HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 551 - 1971-07-07 . . . . . RESOLUTION NO. 551 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH RECOMMENDING AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE 628 (ZONING) BY TIlE REVISION AND ADDITION OF SECTIONS UNDER ARTICLES 18, 22 AND 25 ALL RELATING TO PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURE. WHEREAS, J.n the matter of procedures re1atJ.ng to the revJ.ew of bUJ.1dJ.ng plans and plans for proposed sJ.gns and outdoor advertJ.sJ.ng structures, the P1annJ.ng CommJ.ssJ.on of the CJ.ty of Seal Beach does report as follows 1. ProVJ.sJ.Ons wJ.thJ.n OrdJ.nance No. 628 (ZonJ.ng) presently requJ.re that the P1annJ.ng CommJ.ssJ.on revJ.ew plans for all proposed constructJ.on of buJ.1dJ.ngs or structures wJ.thJ.n the CJ.ty or a1teratJ.ons or addJ.tJ.ons to such bUJ.1dJ.ngs or structures, J.nc1udJ.ng sJ.gns and outdoor advertJ.sJ.ng structures, to J.nsure that saJ.d proposals conform wJ.th the J.ntent and provJ.sJ.ons of the ZonJ.ng OrdJ.nance. 2. Under the provJ.sJ.ons of the accompanyJ.ng proposed amendment (Exh.lbJ.t A) the P1annJ.ng CommJ.ssJ.on would contJ.nue to conduct plan revJ.ew proceedJ.ngs for (1) proposed constructJ.on,addJ.tJ.ons to, or a1teratJ.ons of, resJ.dentJ.a1 developments contaJ.nJ.ng SJ.X or more unJ.ts, (2) constructJ.on, addJ.tJ.ons to or alteratJ.ons of commercJ.a1 or J.ndustrJ.al buJ.1dJ.ngs or structures, and (3) constructJ.on, addJ.tJ.ons to or alteratJ.ons of any sJ.gns or outdoor advertJ.sJ.ng devJ.ces. 3. Plans for proposals whJ.ch meet all mJ.nJ.mUm code requJ.rements and whJ.ch were not noted J.n the precedJ.ng sectJ.on wJ.11 be revJ.ewed and approved by the P1annJ.ng Staff and referred to the BuJ.1dJ.~ Department. WHEREAS, the P1annJ.ng CommJ.ssJ.on fJ.ndJ.ngs are as follows 1. The CJ.ty of Seal Beach appears to be the only cJ.ty J.n Orange County whJ.ch requJ.res P1annJ.ng CommJ.ssJ.on revJ.ew of plans for proposed constructJ.on when all mJ.m.mum zonJ.ng ordJ.nance requJ.rements have been met. 2. The p61J.cy of requJ.rJ.ng plan revJ.ew was adopted J.n the early 1960s, J.n part because of the 1J.mJ.ted staff t1me devoted to p1annJ.ng and because of physJ.ca1 separatJ.on and communJ.catJ.on problems between the P1annJ.ng Staff and BuJ.1dJ.ng Department. SJ.nce the late 1960s, a :run tJ.me p1annJ.ng staff has been establJ.shed and the BuJ.1dJ.ng and P1annJ.ng Departments have been relocated J.ncreasJ.ng the effJ.cJ.ency of the workJ.ng operatJ.ons between the two departments. 3. Under the exJ.stJ.ng provJ.sJ.ons, the P1annJ.ng CommJ.ssJ.on and Staff devote a great amount of tJ.me to the revJ.ew of numerous proposals of a mJ.nor nature when th1s tJ.me could be better used cOpJ.ng wJ.th other p1annJ.ng needs J.n the communJ.ty. 4. App1J.cants requestJ.ng bui1dJ.ng permJ.ts for the constructJ.on of mJ.nor mprovements are often delayed up to two weeks before theJ.r requests mJ.ght receJ.ve consJ.deratJ.on before the P1annJ.ng CommJ.ssJ.on. . . . . . Resolut~on No. 551 - 2 5. The Plann~ng Comm~ss~on rev~ews s~gn and outdoor advert~s~ng structure requests to ~nsure compat~b~l~ty w~th surround~ng land uses because the C~ty does not presently have a comprehens~ve s~gn ord~nance. 6. The Plann~ng Comm~ss~on has conducted publ~c hear~ngs on the proposed amendment and no obJect~ons were rece~ved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Plann~ng Comm~ss~on of the C~ty of' Seal Beach does hereby recommend to the C~ty Counc~l approval of an amendment to Ord~nance No. 628 (Zon~ng) by the rev~s~ons and add~t~ons of sechons under Art~cles 18, 22 and 25, all related to plan rev~ew procedures. ADOPTED AND APPROVED thu 7th day of July, I hereby cert~f'y that the forego~ng resolut~on was duly adopted at a regular meet~ng of the Plann~ng CommuS1on of the City of Seal Beach which was held on Wednesday, July 7, 1971, and carr~ed by the follonng vote AYES. NOES. ABSENT Comm1ss1oners' Comm1ss~oners Camm1ss~oners Dorr, Knapp, Lann1ng, O'Toole, R1pperdan None None