HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1986-01-02
Clty Council Chambers
211 Elghth Street
Seal Beach, Callfornla
The Seal Beach Planrung Comnuss~on meets ~n sess~on every f~rst and th~rd Wednesday of each
month at 7.30 p.m. If you w~sh to address the Comm~ss~on on any part~cular publ~c hear~ng
~tem, the Cha~rman w~ll call for pubhc test~mony f~rst for those ~n favor of the proJect,
and second, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker's pos~t~on ~n the
center of the room ~s unoccup~ed, step up to the IlUcrophone and when recogn~zed by the
Cha~rman, speak d~rectly ~nto the IlUcrophone by f~rst stat~ng your name and address clearly
and d~s~nctly for the records. State your bus~ness as clearly and succ~nctly as poss~ble
and then wa~t a moment to see ~f the Comnuss~oners have any quest~ons ~n regard to your
comments or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat
so that the next person may address the Comnuss~on.
If you w~sh to address the Comnuss~on on matters other than publ~c hear~ngs, the agenda
prov~des for that t~me when the Cha~rman asks for comments from the publ~c. Address the
ComnusSJon ~n the same manner as stated for publ~c hear~ngs, always stat~ng your name and
address f~rst
January 2 1986
~ext Resolution ~1409
1 f!!~K!_2!_A!!!K!!g~!
2 !2!L~!!!
3 !!~2I!_!I2~_~!~I!!!I!
A Zoning Text Amendment 8-85
CUP for Entertainment Cafes
IC1ty Attorney requests
continuance to the meeting of
January 15, 1986 I
148 7th Street
A request for structural improvements
and enlargements to an exist1ng non-
conforming property containing four
5 f!h!!~_B!!I!!!g~
Resolut1on #1408
A request to Change the zoning
designations of 139 66 acres of land
commonly known as the Hellman Propert}
located northeast of Pacific Coast H1gh-
way and west of Seal Beach Boulevard
from the General Commerc1al IC-21 Low
Density Residential (R-1I and Oil
Extract10n lO-EI Zones to the newly
adopted Specific Plan Regulation
IS P R 1 Zone
Environmental Review Regative
Declaration 1-88 has been prepared 1n
lieu of an Environmental Impact Report
City of Seal Beach
Property Owner
Hellman Estate
Planning Commission Agenda
January 2. 1985
Page 2
Conditional Use Per.it 1-88
------------------------iesolution #1406
A request to permit a planned sign
program for the Seal Beach Center
Applicant/Owner Seal Beach Center'
Coast Property Management
Environmental Review
categorically exempt
Review [California
Section 15301]
The proJect lS
from Environmental
Government Code
Code Sections 28-1803 28-2503
6 !~h!~Y!!~_!!!!![!
A Review of CUP 18-84 (Hennessey's)
7 ~2..!!!!2n_B!gy!!!!
8 Q[!!-~2..Yn!~!!!2n!_![2._!h!_AY~!!n~!
9 ~2..!!!!2n_~2..yn!~!!!2n!
Agenda Forecast
January 15 1986
-Zoning Text Amendment 8-85
CCP for Entertainment Cafes
-Zoning Text Amendment 11-85
CCP for Temporary BUlldings I Trallers
-Variance 1-86
Addltlon to Son-conforming
Commercial BUlldings with less
than the requlred parking
1500 Pacific Coast Hi~hwav
-Conditional rse Permit 5-86
99 Marina Drive (Chevron CSA IDe
Expanslon of Existing On-Shore
Oil Filtration/Separation Facilltl
JA~UARY 2 1986
The Seal Beach Planning Commission met in ~~gy!!~ session at 7.38
p.m. with Chairman Jessner calling the meeting to order.
Commissioner Hunt led the Salute to the Flag
Chairman Jessner
Commissioners Covington. Hunt, Perrin,
Also Present:
John M. Baucke DIrector of Development
Mr. Baucke. Commission Secretary, indicated that there was one
item to report ZTA 8-85. a CUP for EntertaInment Cafes. be moved
to the January 15 1986 PlannIng Commission meetIng as per the
City Attorney's request
Mr. RIpperdan moved to contInue ZTA 8-85 to the January 15. 1986
Planning Commission meetIng. Mr Covington seconds
Covington, Hunt
Jessner. Perrin, Ripperdan
Motion Carried
There was one Item on the consent calendar for the Commission's
consideration: A) Plan Review 3-85 Mr. Baucke indicated that
this item was a request for structural improvements and
enlarg~ments to an existing non-conforming property containing 4
units. Mr. Baucke presented the facts of that contaIned in a
memorandum dated 12/30/85. He then presented staff's recommenda-
tIon outlIning 3 alternative actions to be considered by the
CommIssion. Mr. Baucke made hImself avaIlable to the Commission
for questIons.
ChaIrman Jessner asked the applicant if he wished to speak.
~!!!__~l~Y~~!Q~. Zember Construction. spoke in reference to
staff's alternative ~2 regarding the removal of the half bath.
He stated that he and his client WIshed to have the half b~th
remain in the proposed plans Mr. Jessner and Mr. Stevenson
discussed the proposed additional parking of a 2 car carport and
the curb cut requirements Mr. Jessner asked staff if In their
opinIon this addItion would create hIgher densIty. Mr. Baucke
PlannIng CommisSIon MeetIng of January 2. 1986
Page 2
indicated that it would not. Mr Jessner felt that the overall
plan would be an improvement. Mr. Ripperdan felt that approving
this would extend the life of a non-conforming structure. Mr
Covington and Mr RIpperdan discussed the modIfIcatIon of
alternatIve #2 to allow the half bath to remain. Mr Ripperdan
concurred with Mr. Covington's modifIcation.
~r. Jessner asked if any other members of the audIence wished to
speak No other members spoke.
Mr. Hunt felt that ZTA 2-84 needed further defInition. but did
not agree that this applIcation should be held up for this reason
alone. He approved of the plans as proposed by the applicant.
~r. Covington and Mr Hunt discussed various proposed changes in
the square footage. Mr. Stevenson stated to the Commission that
the plans were drawn to the best of his abilIty based on what
staff had Instructed hIm he could or could not do. Mr. Covington
requested clarification from staff on this matter R!n!_Qg~Qn.
Administrative Aide Indicated that the applicant's agent had
come to the City and dIscussed the tentatIve proposal. Mr. Ogdon
advised that thIS request would have to be reviewed by Mr. Baucke
and that the proposal should be clearly described by a set of
plans Staff could not acurrately determine the applicant's
request and possIble review problems until a set of plans were
Mr. Covington moves to approve P R. 3-85 with the conditions that
the applicant submit revised plans limiting the total additional
lIvIng area to a maximum of 658.63 sq. ft and to direct staff to
work In conjunction with the applicant to revise a plan that
satIsfies both theIr needs with the half bath remaining. Mr
Ripperdan seconds
Chairman Jessner spoke in reference to the great amount of time
spent by the Planning Commission. City Council and citizens of
the communIty In putting together ZTA 2-84 to be able to do what
could not be done in the past. He stated he would vote In favor
of thIS item Mr PerrIn stated that due to his prior knowledge
of this Item and his friendship wIth the applicant. he would
abstaIn from voting.
Covington. Hunt, Jessner Ripperdan
Perrin MotIon CarrIed
Planning CommissIon Meeting of January 2 1986
Page 3
Mr. Baucke presented the staff report for this Item, a request to
change the zoning designation from C-2 (General Commercial), R-l
(Low Density Residential) and O-E (011 Extraction) Zones to the
newly adopted Speclfic Plan Regulatlon Zone. Mr Baucke
presented facts related to the Hellman property and a previous
history of this item for the benefit of the Commission and the
audience. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt
Resolution #1406 approving the change of zone and amendment of
the zoning map for the Hellman property as noted In Exhibit "A"
of the staff report Approval is recommended of such change of
zone to the City Council. Mr. Baucke made himself available to
the Commission for questions.
Chairman Jessner declares the public hearIng open.
Qh~r!!!__!~12!, 316 10th St. recommended 2 changes to the
proposed Resolution In reference to this proposal being in
conformance wIth the Hellman Specific Plan. Mr. Jessner
explained to Mr. Antos that the intent here was not to make this
conform with the Hellman Specific Plan. Mr. Antos stated that he
was In oPPosltion to this request if it was not to be in
conformance wIth the Hellman Specific Plan Mr. Baucke clarified
for members of the audlence the intent of this zone change He
explaIned that owners of the Hellman property were only selling
139 of the 180 acres. The Hellman property has a Specific Plan
which governs the development of a 180 acre site. If any portion
of the Hellman property is sold in a piecemeal fashlon. then the
Specific Plan is functionally invalid. The Hellman owners are
currently attempting to sell a portion of the Hellman property
WhICh is prevIously governed by this Specific Plan. As such. a
new Speclfic Plan would have to be adopted by the City for this
new smaller area when proposed for development. In an attempt to
allow the City and its cltlzens a larger Influence on any new
SpecifIc Plan to be developed In conjunction with the site, the
new Speclfic Plan Regulations and Specific Plan Regulatlon Zone
were developed.
~r Jessner spoke in reference to the new Specific Plan provision
and zone change placing the CIty in the leadership role of
determinlng what wlll be built on this property. Mr. Baucke read
varIOUS portions of code sections pertaining to this matter for
the audlence RYlh__~~g!!~, Crestview Ave., requested that ~r.
Baucke explain the minimum area he had discussed in the staff
report. ~r Baucke explalned that this SPR Zone pertained to
properties larger than 2.5 acres. ~!~2~_~~g!1~~ 901 Catalina,
requested clarification of what exactly an SPR Zone is.
Planning CommissIon MeetIng of January 2. 1986
Page 4
He wanted his property to be Included in this zone change. Mr.
Perrin stated that SPR Zone. In this Instance. allows the City to
determine what the development of the Hellman property will be
He explained to Mr Bagstad that his property was not larger than
2.5 acres and is already developed. therefore it could not be re-
zoned to SPR Mr Jessner discussed with Mr Bagstad that this
issue was not new to Seal Beach. but many public hearIngs had
been held on this matter Staff gave him a copy of the text
approved by the City Council to Mr. Bagstad to provIde him with a
better explanation of an SPR Zone. ~~rg~r!l__l!~!!!r. 1709
CrestvIew. requested an explanation of low-densIty and discussed
liquefaction with the Commission Mr. Perrin and Mr. Covington
told Mrs. Jeweler that Seal Beach citizens will have the oppor-
tunity to speak at all publIC hearings and address any concerns
when plans are proposed l!!_~!!k!r!~~. 1011 Electric. spoke in
reference to the various zones mentioned tonight and their
relationship to the General Plan. Q~!~~_~~~~k. 1685 Crestview.
stated that he did not feel the notIce of public hearIng received
by the surrounding property owners adequately explained the SPR
Zone Mr. Swank suggested that the notices be made more clear to
advIse property owners of what was being proposed He felt that
the 139 acres should not be segregated for zoning. but that the
entIre Hellman property be re-zoned Qh~r!!!_A~l~!. spoke in
opposition to the SPR Zone as proposed and suggested that the
City expand the proposed plan and put it into conformance wIth
the Hellman Specific Plan. He felt that the Hellman owners could
enter into a development agreement with the City Mr. Antos felt
the City had no control with only 75% of the property re-zoned.
Mr. Baucke indicated that he did not feel there was a problem
wIth control since any development could be condItioned to
address any area of concern. but staff had no problem with the
inclusion of the entire 180 acres. g!~~~_~~g!l~~ felt that most
of the concerns voiced here tonight were in regard to Sections
28-2951 - 28-2955 of the proposed ordinance. l!!_~l~__Qr!I. 641
Island VIew Dr . spoke in reference to leveling off this property
In terms of development. Mr Covington explained that the City
would be giving greater guidance by the adoption of this zone
change. ~r St. Orey felt it would be in the City's best
interest if the Commission voted to approve the entIre Hellman
property be re-zoned to SPR. Mr. Hunt requested staff to clarify
why certain portions of the Hellman property were excluded from
this zone change. Mr. Baucke explained that the reason behind
staff proposing the SPR Zone for a portion of the property was
due to the fact that this portion was being sold by the Hellman
Estate and was ready for development. Mr. CovIngton felt that
the flood control property should be Included in the proposed
zone change Q~!~~__~~~~k was concerned that if the zoning
designation was split. the City would loose the abilIty to
coordinate the property ~!~_f!l!r!~~. 935 Catalina. asked staff
if the adoption of this zone change throws out the Hellman
Planning Commission Meeting of January 2, 1986
Page 5
Specific Plan and if there was a time limit on this process. Mr
Baucke indicated that the Hellman SpecIfic Plan would still be
the effective Specific Plan under the SPR Zone unless the City
Council revokes it, and there is no time limit for the City to
develop a new Specific Plan Mr. Peterson did not feel confident
that the City would not loose control He discussed there being
no buffer zone and felt that the lIquefactIon issue was basically
excluded from the prior project Mr Covington spoke In favor of
the zone change stating that it will reverse the entire process
of what the City had previously.
As no other members
opposition to this
of the
audience spoke In favor of nor In
Chairman Jessner closed the public
Mr. Covington moved to continue Zone Change 1-86 to give staff
the opportunity to expand the boundaries of the proposed SPR Zone
and include the entire Hellman property and Orange County
Retention Basin, and staff is to re-notice the surrounding
property owners with the modified boundaries. Mr Ripperdan
Covington, Hunt. Jessner, Perrin, Ripperdan
None Motion CarrIed
Mr Baucke presented the staff report for this item, a request to
approve a Planned Sign Program wIth a 47% height deviation from
the sign code for a center identification sign Mr Baucke out-
lined the facts relating to the subject property giving a history
of this item for the benefit of the CommIssion. Mr. Baucke
specifically noted that a court date of January 10, 1986 was
scheduled for the prosecution of Coast Property Management,
applicant. Staff recommended denIal of CUP 1-86 for reasons #1-9
as noted In the staff report. The Commission and staff discussed
the varIOUS proposals discussed wIth the applicant. Mr. Jessner
made reference to the fact that merchants of the Seal Beach
Center have presented a petItion dated November 4, 1985 against
the removal of the readerboard
Chairman Jessner declares the public hearing open.
A~1h2~!__e!Y~~2, 1642 Ocean
representative of Coast Property
application with the Commission
modify the center sign. He felt
had done a substantial amount of
Terrace, Rancho Palos Verdes,
Management, discussed the
and the submittal of a plan to
that Coast Property Management
work to aesthetically improve
Planning Commission Meeting of January 2. 1986
Page 6
the sign. Mr. Baucke stated to the applicant that what they have
proposed is not a Planned Sign Program. Coast Property
Management was only modifYIng 1 sign. Mr. Covington concurred
wIth staff in that it was a step In the right direction. but not
a Planned Sign Program. Mr. Baucke Indicated that the City is
asking for a design concept as a whole. Currently. the submIttal
contains too many colors and the rear portion of the building IS
not addressed. Chairman Jessner explained to the applicant that
the CIty is requesting a comprehensIve program of the entire
center Mr. Plusso stated that it was his understandIng that the
main sign In front was the only one that needed to be corrected
and requested clarification of what needed to be done. Mr
Covington and Mr. Jessner discussed with the applIcant possible
alternatives for a Planned Sign Program. Mr. Baucke noted that
an architect should be selected to determine limItatIons on
color. SIze and style to incorporate all these elements into a
Planned Sign Program
Mr Hunt asked if the approval of the center sign as presented
would take the Center and the CIty out of litigation. Mr. Baucke
indIcated that it would. Mr. Perrin stated that the City has
been requesting for the past 2 years to have a Planned Sign
Program brought before the Commission. and the applicant has
faIled to do so He also noted that he would vote against any
approval untIl a complete Planned Sign Program was presented.
The Commission and staff discussed the approval of the center
sign as proposed without being a part of the Planned SIgn Program
in that it would be a separate item for a variance. and could not
be approved tonight and would need to go before the Commission at
a later date for consideratIon What had been requested is
approval of a Planned Sign Program WhICh had not been presented
Chairman Jessner asked if any members of the audience wished to
N!~~~_~!!~~m!~ 513 Riviera Dr.. tenant of the Seal Beach Center
presented a letter dated July '83 from Coast Property Management
indicating that the Center did have a Planned Sign Program
approved by the City She felt that the readerboard was
essential and made reference to the traffic speed past the Center
and that of Main Street which was much slower Mr. Baucke
discussed with Mrs. Blackman the volunteer sign program WhICh the
Center had previously. Mr. Perrin explained to Mrs. Blackman
that he was not against the readerboard. but he did not want to
approve Coast Property Management's modIfIcation to the center
Planning Commission Meeting of January 2. 1986
Page 7
sIgn as a Planned Sign Program when it was not a sign program.
I~~~__Q~LY~!, 4781 Ironwood. tenant of the Seal Beach Center.
discussed with staff and the Commission what the Intent actually
was of a Planned SIgn Program and was concerned wIth the amount
of money that the merchants of the Center would have to spend in
correcting this problem. M!~!!_H!r~~!l~. 1136 Kibbons. Stanton,
was concerned with removal of the readerboard. Mr. Covington
suggested that the merchants of the Center notify Mr Moss and
prompt him to start the process of development of a Planned Sign
Program with the use of an architect or design professional to
determIne an overall concept of the design of a Planned Sign
Program. I!!!__I!!~!!!~. 513 Riviera. spoke in reference to
future enforcement of Seal Beach Center tenants in a Planned Sign
As no other members of the audience spoke neither in favor of nor
in opposition to this item, ChaIrman Jessner closed the public
Mr. Covington moves to continue CUP 1-86 on the grounds that the
information that has been developed and the new response from the
management representative and the tenants give ample expectancy
of a true Planned Sign Program that wIll be developed and the
issue be solved Mr. Baucke indicated that this would be a
problem due to the January 10. 1986 court date and a fInal
determination was needed. Mr. Jessner suggested amending
Resolution #1406 as follows: #2 to read "The sign program as
presented includes a number of individual signs that do not
promote a good design for the Center as a whole. ". #8. 2nd
sentence after the word "to". delete end of sentence and add
"submit a Planned Sign Program for the entIre Center Including
all the correctIons described above.". Mr Baucke noted 2
additions. in Resolution title, after CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1-
86 add "WITHOUT PREJUDICE", and in the paragraph beginning wIth
"NOW. THEREFORE.". add after 1-86 "without prejudice".
Mr CovIngton moved to adopt Resolution
with the corrections noted by staff and
Perrin seconds
Pacific Coast Highway).
the Commission. Mr.
Covington. Hunt. Jessner.
Perrin. Ripperdan
Motion Carried
PlannIng CommIssion MeetIng of January 2 1986
Page 8
Mr Jessner explained that
Included in the ResolutIon so
Planned SIgn Program back
the term "wIthout preJudIce" was
to enable the applicant to brIng a
before the CommissIon for theIr
There was one scheduled matter Item' A) RevIew of CUP 18-84
(Hennessey's) Mr Baucke presented that contained in a
memorandum dated December 30. 1985 Mr Baucke Indicated that
after reVIew of the conditIons establIshed for the approval of
CUP 18-84 and VarIance 14-84. staff has found 2 Items (noted In
staff report) which the applicant has not complIed with. Staff
recommends continuance of the applIcant's probationary perIod for
3 additIonal months pursuant to their compliance of all
condItIons Mr. PerrIn and Mr Baucke discussed the possIbIlity
of a shorter time perIod for complIance ~~i~~_K~l~, 242 6th
St . spoke in reference to conditIon #10 regarding the removal of
the garage doors Mr Kyle Indicated there was a problem wIth
vagrants. and he wanted to leave the doors on. ~!mill~_~h~Q~Y~~.
representatIve of Hennessey's, spoke In reference to the
satellite dISh locatIon He explained to the CommIssIon that
Hennessey's had gone to some expense enclosing the satellite
dISh and relocating it at this tIme would be considerably expen-
sive Mr Shecourt explaIned to the CommIssion the problems they
had had wIth the orIgInal contractors who Installed the dISh
l!m_gil~~~!~~, 1011 Electric, spoke in reference to the removal
of the garage doors He felt the doors should be left open at
all tImes Mr GIlkerson also spoke In reference to the 6
parkIng spaces desIgnated as employee parking and felt that the
sIgn should be changed to allow for public parkIng Mr.
GIlkerson asked staff for clarIfIcation on provisIons for
banners ~h~~l~!_A~~~!, 316 10th St., spoke in reference to the
6 parking spaces being designated as public parkIng, and Mr.
Antos felt that the closing of the garage doors at 2 00 a m would
be nOIsy
Mr Perrin moves to contInue CUP 18-84 and Variance 14-84 for a
perIod of 3 months at which time the following will be addressed
1) CondItion #10 regardIng the garage doors, 2) SatellIte dISh
brought into complIance, 3) The employee parking signage wIll be
changed to allow for publIC parkIng, and 4) DiscontInuance of
the banner sIgns. Mr Ripperdan seconds.
~r Hunt discussed wIth staff and the CommIssion the employee
parkIng and felt it should not be changed untIl more thought was
put Into the matter Mr Baucke dIscussed wIth Mr CovIngton the
legal aspects of the banner signage. Mr. Baucke felt employees
would still be utilIzIng the parking whether or not It was
specifically desIgnated, and that this matter would be one that
the CIty Attorney might lIke to address
Planning Commission MeetIng of January 2, 1986
Page 9
Covington. Hunt. Jessner. Perrin. Ripperdan
None Motion Carried
Mr. Baucke requested that one addItional scheduled matter item be
added to the agenda: B) The determination by the Planning
Commission under "SimIlar Retail or Service Uses CaterIng General
to Consumers" When interpreted by the Planning Commission as
meaning the "General Intent of the Service CommercIal Uses and
the General Plan" Mr Baucke indIcated that he had an applIca-
tion for a yogurt shop ~n Main Street and felt that the
particular code sections dealing with restaurants did not apply.
He read a portion of the Municipal Code pertaining to restaurants
for the Commission. Mr Baucke found that this particular appli-
cation needed a determinatIon by the PlannIng CommIssion as it
was not specifIcally addressed under the Municipal Code as to
what it would be consIdered. Staff and the Commission discussed
the operation of this proposed yogurt shop and found a number of
dIstinctions between this type of business and a restaurant. It
was the Commission's determination that this particular busIness
would not be considered to be a restaurant under the Seal Beach
MunIcipal Code
There were no Commission Requests.
~h~~!!~__Anl~~ 316 10th St.. requested staff to ask the City
Attorney for clarificatIon and to provide the code sections
approving the taking of parkIng spaces from one property to give
to another property. specifically noting the Hennessey
Mr. Covington discussed with staff payment to the Planning
CommIssioners for their attendance at the PlannIng Commission
meetIngs over the past several months. Mr. Baucke indicated
there had been a delay, but warrant requests were being issued
and would be before the City CouncIl for approval thIS month.
It was the concensus of the CommISSIon and so directed by Chair
to adjourn the regularly scheduled meeting of the PlannIng
CommissIon at 12:31 a.m
Recording Secretary