HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 292 - 1969-02-20 I . :. . a...._ ...~_.___,~_____"'-""""" - -:.------- .-----..-----..::.-------...-.----=-- ~----~....--...--- RESOLUTION NO. 292 . . A RESOLUTION OF TEE PL'S:\I::G COHlIISSION OF THE CITY OF Sr.AL BEACH REPORTIXG ON THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE RIVE~fRO:,T Rr:DI:VELOP:'lE~T PROJECT A.'lD RECO:NL::nIl1G T"':,T TfiE CITY COUNCIL APPROVJ: AND ADOPT SAID PLAl; laTH CERTAI~ REVISIO~S AND A}!EXD: lENTS . ~qIERJ:A~, the Redevelop-ent A~ency of the City of Seal Beach has previously subnitted the proposed Riverfront Redevelopment Plan to the Planning Commission of said City, and, ~~EREAS. the Planning Comnission of the City of SegJ Beach did, by Resolution No. 291, approve and recommend to the City Council the adoption of said proposed Redevelop~ent Plan, and WHEREAS, upon discussion and consultation with the Redevelopment Agency it appears desirable to make certain revisions and amendwents to said Redevelopment Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Seal Beach does hereby report and reco:r.:nend as follows: 1. Part I. (S 100) INTP.ODUCTION The first sentence of this Section shall be all'ended to read: "The Rec!evelopnent Pl<::n for the Riverfront Redevelopm('nt Project cot'sists of Part I - Text and Part II - ::ap." 2. Part IV. (S4l3) Pc~licJi~~~~;ents The second sentence of this Section "hall be a'ilended to read: "Such public improven:ents include, but are not limited to pedestrian malls and over or underpasses, bridGes, streets, curbs, gutters, sieel/alks, street lights, sewers, sewane treatrrent plant, EFovisions for pUMpin~ sewa~e to other facilitie~, stor~ drains, traffic signals, electrical distribution systeMS, natural G"s distribution syste~s, water distribution syste,.s, parks, plazas and playgrounds." 3. Part V. (S 504) Multi-Family Housing The last sentence of paragraph 5 of this Section shall be amended to read: "In addition adequate guest ('arkin!; shall be provided." 4. Part V. (S 506) Commercial The first paragraph of this Section shall be a'ilended to read: "Areas 8, .12 !!.nd 13 shown on the Map shall be developed and used for cowmercial service este.blishmc.tts. If any part of Parcels 12 and 13 is not used for co~~ercial pUlpOSCS, t~en the alte~nate use shall be public use. Said are:!s ~hall :'e deve loped according to the f ollol>ing standards." I I J j ,-' . . . , ,. . Resolution No. 292 2 5. Part V. (S 509) Other Public Property The first sentence in the second p<!ragraph of this Section shall be a,"ended to read: "Areas IS, 1.7 and 18 may be usee for parking, landscaping, and other public purposes." The third paragraph ot this Section shall be emended to redd: "A 1 i ~. d f 1 L hI" " rea s ces~gnate or 3 new sewage trealrr.ent pant or otper PUI 1C uses. 6. Part VI. (S 601) General DescriPtio::>. of the Propo~ed rinancino, :lethods The fifth paragraph of this Section shall be anended to read: "Property tax increu,ents will be used to pay for the other debts of the Project, including the portion of the CO&ts of the Sewer Treatll'ent Plant which are of benefit to the Project, or in lieu thereof, provisions for pumpin~ the sewage to other faciliti.es." The sixth paragraph of this Section shall be amended to add the following sentence before the last sentence and to amend the last sentence as follows: "As an alternatiye to building a new sewer treatmenJ,_"p'lant, other pr,?visJE_n.'!. "!:'!I_be nad~..for tE~_n~",ping__.E.f se.'Er,-~,~o_.E..the.!,_r_aci1ities. !;L':.~~er t;e se<ler tredtment plant or other.....P.rovi~io_ns for pU11'pinr, of ~-'~~~_t()_ ot,ner facilities, is essential to the develt'pl"'ent of the Project area." 7. The :lap shall be changes as roII0\"8: (a) Areas 12 and 13 shall be indicntpd as proposed co~nercial use areas. (b) The boundary line between Area~ 15 and 16 shall be shifted approximately 50 feet southeasterly (opposite 15th Street). (c) In Area 2 the portion designated for residential use shall be enlarged by extending ,said portion 100 feet south,,'esterly. 8. The Planning Commission finds that the proposed Riverfront Redevelopment Plan, revised and aMended as indicated in sections I, 2, 3, 4; 5, 6 and 7 above, is . in general conformity to the General Plan of the City of Seal Beach. 9. The Planning Commission recomcends that the City Council approve and adopt said proposed Redevelopment Plan, "ith the Revisions and ~mendments as indicated in sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 above. ADOPTED &~D APPROVED this 20th day of February, 1969. .'-'/; ~..t_.,-- ''\....-1 .......... Chairman of the Planning /'; r l".:........~-'-'-l COJn.1lission , ~ i Ie I , I I I . . . . Resolution ~o. 292 - 3 I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly the Planning CO-;:"'1tssion of the City of Seal Beach which February 20, 1969, and carried by the following vote: . AYCS: ::01:S: .\BSC~r : CO~-;:i~s10ncrs: Barton, Peters, Crowley CO::,;1.1 .sSiOllC rs: ~:one COI,::t1issioncrs: L.anning, Lescher adopted at a meeting of was held On Thursday, //' p ~~._, . '2" ----7--;l--::-t:--.yC-,~~ -r~c.___ ~retary of the Planni"g'to",~ission ~ --_ 0- __ __ . _ ___