HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 540 - 1971-05-19 . . . .. . . RESOLUTION NO. 540 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DENYING VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. V-9-7l TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A THREE UNIT APARTMENT WITH LESS THAN THE REQUIRED NUMBER OF ON-SITE PARKING SPACES AND UTILIZING AN EXISTING FRONT CURB CUT. (BRAITSCH) WHEREAS, 1n the matter of Var1ance App11cat1on No V-9-7l, the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach does report as follows 1. Subject request was 1n1t1ated by Howard Sluth, 6732 N1xon Ave., Lakewood, the author1zed agent for J. R. Bra1tsch, 344 Ocean Ave., SEal Beach. 2. Subject property 18 descnbed as Lot 23, Block 5, B~ C1ty Tract, and 1S more commonly known as 123 6th St. 3. Subject request 1S to perm1t construct1on of a three un1t apartment w1th four (4) on-s1te park1ng spaces 1n l1eu of the f1ve requ1red by Code and ut1l1z1ng an eX1st1ng front curb cut to prov1de access for two of the park1Dg spaces. WHEREAS, the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on f1nd1ngs are as follows 1. In 1969, the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on had approved plans for the construct1on of the three un1t development. 2. S1nce that approval the po11cy of perm1tt1ng front curb cuts to prov1de access to on-s1te park1ng has been mod1f1ed and the number of on-s1te park1ng spaces per un1t 1ncreased. 3. The BU1ld1Dg Perm1t wh1ch was 18sued for the construct1on of the apartments exp1red and was not renewable after m1d-summer of 1970 4. The appl1cant 18 subm1tt1ng a new app11cat1on wh1ch 18 subject to all eX18t1ng zOn1Dg ord1nance prov1s1ons. 5. It was felt that the app11cant fa1led to prove any hardsh1p because of unusual c~rcumstances and that the grant1ng of such a var1ance would const1tute the grant1Dg of a spec1al pr1v1lege. 6. Several members of the aud1ence objected to the proposal and a wr1tten commun1cat1on oppos1ng the development was rece1ved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Plann1Dg Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach does hereby deny Var1ance Appl1cat1on No. V-9-7l. ADOPTED AND APPROVED th18 19th d~ of ~, Cha1rman . . . .~ Resolut1on No. 540 - 2 . . I hereby cert1fy that the forego1ng resolut1on was duly adopted at a regular meet1ng of the Plann1ng Comm1ss1on of the C1ty of Seal Beach wh1ch was held on Wednesd~, ~ 19, 1911, and carned by the follow1ng vote. AYES NOES. ABSENT Comm1ss1oners Comm1ss1oners Comm1ss1oners' Dorr, Knapp, Lann1ng, O'Toole, R1pperdan None None Secretary