HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 431 - 1970-05-06 ". '-,' , _~.r...._ ~.........._ __.....:=.--..~.----..... ~ _. "'" . ~~.._~_~.-......rt.-'.....~_. ._.~IL.'l..~-4of:'~_''',~_._' ..~.....:':!'....!:_..__. i -" - . RESOLUTION NO. 431 A RESOLUTION OF TIi!: PLANNING COi-lHISSION OF THE ciTY or SEAL BEACII S!:TTV1G POLICY R!:QUIRII\G APARTHENT DEVELOP!:RS TO FILL OUT AN APARTIlENT DESIG~ QUESTIONNAIRE. WIlI;REAS, in the matter of re'luidng apartment developers to fill out an apartl'lent design questionnaire, the P1annin~ COml'lission of the City of Seal Beach docs rl."port as follows: 1. The Apartment Design QUf'stionnnire \li11 be used in conjunction with required plans to provide the P1anlllng Conmi ssion with additional informati on rep,arding pending apartl'lent projects. 2. This que"tionnaire would provide detailed infort:lation concerning proposed amenities \lithin apartt:lent deve10pPlents. NOlI, THEREFORE, nE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Seal Beach does hereby, as a rlatter of policy for the next six Plonths, require apartl'lent developers to fill out an Apartment Design Questionnnire.(Exhibit A). ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 6th day of ~lay, 1970. . .-7.e.-u1,t/ fjc,....f;:;l.-/ Ch.:i"lrman 'IJ' the Planning Cot:lnission I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~as duly adopted at a regular meetinB of the' P1ann]ng COPll1lission of the' City of Sen1Beach "hich was held on Wednesday, :lay 6, 1970, and carried by the following vote: AYES: l\OES: ABShl\T: Commissioners: Commissioners: Commissioners: Barton, Crowley, Knapp, Lanning, Norris ~one None ':; j. L -, ill ~ (' '-i'\,~~':> ~\, ,',) \ ~ III LA~ \ Secretary of thl." PlanninB Conl'l]ss]on (p\'<.. ,\"",) . . . . . , e APART~~NT DESIGN qUESTIONNAIRE EXTF~I0P. ~-ATURES 1. Do you provide laundry facilities? If Yes, specify the number of washers and dryers, location and any special features DYes I I No 2. of covered parkinp.; do you provide? 0 Carports U r.arap,es vescribe any unusual features of the covered uarkina. What tyues o Both. 3. Do YOU ~rovide locked storape facilities for the residents? Specify location and amount DYes I i ~TO Is stora~e provided for large appliances and other large personal items? Specify location and amount DYes DNo " Is stora~e ~rovided for boats and trailers ~ed hy the residents? ~pecify location and amount DVes DNo . . . , , -2- 4. Do you provide for the screenin~ of carport and/or ~ara~~ openinRs from the viell of residents and streets? Explain L.-: Yes i i No 5. Do you provide private patios for every dwellin~ unit? If YES. specify the size, num~er and thp methodes) of assurin~ maximum privacy If llo, cite reasons for not providinr. same ::=J Yes 0 1;0 6. 'ihat type of roofing ~aterial is used? I i Tile ~l Heavy rock I : Concrete shinvle : ~Iood shake . Otl1er Discuss roof treat~ent U Composition I I Hood shingle 7. Do you conceal all roof otructures such as air-conditionin~ units, heating units. etc., from view? Explain hm{ this is accomplished ~ Yes L llo . . . , , -3- 8. Do you provide a varied but coordinated treatment of the bui1din~ through the use of textures And raterie1s? FX1)lain Yes No 9. vo you have rore than one tyPe of bUilding elevation? ~pecify the nu~ber and describe their features Yes !lo 10. I\re ','indot~s, patios, balconies and other openin9's orient~ted to'lard he~vi1y traveled streets located and desi~ned to reduce to a r.iniru~ the undesirablc effects of such thorourhfares? cpecifv the Mcthods used. Yes '10 11. ~re you prooosin, the use of n~ture 1Andsca~in~ materials? Exo1ain Yes }TO 12. Pill you be usinr- a Aorink1er syster. for your landscaped !:I~rea.s? ~escribe the waterinF syater used Yes No . . . , , -4- 13. Do you provide for visual variety of open space throu~h the use of varied elevations, water areas, ate? Explain DYes DNo 14. Do you provide recreation area(s)? Specify the number of such areas and the facilities and equipoent provided in each area DYes DNo 15. walls surround the develOTlr.ent and/or the individuaU Yes Specify the heipht and explain DNo Do block parcels? 16. Do you Tlrovide for the screeninr of refuse storap,e areas fro~ view of the residents, streets, and adjacent Droperties? Explain DYes DNo INTERIOR FEAT~ES 1. !1hat type of floor covering ~aterials are proposed? A. Kitchen: linoleun D Explain vinyl tile 0 other D B. Pathroo~1 linoleu~ c==J vinyl tile D other D , . . . . . , , -5- c. Balance of unit: ,in)l hard~'ood D other Explain tile 0 ,,'all to wall carpeting 0 2. How nany bathrooms do you~ovide per unit? One bedroo~' 1 bath L-j Two bedroo~~ 1 3/4 bath 0 2 bath 0 1 bath D l~ bath D Explain l~ bath D 3. '~at type of rBterials do you use in the bathrooc~? 4. t~at type of naterials do you use in the kitchen? 5. I~at type of ~jor 3ppliances do you provide in the units? Dishwasher o D D Ran!,e & Oven l!.efriRerator o o Garba~e disposal Other Explain . ,. ,,:" , , . -6- 6. Do you provide: insulation DYes DNo . soundproofing DYes DNo Please specify the type and location 7. ~fuat type of heating do you propose? Forced air 0 Explain panel 0 other 0 R. Do you provide air conditioning for each unit? Specify type: central D wall unit I I heatin,:> 0 other j I DYes DNo in corbination ~ith Explain . 9. How do you provide for the naxiruM privacy of each unit in relation to surrounding streets and develop~nts and in relation to other units in the project? 10. Explain any other feature, cquipnent and/or facilities proposed in your developnent that is not nentioned in the above questions .