HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1985-04-17 SEP 1EACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENr City Council Chambers 211 Elghth Street Seal Beach, Ca11fornla e The Seal Beach Plan~ng Comnuss~on meets ~n sess~on every f~rst and th~rd Wednesday of each month at 7 30 p.m. If gou w~sh to address the Comm~ss~on on any part~cular publ~c hear~ng ~tem, the Cha~rman w~ll call for publ~c test~mong f~rst for those ~n favor of the proJect, and second, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker' s pos~ t~on ~n the center of the room :J.S unoccup:J.ed, step up to the =crophone and when recogn~zed bg the Cha~rman, speak d~rectly :J.nto the =cropbone by f~rst stat~ng your name and address clearlg and d:J.st~nctly for the records State your bus:J.ness as clearly and succ~nctly as poss~ble and then wa~t a moment to see :J.f the Comnuss~oners have any quest~ons ~n regard to gour comments or quest:J.ons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to gour seat so that the next person may address the Co~ss~on. If you w:J.sh to address the Comnuss:J.on on matters other than publ~c hear~ngs, the agenda prov~des for that t~me when the Cha~rman asks for comments from the publ~c Address the Comnuss~on :J.n the same manner as stated for publ~c hear:J.ngs, always stat~ng your name and address f~rst APRIL 17, 1985 NEXT RESOLUTION #1367 1. Pledge of Alleglance 2. Roll Call 3. Report from Secretary 4. Consent Calendar At th1S t1me, members of the publ1C may present test1mony to the Comm1sS1on as to why any 1tem should be removed from the consent calendar for a full and separate publ1C hear1ng. Unless a Comm1sS1oner requests a full pub11C hear1ng, all consent agenda 1tems w111 be acted upon 1n one summary vote. e (A) M1nutes of Apr1l 3, 1985 (B) Extens10n of CUP 1-84 Lepala1s D'Or (Cafe SW1SS) 500 Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway SU1te 110 5. Pub11C Heanngs (A) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 3-85 B47 Surfs1de Resolut1on #1365 A request for perm1SS1on to construct a catwalk connect1ng an eX1st1ng non-conform1ng bU1ld1ng and a proposed one-car garage, w1th roof deck, located 1n the S-P zone. Env1ronmenta1 Rev1ew: The proJect 1S categor1cal1y exempt from Env1ronmental Rev1ew [Ca11forn1a Government Code Sect10n 153039(e)]. Sect1on: 28-506)7) Appl1cant: M1chae1 J. Farrel Owner: Same MINOR HEIGHT DEVIATION 1-85 119 Twelfth Street Resolut1on #1366 (B) A request to allow a non-hab1table arch1tectura1 octagonal turret to dev1ate 6 feet from the 25 foot he1ght 11m1t proposed to compl1ment the V1ctor1an style of the proposed structure (See back page). Env1ronmenta1 Rev1ew: The prOJect 1S categor1cal1y exempt from Env1ronmental ReV1ew [Cal1forn1a Government Code Sect10n 15303(e)]. Sect1on: 28-2317 App11cant: Owner. Douglass M. Sheppard Same It- 6. Scheduled Matters The publ1C may speak at the d1scret1on of the Comm1ss10n. (A) Study seSS10n on Zon1ng Text Amendment 2-84 Nonconform1ng BU1dl1ng Prov1s1ons. 7. Comm1ss10n Requests APRIL 17, 1985 COMMISSION AGENDA e Page 2 8. Oral Communlcatlon from the Audlence 9. Commlsslon Communlcatlons 10. AdJournment Agenda Forecast: May 1, 1985: - Varlance 4-85 Tlny Naylor's - 941 Paclflc Coast Hlghway - Zonlng Text Amendment 2-85 Satel1te D1Sh Antennas Provlslons - Zonlng Text Amendment 4-85 Fence Provlslons - Zonlng Text Amendment 4-85 Speclflc Plan Regulatlon Zone & Speclflc Plan Procedures & Provlslons May 15, 1985: e - Zonlng Text Amendment 2-84 Non-conf~rmlng BUlldlng Provlslons - Condltlonal Use Permlt 4-85 Lucky's - 12121 Seal Beach Blvd. - Condltlonal Use Permlt 5-85 Rossmoor Athletlc Club a PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 17, 1985 e The Seal Beach Plann1ng Comm1ss1on met in regular seSS10n at ~ p.m. w1th Chairman Jessner call1ng the meet1ng to order. Comm1ss1oner Hunt lead the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Jessner Comm1ss1oners: Cov1ngton, Hunt, Perr1n, R1pperdan Absent: Also Present: None John Baucke, D1rector of Development Serv1ces Dana Ogdon, Adm1n1strative Aide REPORT FROM SECRETARY Mr. Baucke, the Comm1ss1on Secretary, 1nd1cated that he attended a meet1ng w1th local governmental representat1ves before the State Department of Env1ronmental Affa1rs to d1SCUSS a proposal of the Department of Inter10rs Offshore Leas1ng Program. Mr. Baucke will be attend1ng the Coastal Comm1s- S10n hear1ng regard1ng th1S matter. CONSENT CALENDAR There were two 1tems on the consent calendar for the Comm1ssion's cons1deration: 1) the minutes of Apr1l 3, 1985 Plann1ng Commiss1on Meet1nq and 2) extens10n of CUP 1-84, Le Pala1s D'Or (Cafe Swiss). tit The m1nutes were corrected as follows: Page 1, 5th 11 ne from bottom to read: IIva 1 ue the 1 and has once the oi 1 product1on is gone.1I Page 2, flrst paragraph, last l1ne, change IIParkingll to IIParkerll. Second paragraph, correct spell1ng of 1I1ssuell. Page 3, first paragraph, l1ne 9 add after end of sentence, IIComm1ss10n and staff d1scussed fact that the proposed project, from 1tS highest property elevat1on, will .be less than 35 ft. 1n he1ght. It was also ment10ned that the Oakwood Apartments would be approx1mately 10 ft. lower than the proposed proJectll. Page 3, L1ne 13, after period, IIComm1ss10ner R1pperdan expressed concern over adJacent propert1es be1ng 1mpacted by proJect's he1ghtll. Flrst paragraph, second to last l1ne, place comma after RFP's and delete word lIandll follow1ng that. Second paragraph, add IIfor the envlronmental analys1sII between and lIand determ1nell. Comm1ss1oner R1pperdan moved to approve both 1tems on the consent calendar (m1nutes as corrected); Comm1ss1oner Cov1ngton seconds. AYES: NOES: Cov1ngton, Hunt, Jessner, Perrin, Ripperdan None Mot1on Carr1ed e PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PER~IT 3-85 - B47 SURFSIDE Staff report, presented by Mr. Baucke, 1nd1cated th1S 1tem was a request for construct1on of a catwalk connect1ng an eX1st1ng non-conform1ng bU1ld1ng and a proposed one-car garage w1th roof deck, located 1n the S-P Zone. Recommen- dat10n was for approval of the conditional use perm1t as: 1) no bedrooms or other l1vin~ quarters are be1ng added, 2) one adequate park1ng space 1S prov1ded, 3) the add1tion would not adversely affect General Plan and 4) the addit10n would be compat1ble w1th surround1ng uses. e e . Planning Commission Meeting of Aprll 17, 1985 Page 2 Staff replied to Commlssioners that applicant would provide the City wlth a Hold Harmless Clause. In addition, applicant would reuqest from Surfslde Colony the required permlts. Chairman Jessner declared publlC hearlng now open. Michael J. Farrel, the applicant, made himself available to the Commisslon for any questions. Mr. Farrel lndlcated the exact dlmenslons of the parking spaces avallable for those who lease from Surfside Colony. There lS a 50+ ft. wide stretch of WhlCh Surfslde Colony leases the flrst 25 ft. WhlCh is the road and each B-Row owner rents the remaining 27 ft. sectlon. Appllcant stated that the garage will be bUllt only on leased land and the catwalk will extend over the deck and provlde access to applicant's home. Applicant will request the appropriate permits from Surfside Colony upon receipt of City approval. Chalrman Jessner requested the appllcant to retaln the front garage for the purpose of retaining adequate parklng space should the rlght-of-way have a different future use. Appllcant agreed to accept the additlon of that condition to his permlt approval. Chairman Jessner closed the public hearing as no one spoke in favor of nor in oppositlon to this matter. After discusslon with the Commissloners, Staff added Condltlon #1 to Resolutlon 1365, IIthat the exi Stl ng garage located on appl i cant's property sha 11 not be removed from usell. Commlssloner Covlngton moved to approve Resolution #1365, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 3-85, A REQUEST TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CATWALK CONNECTING AN EXISTING NON-CONFORMING BUILDING AND A PROPOSED ONE-CAR GARAGE, WITH ROOF DECK, LOCATED IN THE S-P ZONE {B47 SURFSIDE', as amended; Commlssioner Hunt seconds. AYES: NOES: Covlngton, Hunt, Jessner, Perrin, Rlpperdan None Motion Carrled PUBLIC HEARING - MINOR HEIGHT DEVIATION 1-85 - 119 TWELFTH STREET Dana Ogdon, Admlnistratlve Aide, presented the staff report for the Commlsslon's consideratlon. He lndlcated this was a request to allow a non-habitable turret exceedlng the 25 ft. helght llmltatlon by 6 ft. to compliment the Victorian style of the proposed structure. Staff recommends approval subJect to reasons noted In staff report. Chairman Jessner declares public hearing open. Douglass Sheppard, the appllcant, made hlmself available to the CommlsSlon for any questlons. Mitzi Morton, 153 13th St. Whlle not in oppositlon to the project, did express concern that the slngle famlly dwelllngs are gOlng as hlgh as pos- sible WhlCh causes greater denslty. She felt that setback requirements should be reviewed. Olln Pate, 137 12th St., spoke favorably of the project as lt encouraged more variety 1n archltecture. Jlm Fre1rnuth, 1303 Seal Way, spoke in favor of the proJect and encouraged varlety ln the archltectural styles as long as it dld not impact the neighbor's Vlew. As no one else spoke ln favor of nor ln opposition to this project, Chalrman Jessner closed the public hearing. Commlssioner Hunt moves to approve Resolutlon #1366, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY . e e Plann1ng Comm1ss1on Meeting of Apr1l 17, 1985 Page 3 OF SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING A REQUEST TO ALLOW A NON- HABITABLE ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE TO DEVIATE FROM THE BUILDING HEIGHT LIMITS IN CONJUNCTION WITH A NEW RESIDENCE (119 TWELFTH STREET), second by Commissioner Covington. AYES: NOES: Cov1ngton, Hunt, Jessner, Perrin, R1pperdan None Mot1on Carr1ed STUDY SESSION - ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT 2-84 - NON-CONFORMING BUILDING PROVISIONS Mr. John Baucke, Comm1ss1on Secretary, deta1led the background Wh1Ch led to ZTA 2-84. He 1ndicated that this amended proposal would establ1sh three reV1ew levels: 1) staff over-the-counter build1nq perm1t reV1ew, 2) consent calendar plan review by the Plann1ng Comm1ssion, and 3) Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t reV1ew by the Plann1ng Commiss1on. The follow1ng fully expla1ns levels 1, 2 and 3 of that three t1er system: Level #1 would requ1re only the presentat10n of the plans required 1n the build1ng perm1t process and the standard bU1ld1ng plan reV1ew per1od. Level #2 would requ1re f1l1ng a Plan ReV1ew Apol1cat1on and plans w1th the assoc1ated $10.00 f1l1ng fee fourteen (14) days pr10r to a scheduled Plannlng Comm1ss1on meet1ng. Not1ce to all property owners within 100 feet of the subJect property would be g1ven of the pend1ng plan review perm1t ten (10) days prior to the Planning Comm1ss1on1s considerat1on. The plan reV1ew permlt would be a consent calendar ltem on the Plannlng Comm1ss1on agenda. Level #3 would be the Cond1t1onal Use Permlt process w1th the standard f1l1ng fees and requlrements. Mr. Baucke explalned that th1S oroposal will allow the greatest flexlbll1ty the Clty has ever had as 1tS provls1ons on non-conforming res1dentldl buildlngs. ThlS proposal 1S des1gned to promote the 1mprovement and upgrad1ng of the eX1st1ng houslng stock of Seal Beach. Each ltem on the Compar- 1son Chart was expla1ned fully by Mr. Baucke durlng the Study Session. Charles Antos felt that the consent calendar plan reV1ew should be used for Item #7. R1S feel1ng was that hav1ng maJor 1nterior remodel1ng would not 1ncrease denslty and therefore not requ1re a cond1t1onal use perm1t. Mr. Baucke stated that the 1ssue was non-conformlty and that you would be extendlng the l1fe of a non- conform1ng bU1ld1~g. Staff went on to clar1fy the 1ntent of maJor lnter10r remodel1ng 1n that 1t 1S 50% of the structural walls Wh1Ch can be remodeled. M1tZl Morton felt that owners should be encouraged to l1ve 1n the1r own rental un1ts. The session d1scussed Item #16 in detall referencing the exterior sta1rways and agreed to keeo lt under the condltlonal use permit process rather than move 1t to the consent calendar. Commlssioner Covington brought to the attent10n of th1S seSS10n that 65% of these 1tems were an overall lmorovement than 1n past pract1ces. Dr. Joe Ribal requested a comparlson chart that shows what can be done 1n conform1ng properties as opposed to non-COnfOrMlng propert1es. Dr. R1bal read the C1ty of Costa Mesa's requ1rements for reconstruction to d1saster 1mpacted propert1es and requested that staff look 1nto the matter of reconstruct1ng non-conformlng propert1es destroyed by flood, earthquake, etc. 1n conJunct1on w1th ZTA 2-84. The Comm1SS1on d1scussed the lmpact of that matter and felt that th1S may present the opportun1ty to upgrade non-conform1ng propertles. It was the concensus of the Cornmisslon that thlS matter be dealt w1th as a separate 1tem. W1th the end of the study session, the Comm1ss1on agreed unan1mously to have staff beg1n the procedures for ZTA 2-84.then be set for publlC hear1ng. - e ~. Plannlng CommlSSlon Meetlng of Aprll 17, 1985 Page 4 COMMISSION REQUEST Commissloner Covlngton requested the Chalrman, with the consent of the Commlsslon, to dlrect staff to begln the process of recordlng and analyzlng the ways ln WhlCh other clties, countles and state are dealing wlth rebuildlng of non-conforming properties destroyed by fire, flood, etc. at the earliest tlme possible to bring the matter back to the Commisslon for thelr reVlew and to set a public hearlng date. The Commlsslon fully agreed and Chalr so dlrected the staff. In reply to a questlon by Chalrman Jessner to set up a study seSSlon regardlng the development of the Hellman property's speclflc land use, Mr. Baucke felt it would be more approprlate to hold off as the City Manager lS currently worklng wlth Hellman's agents. Chalrman Jessner was ln favor of an ln depth study posslbly wlth the end result being a speclflc plan developed by the City of what the Clty wants on thlS prop- erty rather than waltlng for the developer to present a plan to the City. He requested staff to get a joint study seSSlon set wlth the Clty Council. The Commlsslon unanimously concurred. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral communications. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS There were no CommlSSlon communications. ADJOURNMENT It was the concensus of the Commlsslon and so ordered by the Chalr to adjourn the regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commlssion at 10:35 p.m. R~~~L