~nc~pa1 to two-story cabanas): AYES: NOES: Cov~ngton, Goldenberg, Hunt, Jessner Perr~n Mot~on Carr~ed RESOLUTION NO. 1335 - A RESOLUTION HONORING JAMES MURPHY FOR HIS DEDICATED SERVICE TO THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH AS A MEMBER OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION Cov~ngton moved, second by Goldenberg, to approve reso1ut~on, and to back date to t~me of Mr. Murphy's departure. AYES: NOES: Cov~ngton, Goldenberg, Hunt, Jessner, Perr~n None Mot~on Carr~ed e COMMISSION REQUESTS Mr. Cov~ngton requested Comm~s~oners to send commun~cat~ons to elected off~c~a1s asking they ~nqu~re to State Lands Comm~ss~on on the bas~s that the Comm~ss~n cont~nues to honor and extend an agreement entered ~nto ~n 1977 w~th a developer for the s~te, a developer who has shown no concrete ev~dence of go~ng forward. D~scuss~on ensued; Comm~ss~oner Cov~ngton ~nd~cated he would draft commun~cat~on for Comm~ss~on's next meet~ng. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no commun~cat~ons. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Goldenberg ~nd~cated that he would be absent from the next Comm~ss~on meet~ng. REPORT FROM SECRETARY Mr. Baucke presented render~ngs to the Comm~ss~on for a hotel development on the "Grow~n' My Way" s~te. He ~nd~cated ~t fell w~th~n all ex~st~ng regu1at~ons. Comm~ss~on fully d~scussed proposal w~th regard to arch~tectura1 treatment, types of construct~on mater~a1s, des~gn of hotel. ADJOURNMENT It was the order of the Cha~r, w~th consent of Comm~ss~on, to adJourn the meet~ng at 9:02 p.m. -