HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1985-10-02 ~ BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENl City Councll Chambers 211 Elghth Street Seal Beach, Callfornla . The Seal Beach Planrung COll1lT/J.ss~on meets ~n sess~on every :f~rst and th~rd Wednesday o:f each month at 7.30 p.m. I:f you w~sh to address the Comm~ss~on on any part~cular publ~c hear~ng ~ tern the Cha~rman w~ll call :for ""'bl~C' test~mony :f~rst for tIJose ~n :favor o:f the proJect, and second, :for those who are not ~n :favor. When you see that the speaker' s pos~ t~on ~n the center o:f the room ~s unoccup~ed, step up to the ~crophone and when recogn~zed by the Cha~rman, speak d~rectly ~nto the ~crophone by :f~rst stat~ng your name and address clearly and d~sbnctly :for the records. State your bus~ness as clearly and succ~nctly as poss~ble and then wa~t a moment to see ~:f the COll1lT/J.ss~oners have any quest~ons ~n regard to your comments or quest~ons I:f there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat so that the next person may address the COll1lT/J.ss~on I:f you w~sh to address the COll1lT/J.ss~on on matters other than publ~c hear~ngs, the agenda prov~des :for that t~me when the Cha~rman asks :for comments :from the pubhc Address the COll1lT/J.ss~on ~n the same manner as stated :for publ~c hear~ngs, always stat~ng your name and address :f~rst. OCTOBER 2, 1985 IIEXT RESOLUTIor: #1398 . 1. Pledge of Alleolance 2 . Ro 11 Ca 11 3 Report froM Secretary 4. Consent Calendar At thlS tlne, members of the publlC may present testlMony to the COmM1SS10n as to why any ltern should be reMoved from the consent calendar for a full and separate publlC hearlng Unless a Commlssloner requests a full publlC hearlng, all consent calendar lterns wlll be acted uoor on one sUmMary vote A. r:,nutes of September 4, 1985 5 PubllC Hearlngs A. VARIA~CE 11-85 Resolutlon #1393 12241 Seal 1lie.ach Blvd. (Parasol Restaurant) A request to allow an addltlon to a restaurant located In a C-2 (General Commerclal) Zone Wlt~oUt orovldlng the requlred landscaolng Envlronmental Revlew. The proJect lS cate~orlcally exempt frOM Envlronmental Revlew [Callfornla c'overn- nent Code Sectlon 15303(e)). Code Sectlon 28-1402(6), 28-2407 Appllcant. Zember Constructlon Co., Inc./Parasol Restaurant Owner Rossmoor Buslness Center . B zorm:G TEXT M1ENmlENT 7-85 ~esolutlon #1394 Clty of Seal Beach A request to allow accessory commerclal uses for tenants onl~ located w,th,n the R-3 (Hlgh Denslty Resldentlal) Zone. Envlronmental Revlew Neqatlve Declaratlon 8-85 ~as been prepared In l,eu of an Envlronmental I~oact P.eoort Appllcant Clty of Seal Beach C. VARIANCE 12-85 Resolutlon #1397 12451 Seal Beach Blvd., (Lucky's) A request to allow a maJor structural alteratlon and remodel to a grocery store located In a C-2 (General Commerclal) Zone wlthout provldlng the requlred landscaplng (The appllcant requests that th,S ltem be contlnued to Nover.1ber 6, 1985) Code Sectlon 28-1402(6), 28-2407 Envlronmental Revlew The proJect lS cateoorlcally exenot from Envlronmental Revlew [Callfornla Government Code Sectlon 15303(e)~ Appllcant Lucky Stores, Inc Owner Rossmoor Buslness Center . SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA October 2, 1985 Page 2 6. Scheduled Matters The publlC may speak at the dlscretlon of the Commlsslon. A. Resolutlon #1389 approvlng Varlance 10-85, Hagel-323 Maln Street. B. Resolutlon #1395 approvlng Condltlonal Use Permlt 17-85, Serge-216 Maln Street C Resolutlon #1398 approvlng Varlance 13-85, Serge-214 & 216 Maln Street. D. Resolutlon #1396 approvlng Condltlonal Use Permlt 18-85, Coker-550 Paclflc Coast Hlghway, SUlte 109. 7 Commlsslon Requests 8. Oral Communlcatlon from the Audlence 9. Commlsslon Communlcatlons . 10. AdJournment Agenda Forecast October 16, 1985 - Report on Non-Conformlng BUlldlng Olsaster Provo November 6, 1985 VARIANCE 12-85 Lucky Stores (12451 Seal Beach Blvd.) A report on revlew of General Plan by staff and Clty Attorney. . PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 2, 1985 . The Seal Beach Plann1ng Comm1ss1on met 1n regular seSS10n at 7:37 p.m. w1th Cha1rman Jessner call1ng the meet1ng to order. Comm1ss1oner Hunt led the Salute to the Flag. ROLL CALL Present: Cha1rman Jessner Comm1ss1oner Cov1ngton, Hunt, Perr1n, R1pperdan Absent: None Also Present: John M. Baucke, D1rector of Development Serv1ces . REPORT FROM SECRETARY Mr. Baucke, Comm1ss1on Secretary, 1nd1cated that there was one 1tem to report, a request for Comm1ss1on members to attend a Seal Beach Boulevard Task Force Meet1ng on October la, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. The attendees of th1S meet1ng would be a group of res1dents and property owners of the f1rst 3 blocks of Seal Beach Blvd. The Cha1rman of the Seal Beach Blvd. Task Force lS Counc1lman V1ctor Grgas. The meet1ng w1ll cover d1Scuss1on of the future of th1S area w1th an outs1de consultant, Van Dell & Assoc1ates, present1ng the1r f1nal report on the opportun1t1es and strengths of th1S part1cular area. Mr. Baucke 1nd1cated that th1s lssue w1ll be gOlng before the Comm1ss1on 1n 1tS f1nal1zed stage, but 1t may be a good 1dea 1f the Comm1ss1on members could attend the meet1ng and glve any 1mput that they may have as well as 11sten to other comments and concerns from those 1n attendance. CONSENT CALENDAR There was one 1tem on the consent calendar for the Comm1ss1on's cons1derat1on: 1) The m1nutes of the September 4, 1985 Plann1ng Comm1ss1on meet1ng. Mr. R1pperdan moves to approve the m1nutes of the September 4, 1985 Plann1ng Comm1ss1on meet1ng. Mr. Hunt seconds. AYES: NOES: Cov1ngton, Hunt, Jessner, Perr1n, R1pperdan None Mot1on Carr1ed . PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANC~]J85 - 12241 Seal Beach Blvd. Mr. Baucke presented a memorandum dated September 27, 1985 to the Comm1ss1on glv1ng a br1ef background of th1S 1tem, a request to allow an add1t1on to a restaurant located 1n a C-2 (General Commerc1al) Zone w1thout prov1d1ng the requ1red landscap1ng. Mr. Baucke noted that th1S 1tem was before the Comm1ss1on at the September 4, 1985 Plann1ng Comm1ss10n meet1ng. Mr. Baucke gave staff's comments and recommended approval of Var1ance 11-85 w1th the 5 cond1t10ns noted 1n the staff report. Staff then gave a sllde presentat10n of the subJect property to the Comm1ss10n so that they could better v1sual1ze what was be1ng proposed. Mr. Baucke d1scussed w1th the Comm1ss10n the Rossmoor Bus1ness Center's landscape assessment 1nformat10n sheet 1ncluded 1n the staff report. Mr. Cov1ngton was concerned that there was no comm1ttment from the Rossmoor Bus1ness Center to cont1nue to prov1de the requ1red landscap1ng. Mr. Baucke 1nd1cated that the Rossmoor Bus1ness Center had not developed a f1nal master landscape plan due to . . . Plann1ng Comm1ss1on Meet1ng of October 2, 1985 Page 2 the fact that 1t would have to be cont1nually mod1f1ed over t1me because of expanS10ns and alterat10ns st1ll to be made. Mr. Perr1n asked 1f Lucky Stores 1ntended to prov1de a landscape plan. Mr. Baucke 1nd1cated that they were prepar1ng a landscape plan and that was the reason they requested cont1nuance of the1r Var1ance request so to allow for more t1me. D1Scuss1on cont1nued between the Comm1ss1on and staff regard1ng the future landscape requ1rements of the Rossmoor Bus1ness Center. Mr. Cov1ngton d1scussed staff's recommendat1on #6 1nd1cat1ng that he felt 1n approv1ng th1S Var1ance, th1S was grant1ng a spec1al pr1v1lege because preV10US appl1cat1ons 1n the past slm1lar to th1S had been den1ed. Mr. Hunt felt that 1t was unrea11st1c to expect the Rossmoor Bus1ness Center to come 1nto conformance w1th the landscape requ1rements 1n the very near future, but they were mov1ng 1n the r1ght d1rect1on and th1S proposal seemed to be an excellent step towards that. Cha1rman Jessner declares the publ1C hear1ng open. B1ll Stevenson, Zember Construct1on, appl1cant, stated that he felt that they had met w1th the staff and Comm1ss1on's request to prov1de add1t1onal landscape. He 1nd1cated that they had gotten the owner to agree w1th the1r proposal and had put forth a lot of effort to meet w1th all the requ1rements. Mr. Jessner asked Mr. Stevenson 1f he was 1n agreement w1th staff's 5 cond1t1ons. Mr. Stevenson stated that all 5 cond1t1ons were acceptable, and the owners have no obJect1ons. Mr. Cov1ngton asked the appl1cant 1f he had d1scussed the approx1mate d1mens1ons of the proposed landscape w1th staff. Mr. Stevenson 1nd1cated that th1S area had been covered 1n the1r deal1ngs w1th staff, and d1Scuss1on cont1nued between staff, the appl1cant and the Comm1ss1on regard1ng the proposed add1t1onal landscap1ng for the Center. As no other members of the aud1ence spoke 1n favor of nor 1n Oppos1t1on to th1S 1tem, Cha1rman Jessner closed the publ1C hear1ng. Mr. R1pperdan moved to approve Var1ance 11-85 w1th the 5 cond1t1ons recommended by staff. Mr. Cov1ngton seconds the mot1on stat1ng that he d1d not approve th1S appl1cat1on because the T1ny Naylor's appl1cat1on was compell1ng h1m to do so, but because th1S request was Just1f1ed by the overall qual1t1es of 1tS proposal. Mr. Hunt compl1mented the appl1cant for be1ng so cooperat1ve 1n h1S deal1ngs w1th staff and the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on. Mr. Baucke noted to the Comm1ss1on that a Resolut1on was before the Comm1ss1on for approval of th1S 1tem. Mr. R1pperdan moves to approve Var1ance 11-85 by adopt1on of Resolut1on #1393. Mr. Cov1ngton seconds. AYES: NOES: Cov1ngton, Hunt, Jessner, Perr1n, R1pperdan None Mot1on Carr1ed Mr. Cov1ngton made a suggest10n to the Comm1ss1on to d1rect staff that 1n calculat1ng percentages such as 1n th1S proposal, thay they do not round to whole percentages but carry out to four dec1mal places. Mr. Baucke 1nd1cated that he concurred w1th Mr. Cov1ngton 1n arr1v1ng at the correct percentage. Plann1ng Comm1ss1on Meet1ng of October 2, 1985 Page 3 . PUBLIC HEARING - ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT 7-85 Mr. Baucke presented a memorandum dated September 30, 1985 to the Comm1ss1on glv1ng a br1ef background of th1S 1tem, a request to allow accessory commerc1al uses for tenants only located w1th1n the R-3 (H1gh Dens1ty Res1dent1al) Zone. Th1S 1tem had been before the Comm1ss1on at the September 4, 1985 Plann1ng Comm1ss1on meet1ng at Wh1Ch the Comm1ss1on moved to cont1nue the publ1C hear1ng so to allow staff an adequate amount of t1me to reV1ew the Comm1ss1on's comments on the proposed ord1nance and to make the necessary mod1f1cat1ons. Mr. Baucke 1nd1cated that staff has made a number of changes to the proposed ord1nance spec1f1cally the changes made to Sect10n 28- 800(3)(e). Mr. Baucke d1scussed w1th the Comm1ss1on the research done and the 1nformat1on comp1led from other c1t1es. He also presented what was or1g1nally proposed as compared to the new proposal w1th the recommended mod1f1cat1ons. Mr. Cov1ngton asked staff how they arr1ved at the 150 un1t f1gure. Mr. Baucke 1nd1cated that he talked to several property management people and several developers of res1dent1al propert1es and 1t was the1r op1n1on that 1f a complex was less than 150 un1ts, they felt a commerc1al enterpr1se would not be able to ma1nta1n 1tself w1thout draw1ng from the outs1de publ1c. Staff 1nd1cated that the1r obJect1ve here was to llm1t the6-accessory commerc1al use. Mr. Cov1ngton's concern was that th1S was or1g1nally proposed for conven1ence to the tenants that llve there and not proposed to be commerc1ally v1able. Cha1rman Jessner declared the publ1C hear1ng open. . As no members of the aud1ence spoke 1n favor of nor 1n Oppos1t1on to th1S request, Cha1rman Jessner closed the publ1C hear1ng. Mr. Hunt agreed that conven1ence was the or1g1nal 1ssue here and d1scussed w1th the staff cond1t1ons #2 and #3 of Sect10n 28-800(3)(e). Mr. Baucke noted that these cond1t1ons were 1ncluded to llm1t accessory commerc1al uses. Mr. Cov1ngton asked 1f re-word1ng cond1t1on #3 to 1nclude "or 1nter1or walkway" would be acceptable to staff. Mr. Baucke stated that th1S re- word1ng was acceptable. Cha1rman Jessner asked 1f the owners of the Oakwood Garden Apartments had been not1f1ed of th1S publ1C hear1ng. Mr. Baucke 1nd1cated that they had been not1f1ed and d1d not feel the need to be present as they were 1n agreement w1th what was be1ng proposed. Mr. Jessner 1nd1cated that he felt uncomfortable w1th th1S request and asked 1f 1t was poss1ble to glve the Oakwood Apartments th1S use w1thout gOlng through the process of creat1ng a Zon1ng Text Amendment. Mr. Baucke noted that there was no other way poss1ble to do so. Mr. Cov1ngton felt that the 150 un1ts should be amended and suggested a f1gure between 50 - 100. Mr. Perr1n felt that 1t should not be too low. Mr. R1pperdan felt comfortable w1th staff's recommendat1on of 150 un1ts and that the C1ty should not be overly w1ll1ng to m1X commerc1al w1th res1dent1al uses Mr. Baucke noted that staff wanted to llm1t th1S use as much as poss1ble so not to threaten res1dent1al propert1es. Mr. Cov1ngton suggested a 75 un1t f1gure to the Comm1ss1on. Mr. Jessner was concerned that 1f the Comm1ss1on were to approve th1S appl1cat1on, th1S would perm1t other propert1es to put 1n accessory commerc1al uses. . Mr. Cov1ngton moved to approve Zon1ng Text Amendment 7-85 w1th the follow1ng mod1f1cat1ons: Plann1ng Comm~slon Meet1ng of October 2, 1985 Page 4 . 1) That Sect10n 28-800(3)(e) be amended to 75 un1ts 1nstead of the proposed 150 un1ts. 2) That Sect10n 28-800(3)(e)(3) be amended to read: "All access to the accessory use shall be from a lobby, pat1o, courtyard or 1nter1or walkway.". Mr. Perr1n seconds. Mr. R1pperdan stated that he would vote aga1nst th1S Zon1ng Text Amendment and that he was 1n agreement w1th staff's recommendat1on of 150 un1ts. Mr. Jessner concurred w1th Mr. R1pperdan AYES: NOES: Cov1ngton, Hunt, Perr1n Jessner, R1pperdan Mot1on Carr1ed PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE 12-85 - 12451 Seal Beach Blvd. Mr. Baucke 1nd1cated that Lucky Stores requested cont1nuance of Var1ance 12-85 to the November 6, 1985 Plann1ng Comm1ss1on meet1ng so that they can meet w1th the ownersh1p of the Center to d1SCUSS the add1t1onal landscap1ng requ1rements. Mr. R1pperdan moves to cont1nue the publ1c hear1ng for Var1ance 12-85 to the November 6, 1985 Plann1ng Comm1ss1on meet1ng. Mr. Perr1n seconds. AYES: NOES: Cov1ngton, Hunt, Jessner, Perr1n, Rlpperdan None Mot1on Carr1ed to Cont1nue . SCHEDULED MATTERS Mr. Baucke 1nd1cated that there were 4 Resolut1ons, A-D, for the Comm1ss1on's approval, and he requested that the Comm1ss1on take act10n on A and D f1rst to allow t1me for the appl1cant to return to the meet1ng for 1tems Band C. Mr. Cov1ngton moves to approve Resolut1on #1389, A RESOLUTION OF THE SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING VARIANCE 10-85 A REQUEST TO PERMIT A STRUCTURAL ADDITION TO A LEGAL NON-CONFORMING BUILDING WITHOUT PROVIDING THE REQUIRED PARKING AND LANDSCAPING (323 MAIN STREET), as proposed by staff. Mr. Perr1n seconds. AYES: NOES: Cov1ngton, Hunt, Jessner, Perr1n, R1pperdan None Mot1on Carr1ed Mr. Cov1ngton moves to approve Resolut1on #1396, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-85, A REQUEST TO ALLOW A COMMERCIAL PET GROOMING SERVICE WITHIN A C- 2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) ZONE, as proposed by staff. Mr. R1pperdan seconds. AYES: NOES: ABSTENTION: Cov1ngton, Hunt, Jessner, R1pperdan None Perr1n Mot1on Carr1ed . Mr. Cov1ngton moved to amend the October 2, 1985 Plann1ng Comm1ss1on agenda so to postpone 1tems Band C unt1l the appl1cant lS present. AYES: Cov1ngton, Hunt, Jessner, Perr1n, R1pperdan NOES: None Mot1on Carr1ed Plannlng Commlsslon Meetlng of October 2, 1985 Page 5 . COMMISSION REQUESTS Mr. Hunt asked staff lf the appllcant for Resolutlons #1395 and #1398, ltems 6B and 6C of Scheduled Matters was In agreement wlth all condltlons proposed by staff. Mr. Baucke lndlcated that he was requestlng postponement of these ltems untll the appllcant could be present so that she would have the opportunlty to speak. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no Oral Communlcatlons. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Covlngton asked staff for a status of the DWP Property In reference to negotlatlng wlth the property owners. Mr. Baucke lndlcated that the Department of Water and Power wlll be gOlng out for Request for Quallflcatlons from developers for a hotel use on thlS slte sometlme In January of 1986. Mr. Baucke once agaln remlnded the Commlsslon members to attend, lf posslble, the Seal Beach Blvd. Task Force Meetlng on October 10, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Covlngton moves to return to Scheduled Matter ltems Band C of the agenda. Mr. Rlpperdan seconds. AYES: NOES: Covlngton, Hunt, Jessner, Perrln, Rlpperdan None Motlon Carrled . Mr. Baucke presented a brlef background of these ltems, Resolutlon 1395 and Resolutlon 1398 for the Commlsslon1s conslderatlon lndlcatlng that staff lS recommendlng approval of both Resolutlons. Mr. Covlngton asked the appllcant lf she was In agreement wlth all condltlons. Ms. Serge lndlcated that all condltlons were acceptable. Mr. Covlngton moves to approve Resolutlon #1395, A RESOLUTION OF THE SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 17-85 FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A WALK-IN/TAKE-OUT YOGURT SANDWICH RESTAURANT AT 216i MAIN STREET, as proposed by staff. Mr. Rlpperdan seconds. AYES: NOES: ABSTENTION: Covlngton, Hunt, Jessner, Perrln, Rlpperdan None Perrln Motlon Carrled Mr. Covlngton moves to approve Resolutlon #1398, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, APPROVING VARIANCE 13-85, A REQUEST TO ALLOW THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A WALK-UP/TAKE-OUT RESTAURANT WITH DEVIATIONS FROM THE REQUIRED PERCENTAGE OF COMPACT PARKING, THE NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES, AND THE AMOUNT OF LANDSCAPING (214 and 216 Maln Street), as proposed by staff. Mr. Rlpperdan seconds. AYES: NOES: ABSTENTION: Covlngton, Hunt, Jessner, Rlpperdan None Perrln Motlon Carrled . Mr. Baucke presented a forecast of the October 16, 1985 and the November 6, 1985 Plannlng Commlsslon meetlng to the Commlsslon. He also noted that at the November 6, 1985 Plannlng Commlsslon meetlng, a report wlll Plannlng CommlSSlon Meetlng of October 2, 1985 Page 6 . be presented to the Commlsslon as a result of the Clty Councll's actlon requestlng an amendment to appeal procedures. Mr. Jessner dlscussed wlth staff the status of the In-lleu parklng program. Mr. Baucke lndlcated that the Clty had turned thlS matter over to a consultant who was now dOlng a study on a demand-analysls basls of the parklng sltuatlon. Mr. Baucke lndlcated that a report of such would posslbly be presented to the Commlsslon at the November 20, 1985 Plannlng Commlsslon meetlng. ADJOURNMENT It was the concensus of the Commlsslon and so dlrected by Chalr to adJourn the regularly scheduled Plannlng Commlsslon meetlng at 9:21 p.m. -:r. ~1rl11 -Iii Recordlng Sec etary . .