HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 112 - 1967-02-16 f. , '. '. RESOLUTION NO. 112 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING CO~ISSION OF THE CITY OF ~EAL BFACH DL~YING VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. V-2-67 FOR A REDUCTION OF REQUIRED Fl<.ONT YARD (DEX'lER SAVAGE) WHEREAS, 1n the matter of Var1ance App11cat1on No. V-2-67, the Plann1ng Commiss1on or the Clty of Seal Beach does report dS follows: 1. SubJect case was 1n1tlated by Dexter Savage, 920 Fathom Ave., Seal Beach. 2. SubJect property lS descrlbed as Lot 360, Tract ]817 (Street address, 920 Fathom Ave., Seal Beach). 3. SubJect request lS to re~odel an eX1st1ng slde-entry gdrage (WhlCh lS constructed wlth 10 foot front sPtback) to a front-entry garage ( WhlCh requlres an 18 foot front setback). WHEREAS, the Plannlng CO~lsslon flndlngs are as follow~. 1. To allow remodellng of th1s garagp to a front-entry type would create problems of automoblles beinp, par~ed In a manner WhlCh would obQtruct the publlC sldewalk and would probably partlally obstruct the ~tleet. 2. . All slmllar cases have been denled In the past for this reason. NOW, THLREFORF, BE IT RESOLVED that the Plannln& COMm~SS10n of the Clty of Seal Beach does hereby den~ Variance Appllcatlon No. V-2-67. February, 1 67. < _~ I AJl..lfl~ ChaIrmal1~i the Plannln~co~mls~lon I hereby certlfy tnat the foregolng lesoluuon \\a~ duly adopted at a regul.lr ~eetlng of the Plannlng COWffilsslon of the CIty of Seal Beach WhlCh was held on February 16, 1967, and carr~ed by the ro110Wlnp, vote APPROV~D AND ADOPTED thls 16th day of AYhS: hOES. ABSE~T' COm'111SS10ners. Comnl1qsioner~ Conlml c;&10ners. Cro\11ey, Lamllng, Murphy, Boeger None Jone& ... E-/ all - /-. ~" - '_ ~/ ~ I ~ ......:,. , ~ '/ I -/ -,:: 'C .. ~ (" - - -- -.: -, ... I ...-' -~.,.....'- ,-Sec.retary of the Plannlng Comm~sslon ~ _/ -~-