HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 558 - 1971-08-04 . . . , ~I . 1o...\J. (',.....\... . . RESOLUTION NO. 558 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING USE VARIANCE UV-4-1l TO PERMIT ON-SALE BEER AND WINE IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN ITALIAN RESTAURANT AND DELICATESSEN IN THE C-l ZONE. (SEAL BEACH CENTER!PANCINI) WHEREAS, J.n the matter o~ Use VarJ.ance ApplJ.cahon No. uv-4-1l, the PlannJ.ng CommJ.ssJ.on o~ the CJ.ty o~ Seal Beach does report as ~ollows. 1. Subject applJ.catJ.on was submJ.tted b,y Oscar PancJ.nJ., 1013 PacJ.~J.c Coast HJ.ghw~, the authorJ.zed agent o~ the Seal Beach Center, P.O. Box 2189, Palos Verdes PenJ.nsula. 2. Subject property J.S descrJ.bed as 1013 PacJ.~J.C Coast HJ.ghway, J.n the Seal Beach Center. 3. Subject proposal requests permJ.ssJ.on ~or on-sale beer and WJ.ne J.n conjunctJ.on WJ.th an ItalJ.an restaurant and delJ.catessen J.n the C-l, ServJ.ce CammercJ.al Zone. WHEREAS, the PlannJ.ng CammJ.ssJ.on ~J.ndJ.ngs are as ~ollows. 1. VarJ.ance requests o~ a sJ.mJ.lar nature have been granted on prevJ.ous occasJ.ons J.n the C-l Zone. 2. The establJ.shment J.S presently lJ.censed ~or off-sale beer and WJ.ne busJ.ness. 3. No entertaJ.nment of any type J.S beJ.ng requested b,y the applJ.cant. 4. One member of the audJ.ence spoke J.n opposJ.tJ.on to the proposal. The applJ.cant submJ.tted a petJ.tJ.on sJ.gned by over 200 people favorJ.ng J.ssuance of the on-sale beer and wJ.ne lJ.cense. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the PlannJ.ng CommJ.ssJ.on of the CJ.ty of Seal Beach does hereby approve Use VarJ.ance No. uv-4-1l subject to the folloWJ.ng condJ.tJ.ons and affJ.rmatJ.on by the CJ.ty CouncJ.l. 1. Use VarJ.ance approval J.S granted solely to Oscar PancJ.nJ., and J.f the busJ.ness J.S sold the new owner must resubmJ.t a separate Use VarJ.&nce applJ.catJ.on. 2. On-sJ.te consumptJ.on of beer and wJ.ne J.S permJ.tted only as a secondary use J.n conjunctJ.on WJ.th restaurant and delJ.catessen. 3. The Use VarJ.ance shall be effectJ.ve only ~or a perJ.od o~ one (1) year ~an the date o~ approval b,y the CJ.ty CouncJ.l. At the conclusJ.on o~ that tJ.me a renewal applJ.catJ.on shall be submJ.tted by the owner o~ record o~ the busJ.ness. Renewal o~ thJ.s Use VarJ.ance shall be subject to J.nvestJ.gatJ.on and revJ.ew o~ the operatJ.on b,y the PlannJ.ng CammJ.ssJ.on to determJ.ne con~ormance to condJ.tJ.ons o~ the Use VarJ.ance, e~~ect on the neJ.ghborhood, polJ.ce records, etc. /0/3- (jJ~~#UAj . . . Resolut1on No. 558 - 2 . . 4. The w1ndows at the f'ront of the prem1ses nll rema1n transparent and unobstructed, perm1 tt1ng vuual access 1nto the bu11d1ng. 5. The hours of operat1on shall not exceed 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. weekdays and 11 A.M. to 10 P.M. on Saturdays. 19710 ADOPTED AND APPROVED thu 4th day of August, Cha1rman of the Plann1ng I hereby cerhf'y that the forego1ng resolut1on was duly adopted at a regular meet1ng of the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach wn1ch was held on Wednesday, August 4, 1971, and carr1ed by the follow1ng vote- AYES- NOES ABSENT Comm1ss1oners Comm1ss1oners Comm.1ss1oners Dorr, Knapp, O'TOOle, R1pperdan None Lann1ng Comm1ss1on /o/~-{P~~rli~