HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 484 - 1970-09-16 .' - .. RESOLUTIO~ KO. 484 , . A RESOLUTION 01" THE PLAXm;IG COmlI~SION 01' Till; C1TY OF SEAL !lEACH DimYI;;C lISl; \"AKIM!CE APPLICATIOn NO. UV-5-70 TO PERl!IT 1'IlE Cm!STRUCTIU~l OF A:~ FIGHT U;;LT Al'AkTHElJT DEVhLOP:'lh,;T on C-? 201iEll PROP LItTY LQC'I\Tl:.D '0/\ THE SOllTllm:ST C()R;JI~n OF l,TH STItnT All!) I1ARINA DRlVl'. (CUTllBl<.it1.' JACKSO;'I!JJlLL GEARiIART). ~:HEREAS, in the matter of Use V.lrlan~e Application No. UV-~-70 the Planning Co:~!"i&&I on of the Ci t Y of Seal Bench does rel.ort ns f 01 10',,!:: 1. Subject case \ms initiated hy Bill CC'arhart, P. O. Box 1632, Huntington ReHch, the authorized asent for Cuthb"rt Jacl,'lon, l,2l:3 Gundry, Lou[\ B"HCh. 2. Suhject property is descrIhed as L~t 9, Tract lOOl" 10cnted at the Southl<est cornel' of lith Street and l!drlnli Drive. 3. Suhject i& proposing the co~struction of an eight unit npnrtt:'Jcllt clevelupl'lCl1t on propert y zoned C-2. Ccnc.rcll Co.nmercl nIl wi th nddj tiona} Vc:ll.j ~.ncl..' requcntR for (1) yard e,lcroacIl!,lents (2) partiaJly uncovered p<lrkhlf. mul .lisle "ith insuf[jeiC'nt ",ldt'l (3) cxc.essivC' lot covera[\c and (t,) hci[\ht. . HllERE/.S, the PJanning ComnisfJion findinr,& are as fo1)o"s: 1. The lot in ilre[;ular in,slll,!'c, therefolc depriving thi<; property of SOI"0 of the pril-i ll"ges poss0ssed by <I !1ajor:i.ty of the propl"]-tics in the bamc Vicinlty. 2. NUT1crolw orpl prot cstR \.ycre rc.cpived concerning the proposcc1 d~vclop"I('nt. Thc&c pcrtnlnC'd to park] 11ft ano traffic con~estiont cncroac1n'lC"lIt into yeT"ds and a feeling by some that cot""ter~ially "oned property should be ma:lntain!'d and de\';' loped f 01' conll'tC'rcial IlS"S. 3. 'l'he propos(>rl porting configuration doef~ not appear to provide adCClt1nt~ turning rcJcl.ius foJ... varjouf; parking st.:il]~. NOlI, 1'lmltFJ'OItE, liE 11' RESOLVE)) that the P1<lnnin[\ Comrlission of the City of SC'al lJeach does hereby deny U,;e \'ariance UV-5--70 on the hasis of the nn,"bC'r of e>:c('ptions reqclircd and Findinr,s fl? and f13. t'. AnOl'l'Ell ANI) APPROVED nns ] 6t h day of Sc'pte"b!'r, 1970. Chui 1"ITI;.n of t h0 '}i"'f,l'm1TuS" Cf'iill1j tZ-;--i..on . . J hereby cCl"l:ify that the for~going reHoJut ion \~ns duly adopted at n T('gU]PT Dlcpt.ing (1r the l'1<l11nin[\ Com"issi on of the Ci ty of SC'a1 lll'ach uhi ch '1:lS h"ld on liC'dn"&cln);, S0)1 I C'"he,r 16, 1910, and c,.rri~d by thl' foJJoFinB \'ot,,: AygS: NOES: AllSEJI'J': AlIST A Un C011(TIl i ~~niol1(')"F.: CG.qtl'i.s~~i().lCr!, : C01'lfl1i f;sionci."s: Do'"!", None ~~on(' Knapp f Lanni nr, f HOl"l'i G, Hippc,.d;~n C01110,1i:i:-;j (In(''7'~: N 0'1<' -----.. .--- .~:ctal:y-~rt hc.P'-IM;lj~(.(II"'1,t~C) i on