HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 151 - 1967-09-06
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RESOLUTln~ NO. 151
'A RESOLUTI01\ or TltE PL^~:ln~w CO~llilSSIO:'>l OF
T}~F. CITY O:~ SEAL BEACH Di:l;VING \'J:J /1:'"(,1' ''':'
V-20-67 FOR BUTLDING AUDITlm~AL 1. T\ r,"
\vHEREAS, in thc r.1atter of Varinncc Appl tC<.ltion ~o. V-20-67. tllC PlanninB Corl-
r.tissioll of the City of Senl Bcnch does report as fo1lnt,os:
1. Suhject case was initiat.ed for Hem'ich Voll:nan, 1220 Harlin Avenuc, Real Heach,
hy hiR authorized R.~ent. Eduard Russo, 6J50 Cherry Avenue', Lonr. Beach, CRlif.
2. Subjcct property is locnted at 1220 ?tar1in Avcnue, bcing Lot 90, Tract 2591.
3. Subject. request is to aUal-1 conRtructioll of an add:lt-ion to thp. li.ving quarters
of all exist'1ng residence. Proposecl addi tlon ll1oulc! .encront:h 6 feet into the
rE'quircd front yard.
\mf:.Rl~S, the P1annln~ COlOl"Iission filldinp,s arc as fo]]('\ur.:
1. SubjcC't lot is a corner lot \-1hich is much lclrger than morot lotr. in the .vicinity.
2. The existing house is so sited that there is cl Brent ceal of Tc[';)ninillp, clear
space on the' Jot. ThiR space is flUffic:lent to nllO\I nddi.tions \"hich \1ould COll-
forn to all code oet-bac~ requirrl"lcnts.
1\Q\v, THEREFORE, DE 1'1' RESOLVED that the Planning Conl'lission of the City or Seal
DeBch does hereby deny Variance 1\0. V-20-67.
ADOPTED AN]) APPHOVED this 6th day of Septel'lber, 1967.
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Chai rl'l.an 'or the' Plannj n& COl~RSi on
I hereby certify that the foregoing re<Jo] ut 101. wa~ (1\.11y adoptc(' at a re~l1] Ar l~eet:-
ing of the Pl~lnnin~ Conr.d Haion of the Cit y of Sea] nench ,,,hic.h uas he],1 He(ln('~d:'!.y,
Septemher 6, 1967, and carried. hy the follmdl'''. vote:
l;OES :
(;or.lmi soioncrs:
CrO\lley, JOllE'H, l..mnin:;, :rurphy, nocgcr
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C'f the Plm)njl;.~. rO"il"'ll:.ld~