HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Min 1986-02-19
. ,
C1ty Councl1 Chambers
211 Eighth Street
Seal Beach. California
2'be Seal Beacb I'llllU2!ng Cormaiss1on I118ets in session fIVfIry f1rst IInd third Wednesday of eacb
IIIOnth at 7130 p,m. If !IOu ,,1sb to address the COlIIII1ss.1on on IInY lMrt1cular public bearing
item, the Chairman "ill call for public test1mony first for those in favor of the project,
and second, for those "ho are not in favor. rtben!lOu see that the speak.er's pos1tion 1n the
center of the Z'OQIII .1s unoc:cup1ecf, step up to the microphone and "hen rec:ogn1zed by the
Chairman, speale directly into tbe micro,pbone by first stating !lOur name and address clearly
and distinctly for the records. State your business as clearly and succinctly as possible
and then ,,111 t a ...nt to see if the COIJIIIJ.ss1oners have any questions in regard to !lOur
CClIIIIIIl!nts or questions. If there are no other questions or COIIIIIents, return to your seat
so that the ne.t JIfIrson _y address the Coaa1ss10n.
If !IOu "ish to address the COIIIIIIi.ss1on on _tters other thlUl public hearings, the agenda
prov.1des for tbat t1me "ben the Cba1naan aslcs for C'OIIIIIIents frtJIIJ the public. Address. the
COmm1ss10n in the same manner as stated for public bearings, al"ays stat1. !lOur name IUId
address f.1rst.
Pebruary 19. 1988
Next Re801ution .1414
1. ~!~fK~_2!_6!!~K!!B2~
2 . B2!LS!!!
3. B!R2l!_!l2__!!2l!!!ll
4. _S2B!!B!_S!!!nf!l
A reque8t
with a
to allow a minor heirht
for a roof line a880ciated
propo8ed new 8ingle family
- 218 8th Street.
B. ~!!B_B!!!!!!_~=!! IZember/Roman8'
A reque8t for an interior remodel and
the addition of a balcony to a non-
conforming property located at 209 Ocean
5. f!~!!2_1~!l!DK!
Re801ution *1410
A reque8t to:
11 Make 8tructural improvement8 and
addition8 to a non-conforming
21 Provide le88 than the required
31 Not prOVide a loading zone.
41 Allow the con8truction of a new
addition to be located within a
required 8ide yard 8etback.
Environmental Review:
categorically exempt
Review [California
Section 15301Iel].
Th18 project 18
from Environmental
Government Code
Applicant: Tom Schuveiller/Brian Kyle
Code Section8:
1403. 28-2500
28-1402. 28-2311. 28-
. ,
'. .
Plannin. Coamission A.enda
February 19. 1988
pa.. 2
B. !!t!!B2!_I:!1 Resolution .1411
A reequest for a proposed walk-in/take-
out deli with on-sale beer and wine and
les~ than the required type and number
of parkin. spaces.
Environmental Review:
cate.orically exeapt
Review [California
Section 15301].
The project 18
from Environmental
Government Code
Code Sections: 28-1300(81Ial. 28-
1300181Cbl. 28-2503
Ra.zi Mansour
Ellen Musso
8. 12h!~Y!!~_I!!!!t!
A. Use Deteraination Request-Walter
Babcock. 205 Main Street
City Policy on 37
for lot widths and
story allowance
1/2 foot requirement
the resultin. third
7. ~!!!!!!!!g_B!gy!!!!
8. Qt!!_~!!!yg!2!!!!!!_!t!!_!h!_6Y~!!n2!
9. ~!.!!!!!!g_~!!!Yn!2!!!!g!
10. 6~1!ytB!!B!
A.enda Forecast:
"arch S. 1988
-Variance 3-88
Plan Review 8-88 Watson
350 Ocean
-Conditional Use Per.it 19-85 Cleary
Tentative Parcel Map 85-1002
-Zonin. Text Amendaent 1-88
Titles for R-l. R-2 and R-3 to RLD. RMD. and
-Seal Beach Blvd. Master Iaprove.ent IStudy
Session 1 '.
FEBRUARY 19. 1988
The Seal Beach Planning Commission met in !~g!!~! session at 7:30
p.m. with Chairman Jessner calling the meeting to order.
Commissioner Ripperdan led the Salute to the Flag.
Chairman Jessner
Commissioners Covington, Runt
Commissioners Perrin, Ripperdan
Also Present:
John M. Baucke, Director of Development
Mr. Jessner indicated that he had received a request from both
Commissioner Perrin and Commissioner Ripperdan to be excused from
the February 19, 1988 Planning Commission meeting as they had
another business engagement to attend to.
Mr. Covington moved
Commissioner Ripperdan
Runt seconds.
to excuse Commissioner Perrin
from the February 19, 1988 meeting.
Covington, Hunt, Jessner
Motion Carried
Mr. Baucke, Commission Secretary, indicated there was one item to
report: The addition of a scheduled matter item: (B, City
Policy on 37 1/2 ft. requirement for lot widths and the resulting
3rd story allowance. Mr. Baucke requested that the agenda be
amended to include this item.
Mr. Covington moves to amend the agenda as requested.
Mr. Runt
Covington, Ruun, Jessner
Motion Carried
There were 2 items on the consent calendar for the Commissionls
consideration: A) Plan Review 4-88 and B, Plan Review 5-88.
Mr. Baucke indicated that Plan Review 4-88 was a request to allow
a minor heIght deviation for a roof line associated with a
proposed new single family residence - 218 8th St. Mr. Baucke
Planning Commission Meeting of February 19, 1986
Page 2
noted that the applicant has submitte~ 2 separate plans in hope
that 1 of the 2 will be approved by the Commission. Staff
recommended that the Planning Commission deny Plan Review 4-86
for both proposals submitted by the applicant for the reasons
noted in the staff report.
Chairman Jessner asked if the Commission would concur that this
item be removed from the consent calendar so to open the issue
for public hearing. Mr. Covington felt it would be appropriate
to do so.
Mr. Covington moves to remove Plan Review 4-86 from the consent
calendar and place it on the agenda as the first public hearing
item. Mr. Hunt seconds.
Covington, Huut, Jessner
None Motion Carried
Mr. Baucke indicated that the second consent calendar item, Plan
Review 5-86, was a request for an interior remodel and the
addition of a balcony to a Ron-conforming property located at 209
Ocean Ave. Mr. Baucke did note that the proposed remodeling
would eliminate an existing illegal unit by remOVing the kitchen.
Staff recommended that Plan Review 5-86 be approved w.ith the 2
conditions noted in the staff report.
Mr. Covington moves to approve Plan Review 5-86 with the
conditions recommended by staff. Mr. Hunt seconds.
Covington, Hunt, Jessner
None Motion Carried
l2h~__~!!RR2~!, architect for the applicant, Eunice McMullen,
explained to the Commission what he and his client were propOSing
to do and felt that there were some misconceptions in the staff
report relating to this issue. Mr. Stibbons discussed the
specifics of the proposed plans with the Commission. Chairman
Jessner noted that a letter had been received from neighbors who
were concerned about the height of the bUilding and the
possibility that it may affect their view. Mr. Baucke indicated
that staff has found it would not obstruct the neighbor's view.
Mr. Stibbons explained to the Commisssion the architectural style
he was trying to obtain and stated that the proposed request was
Planning Commission Meeting of February 19. 1986
Page 3
only for architectural reasons. Mr. Covington asked for staff's
imput on Mr. Stibbons presentation of this proposal. Mr. Baucke
stated the proposed plans did not compl~ with the Uniform
Building Code.
Chairman Jessner suggested that this item be continued to the
next Planning Commission meeting so to enable staff and the
applicant to work together to clarify certain requirements of
this proposal. Mr. Covington requested that a floor plan be
provided. Chairman Jessner asked if any members of the audience
were in opposition to this item being continued to the next
meeting. Mr. Bunt complimented Mr. Stibbons on the proposed
architectural design of the building.
Mr. Covington moves to continue Plan Review 4-86 to a future date
to be determined by staff and the applicant. Mr. Bunt seconds.
Covington. Bunt. Jessner
None Motion Carried
Staff report. presented by Mr. Baucke. indicated this was a
request for approval of a major remodel and 3600 square foot
second floor addition to an existing non-conforming building with
less than the required parking and without a loading zone. A new
second floor addition is proposed to be located above the
existing bUilding which i~ currently within a required side yard
setback. Mr. Baucke then presented the facts relating to the
sUbject property and outlined various portions of the zoning
ordinance in relation to .parking. loading zone and street side
setback. Mr. Baucke presented staff's recommendation noting that
is the Commission should decide to approve Variance 1-86. that
the 6 conditions noted in the staff report be considered. Mr.
Baucke then made himself available to the Commission for any
questions. Mr. Covington and Mr. Bunt asked staff why they were
not recommending approval of this request. Mr. Baucke stated
there were a few areas in question. mainly the City's grandfather
policy and the intensity of the existing property. Mr. Covington
noved that the original intent of the grandfather clause was to
provide a legal basis for the use of an eXisting operation.
Chairman Jessner declares the public hearing open.
I!!A!_I~!!. 226 7th St.. applicant. gave a brief background of
this request explaining to the Commission the specifics of his
proposed request. Mr. Kyle felt that this upgrade would benefit
the community. Mr. Jessner and Mr. Kyle discussed the shortfall
Planning Commission Meeting of February 19, 1986
Page 4
of parking spaces. Mr. Covington noted the several areas of non-
conformity in this proposed request and 'stated that it was not
the intent of the Planning Commission or the City to grant such
requests to give a none-conforming property a whole new useful
life. Mr. Covington requested clarification from the applicant
as to where the residential structures are in location to the
subject property. Mr. Covington asked staff if the neighboring
residents had been notified of this request. Mr. Baucke stated
that they had been notified. Mr. Hunt asked the applicant if he
had reviewed the 6 conditions recommended by staff. Mr. Kyle
stated that he would have no objections to staff's conditions.
l!!_g!!k!~!2!. 1011 Electric Ave., spoke in opposition to this
item. He did not feel the Commission should" grant this request
due to the parking problem and loading zone. Mr. Covington and
Mr. Gilkerson discussed the grandfather policy in the City.
I~!!!_~l!! stated that this proposal will enhance parking at
night as the lot will be open for parking in the evenings after
4-5 p.m. l!!_g!!k!~!2! requested the Commissionls opinion as to
whether or not the foundation will support a second story. He
questioned if in demolishing the existing building, would code
have to be met for the entire new project.
As no other members of the
opposition to this request.
audience spoke in favor of nor in
Chairman Jessner closed the public
Mr. COVington felt that based upon the additional information
developed tonight, he thought it would benefit staff to enable
the staff to come back to the Commission with a recommendation as
well as enable each of the Commission members to phYSically look
at this site and again view the proposal. Chairman Jessner
stated that in his opinion. he viewed this as a brand new
building and not a remodel. He did not feel that grandfathering
applies nor did Mr. Jessner see any justification to allow 14
parking spaces on .a property that requires 32 parking spaces.
Mr. Jessner stated that he felt this request should be denied
without prejudice to enable the applicant to come back before the
Commission with a revised plan.
Mr. Covington moves to continue the public hearing for Variance
1-86 to a later date to be determined by both the applicant and
staff. Mr. Hunt seconds.
Covington. Hunt. Jessner
None Motion Carried
Planning Commission Meeting of February 19. 1986
Page 5
Mr. Baucke. Commission Secretary, presented the staff report for
this item indicating that this was a request for a proposed walk-
in/take-out deli/restaurant with on-sale beer and wine without
providing the required parking. Mr. Baucke presented the facts
relating to the subject property and the various code sections
pertaining to this request. Staff requested that the Planning
Commission review this application based on several points:
Parking, landscaping and restaurant use as outlined in the staff
report. Mr. Baucke concluded that if the Planning Commission
finds that the reestablishment of the deli/restaurant would not
be detrimental to the surrounding community, staff recommends
approval of CUP 3-86 and Variance 2-86 with the conditions noted
in the staff report. Mr. Baucke noted to the Commission that
staff is deleting condition #2, Page 7 of the staff report dated
February 13, 1986. In addition, staff recommended that condition
#6 (c) be amended to read as follows: "If the present
landscaping is upgraded, it can retain the same location as
present.". A resolution will be prepared reflecting the Planning
Commission's action on this application. Mr. Baucke then made
himself available to the Commission for any questions. Mr.
Covington, Mr. Hunt and staff discussed the shortfall of parking
in this request. Mr. Covington discussed with staff that a
possible in-lieu parking requirement be a recommendation. Mr.
Baucke indicated that City Council's methodology for an in-lieu
parking program had been established for Main Street.
Chairman Jessner declares the public hearing open.
R!!!!_~!~!~Yr, applicant, stated that this project will be his
major source of income and explained that he had lost his lease
to this space from the owner of Shore Village in 1984. He stated
that his store has been eXisting for the past 10 years, and he
has had no problems in the past. Mr. Mansour presented a list of
signatures of over 100 people who wish to see his business re-
Mr. Covington asked if the applicant would accept approval by the
Planning Commission of an in-door operation only. Mr. Mansour
said that he would prefer to have the outside dining as well but
would accept an in-door operation only. Mr. Mansour noted that
he would open the deli without a beer and wine license. Mr.
Hunt. Mr. Jessner and the applicant discussed the operation
without a beer and wine license as far as making profit from the
business. Mr. Mansour indicated that the alcohol was
approximately 20 - 25_ of the gross business sales. Mario Musso,
301 Ocean Ave., owner of Shore Village, clarified--;lth-the
Commission some of the information provided in the staff report.
Planning Commission Meeting of February 19, 1988
Page 8
Mr. Musso provided the Commission with a 1979 map of Shore
Village and a 1986 proposed map of Shore Village, and discussed
the changes made over the past 18 months. Mr. Jessner and Mr.
Musso discussed the additional square footage provided for
storage space to Villager Shoes in Shore Village. Mr. Covington
complimented Mr. Musso in working with the City Staff in the
preparation of a landscaping plan, signage plan and parking plan.
Mr. Musso and Mr. Covington discussed the parking need for his
tenants, Carefree Haircutters. and Mr. Musso noted to the
Commission that when Carefree went to the City in 1980 to get a
business license. the City did not discuss the parking
requirements with Carefree. Qh!t!!!_An!2!. 316 10th St.. wanted
to discuss a few items noted in the staff report. Mr. Antos
explained to the Commission the various permits issued to Shore
Village during his employment at the City. l!~-~!!~!t!2n spoke
in reference to the parking problems and discussed a possible CUP
alternative for the applicant. Mr. Baucke discussed with Mr.
Gilkerson his concerns over the delay of this application and the
moratorium on the issuance of CUP's for beer and wine licenses.
As no other members
opposition to this
of the audience spoke
item, Chairman Jessner
in favor
of nor in
the public
Mr. COVington asked staff if they would feel appropriate, on the
basis of what has been discussed tonight. to meet with the
applicant and the owner to determine whether or not a CUP
alternative to this Variance could be presented. Mr. Baucke felt
that the Planning Commission coul~ determine this option. Mr.
COVington asked Mr. Baucke if he felt that this application could
be granted on a reasonable basis by Variance only. Mr. Baucke
stated that in his opinion. it could be. Mr. Hunt spoke in
regard to the storage space and felt that it had no bearing on
this application. Mr. Hunt also felt that a 42% compact parking
space ratio is very acceptable.
Mr. Covington moves to approve Variance 2-86. Conditional Use
Permit 3-86 and Conditional Use Permit 4-86 subject to all the
conditions established by Variance 2-86. that the findings
established by staff of conditons and 6 (a-e) be
incorporated with the modification of 6(c) as follows: "Such
landscaping may be maintained in its current location pending the
upgrading of such landscaping as noted in the required landscape
plan.". Also to be included are staff's condiitons 7.8.9. and 10
and that. condition '11 be included as follows: A) That the
parking plan to be approved will provide for 43 spaces in
'It Planning Commission Meeting of February 19. 1986
Page 7
comparison with the 48 that would be required on the basis of
present and proposed useage (including 2 spaces for the outside
eating). The finding for condition #11 is done on the basis of
the Commission noting that this is a deviation of approximately
10% of the required parking and could have been applied for on
the basis of a CUP processed separately. B) That a count of one
was given to the employee compact parking because employees come
to work at different hours and are often part-time. and C) That
the benefits to the City from the many other enhancements of the
property were easily warranted to trade-off which would have
easily been permitted under a CUP process.... Mr. Bunt seconds.
Chairman Jessner re-opened the public hearing for any public
testimony regarding the conditions stated.
~!t!~_~YII~ spoke in reference to condition #6(e). He asked for
a clarification of this condition. Mr. Covington explained that
a trash enclosure will need to be provided for the deli/
restaurant. Mr. Baucke told Mr. Musso that staff will discuss
this requirement with him. Mr. Musso also requested
clarification on the signage issue. Be told the Commission that
he was willing to provide plans for the signage and the new signs
that will go up for the deli/restaurant.
Chairman Jessner declares the public hearing closed.
Covington. Bunt. Jessner
None Motion Carried
Mr. Baucke indicated there were 2 scheduled matter items. The
first item was a Use Determination Request by Mr. Walter Babcock
which was presented at the February 5, 1986 Planning Commission
meeting. Mr. Babcock did not attend that meeting and at that
time. the Commission had some questions pursuant to making any
determination on this matter. Mr. Baucke indicated that Mr.
Babcock was in the audience tonight and has submitted floor plans
for the CommJssion's consideration. It was to be determined if
this particular request for a pastrY/bakery shop would be
classified as a restaurant use. !!!!~t_I!~~~~~, 201 Main St..
discussed with the Commission what he was proposing to do at 205
Main Street. He wanted to augment the activities at Walt's
Wharf. 201 Main St.. by baking their own bread. croissants and
some desserts. Mr. Babcock did not intend to make the bakery a
restaurant and no waitresses would be serving tables. There
would be some tables and chairs for people to serve themselves
and sit down.
Planning Commission Meeting of February 19. 1988
Page 8
Mr. Covington moves that on the basis of additional information.
the request for a pastry/bakery shop be approved as submitted
with the finding that the improved space at 205 Main Street be
operated as a bakery with the stipulations that the owner agrees
that any tables and chairs on the premises will be used by
customers on a self-serve basis. Mr. Hunt seconds.
COVington. Hunt. Jessner
None Motion Carried
Mr. Baucke stated that the next scheduled matter item was city
policy on 97 1/2 ft. requirements for lot widths and the
resulting third story allowance. Mr. Baucke gave a brief
background of past actions taken by the Planning Commission on
this matter in reference to the existing city policy requiring a
specific 97.5000 ft. requirement for a third story. It was
recommended to the Planning Commission in a report by the City
Engineer that a difference of 1/10 of one foot or less be
considered insignificant. The final action by the Planning
Commission was that this item be brought back to the Commission
at a later date for determination upon the presentation of
additional information.
Mr. Baucke noted that a Plan Review application was submitted to
the Director of Development Services on February 5. 1988 by Phil
Allen which brought this issue up again. Mr. Allen requested to
come before the Commission and discuss the information he had in
reference to this and to express his desire for a modification to
be made to this strict interpretation. fh!!__A!!!~. expressed
concern to the Commission over this strict requirement for lot
widths and felt a modification should be made. Staff recommended
that this requirement be rounded to the nearest one-tenth of one
foot as suggested by both the City Engineer and Paul Calvo. a
local surveyor. Staff. Mr. Covington and Mr. Jessner discussed
the possibility of rounding to the nearest five-one hundredths.
!!~h~tg__IY~k!t!!!!g. 1101 Seal Way. spoke in reference to his
property which had originally raised this issue and the various
properties in town which relate to this matter. Mr. Baucke noted
that a resolution would be prepared by staff to come back to the
Commission pending their determination. !2~!t!_Q22~. 441 Central
Ave.. spoke in regard to a previous application before the
Commission of a similar situation. He felt that the Commission
should give consideration to all factors involved before making a
decision on this matter. The Commission instructed staff to
prepare some draft resolutions that would incorporate some of the
commentary heard tonight and bring this back to the Commission.
Planning Commission Meeting of February 19. 1986
Page 9
There were no Commission Communications.
R2~~~1_Q22k encouraged the Commission to undertake a new study of
density standards for Old Town. He felt that since the current
studies were taken several years ago. they were based on a very
broad concensus. Mr. Cook suggested that for the benefit of the
City's future direction. the Commission should review this matter
and hold some public hearings to get public imput. Mr. Hunt also
encouraged the Commission to have a current comprehensive study
done in"Old Town of the commercial parking availability and need.
Mr. Baucke noted to Mr. Cook that a demand-use analysis was in
the process of being prepared for Main St. ~h!!__6!!~n spoke
again in regard to the lot width requirement of 37.5000 ft. He
recommended that the height limit be modified to a 30 ft.
maximum. Chairman Jessner indicated that he felt this would be
appropriate. Mr. Covington stated that on the basis of earlier
discussion and imput received tonight. he would like to request
the Chair to direct staff to provide in addition to the draft
resolutions. some additional background information on the number
of lots that appear to be affected by the 37 1/2 ft. requirement
and the pros and cons from staff as to the consequences of the
additional number of lots on which 35 ft. high structures could
be built. In addition. direct staff to propose some alternatives
on what would be appropriate for possible height or story
modifications. Chair directed staff to do so.
It was the concensus of the Commission and so directed by Chair
to adjourn the regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning
Commission at 12:10 a.m.
Recording Secretary