HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 591 - 1971-11-17 \ . . RESOLUTION NO. 591 . A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH RECOMMENDING AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE 628 (ZONING) BY THE REVISION,OF SECTION 1822 OF ARTICLE 18 RELATED TO REAR YARDS OF "R" ZONED LOTS ABUTTING AN ALLEY. WHEREAS, J.n abuttJ.ng an as follows the matter of provJ.sJ.ons related to rear yards of "R" zoned lots alley, the Plann1ng CommJ.ss10n of the C1ty of Seal Beach does report 1. It 1S proposed that provJ.s10ns related to rear yard cant1lever1ng of the upper stor1es of resJ.dentJ.al structures abutt1ng alleys be adopted. 2. SectJ.on 1822 would be rev1sed by the add1tJ.on of paragraphs 4 and 5 to read as follows (4) At the second and thud stones the mJ.nJJnum rear yard setback shall be twelve (12) feet measured from the center11ne of the alley. (5) ExceptJ.ons Structures located on lots bounded on two sJ.des by an alley shall be constructed at the second and th1rd storJ.es so that no obstructJ.on eXJ.sts WJ.th1n an 1sosceles trJ.angae formed by the J.ntersectJ.ng centerlJ.nes of the alleys and a lJ.ne drawn between two p01nts twenty-eJ.ght (28) feet J.n eJ.ther dJ.rectJ.on from the pOJ.nt of saJ.d 1ntersect10n. . WHEREAS, the PlannJ.ng CommJ.ss10n fJ.ndJ.Dgs are as follows 1 In recent years cantJ.leverJ.ng of the upper storJ.es of resJ.dent1al structures abuttJ.ng alleys has been permJ. tted, through the grantJ.ng of varJ.ances, WJ. th only one apparent adverse effect. At the 1ntersectJ.on of some "T" alleys large trucks (garbage, dell.very, etc.) have experJ.enced a degree of dJ.ffJ.culty J.n negot1at1ng turns wJ.thout strJ.k1Dg the upper storJ.es of the resJ.dent1al structures. The provJ.sJ.ons of paragraph 5 of the proposed amendment are desJ.gned to curb th1s problem 1n the future 2. A unJ.form and equJ.table polJ.cy would be establJ.shed regardJ.ng open spa.ce.J.n the alleys. 3. CantJ.leverJ.ng of the upper storJ.es J.ncreases the usuable area of the lot wh1le provJ.dJ.ng arch1tectural re11ef at the rear of resJ.dentJ.al structures. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the PlannJ.ng CanmJ.ssJ.on of the C1ty of Seal Beach does hereby recommend to the CJ.ty Counc1l approval of an amendment to OrdJ.nance No. 628 (ZonJ.ng) by reV1SJ.on of Sect10n 1822 related to rear yards of "R" zoned lots abuttJ.ng an alley. ADOPTED AND APPROVED thJ.s 11th day of November, 1911. . . . . .. Resolut~on No 591 - 2 . . I hereby cert1fy that the forego1ng resolut1on was duly adopted at a regular meehng of the Plann1ng Comm1Ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach wh1ch was held on Wednesd~, November 17, 1971, and carr1ed by the follow1ng vote AYES NOES ABSENT Camm1SS1oners Camn1ss~oners Comm1ss1oners Dunn, Knapp, Lann1ng, O'Toole, R1pperdan None None Ms- Comm1ss1on