HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 235 - 1968-08-05
RF.~OT.l1nl1V ~n.
A. RRSOLtlTTll't OJ> 'mE "T.A~!~1'1C: r.O!-l'rrS!:IO" OF TIlE r.ITV
I)F Sl'.AT. 'IF.ACH 'l.F.CO~-!:.'E"!)~~lr. Al'''RIlVAT. Ill" MI I\.nnITIO:1
TO ORnT",,"'ICE "ll. 628 (Zll"t~c:) - ARTIcr.!': l5~, !l-"
1IA!lJ<T.NG zn~IE.
NHERF.A!l, in the matter of an addition to nrrlinancp. 62R (7.nnin~) Articlc l5~, ~-"
lIarkinv. Zone. the u1anninq CoMMisainn of the r.ity nf !le~l ~each dnr.R rennrt 8a
The area b~unded by the recent !lurfaide Annexati~
a snecia1 narkin,. z~ne nermittinR off-site' narkinv.
(niatrict TIT) h~R need nf
f.nr reqidentiA1 uaes.
2. The present zoninv. ordinance dneR not have nrn'~ainna to Meet the needs of
DiRtrict TII.
3. A pronosed ordinance has heen stm~itted for TCvie~ and adnption entitled:
"An nrdinance of the City nf Sea] ~each, r.~l1f01"l\i.a, a"IPndinv. nrrlinance '10. 628
. (Zonins:) with the Addition of Article 1511 ~_" !'arkins: Zone." I\. cnny is att",ched
hereto as "F.x"'ih:l.t A".
IIIIP-REM, the !'Iannin!! CDt!lM1asinn findin~s are 3a fnllowa:
CreatiDn Df snectaI parkinq ZDne ia needcrl fnr Drder1v deVC!IDnlllent of the r.i t.,.
The creation of the !l-!' "arkins: 7.one ooets the Anecific needa of different \lses
within the City of !leal Beach.
The provDsed ordinance will encDurav.e develon1!lP.nt in Rccord with the l".cnera1
The "roposed ordinance attached aa Ex'lihit "A" is reaaonahle and des1ra"Ie.
NI)II, TIIF.RRFnRF., IIF. T.T RRc:nLVRl\ that t'le 1I1anninv. r.oll\MiAsinn of tlte I"ity of 'leA]
!leach doea '",ro!lY recnmnend to the City Connc'll of tile r:ir.y nf '1e.11 IIp.ac'! thl!
amendmant Df nrdinance 628 (Zoninv.) as indicnterl in the ~indinv.R ",hnve.
Al\OllTED A~n A"n~OVED this 5th day of AU~UAt, lQ6R.
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r.hairMan o~ thr. "1Rnninp, r.o~iaA1nn
T herc.l>y certify thAt the forev.oinc: rmlolntinn ....Ila duly "dnnted at R Rlleci"I
meetin'! of the olanninp. COlll'lillllinn of. the r.i ty of Seal ~p.llch 'fhich WAS held nn
Monday, AUV.URt 5, 1.968, and carried hy thp. foUn,...inp, vote:
COllllllis"'tone rsI
r.o\1llll1AA ione rs:
r.rowle~, LAnnin!!:,
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eCrp.tRr~ of the