HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 146 - 1967-08-16 -:-. -~ . ^ESOLlJ'l'lm; 1\0. 146 A HESOLUTION 01' THE PLA~a\l~-:r: COll'IfSSrON OF THE CITY Or' SEAL DrACH ct):rCl.H~li~C; AI~rl~~ ImJIl.mJ TIlE CO;;TIGUOUS CCRn, r.U'l"],E'R A!m SIIJ}~- \.lALK ] N CERTA 1 N PORTJmiS 0)0' CO,f.:LI~Gr PAni", j~AST \mr:REAS, in the matter of proper ownership and use, the 3 1/2 foot \lide strip of land lying inrlediatcly behinc the contiguous curb gill t~r ;md !>lde\7al1~ in certain tracts in Collegc Park East, tIll' Planning Conlllissicm of, the City of Seal Heclch docs report as f ollo'Js: 1. Original deRir,n of streE"ts :in Coller,e Park East prdvide for lJ 6 inch ,.,ide curb top, a 3.a /2 fOClt "ide pnrk,.,ny plD.I\ter and A 4 foot wid~ siC:e"'C1lk immeuiately dujdcent to the' properLy line. This reRults in a \.1i.dth of S feet of Ri8ilt-of-\~ay fro"l curh face to properly line. . 2. Subsequent desir.ll revisions have rt'sultcd ;11 a 6 inch l1:1GC' curb top, and n II foot sidewall: l)'in~ imhlCGi.1tely ndjaC'ent to t he property line for a totiTl Ilir,ht-of-Uay width of I. 1/2 feet from cur~) j-ncp t. ploperly. Ho\o/ever, R '. foot ""ide puhlic utility and lanclscape eas('np.T t J yinr, inl'INli ately bt'hind the sidewalk. is dedicated to 'the City. All um., fin~J m:l.ps are bein~ filNl on this basin.. e 3. SOl11e areas are of a transitional nature, ,dth the old Rip,ht-of-Uay width hav:lnr. already heen recordcc.l, hut '-lith the sidewalk heing conti guour. to the curb top. A number of prc'perty 0"lIer8 involved in this Gi tualion h:we submItted n petition requestin~ tIlat the City vacate to they,l tIll' 3 1/2 foot \vitIe Rtrip behind the s:ldewal~. lnlI:RF.AS, the Planning COl11mission findiTl~~ Clrc :)s folIous: 1. The caseR involved are only It smull portion of t11e College Park ~nst cevelop- ment, b~inR only those :In the area of tran~ition fro~ one street design width to flnolht"r. 2. Vllcating this strip of lanu to abuttilllj property O\1ners appean.l to he reason- able, providing that these properly mo1ners in turn erant to the Ci ty an e:J.r.e- lIIent for dny necessary city purposes (nn alternative !I'ethod vould he to allo,,, Rbutting property mmers-to builc.l any vnll s, 1 anGRCA\)in~, etc. on tlds strip hy indIvicual city permit). NO~l, TlIJ~REFORI:, BF. IT RESOLVI:D that the 'Plmmin~ Co:"uni ssi.on of the City of SeAl Heach G"es T('connc>nd the vacation of subject Hight-of-Hay str:lp behind sidewalk to Abutting property O\1l'1'ers in return for an enRement for city uses. AllOP1ElI AND APPROVED this 16th dHY of August, 1%7. ::::::-; '.; / # ~ __of L. 10'1--' c//o'---__ e Ch~ir.;"an; of thc Plf!.mc)~nf"'iSRiOn '. . . r -. Resolution 1\0. 1M) continued. Z. I lwreby certify that the forcgojJ\P' r('.!'l.ol\lt'~on "1:'" ci.1\l~' .::h'j)ted ~.t a reGu1nr I:lE'cting of th~ V11lnnil1g ComMission of the City of Sen] ]~E'ach ,.,rhich \las held 011 \.;rednesc!ilY. ^lI~lIf~t 1u. 1~67. and cnJ.:ried by t'le fo11o'-li-nB vot~: AYES: NOhS: ABSENT: COM[T\jssiollE'rs: Commissioner/;: COl'lmi s~;ioncrR: fI CrO\l](')', Lanning. Jones. Nurphy, Boeger r';one r:011(' .. .., .r~ _. /~ -. . - .~; -....... /" / #~../ A",':/. r?/ ~ ~ -;r-) /..-tf.: -,:-- - .~:::.~,,:_~ -~ ~;.' ~.c;ctnr\! ~.: the! P] mIning Cnmmissi.-on '..