HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 158 - 1967-09-20 . . . RESOLUTIon NO. 153 A m::SOLUTIO:' OF Tm: l)LAN:aNG CO:!:H:::fnn'~ OF THE CITY OF SEAL tEACH APPROV1 m~ JL~:' ~~J:c.m.f- HElllJI!,G FOR ADOPTION .\ PROT'OSlm ORDI~^~:C:L REQUIRING THE DEDICATIOr: OF LAND OR THE }'AY- ~IEI\T OF n~-LIEU Pf.ES FUrt. PARK "A:.D R}-"':REA'J ION PURPOSES nI SlJBDIV1Slm~S '" WHEREAS, in the matter of p't"ovis Ion for parl:s and recreAtIon spac(' to serve sub- divisions, the Plnnning Coo~ission of Seal teach docs report os follows: 1. The City Uan3ger nnd City Enp,ineer repol't that there is nou no provision in our local coc'!eA' or ordinances \-1hich tlould require dedication of parks and recreation facilities by subclivideTs. . 2. Section 11546 of thp Business and ProfeRsions Coe" (Subdivision :-rap Act) State of California, pravides the fraMC\...ork for such local ordinances. 3. The City Engineer has prepareu a report which explclins f he bacl:grouncl and de- tails of this proposal. This report vTaS basically devel.ope(l from a report on n trlodel ordinance ,,,hich wlts preparcd hy the League of Californj -'i Cities. A copy of said. report is attached hereto as l-:xhibit "A". 4. A proposed ordinance has been pre.pared entitled "An Ordinance of The City Council of the City of Seal Beach, Cnlifornia, EstablishinR Regulatioll& for Dedication of Land, Payment of Fees, or Doth for Park and RecreationaJ Lane in Subdivisions". A copy is attached hereto as Exhibit "n". WHEREAS, the Plnn:ling COl:unissioll findings are as follnt"s: 1. The PJanning ConmisRion, by R(>solutioll No. 144, and th~ City CounciJ by RCRolution No. 159/., ha....e adopted "Par};::; and Recreation El ement of the General Plnn, C:I.ty of Seal BeDch", :I.neluding standards for local park 'or recreation facllities. 2. The facts ;md proposals submitted in the attached report, Exhibit "A", orE' reasonahle and acceptable. 3. The Jlroposed ordinance attache,' as F:~.Mhit "n", is r.cs&onahle and deRircable and should be enacted by the CJty COUl.cil. NO\1, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED thclt f 11..:' Planning Corudssion of thE' City of Seal Beach, docs hereby approve anu recoIDr-Iell'! for adoption by thp City Council LIw ordimmce for dedication of park lands as tilled :In ItcP01"t It(:!1'\ /1 above. ADOPTEP ^~D APrnOVf.D this 20th day of September, 1967. ~:.-'2 [' '--~~ I {-'\"i\.": . (.\-'-L ...:/ v .:",. ... '--..- Chnirrnnn\ Ot the Plnnn~T~ Coru.Ii ttee