HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 150 - 1967-09-06 e . e - , --.., RESOJ.lJ'T'lON ~;O. 150 A HESOLlT'fIotl OF TilE PLA:'lNn:a <':O:r.JUSIO~ OF . TilE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVlfIG VARlA?~CE APPLICATIOl~ r\0. V-19-67, A nLAm~ET VAR.TA1~CE TO PER!HT l~mII:S l-lITJI FRO~T m:l'RY GAJ:ArES TO HE BUILT TO A LI:m 10 FEET FRon TIlL FP.ONT PROPERTY O~: CERTAIN TYPr.S PIE-SIIl\.pr.n CUL- UE-SAC m{ K~UCJ~LE LOTS 1l: TRACT': IN COLI.EGr. PARK EAST e"OODHlKF. CORP.) WIEREAS, in the matter of Variance ApplicRtion t=o. V-19-Cl7. tbe PlanninA Conl- mission of the Ci/ily of Seal Heach does repon as follo\Y's: . 1. Subject case \las i.ni tinted by Hoocbine Corpor~tjon. 88~7 l\'est OlYT.'lpic Blvd., Beverly Hi]ls, Californin. 2. SulJject property is a part of the College Pl1rk ~ast c1evelopment and consi~ls of present or future final Tracts Nup~)ered 6416, 6174. 6421, 6460,6175, 6176, 6177, and 5699. 3. Subject request is to all m.l dwell inr,s ,.,ith [ront-C'ntry gOTaRes and strair,ht- in drive\J3Ys to have a front sel-back line of 10 fp.et fr(lT.' the front proper- ty lille on pic-shaped, cuI-de-sac and knuckle 10tR. 'I'his is a blclJ11~et variance requeRt for all such lots. l1HEHEAS, the Planning Commission findings are- a'3 folloto1s: 1. Major revisions in the overall tentative tract nar have bec>n approved in order to proviue a frontage road along the Garden Grove FrE'C>~'7ay. '1'his re-design causes problems hecause of shnllo\.,er cul-dC'-sac lots. 2. ^ typical cuI-dc-sac layout has been subIT\ttted, indicating lots nunbered from I through 8 circling the end of the cul-Qe-sac. It appears. and the developer's representative. Hr. i'lcCun~. agrees that the typiCal problem lots consist of nUl~bers 2, I., S, and 7, located at the flare throat of the cuI-de- sac. and at the innet" end of the- cul-de-sac. This typical lot layout is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 3. Because of the shape of these lots it is difficult to provide adequate rear yard area t7hile confon.ling to the normal 10 foot front set-back requirec for front-entry garages on lots numbered 2, 4, 5. and 7 as stated in Findings No. 2 above. NOl\'. TIiEnEJo'Onr.. BE IT m~SOLVED that the Plannin~ Cor:II:lission of the City of Seal Ueach docs hereby approve Variance t;o. V-19-67 to nllot-~ a front yard set-bad. of 10 feet for front-entry garage!'> on pie-shclped. cul-dC'-snc Rnd knucJ:le lots \.,ithin the trncts stated nbove \.,herC' such 10tR occur at tIll:' throat OT inner end of the cul-de-sac sinilar to typical lols 2, 4, 5. and 7. as staled in the Findtnss above. ,. . e . r' ./ Resolution No. 150 - continued - 2 ADOPTED NW ^PPI~OVED this 6th day of SC'ptem1...cr, ! 96 7. " 0::. ~~ ....... I\. ..t.._ Cha:frman 0 L . .~--r::>-<:''''' t '----"- the PJann:fn Comm:fssion . I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution waR duly adopted at a rer,u1ar meeting of the P1anninp, Conmission of the City of Seal Dcach l,;rhich uns held on HcdnC?sday, Scptember fl, 1967, and carried by the folLo\ll.llg vote: AYES: Co~issioncrs: NOES: Cor.unissi011erF': AnSENT: Conmissioners: Cr~ley, Jones, Lanning. Boeger None None t'? # /~ / ;:: /.'" //-) "" --./-;~~--A f...... rd:--::~;;--.c<.....:__ -- ~SecrC?tary of the P~ning Con'isslon -- ~ ~I 0 --_e ./ -..Jt ---.........-.....- ---- ~ " , , ..... /////// /////// /////// /////// /////// /////// /////// /////////////// /////////////// ////////////// /////////////,;' ////////////// CD ~ " 10' FRONT SET~ACI(. Foil. J:R.ON7 ENTRY 9AIllA(iG-S TJl120AT OR END LOTS IN CUL. -ct. -SAC -J.or.s 2. 4~~ ALSO ~OR SIMILAR. Lor~ AT SrR&GT ~NUCKLG-. ce tCITY 0/"- SEAL DE/:Cill SrAflOAn....O--- DETAIL ENGINEERING DIVISION DRAWN BY OArr. 3-1.S"~ <: go 1J~ANK.E'" VAR lANCE- ClliIC/(EO SCALE C.Oc.u.q.,;: Rq4k. GAr.r - ,'~"pr-;;;;;r C;~QF S41:T4AC.1r O~ ktICur:./:.C.F l!.!....fi.1..r-...1J.n.!J.itL"!:.lr-RC E...f::1J;;!@i. "!~_CJ...vJ:.~g - S4C ~~-' .'v. 0(110 @ A.~ ~ .'7' , ,. rF1LE ,,0 omYG. NO. Q.ES. .J:f /50 -- -~