HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 581 - 1971-10-20 . . . . . RESOLUTION NO 581 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING USE VARIANCE uv-6-7l TO PERMIT A ROCK CRUSHER TO BE OPERATED ON A PARCEL IN TIlE C-2 ZONE ON A TEMPORARY BASIS (BIXBY RANCH CO /STRECKER CONSTRUCTION CO ) WHEREAS, J.n the matter of' Use Varunce ApphcatJ.on No uv-6-7l, the PlannJ.ng CaumJ.SSJ.OD of' the CJ.ty of' Seal Beach does report as f'ollows 1 Subject case was J.nJ.tJ.ated by Strecker ConstructJ.on Co , 11922 S Bloanf'J.eld Ave , Santa Fe SprJ.Dgs, CA, the authorJ.zed agent f'or BJ.xby Ranch Co , 523 West SJ.xth Street, Los Angeles, CA 2 Subject property J.S descrJ.bed J.n the Assessor I s Parcel Book as a portJ.on of' Parcel No 086-010-39 whJ.ch J.S located north of' the 405 Freew~ and west of' Seal Beach Boulevard 3 Subject proposal J.S to operate a rock crushJ.ng machJ.ne to process aggregate materJ.al on a parcel J.n the C-2, General CommercJ.al, Zone on a temporary bans WHEREAS, the PlannJ.ng CanmJ.ssJ.on f'J.ndJ.Dgs are as f'ollows 1 Under the provJ.sJ.ons of' the zonJ.ng ordJ.nance, rock crushers are f'J.rst permJ.tted J.n the M-2, Heavy Manuf'acturJ.ng, Zone subject to the J.Ssuance of' a CondJ.tJ.onal Use PermJ.t 2 Strecker ConstructJ.on Co has been awarded a contract by the State DJ.vJ.sJ.on of' HJ.gh~s to wJ.den a portJ.on of' the San DJ.ego Freew~ wJ.thJ.n the CJ.ty of' Seal Beach A rock crushJ.ng operatJ.on J.n proxJ.mJ.ty to the project J.S consJ.dered hJ.ghly desuable by the contractor 3 Two sJ.tes were consJ.dered f'or the rock crushJ.Dg operatJ.on and J.t was determJ.ned that the BJ.xby property would be the more desuable of' the two parcels because of' better access to the property and the f'act that thJ.s sJ.te J.S partJ.ally screened f'rom the f'reew~, thus lessenJ.Dg the 1J.ke1J.hood of' dJ.stractJ.ng motorJ.sts attentJ.on 4. No oral or YrJ.tten protests were receJ.ved NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the P1annJ.ng Comml.SsJ.on of' the CJ.ty of' Seal Beach does hereby spprove Use VarJ.ance UV-6-71 subject to the f'ollowJ.Dg 1J.st of' condJ.tJ.ons and af'f'J.rmatJ.on of' thJ.s Use VarJ.ance by the CJ.ty CauncJ.1 1 That the rock crusher be removed at the termJ.natJ.on of' the f'reew~ wJ.denJ.Dg project (DJ.vJ.sJ.on of' HJ.ghw~s Contract No 07-221314) r . . , ~ Resolut~on No 581 - 2 2 That w~th~n 30 d~s after the term~nat~on of Contract No 07-221314, the s~te w~ll have been restored to ~ts or~g~nal cond~t~on 3 That rock crush~ng operat~ons ~nclud~ng hauhng be l1llUted to Mond~ through Fr~d~, excephng legal hohd~s, between the hours of 8 a.m to 4 30 p m 4 Crush~ng operat~ons ~ll be restr~cted to mater~als collected ~n conjunct~on w~th and used for D~v~s~on of H~ghw~s Contract No 07-221314 5 Contractor shall use all means ava~lable to keep the operat~on dust free, ~nclud~ng, but not lm~ted to, fog nozzles and vacuum dust collectors 6 Pavement or so~l treatment m~ be requ~red over the haul roads, as d~rected by the C~ty Eng~neer. 7 Rock crusher shall be electncally dnven, w~th the power supply fully enclosed ~n a son~cally ~nsulated structure The exhaust shall be muffled to the standards set for d~esel operated veh~cles by the Cal~forn~a Veh~cle Code (88 dBA at 50 feet per State standard test) ~ 8 Th~s Use Var~ance is ~n effect for a per~od of 90 calendar days from the date of approval by the C~ty Counc~l At the end of sud 90 day per~od, th~s Use Var~ance shall exp~re Pr~or to the date of exp~rat~on, the apphcant ~ apply for a second Use Var~ance wh~ch nll requ~re the f1l~ng of a new appl~cat~on and consequent publ~c hear~ngs ADOPTED AND APPROVED thu 20th d~ of October, 1971 & I hereby cert~fY that the forego~ng resolut~on was duly adopted at a regular meet~ng of the Plann~ng Comm~sS~OD of the C~ ty of Seal Beach wh~ch was held on Wednesd~, October 20, 1971, and carr~ed by the foll~Dg vote AYES NOES ABSENT Canm~ss~oDers COIIUIU.SS~ODers Comm~ss~oDers Dunn, Knapp, O'Toole, R~pperdan Lann~ng None Comm~SS~OD ~