HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1985-03-20
C,ty Council Chambers
211 E,ghth Street
Seal Beach. Cal,forn,a
2'he Seal Beach Planrung COll/l1lJ.ss~on meets ~n sess~on every f~rst and th~rd Wednesday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. If you w~sh to address the Comm~ss~on on any part~cular publ~c hear~ng
~tem, the Cha~rman w~ll call for publ~c test~mony f~rst for those ~n favor of the proJect,
and second, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker' s pos~ Uon ~n the
center of the room ~s unoccup~ed, step up to the l/JJ.crophone and when recogn~zed by the
Cha~rman, speak d~rectly ~nto the l/JJ.crophone by f~rst stat~ng your name and address clearly
and d~st~nctly for the records. State your bus~ness as clearly and succ~nctly as poss~ble
and then w,u t a moment to see ~f the COllIIIIJ.ss~oners have any quest~ons ~n regard to your
comments or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat
so that the next person may address the COllIIIIJ.ss~on.
If you w~sh to address the COllDlUss~on on matters other than publ~c hear~ngs, the agenda
prov~des for that t~me when the Cha~rman asks for comments from the publ~c. Address the
COllIIIIJ.ss~on ~n the same manner as stated for publ~c hear~ngs, always stat~ng your name and
address f~rst.
March 20, 1985
Next Resolutlon #1365
Pledge of Alleglance
Roll Call
Report from Secretary
(A) Changes to Agenda
(B) Past and Upcomlng Councll Matters
(C) Plannlng and Legal Matters
Consent Calendar
At thlS tlme, members of the publlC may present testlmony
to the CommlsSlon as to why any ltem should be removed
from the consent calendar for a full and separate publ1c
hearlng. Unless a Commlssloner requests a full publlC
hearlng, all consent agenda ltems wlll be acted upon In
one summary vote.
(A) E~tens'on_of CUP 2-84 - Rangthong Tal CUlslne
5. Scheduled Matters
The publlC may speak at the dlscretlon of the Commlsslon.
(A) Study seSSlon on Zonlng Text Amendment 2-84 Non-
conformlng BUlldlng ProvlSlons.
6. Commlsslon Requests
7. Oral Communlcatlon from the Audlence
8. Commlsslon Communlcatlons
9. AdJournment
Agenda Forecast:
Aprll 3, 1985 - Study seSSlon State Lands Speclflc Plan
Aprll 17,1985 - Condltlonal Use Permlt 2-85
Mlchael Farrel B47 Surfslde
MARCH 20, 1985
The Seal Beach P1ann1ng Comm1ss10n met 1n regular seSS10n at 7:40 p.m.
w1th Cha1rman Jessner call1ng the meet1ng to order. Comm1ss10ner Hunt
lead the Salute to the Flag.
Cha1rman Jessner
Comm1ss10ners: Cov1ngton, Hunt, R1pperdan
Comm1ss10ner Perr1n
John M. Baucke, D1rector of Development Serv1ces
Dana Ogdon, Adm1n1strat1ve A1de
Mr. Baucke, the Comm1ss10n Secretary, stated there were no scheduled changes
to th1s agenda.
Past & Upcom1ng Agenda Matters
Mr. Baucke stated that ZTA 1-85 w111 come before Counc11 for a pub11c
hear1ng on March 25, 1985. He further stated the appeal for T1ny Nay10rs
has been cont1nued unt11 requested by the restauranteurs. It was also
noted that the Lohrke appeal has been set for the f1rst Counc11 meet1ng
on Apr11 8th. Mr. Baucke also brought the Comm1S1son up to date on p1ann1ng
matters, 1.e., the large 111ega1 Safeway pole s1gn has been removed pursuant
to the d1rect10n of the Comm1ss10n to enforce the S1gn code provisions.
Lampson Avenue Traff1c Acc1dent Ana1ys1s
Report1ng back to the Comm1ss10n as requested, Mr. Baucke 1ntroduced the
Ass1stant C1ty Eng1neer, Denn1s Jue, who would present the report. Ask1ng
1f the Comm1ss10n had had the opportun1ty to reV1ew the report, Mr. Jue
then exp1a1ned the C1ty Eng1neer's recommendat10ns, 1.e., no spec1a1 C1r-
cumstances eX1st on Lampson Avenue that would warrant any property owner
to dev1ate from p1ann1ng and bU11d1ng codes of the C1ty that would 1n
any way reduce traff1c acc1dents. Mr. Jessner 1nqu1red 1f the C1ty Eng1neer
had any suggest10ns for a11ev1at1ng the s1tuat10n on Lampson. Mr. Jue
stated that the area 1n quest10n was 1nvest1gated dur1ng the n1ght and
day and the 11ght1ng and use of reflectors was found to be appropr1ate.
Mr. Jue further ment10ned that the average acc1dent rate on Lampson has
averaged S1X acc1dents per year over the last four years and that only
two of the e1ght block wall acc1dents have occurred S1nce Apr11, 1981.
Comm1ss10ner Cov1ngton felt that acc1dents occurr1ng on Basswood, Cand1eberry
and Heather 1ntersect10ns were h1gh. He also felt cons1derat10n should
be g1ven to the number of res1dent1a1 un1ts abutt1ng Lampson Avenue, along
w1th the length of that street vs. the acc1dent rat10s on other maJor
arter1a1s w1th1n the C1ty. Respond1ng to quest10ns, Mr. Jue stated that
Lampson represents 11% of the traff1c and 5% of the acc1dents w1th1n the
C1ty. The State looks at acc1dents per m11110n veh1c1es, but does not
cons1der the length of the street. Cov1ngton 1nd1cated he had hoped the
C1ty Eng1neer would make recommendat10ns for a safer Lampson Avenue.
Plann1ng Comm1ss10n Meet1ng of 3/20/85
Page 2
He also felt that S1nce the C1ty presently has on the books the ab1l1ty
for approv1ng h1gher fenc1ng 1n certa1n c1rcumstances, that a stronger
type of fence could also be approved as an alternat1ve for homeowners
along Lampson. Comm1ss10ner R1pperdan felt that a stronger fence would
not be the answer to stopp1ng veh1cles and there could be a potent1al
for l1ab1l1ty. Mr. Cov1ngton requested the C1ty Eng1neer to study the
Lampson Avenue problem to 1nvest1gate 1f there 1S any poss1b1l1ty of slow1ng
veh1cles down by some type of re1nforced fence and to also look at the
potent1al l1ab1l1ty. He stated that an op1n10n m1ght be needed from the
C1ty Attorney and asked that staff br1ng back th1s report at some future
date. The Comm1ss10n agreed.
Mr. Baucke presented staff report stat1ng that as a cond1t10n of approval
of CUP 2-84, staff was to reV1ew the bus1ness operat10n at the end of
one year. It was determ1ned that the Ch1ef of Po11ce and the Plann1ng
Department have no concerns regard1ng th1s matter and recommendat10n was
to extend CUP 2-84 1ndef1n1tely w1th all the cond1t10ns of that approval
to rema1n 1n effect. Mr. Cov1ngton moved, second by Mr. R1pperdan to
approve the extens10n of CUP 2-84.
Cov1ngton, Hunt, Jessner, R1pperdan
Perr1n Mot10n Carr1ed
STUDY SESSION - ZTA 2-84 - Nonconform1ng BU1ld1ng Prov1s10ns
Mr. Baucke presented background on ZTA 2-84. He recommended an amended
proposal based on test1mony prev10usly rece1ved. Th1s amended proposal
would estab11sh three levels of reV1ew: 1) over the counter bU1ld1ng perm1t
reV1ew, 2) consent calender (Comm1ss10n rev1ew) and 3) Cond1t10nal Use
Perm1t Process. Baucke stated that Level 2 would requ1re a $10 fee and
not1ce to property owners w1th1n 100 feet. W1th that consent calendar
process, any Comm1ss10n member or 1nterested c1t1zen could request the
1tem be removed from consent calendar and be heard by the pub11c. Mr.
Baucke further expla1ned the chart wh1ch shows wh1ch level of reV1ew process
would be used for a part1cular construct10n proJect. Mr. Baucke further
noted th1s amended proposal would be the most l1beral set forth 1n Seal
Beach re non-conform1ng propert1es. The recommendat10n was for approval
w1th later mod1f1cat10ns should they be necessary.
Mr. J1m Funk expla1ned 1n deta1l the concensus arr1ved at dur1ng the recent
Old Town Rental Improvement Assoc1at10n meet1ng. A copy of h1s deta1led
statement 1S attached. Mr. Funk also 1nd1cated the Assoc1at10n supports
the retent10n of a code enforcement off1cer for the purpose of e11m1nat1ng
1llegal garage converS10ns. Mr. Funk also 1nd1cated that Counc1lman Grgas
brought up a p01nt that the reference to 10% 1ncrease 1n eX1st1ng structure
m1ght be more feas1ble and fa1r 1f t1ed to total floor area or lot S1ze.
A quest10n was also ra1sed as to need for full house 1nspect10n. Jessner
1nd1cated that one of the maJor reasons for request1ng a full house 1nspect10n
was for allev1at10n of safety hazards 1n the older homes. Funk then stated
Plann1ng Comm1ss10n Meet1ng of 3/20/85
Page 3
that the full house 1nspect10n could be requ1red for homes over a certa1n
age. Mr. Charles Antos, 316 10th Street, expla1ned the h1story beh1nd
the C1ty'S preV10US code enforcement off1cer. Accord1ng to Antos, the
C1ty had h1red a code enforcement off1cer S1X years ago to make property
1nspect10ns 1n the downtown area. The enforcement off1cer was later lent
to the Redevelopment agency for a per10d of l~ years. At the end of that
t1me, the f1rst letters were sent w1th regard to code enforcement. W1th
the onset of Prop 13, the code enforcement off1cer was layed off as part
of the C1ty'S budget reduct10n. Ch1 Kredell, 1615 Seal Way, felt 1t would
be 1mposs1ble to have Leisure World agree to a code enforcement off1cer,
and should the C1ty h1re one, he would have to serve the ent1re C1ty.
Bob Cook, 441 Central Avenue, p01nted out some concerns. Mr. Cook stated
that not all parcels are un1form 1n S1ze, that to allow room add1t10ns
of less than 10% of the eX1st1ng struccture, would allow larger homes
greater opportun1ty to expand and the small two bedroom homes on a large
lot would not be able to expand as much. He felt the percentage should
be t1ed 1nto the parcel S1ze rather than the S1ze of the eX1sting structure.
Another concern of Mr. Cook's was the fact that no allowance was made
for maJor d1fferences 1n nonconformity. As he pointed out, some cons1derat10n
should be g1ven to propert1es that are nonconform1ng due to setback, wh1le
another parcel might be nonconform1ng due to no park1ng. Mr. Hunt congratulated
staff on the proposal and suggested that each 1tem noted on the chart
be rev1ewed w1th the possib1l1ty of plac1ng 1nto the bU1ld1ng perm1t reV1ew
category. Joe R1bal asked that some flex1b1l1ty be g1ven w1th regard
to compact park1ng. Mr. Baucke agreed w1th Mr. Cook that the degree of
nonconform1ty should be evaluated and that staff would look at that carefully,
along w1th the relat10nsh1p of increas1ng the parcel by 10%, rather than
the eX1st1ng structure. Mr. Cov1ngton moves to cont1nue to Apr1ll~, Mr.
Hunt seconds.
Cov1ngton, Hunt, Jessner, R1pperdan
Perr1n Mot10n Carr1ed
There were no Comm1ss10n requests.
There were no speakers from the aud1ence.
The Comm1ss10n d1scussed the draft letter to the C1ty Counc1l prepared
by the Cha1rman on Appeal 5-84, Szczerban. The Comm1ss10n unan1mously
agreed to sent the letter to the C1ty Counc1l as worded. D1scuss10n followed
on the tOp1C of code enforcement. After d1scuss10n, the Comm1ss10n unan1mously
moved to d1rect staff to prepare a survey of code enforcement act1v1t1es
by other c1t1es 1n Orange County.
It was the concensus of the Comm1ss10n and so ordered by the Cha1r, to
adJourn the regular meet1ng of March 20, 1985 at 11:15 p.m.
~ '