HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 200 - 1968-01-17 . . . " RI~SOLunCJ:~ t:O. 200 A RESOl.UTlON 01- TilE PJ.A:'IHNG Cml~IISSl<rn OF 'filE CITY OF SEAL J:t:.\:':1i CL.~RJF""iING rlli; REQlJ 1RElIwlTS FOK WAJ.LS, FE::CI,S ,\""1) SCI.I,LN PI....liTJNG IN YARUS ABUTTIUr, R'l'RI;Y.TI. ON l'OR.'::R 1.01 S At:n REVERSE COI,~V.R ] OTR. WlmpJo;AS, in the nattcr of 11a]]s, le:-,,",s o.lId 9crCLn ,JantinRs h. yarde abutting strects for corncr 10ls and rcverse corner lots, II.e Plann:lnc CO"'ll'lission of thc City of Scal Ilcach docs report es f...l io.'s: Quelltions of interprctation of pl"P'Icnt ?oninr. rer,ulat'lons (or sucl. URCS havc occu,l:rl.!d frcqucntl'l. , . WHERHAS, thc Planning Comm1'1sion findlnv,s are a~ follows: 1. On corncr lot'l 01 rcvcr!'cd corl,rr 10L'I I/. full height (6'ft.) uall, fcnce 01' scree.. pl,'nt Jnl; naay be constructe,' aJ (ln~.Il.e Ilidc-strert &i dc of Lhc lot j ran the 1 illc of the ncarl:~t franc corncr l.f thc bulll1'lnv. to the rear line of" the lot. Thc wall, {ellcr or Rcrsrn planting Eohall Le set bacl. frOl1l the Ridc-strcct propertv linc a distanLe of 4 fccl. tl"t provJdc {or IItrccL 8tdr lnndsl'apinp., IItiiJ!ie", rtc. . 2. " dcscriptive dra\11nl\ provides a clclllrr pr,'Ecntction ui tl'cse rel\Ul.,1 ionll, thcr..rl1l e StalldR:"d Detolil ~:o. :1.-2 :I.. .ltt~cl,,"d hpreto. , NOli, Tm.REFORE, ilK ]T REROL\'ED that thl! Pln-:n1nr. {'o,~mhb;on of thc CHy of Senl Ileach does hcrcby detcnn:lnl' that thr rrr,uloltior; of \lall", fcncr'! And BClccn plant.lnRS on corncr lot;; and reversc corner lotb ~h:;ll he a', 'Itated In :"in(lll'r, No.1, above, and Stc.ndnrd DctAilllo. ;(-2 'ls Ill'rcloy allOIJt",j '19 .he rll";;II..':lli" sucmary of thCRC rl'y,ula~ionR. ADOl'lKJI AIID API'ROVF.n this 17th dllY of J"nuolry, 19611. ", I , , C'i"i'Q1'"nlllU of ~)'li'nnin{; CO:ilm! c.r.l on J hrreby ccrtify that the foror.oinK rl.'solut1nn wnll duly mloptrd at " ceR.,).lr mcctins of the Planninr. Commir.sion of the Cily nl SCdl IJcnr.h ."hJch 1In!. hcld 1111 Wednes.lay, January 17 I ] 968, and l:'.lrTlccl I,y tlJ(' fn] 10\'1'1p; vot e: AYES: NOI.S: AIlSEl\'f: Commiludoncr:;: COIiH'Ii "led oncrq: Colllr.t'lssionpr'l: Crowlry, Ldnninll, ~Iul"l,hl'. Pet('r.: N'''le JlOt'IlCC " C t':. /" . /- /, ,~// -. r _.k,' .... ,} .' ,_" ~~ ~ -r"' - --- .~ 00-- I r"." 1 _ ~cr.:!tary of the 1'1,'nnirn:C';;':II.11..uun ~....'" C......