HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 236 - 1968-08-05 " e. RE~OT.!ITIOII II'!. '- 31; A RF,<;OT,lITtO'1 IW ..,IF. "T.All'III,I: I:m".rrC:!lT.O'1 OF 'I'1!R I:T.T" I)}' SEAL lIRACl1 RRCO!l''1!'lm I,,~ A"'''lOVAl. I)" A" Al!nT.Ttr", TO ORDINASr.E 629 (ZO'!T'!Il. _ ~F.r.Tro'l 1111)1.1 _ Dl !;TI!.TCT Ht ZONrl(: !lCl1l"'"1 F: ". l.,'!IERl'.A!'l, in the mtter of Iln IIdditinn to ""Unllnce 1;:!8 (Zoninll) <;ecttnn 1111)1.1 D1.strict nI ?oniny, C;c',edule, the "1.ann1.n.. ':oMmIlA'lnn of thl"! I:'ltv nF !;cll.l nQaC" does renDrt as followlIl 1. '!.'he ?'Dninr. Schedule for the C:itv of '1"'11 lIeach ill not exolicit for the recentlv annexed Surfs ide Colnnv. 2. A propolled' ordinance has been suh",'ltt",1 fnr review and atlnnt'lnn ent'ltledl "An t Ordinance of tht' Citv' of !;eal Ileach """'nllinl!: nrdinnnce 1;28 (1.oninv.) hv the Alldition of Sect'lon 1801.1 1)istr'lct 111 l.nnin~ !;chedulr.." ^ cony iA attached heretn as Exhibit !'A" . lmERF,A!;, the "lann'lnll r.ollll'\isll:l.on findinv.s '1m as followlll 1. A zoninll schedule for Annexation 1;7-1. V:urfll'ldli Annexation) is needed far the orderly development. of the r.ity. . 2. The !;urfside Colony area "as specific ''''cds different thlln exiAt.inp. res'ldnntial IIreas "ithin the Catv. 3. T"e proposed ordinanee IIttaehed aA "I:""htt A" f.s rea'lnnllh1e ll'1d dnA:I.rahle. "'(l1~, TIIF,IlF:l'TlRF., lIF. TT RF.~nr.\'Fn t"llt the l'I"'1I1inl!: r.01lll\'lslI'lnn ol' the r.'ltv nl' 'lnlll Reac" does herehv Ill'orove and recol'nend t.,. I hl"! I:itv Council t'U! ndnl'tion OF t"c attllchcd al'lCnchront to the l.nninp, "rt!'lnan.... '10. 1;28 :lncludinv. the Rdonti.on 0'= t"nt man t'ltled ?oniny, ~llln, lllstrict lH (<;urf., 1.le), dnted AUllll!lt, lll/;R. Anl)T>TF.n AN1) Al'nRI)VRD thb 5th dRv of AUP'Un, , 11)/;8. .~ ~. . .'" -= . ..L.oo.:"-..... .. ,.~ /, ", I -........ l~ _. _..v:, .. "lllnn'lllf! r.o\'llllill"ton - CI1ai r...."n of tIle 1 herehv certify that t"c forcv.oinll resnl '" I on IIRS duly Rdcmtr.t1 Rt II A"ecf al. lI1l!etinR of the P]anninl! r.Oll1l1lillSiDn of th,. ':Ltv of. !;cIll P.each.,'h'lch 17RlI "cld on . "'nndIlV, AUlulSt 5, lQ6R, and carried hv th~ fnl.lmoinp, votel AYE!; I NOEll I AlISEN! I Commi"sionerAI ConmisA'lonerlll - I:omr.\'lss lone rll : r.rowlev, None ~lurohy 1.ann'lnn. I'" tCt"R ~ /'~-t~~) ~ ~.'''''.":7(7l;7f- ,~retarv of the "1.ann1nr. C01!l1\iflAion ..