HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 147 - 1967-08-16 - ". ..... ...... e RESOLUTIO~ :~O. 147 ^ RESOLUTIO.~ OF Till:: l'J.AX:lIHG r.O-LII~SIOl~ or THE CITY or SH,,\J. l~EACH m~COlll!l~;~j)n;c: 'I'1II: ZONING STATUS rO;1 crJ'Y o\\'):EIl pr..OPEr~TY LOCATED AT THE ?IORTli!mST COR~~i::I~ or EJ'GHl'n STREr.T At,!,) OCEM; AVEi\l1I: o t\'llr.I~EAS, Lhe Planning Comr'lission of l hC' Ci ty of ~eal Bt:'ach ~oes report as fol lm\ls: 1. Suhject request 'lias initi ated by the City Council ('If the City of ~eal Heach. " 2. Suhject requt"lst is to determine the best zoning RtRtUR for suhject property. 3. SuhjC'ct prorerly is O\med by Lhe City of Seal Beach and .is desiBnntp;J. as LClts 7, 8, 9, 10 and the easterly 20 feet of Lot 6, all of nJocJ' 07, Trflct :10. ? . 4. Suhject. property is presently un~ol1ed and is UllURt"ld ('xc~rt for r.laintellf11~c(': uf a grasfi lm~n. 5. A public -hearing nas held on thiR ITIstter August 2. 1967. l'1HERJ~AS. the Planning (.Onll"1iRsion findin~R Rrc RR follol\ls: e 1. All property to the nortll\1eRt, alc.'11h the RNI\'Ard Ride ('If Ocean AvelluC' is zoned R-], Sinp,le FaMily P..eEdclencc. Property in 1'1ost of the rest of the arC'3 is zoned 1l-3, ~lu1tiple Jo'al1li1y Residenct". Property to the northpest. across Oc:eClII Avenue is zoned r.-2, Gellcral C:oml:1ercial. Property to the southeast is 0't111(>d by the City of Seal Heach, :f s um:om"o. and is held in perpetui ty fClr purposes of puhlic pork ant! pier. Property to Real/cwd (southwesL) is O\lllet! by the City of Seal Beach. and is unzonet!. amI is used as a rauni c ipal pa rkin~ lc)t to serve the bench area. 2. A nUl'1ber of COll\l11ents \1are he~rd frOl'\ l'eop1e in attend.mca at the puh1ic hear- in?,. SOl"'e requested no change. Som~ suggest-t.t! zonine to t.-I. Others snr.g€'stC'c zoning t('l a n1ultipl a resi,lential use. Ko general concensns \.JdS ohRcrvcd. 3. A contTol1ed l1'\ultiple rt'sidential URe seems to be mOflt rC'asonahle. This \\loulcl not be inconsislent with the public pnrldnp, lot use iJ:l.mecl intf'ly to f,ea\"nrd of the property. This woul,l also provide adt!itionnl clORe-in support to the ecolloi"lic 1 ire of the lJain Slreet comMercial area. HO\\lever, strong enphas:f R I'lust he placC'd upon the need for nunicipal control of nny final development to in!';ure compatihility '\lith the area. This Rhould incluclc contractual re- strictions 011 any future buyer to ensurE' the clC'RireJ results. llal", '1 ::;I:]~FOI~E, BE IT RESOLVED that thl? Planning COlllmiRsion of the City of Senl Beach docs hereby reconmend to the Ci ty Council of the Cit)' of Se.<1l Reach th~lt subjC'ct property be zoned n3-PD (~~ultiple ResidellLia1 - Planned l)E'velopT.1ent) ane request that the City Council refer to the Planning Commission for reviClv any e prol'osed use before fin:!.l f~ale of sai d property to a developer. ADOPTJ:D Al;D APPJ:O\'l.:n lhis the 16th day of August, J.Cl67. (~ _,-J..../ - ...;/,,," \ ' ^ ' I ,. ",-,::/ vC'''',., ....'"': / {' ...:- ~ Chai rM.tTy'of the Pl ~.n-nT~[; ,rr;n'mi~sion -- e . r . Hcsolutton No. 147 - continued - 2. . ,. I hereby certify that the foregoing res~)lution was duly adopted at a reBu1i1r meeti.ng of the ]'J anning Cor\T"liflslon of the City of Sc,ll? Heach which was hp.1d on \'~ednesday, August 16, 1967, find cdrried b}' the fo11ol/ling vole: AYJt~S : NOES: AI~SBNT: Cot:1niSRioners: ComJTli&sj &lcrs: Comr,1issioners: t I Crowley, Joncs,LQn~lng. tlurphy, Boege! None ~onc . . .... .,;:....... /.: p ~~# /,~,-:7 ~/ " .. ,/' _ -r '... _-.:!'. I ~. ... .. . _--,/-z..'}l. :71 . --1 . 4. - , ~~. .. S.Ec;.tetnry of the Plannij)r. COI.J.:li~;shli1 ~~ ~/