HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 576 - 1971-10-20 . . . . . RESOWTION NO 516 A RESOWTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING AN 18 FOOT WIDE GARAGE TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE IN THE R-2 ZONE (SLEETH/GAGNON) WHEREAS, l.n the matter of Varl.ance Appll.catl.on v-24-11, the Plannl.ng Camml.ssl.on of the Cl.ty of Seal Beach does report as follows 1 Subject request was l.nl.tl.ated by Geraldl.ne Sleeth, 404 Ocean Ave , Seal Beach, wl.th Guy Gagnon actl.ng as authorl.zed agent 2 Subject property l.S descrl.bed as the southerly 1/2 of Lot 25 and northerly 1/2 of Lot 23, Block 215, Tract No 10, otherwl.Se known as 325 16th St. 3 SubJect request l.S to allow the constructl.on of an 18 foot wl.de garage l.n ll.eu of code requl.red 20 foot when l.n conJunctl.on wl.th a sl.ngle faml.ly resl.dence. WHEREAS, the Plannl.ng Camml.ssl.on fl.ndl.ngs are as follows 1 The proposed sl.ngle faml.ly resl.dence l.S located l.n the R-2 Zone on a lot 25 feet l.n wl.dth 2 ~ntal.nl.ng the requl.red sl.deyard setbacks would preclude the possl.bl.ll.ty of constructl.Dg the code requl.red 20 foot wl.de garage 3 Varl.ance requests of a Sl.ml.lar nature have been granted prevl.ously 4 No protests were recel.ved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Plannl.ng Camml.Ssl.on of the Cl. ty of Seal Beach does hereby approve Varl.ance v-24-11 subJect to the condl.tl.ons J.mposed by the Cl.ty EDgl.neer and that the plans be revl.sed to elJ.ml.nate the fl.replace encroachment ADOPTED AND APPROVED thu 20th d~ of October, 1971 SSl.on I hereby certl.fy that the foregol.ng resolutl.on was duly adopted at a regular meetl.ng of the Plannl.ng CarJII1J.ssl.on of the Cl.ty of Seal Beach whl.ch was held on Wednesd~, October 20, 1911, and carned by the follonng vote AYES NOES ABSENT Dunn, Knapp, Lannl.Dg, 0' Toole, Rl.pperdan None None Camml.SSl.oners Camml.ssl.oners CanmJ.ssl.oners Camml.SSl.on d- 35 - lto~ S:f-