HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 198 - 1968-01-17 . RESOLUTLml NO. l'IS A RESOJ.U'l'IOh OF 'fIl~ I'LAKl'Il11G CI):nIJSRION or TifF. CIn OF SI;~ BR".ClI /,pPROVING VAillANCE J.lO, V-l-1>8 TO llUJLD A nVIl DInT mo Sl'09.Y Al'ART:!~NT. 'l'IIr. SECOND STORY ANU ARSOCIA'j RD Roor OVERIIANG TO Kl\CROAClI FJVE F'~I.'i' AllD SIX FI;I:T ;:nSPIlCTJVl!I.Y 11'(1'0 Tim IlEQUIJU:!, m::AR Y',RD. (In:nXh) .. wmmEAS, in lhe mattee of VariAnce AI'P'li<al1.on 110. V-l-68, lhl.' PI,l1",ing COl'\.,iRsion of the C1.ty of Sc:\l nt'ach docs r..porl ah follot'..: I. Sublect request iniliated b)' Arthur M. Berke, 1562 Golden Rain Rd., Seal Bench.. ., 2. Subject property Is described as I.ol '9 and the Sl!ly In of Lot )1, BJoc.k 10, Bay City Tract. fitree:' nddresr: ia 1'9 lJth l>t., Seal Beac". 3. Subject rl.'qul!st iR to 31Jo\1 c01\qtruclfon of a fh'l.' unit 3p3rtmC'nt buJldins: with ler.s than lhl.' required lol are3 per livi1\1l unit 3t'd for thl.' secon<1 flIJor and arsociated roof ovcrhanr, to encrC'dch five feel and s:lx feet, reapc('t:lvely, into the requ:lred rear yard. 4. Zonins is'R-,3 (lIultil'le nEs:ldent:lRl). ImEREAS, the Plannil1& COI1'llIislllon flnd:lncs arc all follo\ls: . I. Similar varJ.anccs have bl.'pn r.rsntcd in the pnal. 2. Thl.' proper turninc rndius il1to the [larageR is 1lIl1:fl1tainl.'d. 3. Zoning ordinance requlrps 90!' cqunrl.' feet of lot. ...reu for !'sch l]vJl1ft nl1it. Five apartment unHs would req..:lre the v"rccl to conta:ln ',,500 square feet, whereas it conlains 4,406.25 squ3re fceL. NOW, THEIlliFORF., BE IT RESOI..Vr:n that the Pldnn:fnp, Corun:lll51on of the City of Spal Bedch does hereby app~o~1.' Variance V-1-68 to 011(1\' construction of a confoTQing lltructure \'iLh f Jve d\:c11 "1.111 unilll And a secom! floor and roof overhanr. to encroach fJve feet 011\11 ai" feeL, resl'ectively, :1m 0 t.he Il.'quired rl.'ar ynrd. ADOPTKll AND Al'pItOV.::D lh1.s 17th da) of ,l,'nuRry, 1968. ...... .... :, , " , . , cr.arrmn1l of ll~(' l;lann1.n1\ Conrn1ss] on - I hereby cert:lfy that the for~r.oh'p; resC11ul:lon \'3S duly adopl,"l nt a rrllular menUnp of the P1an1lil1C ConuniflR1.on of lhE' C1.Ly of Sl.'al Ilrach wldch was held on Wednes..ay, January 17, 191;8, and c.lrr:l"d by the following volc': . AYI:S: NOLS: ABSENT: Comm:l9s~oneu:,: Corun:lsr.:loncrs: COIIlmissionerr.: Crowley, I a'1I1inr., rt..rphy, Peters None Boeger -) ~ "~ .../'.... ./.'. r:,: './/"./ /.-= .('"';~~ /:. "S.ecreLal"Y of Lhe !'l nllu!!l!'; CODlClJ ..sion