HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 567 - 1971-09-15 . . . RESOLUTION NO. 567 . A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DENYING VARIANCE NO. V-18-7l TO PERMIT AN ENCLOSED PATIO TO ENCROACH INTO THE REAR YARD SETBACK OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. (LEDBETTER ) WHEREAS, ~n the matter of Var~ance Appl~cat10n No. v-18-7l, the Plann~ng Camm~ss~on of the C1 ty of Seal Beach does report as follows. 1. Subject case was ~n~hated by Charles Ledbetter, 644 Island V~ew Dnve, Seal Beach. 2. Subject property ~s legally descr~bed as Lot 216, TRact 2590 and 18 more commonly known as 644 Island V1ew Dr~ve. 3. Subject proposes a 3 foot encroachment for an enclosed pat~o ~nto the ten foot rear yard setback. The proposal would cause the 40% DlBJt~mum lot coverage prov~s~on to be exceeded for the R-l Zone ~n D~str~ct II. WHEREAS, the Plann~ng COIIIIIIJ.ssJ.on f~nd~ngs are as follows: 1. In 1967, the applJ.cant was granted a var~ance to perm~t a fsm~ly room to be constructed whJ.ch encroached J.nto a portJ.on of the rear yard setback. . 2. In 1971, a patJ.o addJ.tJ.on was constructed at the rear of the eXJ.stJ.ng dwell~ng, to one sJ.de of the fSInJ.ly room add1t1on. Tlus patJ.o encroached 3 feet J.nto a port~on of the rear yard setback. 3. The average w~dth of the rear yard has been reduced to approxJ.mately 6'6". 4. After constructJ.on of the patJ.o, the applJ.cant requested varJ.ance consJ.deratJ.on for the patJ.o addJ.t~on. 5. One wr~tten commun~catJ.on was receJ.ved favorJ.ng the proposal and dur~ng the publJ.c hear~ng two resJ.dents spoke ~n opposJ.tJ.on to the request. 6. It was concluded, that the grounds for hardshJ.p were not suff~cJ.ent to warrant the grant~ng of the VarJ.ance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Plann~ng Camm1SsJ.on of the C~ty of Seal Beach does hereby deny var~ance V-18-7l. ADOPTED AND APPROVED th~s 15th d~ of I hereby certJ.fy that the forego~ng resolut~on was duly adopted at a regular meet~ng of the PlannJ.ng Camm1ssJ.on of the C~ty of SEal Beach whJ.ch was held on Wednes~, September 15, 1971, and carrJ.ed by the followJ.ng vote . AYES. NOES. ABSENT' COIIDluss~oners . CaDlluss~oners CanmJ.ssJ.oners Dorr, None None Knapp, LannJ.ng, O'TOOle, RJ.pperdan ~$ COIIIIII~ss~on