HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1984-10-17
City Councll Chambers
211 Elghth Street
Seal Beach, Ca11fornla
The Seal Beach PlalllUng COlllllUss~on meets ~n sess~on every f~rst and th~rd Wednesday of each
month at 7.30 pm. If you w~sh to address the Comm~ss~on on any part~cular publ~c hear~ng
~tem, the Cha~rman w~ll call fc._ publ.H: test~mony f~rst for those _n fa.~,-- - _n.... J _ ,
and second, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker' s pos~ t~on ~n the
center of the room ~s unoccup~ed, step up to the mcrophone and when recogn~zed by the
Cha~rman, speak d~rectly ~nto the mcrophone by f~rst stat~ng your name and address clearly
and d~st~nctly for the records State your bus~ness as clearly and succ~nctly as poss~ble
and then wa~t a moment to see ~f the Comm~ss~oners have any quest~ons ~n regard to your
comments or quest~ons If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat
so that the next person may address the COlllllUss~on
If you w~sh to address the COlllllUss~on on matters other than publ~c hear~ngs, the agenda
prov~des for that t~me when the Cha~rman asks for comments from the publ~c Address the
COlllllUss~on ~n the same manner as stated for publ~c hear~ngs, always stat~ng your name and
address f~rst.
OCTOBER 17, 1984
Pledge of Alleglance
2. Roll Call
3 Approval of Mlnutes of October 3, 1984
4 Study SeSSlons.
A. Code amendment on addltlons &
modlflcatlons to legal non-
conformlng bUlldlngs
B. Code amendment on slgn requlrements
. 5 Commlsslon Requests
6 Oral Communlcatlons
7. Commlsslon Communlcatlons
8 Report from Secretary
9 AdJournment
OCTOBER 17, 1984
The Seal Beach Plannlng Commlsslon met In regular seSSlon at 7:34 p.m.
wlth Chalrman Jessner call1ng the meetlng to order. Commlssloner Covlngton
lead the Salute to the Flag.
Chalrman Jessner
Commlssloners Covlngton, Goldenberg, Hunt, Perrln
Also Present:
John Baucke, Dlrector of Development Servlces
Covlngton corrected votlng record on page 2 of mlnutes, under Resolutlon
#1337, to read: "Not Votlng: Goldenberg", lnstead of "ABSTAINING: Goldenberg"
Goldenberg moved, second by Covlngton to approve the mlnutes as of the
October 3, 1984 regular meetlng as corrected.
Covlngton, Goldenberg, Hunt, Jessner, Perrln
None Motlon Carrled
A. Code Amendment on addltlons and modlflcatlons to legal non-conformlng
The Commlsslon Secretary, Mr. Baucke, requested Commlssloners relocate
to study tables. Staff report presented hlstory on nonconformlng bUlldlngs
wlthln the Clty. It was lndlcated that most resldences In the coastal
dlstrlct constructed prlor to 1978, especlally multlple unlts, are nonconformlng.
The present zonlng regulatlons do not allow any addltlon or expanSlon
to nonconformlng bUlldlngs unless the bUlldlng lS made conformlng and
the requlred parklng lS provlded. In 1978, the Clty adopted a number
of POllCY changes whlch resulted In downzonlng to approxlmately 20 unlts
per acre, ellmlnated tandemparklng and ellmlnated the CUP procedure for
expanSlon to nonconformlng bUlldlngs. In 1982 another POllCY change allowed
small addltlons to nonconformlng bUlldlngs thru the CUP procedure. In
1983 the nonconformlnB prOV1Slon to the Code was agaln amended to allow
addltlons to legal nonconformlng bUlldlngs thru the CUP process, provlded
all parklng requlrements are met.
Current proposal would provlde for addltlons and structural modlflcatlons
to nonconformlng structures on a case-by-case basls thru the CUP process
and requlrlng the followlng ltems to accompany appllcatlons:
1) a property report, and 2) a full house lnspectlon.
A full house lnspectlon would cost the appllcant .0675~ per s~uare foot
(approxl~~tely $200). The ~rope~ty~report would be a no cost lte~ to the
appllcant as staff would do the resei3.rch. The tltle report 'oJould be apprOXl-
mately $60.
P1ann1ng Comm1ss1on Meet1ng of 10/17/84
Page 2
Staff recommended that 1n add1t1on to requ1r1ng the property report and full house
1nspection and a110w1ng P1ann1ng Comm1ss1on to requ1re any substandard work found
1n that inspection to be corrected as part of the condit1ons of approval, that the
fo110w1ng 1tems be considered by CUP process without the requ1red parking:
1. Open roof deck
2. Ba1con1es (not enclosed)
3. Add1t1ona1 garages, carports, Wh1Ch 1ncrease the amount of park1ng.
4. Interior wall mod1fications for bathrooms, closet or entry areas, laundry
rooms or storage rooms
5. Porches (not enclosed)
6. Sky11ghts, solar systems, etc. (added after d1Scuss1on by Commissioners)
Staff further recommended that the following structural mod1ficat1ons be perm1tted
by the CUP process only 1f the required number and type of park1ng 1S provided:
1. Balcony enclosures
2. Porch enclosures
3. Add1t1ona1 rooms (excluding bedrooms, k1tchens, bathrooms)
4. Reduct10n of number of units (added after discuss10n by Commissioners)
5. Other modifications deemed by staff to be appropriate (added by Commiss1oners
after d1Scuss1on).
Comm1ssioner Goldenberg asked that full house inspect10n be de11vered to the Commis-
S10ners along w1th a staff report. He further recommended a time 1im1t for cOMp1et1on
of all mod1ficat1ons (staff to address th1S as a separate item).
Study seSS10n recessed at 9:00 p.m., w1th Commiss1oner Goldenberg excusing himself
from rema1nder of study seSS1on. Meeting reconvened at 9:12 p.m.
B. Code Amendment on S1gn Requirements
Staff report 1nd1cated that a presentation had been made of the Downtown Rev1ta11-
zat10n Task Force's recommendations to the City Council at its 9/17/84 meeting.
1n Wh1Ch, after the presentation, the Council directed staff to estab11sh a work
program and take those steps to 1mp1ement the task force recommendations. Upon
the Counc11's recommendat1on, staff made a s11de presentation to the Comm1ssion
about the "s19n b11ght" noted by the task force, then staff presented 1tS proposed
changes. Monument type signs were recommended for shopping centers, w1th a maX1mum
number g1ven, along w1th maximum height, colors, materials, etc. Detailed recom-
mendat10ns were presented for service stat10n w1th regard to types of s1gns allowed,
maX1mum number, maX1mum he1ght, etc.
Comm1ssioner Covington suggested that after study session, that a pub11C hear1nq
be held to Wh1Ch all shopp1ng center landlords be 1nv1ted.
Commiss1oner Cov1ngton read a draft letter to the State Lands Comm1ss1on regarding
their parcel on Pacific Coast Highway. It was determ1ned that staff would present
to C1ty Manager for his reV1ew and send to State Lands Commission.
Plannlng CommlSSlon Meetlng of 10/17/84
Page 3
There were no oral communlcatlons.
There were no Commlsslon communlcatlons.
There were no further reports from Mr. Baucke.
It was the order of the Chalr, wlth consent of the Commlsslon, to adJourn
the meetlng at 10:05 p.m.